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iMPACT! Zone Reminds Me of WCW Thunder


Dark Match Winner
As of the past few days I have been been watching some of the old school WCW footage on Youtube and to me the Impact set looks and reminds me a lot of the old WCW Thunder set.

What do you think?
I think everything about TNA is starting to remind me about WCW. Like the people in charge, such confusing booking that words can't even describe, and the fact that it's become so unwatchable that I have to DVR it and fast forward through about 90% of it just to watch it.
I think everything about TNA is starting to remind me about WCW. Like the people in charge, such confusing booking that words can't even describe, and the fact that it's become so unwatchable that I have to DVR it and fast forward through about 90% of it just to watch it.

You do realize that if a WRESTLING show's booking confuses you, it's not the quality of the booking that's flawed, it's the fact that your IQ is most likely the same as your age. Maybe if you didn't fast forward through 90% of the show and sat down and watched the whole thing you would get a clue about what's going on. I understand every single storyline, how it came about, why it came about, how it progressed, why it progressed the way it did and why things that are announced are going to happen in the future. If I can get it, why is it that you can't?

As far as Impact Zone reminding you of WCW Thunder - you're correct. It does look a whole lot like it, it always did. I might be messing facts up, but the I.Z is the same or at least looks the same as that tiny-ass sound stage Thunder was held at. I think it was in Orlando too. The set is similar because .. well what else can they do in a shoe box. You gotta make up for the size of the "arena". Can't just have a Dixie-Tron, ramp and a ring. That would look like a ROH show, and we don't want that.
You are absolutely correct it does look like the Thunder set because well it IS the WCW Thunder set in Orlando's Universal Studio's. Same exact building as a matter of fact just the decor changed only slightly.

Good eyes Synner.
I think everything about TNA is starting to remind me about WCW. Like the people in charge, such confusing booking that words can't even describe, and the fact that it's become so unwatchable that I have to DVR it and fast forward through about 90% of it just to watch it.

"TNA is unwatchable" Really? Or is this just another example of an IWC member cloning the opinion of others without going into any details themselves? I just love how people like you always make the blank statement and say TNA is unwatchable but never go into details about what is unwatchable about it? TNA can't be so unwatchable that you devote the time to DVR it, check it out, and even come here to discuss it. :lmao: It's amazing how many people on the IWC can come up with original thought and just clone the opinions of others and bandwagon.

Wow at being confused at a wrestling program. Just wow! That should say something about you.:lol:

As far as Impact Zone reminding you of WCW Thunder - you're correct. It does look a whole lot like it, it always did. I might be messing facts up, but the I.Z is the same or at least looks the same as that tiny-ass sound stage Thunder was held at. I think it was in Orlando too. The set is similar because .. well what else can they do in a shoe box. You gotta make up for the size of the "arena". Can't just have a Dixie-Tron, ramp and a ring. That would look like a ROH show, and we don't want that.

You're not thinking of Thunder. You are rather thinking of WCW's morning show from Disney. In fact I would say most of the posters here before me are thinking of WCW Worldwide not WCW Thunder which was not in a soundstage. I think it was called WCW Worldwide. That show came on Saturday morning and was in a Theme park soundstage just like the IZ.

WCW Thunder came on Thursday nights and began in the WCW/NWO days and was on the road and I disagree that the Impact Zone set resembles anything like the Thunder set.
"You're not thinking of Thunder. You are rather thinking of WCW's morning show from Disney. In fact I would say most of the posters here before me are thinking of WCW Worldwide not WCW Thunder which was not in a soundstage. I think it was called WCW Worldwide. That show came on Saturday morning and was in a Theme park soundstage just like the IZ.

WCW Thunder came on Thursday nights and began in the WCW/NWO days and was on the road and I disagree that the Impact Zone set resembles anything like the Thunder set.

Yeah, I was thinking something like this. I know WCW had a few shows in the early 90's that I believe were taped at Universal Studios, but I could have sworn that Thunder was a touring show. It may have even been live at one time, but I honestly can't remember one way or the other.
the few above me were part right. wcw worldwide started at Universal in the early 90s then that show became wcw Saturday night. and was shot on the same lot. thunder was WCWs equivalent of Smackdown to Raw
You do realize that if a WRESTLING show's booking confuses you, it's not the quality of the booking that's flawed, it's the fact that your IQ is most likely the same as your age. Maybe if you didn't fast forward through 90% of the show and sat down and watched the whole thing you would get a clue about what's going on. I understand every single storyline, how it came about, why it came about, how it progressed, why it progressed the way it did and why things that are announced are going to happen in the future. If I can get it, why is it that you can't?

What I meant rather, was that the REASONING for their booking confuses me. Like why Jarrett and Angle are feuding again. Or the fact that it's been 5 months, and Kurt still hasn't been able to beat Jarrett. What's the payoff of this feud supposed to be? Angle's "Mistress" being brought it? With the help of her Angle will finally overcome the evil that is Jarrett? Please. That's just one example of the many things that make me facepalm on a weekly basis.

"TNA is unwatchable" Really? Or is this just another example of an IWC member cloning the opinion of others without going into any details themselves? I just love how people like you always make the blank statement and say TNA is unwatchable but never go into details about what is unwatchable about it? TNA can't be so unwatchable that you devote the time to DVR it, check it out, and even come here to discuss it. :lmao: It's amazing how many people on the IWC can come up with original thought and just clone the opinions of others and bandwagon.

Wow at being confused at a wrestling program. Just wow! That should say something about you.

And I just love how people assume. You assume I'm just some whining TNA hating IWCer, yet you don't assume that "Hey, maybe this guy has been a very LOYAL and VOCAL TNA fan for the last 7 years. Maybe he no longer likes how the company is going, which is his opinion, and if he show chooses to express said opinion, it's his right as a wrestling fan to do so." No, you didn't think about any of that. You just wanna try look like a smart guy by quoting then attacking someone's opinion waaaay up there from your high horse. I could come on here, say AJ STYLES IS A SHITTY WRESTLER with no explanation. You could whine all you want, but it would be my opinion. And in MY opinion, I dislike how TNA is being ran right now, and have been considering stopping watching the product all together. Or DVRing it >.>
It was Worldwide and Saturday night and sometimes Clash Of The Champions. Universal Studios have the ability to produce a show so to guys like Bischoff,Hogan it still seems logical to use it it's not like TNA is working with VKM money but they could venture out and use other small venues like ECW did

Thank you for your post I'm starting to get tired of these IWC'ers who rail against other IWC'ers call them stupid IWC'ers because of their opinions.
"TNA is unwatchable" Really? Or is this just another example of an IWC member cloning the opinion of others without going into any details themselves? I just love how people like you always make the blank statement and say TNA is unwatchable but never go into details about what is unwatchable about it? TNA can't be so unwatchable that you devote the time to DVR it, check it out, and even come here to discuss it. :lmao: It's amazing how many people on the IWC can come up with original thought and just clone the opinions of others and bandwagon.

Wow at being confused at a wrestling program. Just wow! That should say something about you.:lol:

You're not thinking of Thunder. You are rather thinking of WCW's morning show from Disney. In fact I would say most of the posters here before me are thinking of WCW Worldwide not WCW Thunder which was not in a soundstage. I think it was called WCW Worldwide. That show came on Saturday morning and was in a Theme park soundstage just like the IZ.

WCW Thunder came on Thursday nights and began in the WCW/NWO days and was on the road and I disagree that the Impact Zone set resembles anything like the Thunder set.

I'd like to offer some of my opinions about what it is that I believe is flawed with TNA.

1. TNA tried to clone the old WCW by bringing back "The Band" thinking they could coattail off 'the good old days' and get back some of those old NWO fans. The problem was in doing so they brought back a couple of addicts in SixPac and Scott Hall. We all know how that ended. Add to that Kevin Nash, a man with horrible knees, barely able to compete in a 5 minute match. For kickers let's throw in HH, a man with multiple physical issues and off-camera issues to deal with. Then turn him on "The Band" as he makes out like he's changed, only to later find out he really hasn't and he's Hollywood Hogan redo. He gives his WWE HOF ring to Abyss, tells him it's Abyssamania, then has Abyss become the enforcer for Immortal with the whole "they are coming" storyline.

2. Dixie Carter. What in the world is going on with her? She's in charge, she's not in charge, she's taking HH to court to gain back her company after she was duped by HH and Bischoff. Huh? So we're to believe that an executive with a major company is duped by a couple of jocks who ruined WCW and she WASN'T prepared for the swerve? Yeah...that's believable!! LOL

3. HH is hardly ever there. He's in the hospital, he's out of the hospital, he's backstage cutting promos about 'the network, he's running Immortal, yada, yada, yada. There's no consistency to what is character is or isn't. First he was there to help TNA become relevant, and he's coming out for 'the save' against the heels. Only to find out he's actually subversily working 'the boys in the back' against Dixie Carter to take over her company so they can form Immortal, along with Ric Flair. Oh wait, this week they think Flair IS the network. No wait, it's Goldberg, no wait it's....

In the end, TNA is poorly run. If they weren't, they'd be more successful. Yes, I watch. I watch because I like to watch professional wrestling. I liked Hulk Hogan, the character, back in the day. I thought that what WCW did with the Hollywood Hogan character and NWO were both very good. But somewhere along the way, it all went wrong. Whether it was payroll, backstage politics, network politics, or a combination of all those things and more, it failed. Period!!! It failed! That is a fact!

Look, I get it. TNA is the little engine that could and people love the underdog. They love the underdog especially when it's fighting against the machine. In this case WWE. Like it or not, WWE is a successfully run company. It is so because it is treated for what it is. A business. That means VKM gets to make more money than those who work for him, as it should be. Some people can't stand that fact. Some people can't live with it. So be it. Those folks will likely never be in the same kind of position. If so, they will do EXACTLY the same thing VKM does which is to run it is a business. Period!!!

Now, will TNA survive? Probably. There's enough fans to go around and tv is so bad these days that it'll take anything it can get that attracts viewers. So while Impact may not draw as many viewers as WWE, that's not what Spike cares about. It cares about obtaining sponsors/advertisers who are willing to pay the freight for the show during its timeslot. When and IF that goes away, so will Impact. Until then, it will remain on the air. Why? It's about business!!!
Yeah TNA has its flaws, but its still better than watching Cena dominate Raw. And from what i have read, but i can't say for now Smackdown isn't going to get better anytime soon. so GO TNA GO. On to the topic at hand Thunder was live and on the road, the Impact-Zone is the set for WCW saturday night but its still better than what WSX was using. In fact does anybody except me remember WSX lol?
What I meant rather, was that the REASONING for their booking confuses me. Like why Jarrett and Angle are feuding again. Or the fact that it's been 5 months, and Kurt still hasn't been able to beat Jarrett. What's the payoff of this feud supposed to be? Angle's "Mistress" being brought it? With the help of her Angle will finally overcome the evil that is Jarrett? Please. That's just one example of the many things that make me facepalm on a weekly basis.

Well explain the reasoning of the booking for Cena vs Edge for so many times, Cena vs Orton, Orton vs Triple H, etc? You do realize we've seen feuds go for 1 year without an ending right? Jeff Hardy spent 8 months trying to win the WWE Title.

Kurt and Jarrret had unfinished business. I'm pretty sure if your wife left you for your new man and kids were involved, I doubt it would go away within 2 months.

Explain to me the payoff of any personal feud?

Angle's "Mistress" is supposed to handle Karen. Take her out. But maybe you would understand that if you don't fast forward 90% of a show and then complain about not understanding it.

You do realize none of the Jarret vs Angle matched ended cleanly right? There is a reason for that but I guess you fast forwarded past the Edge vs Cena matches and feuds back in the day.

I wish you and the rest of these "WWE can never make you faceplam" fans will just admit you would hate TNA if they hired the world's greatest writers.

A personal feud between two guys who have a mutual reason to feud makes no sense to you but WWE having a computer GM for over 1 year makes sense? Yet nobody even Vince McMahon can't come out and declare who it is? That is smart reasoning?

Cena getting drafted to SmackDown and getting re-drafted to Raw makes sense? Is there any reasoning behind that?

I bet you don't fast forward through that bullshit.
I'm not sure that Saturday Night was at a soundstage. Perhaps in the early days, though.

I know for a fact that in the late 90s I went to several WCW Saturday Night tapings at the Beaumont Civic Center (and even had Lodi acknowledge me in the crowd). I believe each time they taped on Wednesday, and aired on Saturday.

Definitely smaller venues, though, when compared to the Nitros I saw at the astrodome.
I'd like to offer some of my opinions about what it is that I believe is flawed with TNA.

1. TNA tried to clone the old WCW by bringing back "The Band" thinking they could coattail off 'the good old days' and get back some of those old NWO fans. The problem was in doing so they brought back a couple of addicts in SixPac and Scott Hall. We all know how that ended. Add to that Kevin Nash, a man with horrible knees, barely able to compete in a 5 minute match. For kickers let's throw in HH, a man with multiple physical issues and off-camera issues to deal with. Then turn him on "The Band" as he makes out like he's changed, only to later find out he really hasn't and he's Hollywood Hogan redo. He gives his WWE HOF ring to Abyss, tells him it's Abyssamania, then has Abyss become the enforcer for Immortal with the whole "they are coming" storyline.

2. Dixie Carter. What in the world is going on with her? She's in charge, she's not in charge, she's taking HH to court to gain back her company after she was duped by HH and Bischoff. Huh? So we're to believe that an executive with a major company is duped by a couple of jocks who ruined WCW and she WASN'T prepared for the swerve? Yeah...that's believable!! LOL

3. HH is hardly ever there. He's in the hospital, he's out of the hospital, he's backstage cutting promos about 'the network, he's running Immortal, yada, yada, yada. There's no consistency to what is character is or isn't. First he was there to help TNA become relevant, and he's coming out for 'the save' against the heels. Only to find out he's actually subversily working 'the boys in the back' against Dixie Carter to take over her company so they can form Immortal, along with Ric Flair. Oh wait, this week they think Flair IS the network. No wait, it's Goldberg, no wait it's....

In the end, TNA is poorly run. If they weren't, they'd be more successful. Yes, I watch. I watch because I like to watch professional wrestling. I liked Hulk Hogan, the character, back in the day. I thought that what WCW did with the Hollywood Hogan character and NWO were both very good. But somewhere along the way, it all went wrong. Whether it was payroll, backstage politics, network politics, or a combination of all those things and more, it failed. Period!!! It failed! That is a fact!

Look, I get it. TNA is the little engine that could and people love the underdog. They love the underdog especially when it's fighting against the machine. In this case WWE. Like it or not, WWE is a successfully run company. It is so because it is treated for what it is. A business. That means VKM gets to make more money than those who work for him, as it should be. Some people can't stand that fact. Some people can't live with it. So be it. Those folks will likely never be in the same kind of position. If so, they will do EXACTLY the same thing VKM does which is to run it is a business. Period!!!

Now, will TNA survive? Probably. There's enough fans to go around and tv is so bad these days that it'll take anything it can get that attracts viewers. So while Impact may not draw as many viewers as WWE, that's not what Spike cares about. It cares about obtaining sponsors/advertisers who are willing to pay the freight for the show during its timeslot. When and IF that goes away, so will Impact. Until then, it will remain on the air. Why? It's about business!!!

Can someone tell me what the fuck this tripe that was written by a demented soul has anything to do with the OP's question?
Can someone tell me what the fuck this tripe that was written by a demented soul has anything to do with the OP's question?
Well, the OP suggests that the iMPACT Zone resembles WCW Thunder. He asked what we thought about that, and Brian in Austin ranted about what he thinks is wrong with TNA. Logic? Absolutely none, but I've learned to simply skip his douchey, whiny, bitchy posts, because they usually stem from his mutated form of cretenism.

Did you know that if he was in charge of TNA it would be pulling 4.0 ratings? Yeah, he's the real deal, man. Don't mess with him or any of the other experts. They'll like ... quote your posts and tell you what's wrong with them. You wouldn't want any of that. Scary stuff right there. Dangerous people, avoid them at all costs.
Wow. Thanks for all the love guys! LOL. I guess I could go on to say only positive things about TNA, and perhaps I'd get compliments for that. But while I like guys like AJ Styles, Beer Money, and MCMG, I don't really care for the redo of the old WCW, which we see a lot of with TNA production. Given the fact we have HH, Bischoff, Russo, Flair, and Sting on the payroll, it's hard to not see that. We also see lots of faces formerly of WWE now in TNA so it also smacks of WWE rejects showing up in the 'minor leagues.'

Big picture, yes, I went off OP, but people need to learn to think in broader aspects of a singular angle or statement to dissect WHY we come up with the original statement.
I wish you and the rest of these "WWE can never make you faceplam" fans will just admit you would hate TNA if they hired the world's greatest writers.

Ah look, someone else assuming. Go back and read my second post in this thread. I said that I have been a loyal TNA fan for 7 years. I'm not a self righteous WWE fan who thinks everything else is crap. Did I even say the name WWE at all in either of my posts? Did I say they were the shining light of how a feud should be booked? No, actually I didn't. But just like the others, you wanna pull shit out of you ass to try and look so much smarter then anyone and without even answering the OP's question. Thanks for your contributions.
Well, the OP suggests that the iMPACT Zone resembles WCW Thunder. He asked what we thought about that, and Brian in Austin ranted about what he thinks is wrong with TNA. Logic? Absolutely none, but I've learned to simply skip his douchey, whiny, bitchy posts, because they usually stem from his mutated form of cretenism.

Did you know that if he was in charge of TNA it would be pulling 4.0 ratings? Yeah, he's the real deal, man. Don't mess with him or any of the other experts. They'll like ... quote your posts and tell you what's wrong with them. You wouldn't want any of that. Scary stuff right there. Dangerous people, avoid them at all costs.

Hmmmmm, 4.0 ratings? Nahhh, I couldn't get them there. But heck, I'm confident I couldn't do much worse than they are currently. Heck most of the folks who post here have far more imagination than what I see played out on my tv screen on Thursdays.
Hmmmmm, 4.0 ratings? Nahhh, I couldn't get them there. But heck, I'm confident I couldn't do much worse than they are currently. Heck most of the folks who post here have far more imagination than what I see played out on my tv screen on Thursdays.


Sure, it's very, very easy to judge something once it already happened. Any move can be made better. But I guess ... no ... I bet you've never been on the other side, making the show, having your imagination do the work, you come up with the ideas and they get shot down by some wise-ass who says he can do a better job than you. Thinking that you, or anybody else, can do a better job at running a wrestling company or writing storylines consistently for years, and having them all make sense and be flawless and working is moronic. I didn't think you'd claim it, but fuck me, what do I know - you did.
Actually I didn't say anything about knowing more about it than the likes of Bischoff or Hogan. But I would say that given the RESULTS, you know, RATINGS, that I couldn't do any worse as a writer or a booker for the show. Some of the ridiculous storylines seem like they were written by a teenager. So I certainly couldn't do much worse in those cases. Let me give you an example.

Angelina Love is a zombie put in a trance by Winter. Yep, that's believable.

Karen Angle Jarrett was plastered by manure in the ring. Yep, again, believable.

Abyss dissects RVD with a nail-studded 2x4 and RVD is back, literally in weeks.

Abyss has that same 2x4 imbedded in his back and is back, literally in weeks.

Sting beats the snot out of people with a bat and they get right back up.

Does any of this sound even remotely possible? I get that as fans we have to suspend disbelief to some degree, but come on. Really? And people accuse WWE of ignoring the wrestling? Really?
@Brian In Austin - you had a point until you compared WWEs storyline to TNAs lol. If you can't say that even in the ones you listed, WWEs are still worse, its a non argument lol. TNA may take things out there a little bit but NOTHING as some of the shit on WWE.
Providing criticism on current TNA storylines does not mean that you're able to do better or at least as good as the people who actually do it. Do I need to link you to that interview where Bischoff ravaged that smarky kid on his radio show? Was it actually you?

Angelina Love is a zombie put in a trance by Winter. Yep, that's believable.
Undertaker has been a zombie for twenty years, shooting lightnings, being undead, all the glorious things. Until this day, in 2011, Undertaker is one of the most legendary wrestlers out there, and was a focal point of SmackDown for years with a gimmick that was unrealistic. If Undertaker can do something like that for 20 years, what's the problem with Angelina Love doing something unrealistic for a few months? If wrestling strived to be 100% real, the matches would last less than two minutes. Wrestling is a television show, a spectacle, not an actual sport competition. Don't forget that. It wouldn't make sense if Lebron James came out acting like a zombie, but it makes perfect sense to see such a thing on a pro wrestling show. Can it happen in real life? Hell no. But if I bodyslam you on concrete, I doubt you'd get up and hit a 360 on me 30 seconds later.

Karen Angle Jarrett was plastered by manure in the ring. Yep, again, believable.
You mean, it's impossible to have someone dump a bucket of shit on another person? You can't physically go up to the rafters and pour the good stuff on the poor lady? You didn't believe it could happen? Did you believe it when Degeneration X did it to the McMahons? Or when Shawn Michaels threw that urine sample or whatever it was at Vince? Did the goo they covered the Spirit Squad come out of another dimension? Was it CGI?

Abyss dissects RVD with a nail-studded 2x4 and RVD is back, literally in weeks.
Actially, RVD got "injured" in the beginning of August and I believe he had his first match since the "injury" at Bound For Glory which was about two months after he got injured. He actually returned a month after he got injured, and was all covered in bandages and stitches to make it more believable. Took him another month to get ready for a match. Twisting facts to prove your silly points? You're better than that.

Abyss has that same 2x4 imbedded in his back and is back, literally in weeks.
Abyss was injured on January 20th. He returned on March 14th. That's nearly two months, just like Rob Van Dam. Again, you're making a fool out of yourself.

Sting beats the snot out of people with a bat and they get right back up.
It's pro wrestling, they're punching eachother in the face for 30 seconds and they're fine. No bruises, no bleeding. You forgot to mention that.

Does any of this sound even remotely possible? I get that as fans we have to suspend disbelief to some degree, but come on. Really? And people accuse WWE of ignoring the wrestling? Really?

Yes, really. The things you pointed out were either the product of your ignorance or desperate, pathetic nit picking.

If you want actual examples of moronic booking and things that are just silly, look no further than the WWE. Remember when Mysterio was abducted by Kane? Kane claimed Mysterio's locked up somewhere, disfigured and what not. Then low and behold, here comes rey in his fucking ring gear and not a scratch on him. Speaking of Kane, I thought he was disfigured under that mask, that's why he wore it. I see no scars. Or how about John Cena being fired, yet he's at the show (wearing his knee pads), jumping the guard rail, the security guards doing nothing, attacking roster members and his freaking music hitting after he's done whooping ass? Where's Kofi's accent? I thought he was Jamaican? Then he turned Ghanese without any explanation. Just like that. I can go on and on. Those are actual mistakes and things that shouldn't be done by the biggest company in the world.

I'm honestly sick and tired of little bitch-boys like you who act like they can do something better or at the level of professionals. The difference between you and them is the fact that they'll be known for what they did in the business, the majority of which is great. All you'll be known for is the ass print on your chair formed by endless hours of basement booking, weeping in your hands and subsisting on cheese doodles and rejection. You're welcome.
@Brian In Austin - you had a point until you compared WWEs storyline to TNAs lol. If you can't say that even in the ones you listed, WWEs are still worse, its a non argument lol. TNA may take things out there a little bit but NOTHING as some of the shit on WWE.

Well let's take your point and debate it. Namely, the WWE storylines.

1. John 'Super' Cena. This is not a new storyline. It dates back to the days of Hulk Hogan and it's something that has worked for the WWE for decades now. It's kept their ratings high (compared to competition), and sells tons of merchandise. (let's remember that at the end of the day, it's a business that has to make a profit.)

2. The Apex Predator, Randy Orton. A play off of the 'Super' Cena or Sting v. NWO storyline where one man is able to withstand the onslaught of The Nexus. What I do like about it is the quick hit style of his finisher that allows him to quickly react to oncoming traffic, if you will. Believable? Not really. But certainly more believable than a man getting skewered by a 2 x 4 with nails, only to return to action in a matter of weeks.

3. HHH and his trusty sledge. I've never liked this storyline/illegal object. Who in their right minds actually believes that a guy wouldn't just crush your skull with that thing if he truly hated you? But no, always in the gut cause 'that's where you can do some real damage.' LoL

4. Big men v. little guys. AKA Big Show v. Rey Mysterio. Yep, no commentary is really needed. A ridiculous thought, much less storyline. Liked it more when they had Rey Rey v. Chavo Guerrero. Made more sense given the Eddie "Latino Heat" Guerrero v. Mysterio history. Loved the "I quit" match they had on Raw? was it when Rey took time off to heal some injuries.

5. Undertaker at WM. Yep, we all know he's going to go 20-0 and perhaps hang em' up or put someone over at the next WM and go 20-1. Hard to say. Depends on how Taker wants to go out. My guess is he won't put someone else over. He's never struck me as 'that guy.' But his undefeated streak is ridiculous as the fans already know the outcome a year in advance.

6. Cena v. Rock at the next WM. Yep, stupid in my opinion. Given the fact that The Rock will be off here and there to promote new movie projects, I don't see how they can write a consistent build to this match. It seems as if the max build is already there and I don't see how they can hold off until WM. My guess is they'd have to write Rock off tv for a while, i.e. Cena injures him in some sort of attack turning Cena slightly heel? By the time we get there I just see Rock v. Hogan II where the crowd is split, which I'm sure is the pop VKM is hoping for. But wouldn't it be more fun if one of them were a solid heel going in instead of the milktoast and ambiguous lines we're getting from both of them right now? At any rate, not a fan of this storyline either.

7. Divas! Horrible! Enough said.

So you see there's plenty that I see wrong with WWE also. But the WWE has been able to remain successful as now they ARE cultivating new talent, younger talent that in time will be the new focal points of their shows. Unlike TNA, who continue to rely on washed up talent like Hulk Hogan to merely bring attention TO their brand. WWE doesn't need that. They already GET attention. TNA doesn't. It's exactly why TNA won't rely on their core talent to get them over the hump and likely never will.
I love the hate on Angelina as a Zombie about how its unbelievable...because CHIKARA pretty much just did the same storyline with Delirious. Does this make it better? No. But you certainly can't sit there and say its just a TNA Storyline that doesnt make sense or can't be believed.

CHIKARA: A Jewel that controls your mind when you touch their forehead. Acted like a Zombie.
TNA: Winter is obiviously drugging and then brain washing Angelina. Acted like a Zombie.
WWF: Paul controls The Undertaker with The Urn. Acts like a Zombie for the most part.
WWE: Flash Forward a Decade. WWE repeats it self. Paul now controls Kane with The Urn. The Urn even opens to reveal a light. Acts like a Zombie for the most part.

But in all cases neither was really a Zombie its more of a mind control thing. And a lot of people believe in cults, mind control, and all that sort of thing. Side Note, it was nice to see to Delirious out of the green and black into some different colors and then The BDK took control of him and he still has some new colors.

Anyway, about the set, I read through some of these posts and I just wanted to say a friend and I was just talking about how the current RAW Set looks like WCW Nitro. Because you have the walk out and the logo off to the side.

But look at the TNA Live Shows with their raising wall...very different. I loved WCW World Wide btw...great show...wish WWE would do one like it. Where they have that talk show type apporach with "clips" of matches we havent seen.
I love the hate on Angelina as a Zombie about how its unbelievable...because CHIKARA pretty much just did the same storyline with Delirious. Does this make it better? No. But you certainly can't sit there and say its just a TNA Storyline that doesnt make sense or can't be believed.

CHIKARA: A Jewel that controls your mind when you touch their forehead. Acted like a Zombie.
TNA: Winter is obiviously drugging and then brain washing Angelina. Acted like a Zombie.
WWF: Paul controls The Undertaker with The Urn. Acts like a Zombie for the most part.
WWE: Flash Forward a Decade. WWE repeats it self. Paul now controls Kane with The Urn. The Urn even opens to reveal a light. Acts like a Zombie for the most part.

But in all cases neither was really a Zombie its more of a mind control thing. And a lot of people believe in cults, mind control, and all that sort of thing. Side Note, it was nice to see to Delirious out of the green and black into some different colors and then The BDK took control of him and he still has some new colors.

Anyway, about the set, I read through some of these posts and I just wanted to say a friend and I was just talking about how the current RAW Set looks like WCW Nitro. Because you have the walk out and the logo off to the side.

But look at the TNA Live Shows with their raising wall...very different. I loved WCW World Wide btw...great show...wish WWE would do one like it. Where they have that talk show type apporach with "clips" of matches we havent seen.

Again, my point wasn't the fact that it wasn't original but that the structure of who and how it was being done with isn't going to work for TNA. It's being poorly executed which produces a poor product. So Angelina Love, former champion, now a zombie seems impervious to anything Velvet Sky throws at her. Until this week when one clothesline from someone many complain can't wrestle puts Angelina down for the count. Yeah...sure. Again, poor execution. If you're going to sell the spot, it needs to be sold as Angelina being seemingly invincible for Sky. It's the difference between a slow burn storyline versus a quick hit storyline. I suspect this won't last too much longer as they've already hit a wall with where to go with it. Now they have Sky in a fued with Karen Angle Jarrett? Now she says she's focusing on the world title? But she's also fueding with Love and Winter? Huh? Geez, talk about confusing and wasted motion.

TNA has potential. But so much wasted motion in an effort to seem relevant makes them look desperate. They need to focus on just 2 or 3 major storylines, polish the execution, and let the rest sit in the back or get rid of some talent. Like WWE has been for some time now, TNA is too laden with wrestlers who just aren't going to get tv time due to lack of, well, tv time.

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