Impact Wrestling Going On The Road Again

Joe's Gonna Kill You

The Hunt is On
Hulk Hogan announced via his twitter page that TNA is set to take Impact on the road:

@HulkHogan4Real: Getting ready for 2days of IMPACT tapings in Orlando,can't wait till August and we start going on the road every other taping.

Fantastic news. The IWZ served it's purpose, but IW/TNA outgrew the grounds long ago. The size of the show and the caliber it should be functioning at are much larger than the studio provides them room for, IMO, so hitting the road (again) is a fantastic idea to help expand the atmosphere of the program.

There's only so much you can do with canned noise and the same however many smarky fans showing up week-after-week.

Hitting the road, as you saw from the reactions from shows like Bound For Glory, can provide a much more realistic response to the status of the program and it's wrestlers.
Absolutely thrilling. The... I want to say Carolina tapings they did when Sting one the belt gained a lot from the atmosphere, as do many other road shows. So it's definitely one of those little things that will make my viewing experience that much easier. My only hope now is that they market it properly so they get enough excited TNA fans to come out and make the events memorable.

Just as I hoped with live television, I'd love for this to be one of those things TNA gets right. Nobody should have any issues with the idea.
Good news for TNA, because the more they travel outside of the Impact Zone the more people are going to see what TNA is all about. I guess TNA has enough financial backing to do this because if not TNA would never consider moving out of the Impact Zone every other tapings.
as much as I love hearing this...I'm kinda bummed it's in August lol. Mainly because I'm flying to destination x w a vip package...then have 3 front row tix to a house show here july 30. Yea sure i'll be at 2 impact tapings in orlando but it'd be rad to have an impact taping here...I'd like a live impact as i did in there monday night stint but a taping seems more likely
Well, it's about fucking time, isn't it?

The way I see it, March 3rd was a test to see how well the show would go in North Carolina. If it didn't flop, which it most certainly did not, TNA would start planning going on the road more often in the summer, because they needed time to prepare. It's not an easy thing you know. Clearly they're ready for it financially, the preparations are almost completed, and finally TNA would be exposed to a larger audience.

To me, this is the only thing that will elevate them to the next level. Let's hope this is permanent and escalates to them going on the road every week in 2012.

P.S: Let's have bets on how quickly McMahon would start fucking with TNA's arenas and try to sabotage them once this thing gets rolling.
I like the idea, but I think it's a case of too little, too late. Had TNA kept up on the success of the NC taping immediately, I could see this working. But now, Wrestling's image is tarnished to the point where only a complete overhaul of the company will work, and even then that's not exactly a guarantee.
This is deffinately a positive thing for TNA, the shows that they have had away from the impactzone were a 100x better production wise and crowd wise, hopefully this works out for them and the next step will be going live, and that should help them even more since there wont be any spoilers to read about.
I like the idea, but I think it's a case of too little, too late. Had TNA kept up on the success of the NC taping immediately, I could see this working. But now, Wrestling's image is tarnished to the point where only a complete overhaul of the company will work, and even then that's not exactly a guarantee.

How is it tarnished? The product is better now than it has been since 2007 and it still has the same base viewing audience it did then. Everything about IMPACT Wrestling right now is good, they are pushing young stars, they have a product with nearly half the show being wrestling, they have good strong promos, I would venture to say that Impact is better than ANYTHING WWE has done in the last 18 months other than The Rock showing up. TNA is getting better, now they have the finances to prove it.

Now as for going on the road every other set of tapings I think it is excellent. TNA really hasn't spent a lot of money since they brought in Matt Hardy, they have been saving for months so they could take their product on the road. As long as they stick to places like the Hammerstein Ballroom and places like that wher they can pack the house this will be a great thing.
Yeah I'm basically gonna just parrot the majority here, it's an excellent move, the atmosphere at the NC tapings was electric, whereas I've been hating the Impact Zone fans for a long time, the chants, the same four hot girls in the front row every week, the obvious prompting and over abundance of staff members...

The list goes on.

Also, as an incentive to people buying TNA tickets it's excellent, would you rather go to a house show or a TV taping?
It sure couldnt fucking hurt them, fuck sake. I figured this was coming once they started using canned heat on the taped shows.

They have to turn Hogan and Flair face though, no way they take this circus on the road and either of those guys get boos. I could give a fuck if Hogan comes through that curtain draped in a nazi flag, I am gonna pop lke a motherfucker for him. And so is everyone else.

In any case, great decision on their part.
Its definitely a good thing. Having the same fans in the same arena every week is bad. You can tell how fake the reactions are on a daily basis. I hope they do good, I really do. The only way we are gonna get another "wrestling boom" is if there is competition. Before Vince totally runs wrestling into the ground I am Impact Wrestling gains some steam. I am a lifetime WWF/WWE fan but I am a WRESTLING fan first and foremost. So I am hoping for Impact to take the next step. If it can close in on 2.0 ratings by the end of the year some how it would be huge and traveling is a good first step.

BTW, for the people upset about them taping all the time. Raw was taped while Nitro was live at first. The Impact hire ups obviously have a plan set. Hopefully it works.
Excited, although I wish they were starting, now. I too will be at Verizon Wireless on the 30th, and Houston would be a great place to start live impacts.

I'm not sure if there's much more to add. A fresh audience will always be more excited and will add to the atmosphere, compared to the same people who see the tapings every (other) week.
TNA on the road is great news for all wrestling fans. I have to admit I don't watch it as often as WWE but it'll be great to see it go on tour. TNA doing well is good news for WWE fans too as they could do with some competitio to keep themselves fresh. My only main issue with TNA is that I'd wish they'd continue to push through their own people rather than give the ex WWE stars most of the big pushes. It was the X Division that got me intrested in TNA as it was something very different and exciting to what WWE offered.
I think this is good news for TNA and I wish them well.

However, do they have enough mass appeal to generate the revenue they need to offset the cost of travel and production on the road? Also, what are the ramifications if this fails?

TNA has tried a lot of different things over the past two years but this decision takes a lot of resources, time and balls.
However, do they have enough mass appeal to generate the revenue they need to offset the cost of travel and production on the road?
There's only one way to find out, isn't there? I think it would. They drew about 6.000 people in North Carolina. That's not too bad. We'll see how it goes, but it's all up to TNA choosing the right venues and producing the right product. I think they'll need to tweak the on-air stuff so the live crowd will be pleased and willing to come back. It's one thing to tape for the IWZ, it's a whole new ball game when you're going up against a different crowd with a different mentality.

Also, what are the ramifications if this fails?
You fail in the eys of your fans, and they fail in TNA's. This is a two way thing. TNA should provide the opportunity and the product, and the fans who watch TNA should support the company by going to the shows. TNA will lose money, go back to the IWZ and wait until they're ready. Won't be pretty.

TNA has tried a lot of different things over the past two years but this decision takes a lot of resources, time and balls.
Balls is the one thing they have over the WWE. It comes with The Bischoff.
I've heard this before so it's hard for me to get my hopes up. Hopefully Impact will be on the road soon even if it is every other week or every other month. As long as they get out of the Impact zone with canned cheers and heat, I'll be happy. I might even be able to see a TNA show that isn't a house show for once.
About fucking time. I'd like to know what took them so long to get their ducks in order on something that everyone who's even heard of professional wrestling knew that they'd have to do in order to be a competitive wrestling company. For all the potshots at the WWE, they're a distant second and won't overtake them anytime soon; and they were never going to overtake the WWE from a TV studio in Orlando.

I've only discussed the reasons why TNA/IW should be on the road about once a month for the past year and a half, so I won't go back into that here and simply say that I view it as a necessary risk required for further growth of the company. Beyond that there isn't any new ground to cover.
About fucking time. I'd like to know what took them so long to get their ducks in order on something that everyone who's even heard of professional wrestling knew that they'd have to do in order to be a competitive wrestling company.

Oh look, another form of TNA getting blamed for something beyond their control.

Spike TV and TNA share the cost of road shows. TNA has been willing to do it since the NC show. Now, due to UFC most likely leaving Spike TV. It seems Spike is going to invest hard in the TNA brand just like they did with UFC personally.

Therefore, TNA and Spike TV putting up funds to do road shows. TNA/Spike saves a slight amount of money by doing it every other week.

For all the potshots at the WWE, they're a distant second and won't overtake them anytime soon; and they were never going to overtake the WWE from a TV studio in Orlando.

Really? Because from my knowledge, buyrates, ratings, merchandise sales are what makes a company overtake another company. Not what area they are in or the size of it.

And you all wonder why Bischoff makes fun of the 10%?

I've only discussed the reasons why TNA/IW should be on the road about once a month for the past year and a half, so I won't go back into that here and simply say that I view it as a necessary risk required for further growth of the company. Beyond that there isn't any new ground to cover.

The one area TNA has over WWE at this moment is they can actually do outside TV tapings. TNA has a new form of house shows called "Basebrawls" where they tour certain cities in baseball parks.

They will be coming to Brooklyn, NY next month which drew 6,000 or a little less than that.

So, unlike WWE. TNA has a chance to do some interesting things with their road shows.

It's not about "risk" it's about business and getting both sides to comment to it. TNA has been wanting Spike to comment to them for awhile now. There is a reason Spike TV execs were at Hulk Hogan/Bischoff signing press conference and actually spoke next to Dixie Carter.
I fucking love you righteous TNA diehards. Someone can give a net compliment to a show, but because it wasn't phrased in completely glowing terms, you folks can be counted upon to start raging at them. It's really handy if you want to plan out your reply when you're writing the original post.
Spike TV and TNA share the cost of road shows. TNA has been willing to do it since the NC show. Now, due to UFC most likely leaving Spike TV. It seems Spike is going to invest hard in the TNA brand just like they did with UFC personally.

Therefore, TNA and Spike TV putting up funds to do road shows. TNA/Spike saves a slight amount of money by doing it every other week.
Mr. "You're a 10%er", how do you know how much money TNA saves each week by doing it? How do you know if it's none, slight, or major? It seems that if you want to speculate on TNA as a company, either you do it in a completely unambiguous, positive way, or you're a "10%er". The definition on these boards for "10%er" on these boards seems to be "someone on these boards who has made me mad before".
Dizzy said:
Really? Because from my knowledge, buyrates, ratings, merchandise sales are what makes a company overtake another company. Not what area they are in or the size of it.
Wow. Either this was an intentional misreading of my post, deliberately missing the point in order to insinuate it isn't there (a pretty common debate tactic, if not a good one), or you are actually ******ed. "TV studio in Orlando" is a casual comment, as appears frequently in my posts; this one intended to illustrate that TNA/IW is trying to compete in live sports media against a multimedia behemoth by filming their shows in a room the size of a medium warehouse.

As far as the size of a company having to do with which company is larger, well, no shit, Sherlock. You've past kindergarten's "how to compare shapes" course, and can now move on to colors.

I know if I were to ask you about merchandise sales, buyrates, and ratings being competitive with their competition, I'd get another "but how do you know? OMG 10%er!!!!" out of you; it's the new refrain any of the diehards bleat out anytime someone questions anything TNA/IW does without saying how much they love it.
Dizzy said:
And you all wonder why Bischoff makes fun of the 10%?
Because he won't talk about the financials of his company, all of the circumstantial evidence available points out that TNA/IW is far from the health it was expected to be in when he was hired, and if you don't have any concrete attacks to throw at your challengers, one of the oldest political tactics- one you might have learned during that "comparing shapes" thing in kindergarten, even- is calling your adversary a name, and counting on people that support you to repeat it without thinking.

Oh, wait, no, it's because he had an honest reaction to internet fans and just started having to tell the truth about it all, that's the official narrative, right? ;) Sometimes I wonder if Bischoff laughs himself to sleep over this 10% thing, because now he has an army of internet guppies who no longer have to attempt to make points that sound reasonable, they just have to scream "10%!!1!!!1" whenever says something they don't agree with.
Dizzy said:
The one area TNA has over WWE at this moment is they can actually do outside TV tapings. TNA has a new form of house shows called "Basebrawls" where they tour certain cities in baseball parks.
The WWE has done this before, including last year's Wrestlemania. You know why they don't do it now? It rains. It kinda sucks to promote a show for six months, touring a new city every day, then tell a few thousand kids and their parents "oh, sorry, no show today, it rained. But catch us again in six months! Find refund information on our website."

Wrestling outdoors is nothing new; they did cards at the old Shea Stadium all the time. Ballparks, in fact, make perfect venues if you want to commit to doing something outdoor for the sake of doing it outdoor; you've got a large, flat area surrounded by seating.
Dizzy said:
It's not about "risk" it's about business and getting both sides to comment to it. TNA has been wanting Spike to comment to them for awhile now. There is a reason Spike TV execs were at Hulk Hogan/Bischoff signing press conference and actually spoke next to Dixie Carter.
The word is "commit", and you don't understand risk. It's not about getting SpikeTV to 'comment' to them, it's about getting SpikeTV to take upon some of the financial risk that a new road tour requires. Which, again, "Mr. 10%er", you have no idea of the split either way. Awfully eager to jump on that 10% trigger when someone says something you don't like about TNA/IW, but you have no problems yourself talking about something you aren't even trying to take informed guesswork over, just taking shots in the dark.
Spectacular news. And they couldn't pick a better moment too with them building up Bound For Glory already. Impact tapings on the road always bring out just how great an atmosphere TNA can generate and seeing how All Wheel's Wrestling may be taking over the Impact Zone, this sounds like a guarantee. I just hope this includes PPV's. I'd hate to see them on a full house arena on Thursday and then be on a compact 1000 seat Impact Zone for what is supposed to be the blow off and money maker.
I, just like everyone else, think this is a great idea. The best way to grow your product is by touring and this seems like the first step in doing so. If I were TNA, though, I wouldn't try to put Impact Wrestling in the big arenas becuase I don't think they're ready to sell those out yet. I would go to venues that are the size of the Hammerstein Ballroom, a place that holds about 3,000 people. Seeing a full house of 3,000 people is a lot more impressive on television than seeing 3,000 in huge arena. Sure, they did great when they went to North Carolina, but I'm not sure if going to arenas of that size would work for every taping.

Growing is a graual process and touring is a nice step in that direction for TNA. I just don't want them to try to expand too quickly and not be able to handle it.
When he appeared on Bubba the Love Sponge's radio show today, Hulk Hogan stated he got in trouble when he tweeted that Impact would be going on the road for every other taping in August. Since there is no deal in place, only discussions, TNA management was not happy when they found out Hogan let that slip. Hogan then said an announcement would be made next week and they would be testing the proposed schedule out.

Surprise Surprise, Hogan jumping the gun again. I hope that every other taping will go on the road this summer, but as I said before I'm not getting my hopes up. Maybe TNA will surprise me and actually go on the road this summer. They have been teasing this for so long now so I have to see it to believe it.
Good. They need to keep the show on the road for as long as they can. I can see them doing something like one or two shows at the Impact Zone, but then take a few of the shows per month on the road and give a mixed feel to the show.

It would showcase what I have always felt and I'm sure most would agree. The show simply has a better and more PROFESSIONAL feel to the event when the crowd isn't rehearsed and the action is in front of an even slightly larger, more energetic crowd.

Hopefully, this is a sign of more travel as it can only help the company, I would imagine.

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