Steamboat Ricky
WZCW's Living Legend
My Esteemed Colleagues,
It is with sadness that I must inform you all that I am, effective immediately, stepping down as Head of WZCW Staff and Operations. You probably have noticed my lack of presence as of late, and for that, I apologize. Adjusting to my new life cirumstances is leaving me mentally fried and is quite the antithesis of my summer availability. Whether or not this will be a long-term/permanent resignation still remains to be seen, as I managed to play a major role in creative staff last spring during the busiest time of my entire life. So, when my life becomes more routine again, I plan on reaccessing the situation. However, it is the right decision for me to step down for the time being, as I do not want the fed as a whole to suffer from my shortcomings.
With that in mind, my position has now been given to BOTH Monkey and Will, and through a combined effort and with the support of the rest of staff, they will collectively keep the ball rolling much more smoothly than I could possibly achieve at the time being. I still plan on being on staff and helping behind the scenes, as well as making the cool graphics that you all enjoyed from Kingdom Come.
Going into taking the role of Head of Staff and Operations, I knew that my time would be likely limited to the summer. But I think that in the time that I have been overseeing things that we, as a fed, have taken leaps and bounds in a positive direction. We have pretty much doubled our productivity, getting shows out around every 2 weeks, as opposed to once a month. The quality of RPs has also been improved over the last few months, and people's overness is a testament to that. Furthermore, I have been delighted to see much of you step up when I have needed help writing matches and getting shows put together, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. Things were pretty rough at the beginning of my tenure, as many individuals quit and the fabric of the fed seemed to be deteriorating. However, you all placed your trust in me, and we advanced together, creating a very booming period of growth in our fed's history. I can confidently say that I am handing Will and Monkey a better efed than the one I took over a few months ago.
I thank you all for being supportive of me, and I pray that the success of the fed and the development of your characters will continue to prosper for a long time. This is Ricky, your Captain, signing off.
Steamboat Ricky
It is with sadness that I must inform you all that I am, effective immediately, stepping down as Head of WZCW Staff and Operations. You probably have noticed my lack of presence as of late, and for that, I apologize. Adjusting to my new life cirumstances is leaving me mentally fried and is quite the antithesis of my summer availability. Whether or not this will be a long-term/permanent resignation still remains to be seen, as I managed to play a major role in creative staff last spring during the busiest time of my entire life. So, when my life becomes more routine again, I plan on reaccessing the situation. However, it is the right decision for me to step down for the time being, as I do not want the fed as a whole to suffer from my shortcomings.
With that in mind, my position has now been given to BOTH Monkey and Will, and through a combined effort and with the support of the rest of staff, they will collectively keep the ball rolling much more smoothly than I could possibly achieve at the time being. I still plan on being on staff and helping behind the scenes, as well as making the cool graphics that you all enjoyed from Kingdom Come.
Going into taking the role of Head of Staff and Operations, I knew that my time would be likely limited to the summer. But I think that in the time that I have been overseeing things that we, as a fed, have taken leaps and bounds in a positive direction. We have pretty much doubled our productivity, getting shows out around every 2 weeks, as opposed to once a month. The quality of RPs has also been improved over the last few months, and people's overness is a testament to that. Furthermore, I have been delighted to see much of you step up when I have needed help writing matches and getting shows put together, and for that, I cannot thank you enough. Things were pretty rough at the beginning of my tenure, as many individuals quit and the fabric of the fed seemed to be deteriorating. However, you all placed your trust in me, and we advanced together, creating a very booming period of growth in our fed's history. I can confidently say that I am handing Will and Monkey a better efed than the one I took over a few months ago.
I thank you all for being supportive of me, and I pray that the success of the fed and the development of your characters will continue to prosper for a long time. This is Ricky, your Captain, signing off.
Steamboat Ricky