IMPACT Wrestling LD for 6/14/16 — Post-Slammiversary

Oh yeah. As usual this is all on the management and their lack of any sort of competence. Like I said on commercial loop #14: there's ALWAYS something and it's NEVER TNA's fault.
@TNADixie: Hate that this AMAZING show is not running live. As soon as @PopTV is back up, we’ll be running w/limited commercials. Will keep u posted.
@KB. Looking back at your "ratings" comment. It would be hilarious if this actually pulls a big number.
The worst part is they'll probably air it at like midnight instead of switching the schedule any other night of the week.
@IMPACTWRESTLING: We understand your frustration. @PopTV ensures us they are working to fix the technical issues. We will update you as we are updated.
"Stick with us."

That should be TNA's motto. We know we screwed up again and it's TOTALLY not our fault but please stick with us, you rapidly shrinking audience.
So Pop TV has apologized to every fan that has tweeted them, saying they'll be on soon.

TNA hasn't once said thank you for sticking with them through this issue. As usual, they take their fans for granted.
TNA apologized as well.

@IMPACTWRESTLING: We apologize for the issue with @PopTV. The issue is with master control and they are working to correct it. Please stay with us

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