I'm very impressed by Sheamus


Getting Noticed By Management
Sheamus for a while now has been a guy that I have enjoyed to watch. He has shown over the years to be a great mix of brute strength and athletism that guys his size wish they had. You know when you watch a match with Celtic Warrior you're in for a fast paced, knock em down drag out of a match which is a really fun style to watch. Sheamus' style is really like a freight train running at you and it's interesting how technicians like Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio try and slow him down with their wide array of manevers. But time after time Sheamus is the one leaving them overwhelmed and out matched to do his superior strength and toughness. Now too long ago Sheamus added the "White Noise" to his arsenal borrowing it from a fellow Irishman and wrestling great Finley, but the move that I really enjoy and respect Sheamus using is the Texas Cloverleaf.

Now Sheamus is a former 2 time WWE Champion and the current WWE World Champion he doesn't need to add moves to his repertoire. He's very capable of getting the job done as is. But I like that he's trying to raise his evolve and raise his game even though he doesn't necessarily need to. I obviously compare Sheamus's Texas Cloverleaf to Dean Malenko's because he was the man in my eyes that made the move famous in the mid to late 90's in WCW.
What's cool about when Sheamus does it, is that Sheamus is a huge thick man and when he locks the arms is and dead lifts the guy off the ground, the move gets a display of power that makes it look more powerful and painful.

The World Heavyweight Champion had an awesome match against Alberto Del Rio at night of champions and I'm looking forward to his clash with the The Big Show. His ever growing move set is a good thing to see amongst a big man and makes him at least for me of my favourite guys to watch between the ropes in the business.
I agree with many things to said. Sheamus is a great worker, very talented in ring competitor who has worked great matches this year. He keeps adding stuff to his arsenal and this is more than welcomed. So, he should be someone I tune in to watch but it is no the case.
My problem with Sheamus is not his in ring capabilities. His title reign is hurting him imo. Ironically,the true winner of the 18 seconds match at wrestlemania was Daniel Bryan...he is the one that benefited from that. Sheamus went on to be as stale as it gets. I don`t remember anything even as close as engaging in his feuds since then. Promos were never his strongest suit but they did have some intrigue before, now he is just hopelessly trying to be funny and turned into some cartoon character that just bores me. Booking has not really helped him either. After the feud with Daniel Bryan (interesting because of Bryan becoming a phenomenon), there is nothing really interesting to see. He had good matches vs. Del Rio but come on, that rivalry sucked. By night of champions, most people where like "why are they fighting again???". 2 great workers but seriously underwhelming feud. And now big show? I don`t find that interesting at all. Big Show is the monster heel that won pretty much nothing since turning into the monster..Sheamus will win, there is no intrigue at all here.
I guess your point was solely on in ring abilities. But the overall character is overshadowing that for me. He needs to drop the title or at the very least he needs to feud with guys from which he can actually benefit, like Barret. Till then, he just a very forgettable great worker.
Agree Sheamus for a big guy has a tremendous amount of stamina, which helps him to put on good matches. I did prefer him when he was heel though. He was one heel who wasn't a coward, and would stand there and call out a Face (remember his fued with HHH)

I don't really like the smiley and corny persona he is doing at the moment. To credit him as a face he sells pain extremely well. I think it was Extreme Rules this year against D-Bry, Sheamus looked legit "Beaten to a Pulp" in that match.

Another thing i like Sheamus for is he can take a heavy shot. Don't know if anyone else noticed just this week when Big Show blocked his Brogue Kick and lifted him out of the ring Royal Rumble style, Sheamus smacked his head pretty hard down there, looked nasty! but he got straight back up to finish the segment. I remember once aswell he was thrown into the announce table and his back cracked up against the edge of it (if i remember he had a nasty Red Gash down his back). Again looked Nasty! and again he got up to finish off his segment/match. Anyone notice that he shows signs of battle a lot? Noticed bruises and cuts on him from previous matches. He is such a great worker in my opinion. he also never seems to get injured which in my book shows he must work really hard to stay in shape.

He is a worthy World Champion, although i think his fueds are all pretty repetitive.
He is very good in the ring, there is no denying that. He usually puts on an entertaining match and can do it with a variety of opponents. My issue is his face run. It puts me to sleep. I don't know why either, because he isn't exactly bad on the mic, or lacking charisma. It just seems forced to me. The smile, the jokes, its just not terribly convincing. When you have someone who's natural look is that of somebody who wants to kick some ass, making them crack jokes and smile to everyone is one of the worst things you can do. But, it seems to work for the majority. He still gets good pops and his Brogue kick is very over. And whilst the majority continue to enjoy it, then the minority will have to continue to put up with it.
I'm sorry but whilst I agree with some of what you said, I disagree with several parts as well. Firstly since Wrestlemania 28, his title reign has been only just above average. He hasn't cut a decent promo in ages, his character annoys me. I am not dissing his in ring ability or anything like that but the rest of reign has been average.

I prefered him as a monster heel who would kick anyone's ass and not give a damn about it. The current baby face Sheamus makes want to throw up. He is extremely generic and is playing a very forced character which is not really compelling at all. Since he won the world title, he has not connected with the older audience, which includes me .

I liked him prior to wrestlemania 28, but since then, his character has taken a downturn and I fear it isn't going away anytime soon. In my personal opinion, he would work allot better as a heel and would less limited. And NO PG has nothing to do with it. The way he has been booked has been very poor and not to mention the appalling feuds he has been involved in.
I'm sorry but whilst I agree with some of what you said, I disagree with several parts as well. Firstly since Wrestlemania 28, his title reign has been only just above average. He hasn't cut a decent promo in ages, his character annoys me. I am not dissing his in ring ability or anything like that but the rest of reign has been average.

I prefered him as a monster heel who would kick anyone's ass and not give a damn about it. The current baby face Sheamus makes want to throw up. He is extremely generic and is playing a very forced character which is not really compelling at all. Since he won the world title, he has not connected with the older audience, which includes me .

I agree that I personally prefer Sheamus as a heel. Personally, I just think he's better as a heel the way that some wrestlers just are. Some can work as a face but can't work nearly as well as a heel and vice versa. Sheamus as the laid back, happy babyface just doesn't go with the guy's vibe to well in my opinion. Sheamus tries hard at it, but it just doesn't work. The jovial Irishman just doesn't fit in with his look either.

However, I have to disagree with just about everything else. I can't see Sheamus run thus far as just been average. I believe he's had a strong, old school babyface run as World Heavyweight Champion. He's had some strong matches, some downright outstanding matches as champion, some for the title and some non-title, against Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett, etc.

I agree that his run hasn't been perfect, no such thing as a perfect run. His feud with Del Rio went longer than it needed to in my opinion, but to say he hasn't connected with the older audience is just nonsense. If that were true, then why is it that fully grown men cheer loudly whenever Sheamus comes out? Why do we often see lots of grown men wearing Sheamus t-shirts or carrying Sheamus signs on Raw or SD! each week?

A lot of people have tried to use the "he's not over with grown men" argument in regards to guys that they're just not all that crazy about but that just doesn't hold water. Take John Cena, for instance. Sure he gets a lot of boos but I think that's just become part of tradition for Cena. I've been to live shows where grown men are garbed in Cena t-shirts or hats and various other types of merchendise chanting "Let's Go Cena" while, at the same time, I've seen 12 year old boys also garbed in Cena merchendise chanting "Cena Sucks. I've even see grown men joining in on the "Cena Sucks" chant while wearing Cena gear. The fact that the vast majority of WWE's audience is made up of grown men over the age of 18 and that Cena segments are frequently among the highest on Raw suggest that Cena is very much connected to the older audience members.
I completely disagree. He used to be okay to tolerable-at-best, but nowadays he is "The Great White No-Seller" for a reason...he is the Smackdown! version of John Cena! He no-sells his opponents offense, uses the same schitck over and over, and he can't get through a promo without saying "FELLA!" or "Arse". I know that people have addressed that his promo skills have always been lacking a bit, but c'mon already. This doesn't make up for his current run(which I know is the fault of Creative, not himself, but if he was really world champion material then he'd be able to at least make himself look more appealing, even with the crappy Creative team).

A world champion should not need to work with a Ziggler just to look good...he should be able to work with his fellow co-workers, regardless who they are(within reason, obviously) and make both himself, and the opponent, look great.
Sheamus has also impressed me. I used to think he was over exposed and wouldn't become a big star that he is. I would agree that his character is better as a heel but since he won the WHC at wrestlemania not only has he impressed me with his title reign but also added the prestige back to the WHC. Smackdown is a joke but sheamus makes it better. Since he won KOTR and the Royal Rumble he has become a bigger draw then I'd ever think he could be. That's not necessarily a knock on him because I think he's talented but considering all the wrestlers are fighting for a push he's made the most of it. Obviously the big draws are Cena and Punk but with him carrying his WHC he's beginning to become a solid drae for himself and for the WWE. Do I think he'll be a top dog in VKM's eyes? Probably not. But he's a big draw for the kids and is becoming a solid star in the WWE.
Sheamus has been very impressive in the past few months. He has been consistent in the ring and has been putting on good matches, irrespective of the size of his opponents. He is decent on the mic and would be a lot more effective if he gets a bit more serious. He is at times, funny, but mostly comes off as corny.

The main problem with his title reign has been his feud with del Rio. While the two have put on some really good matches, the two have been feuding since Extreme Rules. Every match that they have had, Sheamus has won cleanly. That, in itself, makes almost the whole 5-month feud pointless. Also, I doubt that even the Rock could have made a 5-month feud with del Rio interesting with such a crappy storyline.
There have been some very good points made. And he does make a monster heel. For me I'm a huge fan of technical wrestling and from a move set stand point it's really cool to see a big man use a move like the cloverleaf. From a personality stand point, Sheamus does come a little cheesy and patronizing sometimes. But I think to some extent the Sheamus we see now who he really is. He probably is a jovial guy, who likes a good joke, but if you push him too far he won't shy away from a fight. He is a very effective heel, but I think the WWE has made a connection with him and it would be a bit tricky turning him heel in the future.
I'm gonna try and not say anything about Sheamus that hasn't already been said and just say that for his size his Battering Ram/Shoulder Block over the rope into the ring is incredibly impressive and the same goes for the way he climbs to the top after being hit in the corner. (I'm not sure what to call it but, he uses the ropes to spin himself 360 from his feet on the floor to the top rope.)
I like him when the match starts. I could care less for him prior to or after his matches.

That said, I like him as a face. I'd rather him be a more ruthless face than what he is, but I don't really have a problem with his character.
Much better as a heel. He just lacks the showman's ability of being cool and relaxed in the ring and is way too campy on the mic. I mean if hes to be such a badass why did he "apologize" to ADR when he 'stole" his car a while back? He looked like a fool twice against Orton falling for a handshake only to get RKO'd BOTH TIMES.

Theres no added deminsion to him and his character. The kids only like him because he's "funny looking" with his red hair and pale body. If WWE is waiting to turn Orton heel until Sheamus is the top guy on S-Down it'll never happen. Hell,they still show Orton the most(and at the start and ending)of the S-Down opening.

As a worker hes good but not great. But if they go w/ the rumored heel Orton v face Sheamus feud(and Mania match) I think it'll do wonders for both guys careers,which I feel are both stagnant right now. They work great together and if its a no dq match it'll be even better as both are great brawlers.
Sheamus is capable of putting on great matches, but Sheamus is so overbooked right now it is actually detrimental to his success. Vulnerability would go a long way towards showing even the people who hate him, what he could be.

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