IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

What is there to get invested in? LAX vs. Alberto? Grado wanting to cheat immigration to stay in America? Lashley vs. Sydal with the focus being on Lashley's MMA? How is this supposed to be interesting?
What is there to get invested in? LAX vs. Alberto? Grado wanting to cheat immigration to stay in America? Lashley vs. Sydal with the focus being on Lashley's MMA? How is this supposed to be interesting?

That's my point. Impact has been letting me down for quite some time, but I'm still trying to hold on. It's the same feeling I had when I gave up on WWE for the last time.
Remember a few years ago when Park was one of the most entertaining characters in wrestling because he got to show off how good he could be with comedy and let you see how much more he could do than Abyss? Well screw that because we need this fat, embarrassment to wrestling named Kongo Kong to get a monster push instead.

I still have no idea how to feel about Kong. He's so awkward looking that there's almost a car crash rubberneck appeal to him.

On a related note, Tyrus lost weight.
The issue I've noticed for these entire tapings is just a lack of personal investment in any of the feuds. It feels like an independent or live events card where most if it is just thrown together for the sake of throwing it together.
I still have no idea how to feel about Kong. He's so awkward looking that there's almost a car crash rubberneck appeal to him.

On a related note, Tyrus lost weight.

For me it's the same problem I've had with so many GFW wrestlers: I have no reason to care about him and you can sum him up in one sentence. In his case it's "he's a monster who hangs out with Laurel Van Ness". That's EVERYTHING we know about him and he's been here like four months.
The issue I've noticed for these entire tapings is just a lack of personal investment in any of the feuds. It feels like an independent or live events card where most if it is just thrown together for the sake of throwing it together.

This. I can't count how many times people will come on screen, have a match, and go off screen with absolutely no emotional connection. Why should I care about anyone in the Super X Cup? Or be upset that Grado might have to leave America? Or why should I want Alberto to beat LAX? It's just wrestling coming and going with no emotion involved at all.
You know what might help this company? Some promo time. When is the last time someone got 3-5 minutes to come out, talk about what's going on with their story, give us a reason to care, and not get interrupted to start a brawl or have an intervention from a boss?
You know what might help this company? Some promo time. When is the last time someone got 3-5 minutes to come out, talk about what's going on with their story, give us a reason to care, and not get interrupted to start a brawl or have an intervention from a boss?

Agreed. I could also do with no less than two fewer authority figures. Karen, Dutch, and Bruce? Ugh. Pick one. Or, honestly, pick none. Not one of them is needed or adds value on camera. If we had to have someone, honestly, I'd rather it just be Jeff.
For me it's the same problem I've had with so many GFW wrestlers: I have no reason to care about him and you can sum him up in one sentence. In his case it's "he's a monster who hangs out with Laurel Van Ness". That's EVERYTHING we know about him and he's been here like four months.

This. I can't count how many times people will come on screen, have a match, and go off screen with absolutely no emotional connection. Why should I care about anyone in the Super X Cup? Or be upset that Grado might have to leave America? Or why should I want Alberto to beat LAX? It's just wrestling coming and going with no emotion involved at all.

No disagreement here.
Agreed. I could also do with no less than two fewer authority figures. Karen, Dutch, and Bruce? Ugh. Pick one. Or, honestly, pick none. Not one of them is needed or adds value on camera. If we had to have someone, honestly, I'd rather it just be Jeff.

Well people care about Karen because she used to be a big deal. Then you have Dutch, who is a legend. Bruce has a popular podcast and that means fans care about him.

You know, because you have to know about a podcast to care about one of three authority figures on a show, because that's how GFW's minds work. Have I mentioned I can't stand this company at times?
Destination X is going to be much of the same. They always bring in a handful of new faces for it, which is only going to add to the "who is this and why should I care?" factor.
Well people care about Karen because she used to be a big deal. Then you have Dutch, who is a legend. Bruce has a popular podcast and that means fans care about him.

You know, because you have to know about a podcast to care about one of three authority figures on a show, because that's how GFW's minds work. Have I mentioned I can't stand this company at times?

I'm just authority burned out.
Now remember kids: Vince Russo is the real star in wrestling. That's why he's running some indy promotion in Colorado while Cornette has been brought back into WWE and GFW in the same year.
I'm just waiting to see if my friend is messing with me. His podcast co-host used to work for TNA and he is saying that this former star is returning. I won't spoil it by saying a name, but I'm curious if they are working me.
I'm just waiting to see if my friend is messing with me. His podcast co-host used to work for TNA and he is saying that this former star is returning. I won't spoil it by saying a name, but I'm curious if they are working me.

Well this show is taped (I've seen the spoilers) so he very well may know.
Now remember kids: Vince Russo is the real star in wrestling. That's why he's running some indy promotion in Colorado while Cornette has been brought back into WWE and GFW in the same year.


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