Impact Wrestling vs Smackdown

I assume this is purely a hypothetical situation, because I am unaware of any talk of Smackdown moving back to Thursday night. However, if this were to happen, it would seriously hurt TNA while increasing Smackdown marginally.

Let's face it, WWE has it's niche audience, and TNA has its loyal diehard followers as well. Likely these people would stick with their brand of choice and nothing would change for them. However, there is a group, who I would think is somewhat significant, who attempt to watch both, and if both shows were to be broadcast at the same time, it would force these people to make a choice, and I believe there would be far more people in this group who would choose WWE over TNA.

I try to watch TNA whenever I can, although these days I can rarely make it through an entire episode without either changing the station or falling asleep. However, if Smackdown was on TV at the same time, I don't think I would ever watch TNA, except maybe during commercial breaks. And while I don't know this for sure, I would guess there's loads of people who would feel the same way as me. I can't see how TNA could possibly remain above the 1.0 barrier, which they are struggling to achieve now while uncontested.

Plus, I think there are lots who don't watch Smackdown now because it airs on Friday night, who would likely tune in if it returned to Thursdays. The end result? Such a hypothetical move would have to increase Smackdown's numbers, hurt TNA's numbers, with a minimal increase for WWE but a definite decrease for TNA, and possibly a catastrophic one.
Anyone remember the Monday Night Massacre when TNA had a 0.5 rating? That's what would probably happen if Smackdown moved to Thursdays again. I think Smackdown should move to NBC. Nothing is really on NBC Fridays.
I don't need spell check, I'm making fun of the stupidity of people who think flips and moves make a great wrestler.

I'm not obsessed with attacking those who like highspots. Ppl on here bitch about guys not doing enough moves and want less selling and more moves. that's like bitching that a cat doesn't fetch. It's just not how it works. In pro wrestling, you make money by selling and telling an in ring story, not by total nonstop highspots. It annoys me when people bitch about pro wrestlers doing their job well and instead want them to do shit that has never gotten anyone over. It's stupid.

I think that your rather aggressive sign says other wise. I don't hate storytellers or in ring psychology I just find it annoying when people complain about spot fests or calling high flyers that are aerial most of the time spot monkeys. Much the opposite of you I like Flipz Anne movez and find them entertaining. Does that mean I have to go to china and watch gymnastics? No that's boring. By the way what the hell does TWJC stand for? The world according to john cena? The wiggiles jelly camp?
I think that your rather aggressive sign says other wise. I don't hate storytellers or in ring psychology I just find it annoying when people complain about spot fests or calling high flyers that are aerial most of the time spot monkeys. Much the opposite of you I like Flipz Anne movez and find them entertaining. Does that mean I have to go to china and watch gymnastics? No that's boring. By the way what the hell does TWJC stand for? The world according to john cena? The wiggiles jelly camp?
You like flips. I like flips that make sense. That's the difference. One of my top 5 favorite matches ever is Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio at Halloween Havoc 1997. You'd be hard pressed to find any match in history that had so many moves that nobody in the audience had ever seen before. Backflip DDT, 619 into a headscissors followed by a dragonrana plancha. However, it all made sense. Guerrero beat the living hell out of mysterio, his normal high flying stuff didn't work because Guerrero was that good. Early on, Mysterio goes for a dive and guerrero pulls his foot and he splats on the floor. So, the only way Mysterio can gain an advantage is by doing the most batshit crazy stuff he can pull out that there is no way Guerrero could have scouted.

THAT is storytelling and using highspots. A lot of guy don't do that. It's just spots. That might entertain the dozen spot marks, but it doesn't entertain anyone else. You MUST add selling and storytelling in the ring to make a living in pro wrestling.

Believe it or not, I don't have a hatred for highspots or flips. I just want them to make sense and to help tell the story. You have to have a reason to care. People disliking a match because there was too much selling (yea, people have done it on here) or that there weren't enough moves done is silly. It's like complaining that a manager doesn't bat his worst hitter cleanup. Pro wrestlers sell and tell stories because that's what works. A lot of people on here don't understand why Alex Shelley isn't a bigger star. It's because his matches look phoney. Like some sort of choreography exhibition. He doesn't sell, he's always moving super fast. It looks cool at first, but after watching him for 6 years and watching him pretty much not ever learn to sell or tell a story unless Jimmy Jacobs is in the match and selling his ass off I really don't find him entertaining. If Aries wasn't so good at his character, I'd think he was boring too.

Highspots and flips are a tool, not different than the five moves of doom, or a punch, or a pose. You have to be able to tell a story with them to make it work.
OK I wasn't really going to respond to this because you are right to some extent but what the hell. If jack Evans where to do a 630 splash would consider it a move that would helps tell the story or would it be to spotty to do that?(not part of my argument just a question I was wondering about). Well while I will be forever a fan of spot fest I will admit you do make a good point for someone that post nearly the same thing every time. You also failed to answer the name question because from now on you will no longer be known as wiggles jelly camp the beginning but as the world jeccy penny the beginning so your name is still technically TWJC: the beginning.
OK I wasn't really going to respond to this because you are right to some extent but what the hell. If jack Evans where to do a 630 splash would consider it a move that would helps tell the story or would it be to spotty to do that?(not part of my argument just a question I was wondering about). Well while I will be forever a fan of spot fest I will admit you do make a good point for someone that post nearly the same thing evionery time. You also failed to answer the name question. I may just make a joke out of that soon;)
OK I wasn't really going to respond to this because you are right to some extent but what the hell. If jack Evans where to do a 630 splash would consider it a move that would helps tell the story or would it be to spotty to do that?(not part of my argument just a question I was wondering about). Well while I will be forever a fan of spot fest I will admit you do make a good point for someone that post nearly the same thing evionery time. You also failed to answer the name question. I may just make a joke out of that soon;)
You're asking the question wrong. No move is "spotty" in and of itself, it's the context. Given that the 630 is Evan's finish, no, it's not spotty, it has meaning.

However, when Jack and Teddy Hart are a tag team, and Jack tags in Teddy 2 minutes into the match and Teddy moseys in, hits a canadian destoryer, picks up the guy, hits a lungblower powerbomb, then tags out without even going for a pin, that's spotty. That's not even a joke, it actually happened.

My name actually has a pretty long story behind it, I'll PM you.
Thanks for clearing the name thing up. Very. Interesting story of yours. Lol to the evans and Teddy hart spot! Anyway I'm off the the ask a staff member thread!

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