IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

I mean, you can get butt hurt about it, but you're the one being a stickler here. I'm just saying, by your own line, she counts. She just wrestled.

Yeah sorry. This show has been making me more and more insane all night as it's every single thing I absolutely cannot stand about TNA on a single show.
Lots of great wrestling. Not a whole lot of great story. Like I've been saying for months, what works well works really well, what doesn't, really doesn't. No middle ground.
Lots of great wrestling. Not a whole lot of great story. Like I've been saying for months, what works well works really well, what doesn't, really doesn't. No middle ground.

For me it's been the following:

1. X-Division/Knockouts clearly having no effort put in. It's "here's the entire division in one match with no characters or story", just like it's been for months if not years.

2. Dixie with her "we're going home" speech. I can't stand her more and more every time I see her.

3. Matt Hardy all over the show. We've seen that clip so many times and it's being driven into the ground.

4. TNA fans are going to spend the next week explaining to me about how amazing this was and how stupid I am for disagreeing.

Just a perfect storm.
The amazingness of Hardy is how batshit fucking absurd it all is. It's so bad it's good. Somehow.

XD/Knockouts, agreed.

Dixie, somewhat agree. I still think she just needs to be written off television for good.
The amazingness of Hardy is how batshit fucking absurd it all is. It's so bad it's good. Somehow.

I get that, but they're just driving it into the ground on this show. It's an old TNA problem and it's happening again.

Dixie, somewhat agree. I still think she just needs to be written off television for good.

She does. At best make her a Jack Tunney style character. As in no stories or promos. Just major announcements as needed.
I get that, but they're just driving it into the ground on this show. It's an old TNA problem and it's happening again.


She does. At best make her a Jack Tunney style character. As in no stories or promos. Just major announcements as needed.

Exactly. Hell, if I were an investor, or even Billy, I'd tell her exactly this. You want to keep the company? Fine. You're still majority owner. But you're off television. Any time there's a truly significant announcement you can come out. But you're done being part of any story lines in a weekly sense.

She sure as shit won't be closing any shows in which Moose just debuted.
WWE pulled any offer when they discovered a domestic abuse issue in his past. From his football days.
Ah, makes sense. Not squeaky clean.

Oh, well. WWE's loss is TNA's gain. This reminds me of Nigel McGuinness. Less wrestling ability here, but TNA just gained a pretty sizable star.
Bram cutting his beard is insanely sad. I miss my beard. I'don't post a picture of it but I have no clue how too.
Between Moose, Miracle and....the rumors YET AGAIN that they are near a sell... .

Fuck man do I need to watch this show again?

If they sell ill check it out. Maybe.

I was referring to the most recent WONR were Dave M said for the 739th time they are *this close* to being bought by new management

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