I'm writing a book.


Staff member
Or, at least, I am going to try.

I have always been a fan of writing and I really enjoy it. The idea for a book has been stuck in my head for a while now. It is a tale of how people are tied together and how coincidence and fate plays a huge part in the way things are played out.

I'm really excited about the prospect of trying this book out.
Good luck.

I took a writer's craft class in high school, but my novel didn't go further than the class. A friend of mine had the novel she wrote in the class published. One of my best friends is constantly writting everything and anything and she is fantastic at it.

If you need a reader, let me know.
Well, I was thinking that I would post some of it here to let people read some of it. However, I will need people to test read it.
Not with his ADD he won't. Unless it's a pop-up book, it's not keeping his attention.

EDIT: Nevermind, Doug probably get's scared everytime he turns the page in a pop-up book.
It's not about that though.

Don't worry, I will get to them in the RP's of the future.
You're just being nice.

I tried writing it a few years ago when I was in high school but I only did what was necessary to get the pass. The plot lines were really intriguing and I loved writing it. I would like to think that my writing has come on a lot since then and I could actually do it. I guess I have the e-Fed to thank for keeping my Creative Writing juices flowing.
I'll make sure the paper is made of Rizla for you, SSC.

Yeah, Leafy, I have had the idea of re-doing a novel I wrote at High School for my advance higher course. I always liked the idea for it and I felt that now was the time for me to go back and try and pad it out a little bit. I'm hoping that I can do it justice because it really was a great read, I thought.
It is about a guy who keeps getting flashes of a specific event. As the flashes continue, he finds that more than one person is having these "visions", that all lead up to one climactic event in his future. That event shall be revealed in due time.

However, long story short, they people who find each other have to try and stop this event from occurring.

It really was a good plot and something that I could add so much more to.
Wasn't that an ABC show. Flashdown or something?

Yeah, that's almost the same plot.

EDIT: Flashforward
Wasn't that an ABC show. Flashdown or something?

Yeah, that's almost the same plot.

I'm not just saying this to make it sound unique, but I have literally never heard of that.

There is a good chance that it has been done before though. It is by no means unique but this one was my own.
It did sound alot like Flashforward.

In Flashforward the whole world blacks out for 3ish minutes and has a vision of takes place 6 months into their future.

Very good show.
I have heard about that show, I think.

Hmm! I might go ahead and write it anyway. Or, I might brainstorm for another idea.
Dude, people use the same idea over and over again, don't worry about that. Worry about writing well...you can always put a twist on something if it's too similar to another piece of fiction.
I've always wanted to write a story. But never thought hard enough about it OR thought I've had a good enough imagination. I'm good when given characters & situations, but not when I've gotta make them up.

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