Impact Wrestling vs Smackdown


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was wondering do you think that if Smackdown moves to Thursday night TNA/IW or whatever it's called now will have a decrease in it's rating or the people who are TNA fans wont watch Smackdown and will stay tuned for TNA
Personally, for me, I would stick to TNA. I don't even really watch WWE anymore lately because I just can't get into it. I was interested in the CM Punk/John Cena story for a bit, but I'm not even into that anymore. TNA keeps my interest with the storyline of Sting taking on Hogan and Immortal, WTF is Kurt Angle doing, and the Bound for Glory series. I think that it can actually go either way, TNA may lose some viewership, but at the same time, Smackdown could lose some of its viewers as well. It could go either way.
I think management in Tna would be praying that Smackdown stays on Friday. They have a hard time keeping their average 1.1 rating, and If smackdown were to move on thursday, their rating would come down below 1 and then there would be a strong possibility of spike canceling Tna for its low ratings or even shifting it to another time slot.

I would be a good idea tho. The competition would be fierce and bring anxiety to see who gets what in the weekly ratings.
Won't happen. There isn't some giant invisible audience out there that'll suddenly get hard over the thought of the number 2 professional wrestling company going up against the top company's B-show. What would happen is that the numbers for both shows would go down, as the audience that the two shows currently have in common would make a choice between one of the shows. TNA/IW wouldn't gain anything from it, Smackdown wouldn't gain anything by it- it's a lose/lose proposition.
I think if SmackDown moved to Thursday that it's ratings would see an improvement. Peoples main gripe with watching SmackDown is that it's on Friday and no one really watches t.v. on Friday. No one would switch between Impact and SmackDown, SmackDown would just get more of RAWs audience.
I'd probably chose Impact Wrestling over Raw if that were the case.

I just find Impact Wrestling more exciting than the WWE on a daily basis. Impact Wrestling's matches are shorter than WWE's but I guarantee if you counted the moves in a match, I bet Impact Wrestling would showcase more moves in 6 minutes than the WWE would showcase in 10 minutes. I just don't like WWE's slow.. boring... match style. Impact Wrestling's is more believable because the guys are out there actually countering like every move and working with each other to pull off moves.. rather than the WWE where they take turns being a dummy and letting each other get slammed.

But where does it say anywhere that Smackdown is going to move back to Thursdays?
I think management in Tna would be praying that Smackdown stays on Friday. They have a hard time keeping their average 1.1 rating, and If smackdown were to move on thursday, their rating would come down below 1 and then there would be a strong possibility of spike canceling Tna for its low ratings or even shifting it to another time slot.

Even if TNA/IW dropped below a 1, it would still be Spike's #1 show. Not to mention, it's kept that average rating for a hell of a long time now. I honestly can't see any TNA diehards not watching for Smackdown. At most, I could see it drop a .1, but even then, Spike wouldn't move it. If anything, TNA might panic and ask Spike to move them, but Spike TV isn't stupid.

I think if SmackDown moved to Thursday that it's ratings would see an improvement. Peoples main gripe with watching SmackDown is that it's on Friday and no one really watches t.v. on Friday. No one would switch between Impact and SmackDown, SmackDown would just get more of RAWs audience.

When Smackdown jumped from Thursday night to Friday night years back, it saw very little fluctuation in it's viewership. Not only that, but it gives WWE an extra DAY to edit since Smackdown is a taped show. Smackdown already receives higher viewership than TNA, so there's no point in moving the show to try and "squash" TNA. Albeit barely, TNA did survive the Monday night wars (if you can even call it that), so I doubt Smackdown could do any permanent damage.
I think if SmackDown moved to Thursday that it's ratings would see an improvement. Peoples main gripe with watching SmackDown is that it's on Friday and no one really watches t.v. on Friday. No one would switch between Impact and SmackDown, SmackDown would just get more of RAWs audience.

I agree, Friday night at 8PM is a horrible tv time slot for ratings. Most of the WWE target audience probably arent at home and have better things to do on a Friday night.

I think the die hard TNA fans will still watch Impact. But it would definately take away some of their viewers.
I would watch IMPACT as im falling of off WWE. Its just boring to me. AN i see it as why would Vince do this anyway Fridays are when people go out an do better things then want to run home an watch Smackdown. BUT people still watch it an it pulls better then IMPACT does so it should stay on friday.

All though i am of opposite thought an think more people would watch IMPACT due to channel surfing and going hey whats this??? AN either they become a casual viewer of IMPACT or due as i did an watch both WCW an WWF during monday nights. It's like divas match OH OK IMPACT, SHIT JEFF JARRET SMACKDOWN TIME LOL :p
I'd watch Smackdown! Cody Rhodes, is just going so well at the moment, Mark Henry is dominating, Sheamus is interesting and the Orton-Christian fued has been great. I like Smackdown! They get good matches on air and showcase young talent.
Impact is ok, but I only really watch it on a day off to see what is happening in their business, I don't think it matches Smackdown
i think if smackdown went back to thursdays against impact that impact would get better ratings because the people who dont watch smackdown on friday arent gonna watch it on thursday besides why would they move it back to thursday?
I think we wouldn't actually see any significant difference in either brand's viewership. TNA fans would stick to TNA and Smackdown fans would stick to Smackdown. It's a very different product stylistically, so it attracts different fans, I don't see those fans making the jump. Sure, there might be the small number of fans that jump to the other side, but that would probably even out for both sides. On top of that, I'm sure there would be the fans that switch between both, I mean, I know I probably would during commercials and stuff.

I don't think it would impact either program's ratings, to be honest.
impact wrestling have been sucking a lot lately, they dont know what they are doing with their superstars wwe has improve in both shows and now impact sucks
impact wrestling have been sucking a lot lately, they dont know what they are doing with their superstars wwe has improve in both shows and now impact sucks
Right. :rolleyes: I guess that's why they have two breakout stars in Gunner and Crimson. And we have a major reboot in the career of Bully Ray easily becoming one of the best promo workers of the year. Glad people pay attention and think before speaking.

Anyway, if Smackdown were back on Thursdays, it would see a marginal, but not big increase in ratings. The reason they've dropped is more because it's on SyFy than because it's on Fridays. They've had 2.5's back in UPN and have dropped since moving to MyNetworkTV and then SyFy.
I'd probably chose Impact Wrestling over Raw if that were the case.

I just find Impact Wrestling more exciting than the WWE on a daily basis. Impact Wrestling's matches are shorter than WWE's but I guarantee if you counted the moves in a match, I bet Impact Wrestling would showcase more moves in 6 minutes than the WWE would showcase in 10 minutes. I just don't like WWE's slow.. boring... match style. Impact Wrestling's is more believable because the guys are out there actually countering like every move and working with each other to pull off moves.. rather than the WWE where they take turns being a dummy and letting each other get slammed.

But where does it say anywhere that Smackdown is going to move back to Thursdays?
O my god. Are you a wrestling genius? I mean, COUNTING MOVES is what makes a great match? Holy shit. So you mean instead of signing guys who tell stories, WWE should sign guys who do a million moves.

WWE's style is more storytelling oriented.

here's an example.

Impact Shelley vs Aries, neither guy sells a fucking thing or tells a story. In fact, at one point, Shelley does a gruesome deathlock submission on Aries, then works the legs even more. As soon as Aries gets the advantage, he RUNS to the top rope and does a dive and never sells it again.

Smackdown, Tyson vs Bryan, Bryan hits a dive, but sells it like he tweaked his leg. Tyson works the leg, Bryan sells the shit out of it, then Tyson slaps on a similar gruesome deathlock submission.

So what happens? Shelley/Aries have a finishing stretch where they just trade moves, nothing really means anything, nothing is new. DB/Tyson has DB slowing down and even selling his own leg after doing his sig kicks. Then Tyson puts DB in a half crab and it means more because DB SOLD THE FUCKING LEG. The match means more if you sell and tell a story. It's not about MOVEZ MOVEZ MOVEZ

See the difference? Spot marks are spanking their monkeys to the below average video game style Aries/Shelley match, but there's a reason Shelley has never been a main focus of a show and why Aries has pretty much always been on the indies and Bryan is the Smackdown MITB winner. To the stupid untrained eye, it's just moves. However, if you know what actually gets a crowd into it, you realize that Shelley and Aries aren't really that good. It's like having a 5 year old drive a ferrari. Sure all the muscle and ability is there, but the know how isn't.

Also, in TNA they don't counter moves more often, they no sell moves more often. I'm not a WWE homer or anything, because I really like guys like Kendrick who tell stories in the ring and use am mix of selling, athleticism, and storytelling. I really don't get the whole "MOVEZ!!!!!" argument. It's pretty fuckin stupid actually. Go watch gymnastics. It's not the acrobats of china, it's not ice skating, it's not gymnastics, it's pro wrestling. They're storytellers, they tell stories.
Right. :rolleyes: I guess that's why they have two breakout stars in Gunner and Crimson. And we have a major reboot in the career of Bully Ray easily becoming one of the best promo workers of the year. Glad people pay attention and think before speaking.

Anyway, if Smackdown were back on Thursdays, it would see a marginal, but not big increase in ratings. The reason they've dropped is more because it's on SyFy than because it's on Fridays. They've had 2.5's back in UPN and have dropped since moving to MyNetworkTV and then SyFy.
Gunner and Crimson are breakout stars? No, they're 2 generic fuckheads that TNA is pushing as breakout stars but neither is over. Bully Ray isn't on of the best promo workers, he's very good, but it's like if you have a guy who is a career .200 hitter and he suddenly starts hitting .250. He's really not as amazing as it seems, it's just so surprising because of how shitty he used to be.

Smackdown's ratings wouldn't be affected by Impact. I don't think they'd change much. It's a B show on a shitty network on a shitty day. Thursdays only partially solves one of those problems. Personally, I don't even have cable, so I watch all my stuff elsewhere. Using ratings as a gauge is like using a sundial to tell time. It's out of date.
O my god. Are you a wrestling genius? I mean, COUNTING MOVES is what makes a great match? Holy shit. So you mean instead of signing guys who tell stories, WWE should sign guys who do a million moves.

WWE's style is more storytelling oriented.

here's an example.

Impact Shelley vs Aries, neither guy sells a fucking thing or tells a story. In fact, at one point, Shelley does a gruesome deathlock submission on Aries, then works the legs even more. As soon as Aries gets the advantage, he RUNS to the top rope and does a dive and never sells it again.

Smackdown, Tyson vs Bryan, Bryan hits a dive, but sells it like he tweaked his leg. Tyson works the leg, Bryan sells the shit out of it, then Tyson slaps on a similar gruesome deathlock submission.

So what happens? Shelley/Aries have a finishing stretch where they just trade moves, nothing really means anything, nothing is new. DB/Tyson has DB slowing down and even selling his own leg after doing his sig kicks. Then Tyson puts DB in a half crab and it means more because DB SOLD THE FUCKING LEG. The match means more if you sell and tell a story. It's not about MOVEZ MOVEZ MOVEZ

See the difference? Spot marks are spanking their monkeys to the below average video game style Aries/Shelley match, but there's a reason Shelley has never been a main focus of a show and why Aries has pretty much always been on the indies and Bryan is the Smackdown MITB winner. To the stupid untrained eye, it's just moves. However, if you know what actually gets a crowd into it, you realize that Shelley and Aries aren't really that good. It's like having a 5 year old drive a ferrari. Sure all the muscle and ability is there, but the know how isn't.

Also, in TNA they don't counter moves more often, they no sell moves more often. I'm not a WWE homer or anything, because I really like guys like Kendrick who tell stories in the ring and use am mix of selling, athleticism, and storytelling. I really don't get the whole "MOVEZ!!!!!" argument. It's pretty fuckin stupid actually. Go watch gymnastics. It's not the acrobats of china, it's not ice skating, it's not gymnastics, it's pro wrestling. They're storytellers, they tell stories.

While i do agree that a match cant be counted as good based on the amount of moves thats done the rest of this post i disagree on. to me selling really slows down the match and while sometimes it is needed most times it bores me to death. when i see someone getting worked over on a leg or arm during a match my attention flies eslewhere. Why the hell do you spell easy words wrong anyway! its moves notmoooovez! a fast paced action style match is a lot more entertainning than an armbar fest!;)
O my god. Are you a wrestling genius? I mean, COUNTING MOVES is what makes a great match? Holy shit. So you mean instead of signing guys who tell stories, WWE should sign guys who do a million moves.
No. They should sign competent wrestlers. Every company should look into doing that.

WWE's style is more storytelling oriented.
Well, their main events are anyway.

Impact Shelley vs Aries, neither guy sells a fucking thing or tells a story. In fact, at one point, Shelley does a gruesome deathlock submission on Aries, then works the legs even more. As soon as Aries gets the advantage, he RUNS to the top rope and does a dive and never sells it again.
You clearly haven't seen them wrestle. If you did, you'd be aware Austin Aries does not do much flippies and Alex Shelley favors ground game far more than high flying. They are both technical wrestlers. And their matches showed it. But go ahead. You clearly know what you are talking about.

Smackdown, Tyson vs Bryan, Bryan hits a dive, but sells it like he tweaked his leg. Tyson works the leg, Bryan sells the shit out of it, then Tyson slaps on a similar gruesome deathlock submission.
Then Daniel mounts a comeback and wins. Point of the match itself? None whatsoever. Your storytelling BS is not gonna cut it. Especially when it's speaking if a midcard match in WWE.

So what happens? Shelley/Aries have a finishing stretch where they just trade moves, nothing really means anything, nothing is new. DB/Tyson has DB slowing down and even selling his own leg after doing his sig kicks. Then Tyson puts DB in a half crab and it means more because DB SOLD THE FUCKING LEG. The match means more if you sell and tell a story. It's not about MOVEZ MOVEZ MOVEZ
I hope you aren't sitting down while talking. That might be uncomfortable and might impede the oratory. Here's a little fact. Some people, maybe a lot of people, don't want to see a guy limping for five minutes and mount a near-impossible comeback. They'd like to see two wrestlers fight over the honor of their division and how they present themselves in that division. Because, you know, that's a real story.
See the difference? Spot marks are spanking their monkeys to the below average video game style Aries/Shelley match, but there's a reason Shelley has never been a main focus of a show and why Aries has pretty much always been on the indies and Bryan is the Smackdown MITB winner. To the stupid untrained eye, it's just moves. However, if you know what actually gets a crowd into it, you realize that Shelley and Aries aren't really that good. It's like having a 5 year old drive a ferrari. Sure all the muscle and ability is there, but the know how isn't.
It gets more and more obvious you've never even bothered watching them wrestle lately. Like at all.
Also, in TNA they don't counter moves more often, they no sell moves more often. I'm not a WWE homer or anything, because I really like guys like Kendrick who tell stories in the ring and use am mix of selling, athleticism, and storytelling. I really don't get the whole "MOVEZ!!!!!" argument. It's pretty fuckin stupid actually. Go watch gymnastics. It's not the acrobats of china, it's not ice skating, it's not gymnastics, it's pro wrestling. They're storytellers, they tell stories.
Oy vei. Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Ireland would like to slap you silly. WWE is not telling stories by doing that. It's being fucking conservative. TNA is more like a traditional wrestling company than your ignorant mind could bare to fathom. Do I blame WWE for working matches that way? No I don't. But don't come at me with bullshit about storytelling when the company you are defending just tosses guys in the ring on a weekly basis to feud over "you beat me, but I wanna beat you".
Gunner and Crimson are breakout stars? No, they're 2 generic fuckheads that TNA is pushing as breakout stars but neither is over.
They are still breaking out my dear ignorant friend. And I wouldn't talk about generic when you have guys like Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston on the other side of the woods. At least TNA's being consistent with their guys. Which is quite unbelievable to say the least.
Bully Ray isn't on of the best promo workers, he's very good, but it's like if you have a guy who is a career .200 hitter and he suddenly starts hitting .250. He's really not as amazing as it seems, it's just so surprising because of how shitty he used to be.
Bully Ray fall behind only CM Punk as the best promo worker of the year. Don't believe me? Ask around. And baseball analogies? Ugh.

Smackdown's ratings wouldn't be affected by Impact. I don't think they'd change much. It's a B show on a shitty network on a shitty day. Thursdays only partially solves one of those problems. Personally, I don't even have cable, so I watch all my stuff elsewhere. Using ratings as a gauge is like using a sundial to tell time. It's out of date.
I think I pointed out the network was a bigger issue than the day seeing how they've had a far larger viewership on different channels, but then again how could I expect you to understand? Or read properly?
No. They should sign competent wrestlers. Every company should look into doing that.

Well, their main events are anyway.

You clearly haven't seen them wrestle. If you did, you'd be aware Austin Aries does not do much flippies and Alex Shelley favors ground game far more than high flying. They are both technical wrestlers. And their matches showed it. But go ahead. You clearly know what you are talking about.

Then Daniel mounts a comeback and wins. Point of the match itself? None whatsoever. Your storytelling BS is not gonna cut it. Especially when it's speaking if a midcard match in WWE.

I hope you aren't sitting down while talking. That might be uncomfortable and might impede the oratory. Here's a little fact. Some people, maybe a lot of people, don't want to see a guy limping for five minutes and mount a near-impossible comeback. They'd like to see two wrestlers fight over the honor of their division and how they present themselves in that division. Because, you know, that's a real story.

It gets more and more obvious you've never even bothered watching them wrestle lately. Like at all.

Oy vei. Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Ireland would like to slap you silly. WWE is not telling stories by doing that. It's being fucking conservative. TNA is more like a traditional wrestling company than your ignorant mind could bare to fathom. Do I blame WWE for working matches that way? No I don't. But don't come at me with bullshit about storytelling when the company you are defending just tosses guys in the ring on a weekly basis to feud over "you beat me, but I wanna beat you".

They are still breaking out my dear ignorant friend. And I wouldn't talk about generic when you have guys like Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston on the other side of the woods. At least TNA's being consistent with their guys. Which is quite unbelievable to say the least.

Bully Ray fall behind only CM Punk as the best promo worker of the year. Don't believe me? Ask around. And baseball analogies? Ugh.

I think I pointed out the network was a bigger issue than the day seeing how they've had a far larger viewership on different channels, but then again how could I expect you to understand? Or read properly?
you my highly intelligent friend are right on so many levels. I don't want to see someone limp for 5 minutes as it gets boring. Tna may not probably be able to beat smackdown in ratings but sometimes and especially in reference to Aries and Shelly they may be able to put on better matches. :worship:
No. They should sign competent wrestlers. Every company should look into doing that.

Well, their main events are anyway.

You clearly haven't seen them wrestle. If you did, you'd be aware Austin Aries does not do much flippies and Alex Shelley favors ground game far more than high flying. They are both technical wrestlers. And their matches showed it. But go ahead. You clearly know what you are talking about.

Then Daniel mounts a comeback and wins. Point of the match itself? None whatsoever. Your storytelling BS is not gonna cut it. Especially when it's speaking if a midcard match in WWE.

I hope you aren't sitting down while talking. That might be uncomfortable and might impede the oratory. Here's a little fact. Some people, maybe a lot of people, don't want to see a guy limping for five minutes and mount a near-impossible comeback. They'd like to see two wrestlers fight over the honor of their division and how they present themselves in that division. Because, you know, that's a real story.

It gets more and more obvious you've never even bothered watching them wrestle lately. Like at all.

Oy vei. Japan, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Ireland would like to slap you silly. WWE is not telling stories by doing that. It's being fucking conservative. TNA is more like a traditional wrestling company than your ignorant mind could bare to fathom. Do I blame WWE for working matches that way? No I don't. But don't come at me with bullshit about storytelling when the company you are defending just tosses guys in the ring on a weekly basis to feud over "you beat me, but I wanna beat you".

They are still breaking out my dear ignorant friend. And I wouldn't talk about generic when you have guys like Drew McIntyre and Kofi Kingston on the other side of the woods. At least TNA's being consistent with their guys. Which is quite unbelievable to say the least.

Bully Ray fall behind only CM Punk as the best promo worker of the year. Don't believe me? Ask around. And baseball analogies? Ugh.

I think I pointed out the network was a bigger issue than the day seeing how they've had a far larger viewership on different channels, but then again how could I expect you to understand? Or read properly?
Yes, Aries and Shelley don't do a bunch of flips, but they DO always do a bunch of quick, crisp moves and they don't sell. I've been watching Aries since Bryan Danielson made a man out of him for 75 minutes at ROH Testing the Limit 2004. You should just watch a little more carefully.

You're stupid. The "point of the match"? Do you even know what storytelling is? I'm talking about in ring storytelling. Giving fans a reason to give a shit about leg work early on instead of just using it as filler.

You know nothing about pro wrestling. If people wanted to see nonstop spots with no selling, TNA would be bigger than WWE. Intead, people WANT to see selling. Believe it or not, people don't watch wrestling to see cool moves. Shelley vs Arise wasn't a believable fight for honor or some bullshit, it was 2 guys doing a bunch of moves. Nobody sold a damn thing so nothing looked like it hurt.

Watch them wrestle? I've followed ROH since 2004, I've seen their shit. Shelley just isn't that impressive. Watch Danielson do mat work. He slows it down and makes it a believable struggle. Shelley does it a million miles per hour and it looks phoney. It's why Shelley isn't over.

You really don't understand storytelling do you? Like not even a little bit. Not one single little atom of it do you understand. "Storytelling" isn't just the angles they run, but the IN RING STORY. There was NO IN RING STORY to Shelley vs Aries. I'm talking about ring psychology. I'm not talking about the BOOKING of the match, as in, Aries vs Shelley being honor for the division as opposed to Daniel/Tyson for a mid-show match filler. I'm talking about IN FUCKING RING STORY. Do you get that? As in, "why did he work the leg?" not "why are they fighting?" The more you talk the more it becomes obvious that you don't know what you're talking about. That you've never fathomed that each match should tell a story in the ring. This isn't the story of the feud/angle, it's the short little 10 minute story they tell in the ring. Shelley and Aries didn't tell a story. They just did moves. Daniel/Tyson threw a bunch of stuff at each other, Daniel tweaked his knee, Tyson worked the knee, through perseverance and technique, Daniel overcame. That is a fucking story. Not Shelley worked the leg but it didn't hurt Aries, Aries and Shelley fly around and none of it hurts them because they didn't sell any of it.

Drew is generic. However, Kofi actually has a character. What is Crimson and Gunner's characters? That they're two tatooed former military douchebags? Who do moves? Neither guy sells or has any personality. Kofi has personality, he has in ring charisma.

Bully Ray is good, but he's not the best. If he was, he'd be more over. That's objective, not subjective.

You really didn't understand what I meant at all. When I said "storytelling" you made an ass of yourself thinking I meant 'why are they fighting' instead of 'why did he work the leg?'. You don't understand ring psychology.
While i do agree that a match cant be counted as good based on the amount of moves thats done the rest of this post i disagree on. to me selling really slows down the match and while sometimes it is needed most times it bores me to death. when i see someone getting worked over on a leg or arm during a match my attention flies eslewhere. Why the hell do you spell easy words wrong anyway! its moves notmoooovez! a fast paced action style match is a lot more entertainning than an armbar fest!;)
If the only way you are entertained by wrestling is if they're doing a bunch of moves and shit, go watch gymnastics. They're supposed to be simulating a fight, not acting like none of it hurts. I spell it "MOOVEZ" because anyone who thinks more moves=better wrestling is a fucking idiot and probably illiterate. Listen to Harley Race, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Al Snow, Raven, Samoa Joe, or CM Punk talk about wrestling. Selling is one of the most important things. If you don't sell well, it looks phoney and no one believes what you do.

If someone getting their leg or arm worked and selling the shit out of it, and then it being an important part of the match bores you, then you should probably watch something else. THAT is the art of pro wrestling. Making every move mean something, not just throwing a bunch of cool looking shit together, this isn't the Chinese acrobats.
If the only way you are entertained by wrestling is if they're doing a bunch of moves and shit, go watch gymnastics. They're supposed to be simulating a fight, not acting like none of it hurts. I spell it "MOOVEZ" because anyone who thinks more moves=better wrestling is a fucking idiot and probably illiterate. Listen to Harley Race, Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Al Snow, Raven, Samoa Joe, or CM Punk talk about wrestling. Selling is one of the most important things. If you don't sell well, it looks phoney and no one believes what you do.

If someone getting their leg or arm worked and selling the shit out of it, and then it being an important part of the match bores you, then you should probably watch something else. THAT is the art of pro wrestling. Making every move mean something, not just throwing a bunch of cool looking shit together, this isn't the Chinese acrobats.

I think anyone would prefer seeing "Flipz" or "movez" (ever hear of spell check my sad little friend?) as an attack in the ring than watching people do them around poles or ladders in China. I'm just talking about my personal taste. TNA has a wrestling style that entertains Me. You Twfc the end are obsessed with attacking those who like high spots. I believe you are the one with a big ego.:disappointed:
I think anyone would prefer seeing "Flipz" or "movez" (ever hear of spell check my sad little friend?) as an attack in the ring than watching people do them around poles or ladders in China. I'm just talking about my personal taste. TNA has a wrestling style that entertains Me. You Twfc the end are obsessed with attacking those who like high spots. I believe you are the one with a big ego.:disappointed:
I don't need spell check, I'm making fun of the stupidity of people who think flips and moves make a great wrestler.

I'm not obsessed with attacking those who like highspots. Ppl on here bitch about guys not doing enough moves and want less selling and more moves. that's like bitching that a cat doesn't fetch. It's just not how it works. In pro wrestling, you make money by selling and telling an in ring story, not by total nonstop highspots. It annoys me when people bitch about pro wrestlers doing their job well and instead want them to do shit that has never gotten anyone over. It's stupid.
I'd choose Smackdown, just for the fact that the promos are a bit more intresting. Impact's promos are a bore and a bit too long. Plus wtf do people do on Friday at 7pm?

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