I'm so tired of greedy overpaid Legends.

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Championship Contender
I didn't know where to put this and since it more a problem in TNA then in THe WWE i decided i would fit more here. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Big name Wrestlers like Sting, RVD and others signing big money contract for almost not work.

Take the latest exemple of a big money contract signee, RVD. What has he done lately to deserve getting an exemption from house shows. I'm sure that he would be a big attraction for house shows and would bring in more money for TNA. But no, he rather show up for T.V. tapings and PPV and then go home and relax will all the others wrestlers who don'T get big money work their a$$ off at house shows to make TNA look like a bigger company.

Probably one argument i might hear is that Undertaker and HBK does the same thing that all theses bug name guys in TNA does. To that i say sure, but when Vince Ask them to show up to a house shows as a special attraction, they show up at the house. If Dixie Ask Sting or RVD or any of these other big contract guys to show up at a house show, they probably would laugh in her face and said that it isn't part of the contract they sign.

Sure they most of them deserve those big money contract but in the end, it'S the fans that are paying their salaries and the fans wants to see the same guys that are highlighted on t.v and it dissapointing when you watch TNA on t.v and see guys like Sting and RVD and then you buy a ticket to a TNA house show and you get Black machismo and Daniels.

Just saying that TNA is quickly becoming a retirement home for those greedy legends that pretty much do nothing to help the company grow and the only thing grwoing is their bank accounts.
first off, how do you know they would "laugh in her face" and that they're even getting big money contracts?

second.. hbk, triple h, undertaker, chris jericho, big show, matt hardy, mark henry, edge, christian, goldust, bret hart.. they were all wrestling in the 90's (and some even in the 80's) as well. but since they're in wwe, somehow it's ok for them to still be there. but if any older wrestler decides to wrestle in tna, he's greedy, right?
First, I will say that you need to work on your typing. But nontheless..

But you know what? I'm with you on this. I've lost a lot respect for guys like RVD and Booker T who think they can have what they want in a silver platter. It disgusts me....you know?

It's like just because they're a name, it entitles them to demand this and demand that and for what? What has Booker T ever done for TNA? What is RVD going to do for TNA? Those guys have no passion. All they want is the money, credibility, and respect. And on top of that, you got RVD looking down on guys like Daniels? That's low-brow right there :disappointed:

Sting though, is an exception. At least he's helped TNA when it comes to going mainstream. I'll give Sting credit for that...so nobody can say anything about that. He did his time so he earned his contract for his age and contributions IMO.
I didn't know where to put this and since it more a problem in TNA then in THe WWE i decided i would fit more here. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Big name Wrestlers like Sting, RVD and others signing big money contract for almost not work.

Take the latest exemple of a big money contract signee, RVD. What has he done lately to deserve getting an exemption from house shows. I'm sure that he would be a big attraction for house shows and would bring in more money for TNA. But no, he rather show up for T.V. tapings and PPV and then go home and relax will all the others wrestlers who don'T get big money work their a$$ off at house shows to make TNA look like a bigger company.

Probably one argument i might hear is that Undertaker and HBK does the same thing that all theses bug name guys in TNA does. To that i say sure, but when Vince Ask them to show up to a house shows as a special attraction, they show up at the house. If Dixie Ask Sting or RVD or any of these other big contract guys to show up at a house show, they probably would laugh in her face and said that it isn't part of the contract they sign.

Sure they most of them deserve those big money contract but in the end, it'S the fans that are paying their salaries and the fans wants to see the same guys that are highlighted on t.v and it dissapointing when you watch TNA on t.v and see guys like Sting and RVD and then you buy a ticket to a TNA house show and you get Black machismo and Daniels.

Just saying that TNA is quickly becoming a retirement home for those greedy legends that pretty much do nothing to help the company grow and the only thing grwoing is their bank accounts.

RVD chose to work the lighter schedule at the moment, his body took an absolute POUNDING during his days in ECW as well as the WWE, he has earned the right to not have to do the house shows at the moment, when they continue generating a larger fan base, and I have been watching TNA since its inception, he will work house shows on occasion.

As for your comment about getting Daniels and Black Machismo, as it's such a horrible thing, you couldn't be farther from the truth, the wrestlers that do work house shows, such as Daniels and Jay Lethal are incredible workers and deserve their credit for being such, they put on great matches and work well with just about any worker. So let's not put a slight on Daniels or Jay Lethal.
I didn't know where to put this and since it more a problem in TNA then in THe WWE i decided i would fit more here. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Big name Wrestlers like Sting, RVD and others signing big money contract for almost not work.

Yes, because Daniels and Kazarian are such big draws.

Take the latest exemple of a big money contract signee, RVD. What has he done lately to deserve getting an exemption from house shows. I'm sure that he would be a big attraction for house shows and would bring in more money for TNA. But no, he rather show up for T.V. tapings and PPV and then go home and relax will all the others wrestlers who don'T get big money work their a$$ off at house shows to make TNA look like a bigger company.

Maybe because TNA needs RVD more than RVD needs TNA? You have no idea how the biz works. Sure, TNA can make high demands and act like they are the greatest wrestling company in the world, as long as they are happy with their biggest draws being AJ Styles and D'Angelo Dinero.

Probably one argument i might hear is that Undertaker and HBK does the same thing that all theses bug name guys in TNA does. To that i say sure, but when Vince Ask them to show up to a house shows as a special attraction, they show up at the house. If Dixie Ask Sting or RVD or any of these other big contract guys to show up at a house show, they probably would laugh in her face and said that it isn't part of the contract they sign.

Because it isn't... Another reason why they don't have to work house shows is so they won't get injured. If Amazing Red gets injured, no big deal. 6 months on the shelf and he'll be back doing teh flippyz. If RVD/Hardy/Sting/Angle gets injured, then TNA loses one of its main attractions and is in deep doo-doo.

Sure they most of them deserve those big money contract but in the end, it'S the fans that are paying their salaries and the fans wants to see the same guys that are highlighted on t.v and it dissapointing when you watch TNA on t.v and see guys like Sting and RVD and then you buy a ticket to a TNA house show and you get Black machismo and Daniels.

Actually, I wouldn't be disappointed. I mean, it's TNA. Sometimes they can't be bothered to put on a watchable TV show, let alone put effort into something that maybe 400 people are gonna watch. And anyays, it's not like Consequences Creed is main eventing the show. These fans are seeing AJ Styles, Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Mick Foley, etc. RVD and Sting aren't the only decent people in the company.

Just saying that TNA is quickly becoming a retirement home for those greedy legends that pretty much do nothing to help the company grow and the only thing grwoing is their bank accounts.

Greedy legends? These "greedy legends" are coming to a company, performing in front of a smaller crowd, with smaller pay, when they can go to Vince and perform in front of a larger crowd, with likely 3x the pay, and depending on the person, maybe even a lighter schedule. These legends are doing alot to help TNA. Saying they aren't is perhaps such a bollocks statement, that I might have to kick a puppy. You see what you have done? Anyways, these legends help out TNA alot. For example:

"Hey man, let's watch TNA tonight."

"TNA, what's that?"

"Oh, it's just a wrestling program with the likes of Amazing Red, Daniels, and AJ Styles!"

"What is this, some kind of prank? Who in the blue hell is Daniels? Can he not afford a first name? To Balderdash with you! Youz be hella trippin!"

Now, with these legends, this is what that conversation sounds like.

"Hey man, let's watch TNA tonight."

"What that be?"

"Oh it's just a wrestling program with RVD, Sting, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, Mr. Kennedy, Mick Foley, Eric Bischoff, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, and Jeff Hardy. Plus AJ Styles who's being mentored by Ric Flair. And this fly-ass X-Division, which are like WWE cruiserweights x100."

"I think I'm going to need some napkins."

So unless you have a way to rival WWE and the starpower they have over there, I'm going to stick with the greedy fat legends who brought TNA to the big leagues.
Well, if you guys are talking about The Warrior or Superstar Billy Graham, then yea, fuck those really awesome dudes.

But I didn't know RVD was a legend yet? When did this happen? I mean, he has had some great matches in his career, but he was never a Triple H, or even a Chris Jericho.

Now, when you say Greedy, do you mean smart? I mean, Hulk Hogan wasn't going to sign a contract with a rival company, unless he got the cash to work with him. I mean, if you a big draw, your going to need cash.

If your thinking about Steiner, and Booker T, well they aren't fat, but they are washed up.

But, if your good at something, and make good money at it, then do it. Why on earth wouldn't you do it. If could do something that, you could do for 50 years, and make some good cash at it, then do it. Brett Farve is playing good football, and he doesn't want to stop.
I don't recall Steiner asking for money. And even if he did, he worked his ass off during this last year in TNA. Sting has done the same since he set foot there.

TNA needs credibility. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Abyss can't be seen as credible rivals to John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H if they just have themselves. You need people who have that kind of rub. Imagine how people would look at Abyss if at some point down the line he destroy's Jeff Hardy. One of the very, VERY few to go clean over Triple H. It stapled CM Punk to the main event, imagine what it can do to TNA. TNA needs these people right now and now more than ever. If they want to establish themselves as WWE's rival's they need to be seen as close equals. The only way to do that is to have them surrounded by big names.

Take Eric Young. He's feuding with the remnants of the NWO. He's never been held as such a high regard as being Kevin Nash's equal. Now he is. Abyss. He's with Hogan. Before that he was a teddy bear with a mask. Now he's Hulk Hogan's "Teddybear of Terror". AJ Styles. The average joe he was last year. Now he's a stuck up asshole who has every thing I dream of thanks to the 16 time World Champ, Ric Flair. Who claims AJ's the best in the world.

You can't claim to be big if big people don't acknowledge you.
I didn't know where to put this and since it more a problem in TNA then in THe WWE i decided i would fit more here. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing Big name Wrestlers like Sting, RVD and others signing big money contract for almost not work.

Umm... don't know what you're really trying to say here, but the way that this company is going to make money is name recognition. And RVD's pop was the biggest pop ever heard in the iMPACT Zone.

Take the latest exemple of a big money contract signee, RVD. What has he done lately to deserve getting an exemption from house shows.

How about busting his ass for little to sometimes NO money in ECW for the life of that company? The man was the ECW TV Champion for nearly a year and a half and took not ONE day off until he broke his ankle. SO if he says, 'I need to take some house shows off.' Then so be it.
I'm sure that he would be a big attraction for house shows and would bring in more money for TNA.

House shows don't really bring in that much revenue.

But no, he rather show up for T.V. tapings and PPV and then go home and relax will all the others wrestlers who don'T get big money work their a$$ off at house shows to make TNA look like a bigger company.

Umm... less is more. Ever heard of that term? Because it applies with guys like Sting, RVD, Hogan, Flair, etc. Just because they don't go to house shows doesn't mean they're not worth having. They work the PPV's and work the TV shows, which are FAR more important for revenue.

Probably one argument i might hear is that Undertaker and HBK does the same thing that all theses bug name guys in TNA does.


To that i say sure, but when Vince Ask them to show up to a house shows as a special attraction, they show up at the house.

Vince typically doesn't do that, but that's what you're supposed to do when you work for a company. Going to one house show every two or three months isn't as bad as it seems.

If Dixie Ask Sting or RVD or any of these other big contract guys to show up at a house show, they probably would laugh in her face and said that it isn't part of the contract they sign.

Because you've seen them in real life right? I'm sure if needed, RVD and Sting would be at a certain house show closer to their hometown or if needed. Basically it's the guys saying, 'If I don't have to go, I won't.' It's not a deal breaker.

Sure they most of them deserve those big money contract but in the end, it'S the fans that are paying their salaries and the fans wants to see the same guys that are highlighted on t.v and it dissapointing when you watch TNA on t.v and see guys like Sting and RVD and then you buy a ticket to a TNA house show and you get Black machismo and Daniels.

Yea because they suck right? Look, the notion that the fans pay their salaries is bullshit. Their salaries come from a corporation called Panda Energy. TNA's revenue goes toward funding things needed for their program to get even more mainstream and to pay the costs of running shows. NOT the salaries of TNA's employees. So the notion of the fans paying their salaries needs to be squashed.

Just saying that TNA is quickly becoming a retirement home for those greedy legends that pretty much do nothing to help the company grow and the only thing grwoing is their bank accounts.

You need spell check like crazy, dude. This is why 'smarks' are making wrestling nearly unenjoyable for fans who just want to watch the product. House shows are so irrelevant most of the time, you're lucky to get ONE main eventer in such a small company as TNA. The WWE can have guys like Cena, Orton, HHH, and others go to those shows because the good outweighs the bad. Many wrestlers get hurt on house shows. Melina was lost on a house show. SO was Edge. So why risk RVD, Sting, or anyone of the 'greedy legends' getting hurt when there's no need for it? I'm trying to stay a little nice due to me being a moderator and setting an example, but you pretty much need to find your fan card somewhere...because you sound like a total douche.
Firstly, Psycho, your post reads like english was a second language taught to you by someone with only a passing familiarality with our language.

but i think i get the general point.

Secondly, what makes you think RVD is not going to work house shows? His contract was reported to be for 100 shows over twelve months. Considering there are, including PPV, only 64 televised shows in that same period, that would seem to leave 36 dates.

You think they are planning to have him wrestle 36 shows for vince? or ROH?

As for the other flaws in your argument, it looks like others have addressed them.
Yeah I kinda got into this thread late I mean all I can say is that RVD's credibility and wear on his body is due to his time in ECW. And the house shows are probably better off without the legends because it gives time for TNA to build up interest in its home grown talent then you mix in some legends on TV and you actually have an interesting mixture going on which could be a great PR strategy for TNA.
First, I will say that you need to work on your typing. But nontheless..

But you know what? I'm with you on this. I've lost a lot respect for guys like RVD and Booker T who think they can have what they want in a silver platter. It disgusts me....you know?

It's like just because they're a name, it entitles them to demand this and demand that and for what? What has Booker T ever done for TNA? What is RVD going to do for TNA? Those guys have no passion. All they want is the money, credibility, and respect. And on top of that, you got RVD looking down on guys like Daniels? That's low-brow right there :disappointed:

Sting though, is an exception. At least he's helped TNA when it comes to going mainstream. I'll give Sting credit for that...so nobody can say anything about that. He did his time so he earned his contract for his age and contributions IMO.
To tell you the truth, it is not booker t's fault that he did not do anything for tna. They put him in the mem and was just giving him a paycheck. He wanted to do more for the company but tna did not use him and run with it. The same is going to happen to Jeff Hardy and RVD. Watch you will see. When wrestlers become unhappy don't blame them.
Ok, let's be honest here. Hogan, Flair, Nash fit this post like a glove. RVD earned a light schedule as did Mick Foley because here are 2 guys that put their bodies on the line every night they hit an ECW ring and Mick was doing before he went to ECW. As for Sting, I can't buy that he's greedy because let's be honest Vince would probably double Sting's TNA contract five times over just so he could bury him the way he did Goldberg. Sting is the only big name from WCW that has never stepped foot in the WWE and Vince would probably pay any amount to change that.
I'm sure if Dixie asked RVD to do some house shows he would out of courtesy. On the other hand I do agree that allot of these veterans are greedy and overbearing I mean if a small company like TNA is willing to bring them in at their asking price the least they can do is do house shows sheesh do something to help the company grow.
These veteran guys have put there bodies through anguish for many years and deserve the money they didn't get when they were young. As for not working House shows and such, their bodies need more time to heal, and they cant be expected to work every show because of there age, it's not like ever pro athlete has the longevity of Brett Favre or Cal Ripken Jr. . If the young stars stick with it and help build companies up like Sting and RvD have, then they too will one day recieve the big payday.
I think this takes the cake for the least thought out and worst written thread I have EVER seen, but I have to comment on it.

First of all, I am not sure how you know that RVD and Sting would laugh at Dixie. Have you seen this happen? Heard that it happened?? I think not. And how do you know if these guys are or are NOT overpaid? Have you seen the payroll? I doubt it. Assumptions are stupid, and make you look even dumber.

TNA isn't a retirement home. Which older guys have come in recently to take the spotlight away? Jeff Hardy? RVD? They are relatively young, exciting, big name guys who SELL TICKETS!! Sting has been there for a while now, same thing with Foley and Nash, who barely wrestle as it is. Hogan and Flair? They wrestled ONE NIGHT! The Nasty boys??....OK, they should have never been there, but hardly anything to REALLY complain about.

If TNA is comfortable paying guys to just do TV/PPV, why do you care? Are they using tax dollars to fund their shows? No, they are not. If you don't like the quality of house shows, DON'T GO! If I weren't impressed by the lineup, I just wouldn't buy a ticket. And if people stop buying tickets, TNA will quickly add bigger name guys to house shows.

And as for TNA paying these greedy Legends that do nothing for the company, you must not be watching TNA very much. They are paying Sting, a HUGE name in wrestling. RVD, not a huge name, but a big name that generates interest. Jeff Hardy was the SECOND BIGGEST FACE in the WWE last year, so saying he doesn't generate buys or whatever is just stupid. Anderson is a good wrestler, and will help in the future.

You really need to take a look at what you wrote. Your thread is almost as scatter-brained as TNA's booking.
To tell you the truth, it is not booker t's fault that he did not do anything for tna. They put him in the mem and was just giving him a paycheck. He wanted to do more for the company but tna did not use him and run with it. The same is going to happen to Jeff Hardy and RVD. Watch you will see. When wrestlers become unhappy don't blame them.

To some degree, I can agree with you because TNA doesn't always utilize talent right but at the same time, Booker T was never trying to "do more" for TNA. In his own words, he said he always had the creative team do their jobs to give him something to work with...so that means he was one of those guys would wouldn't put any input into the direction of his character or anything. He wasn't trying anything. He was pretty lazy in the ring, and obviously went back to that King Booker-like gimmick because there was nothing him or the creative team could come up with.

All he cared about was the schedule and the pay. I can't tell you about how big his contract was but you would know it had to be hefty. And I'll tell you this, if the WWE had a schedule like TNA's, I bet you Booker T and RVD would have never gone to TNA in the beginning.
by the way, hogan was offered a contract by wwe right before he decided to sign with tna. and wwe also wanted hardy and rvd to join them again at some point. they wanted kurt angle to stay with them when he left for tna. and they've constantly been trying to sign sting ever since they bought wcw. i'm pretty sure they all chose to take LESS money by working for tna rather than vince.

not to mention wwe wasted d'angelo diniro, and they let mr anderson go for some bullshit reason. if you wanna criticize something.. ask why wwe let both of them go, 'cause they've got more potential than any young guys i see in wwe right now.
Before I say anything, is it a rule on the internet that the second you see a few mispelled words in someone's post that you must be a jackass and proclaim "HUUR YOU CAN'T TYPE?" True, it's a little childish to see so many errors, but does it somehow invalidate his post based on grammar alone?

There is some truth in what the OP says though. It's just inane to suggest that RVD is among these "greedy legends," seeing, as Lariat said, he busted his ass in ECW for several years then was virtually buried by Vince until he got his break. TNA needs him much more than he needs TNA, so if he doesn't want to go to house shows for a legitimate reason (his health), then who's to say otherwise? Same for a Flair, Foley, or Sting. They earned it, leave 'em alone.

HOWEVER, say a Jeff Hardy decided not to want to do house shows, then that's a different story. He hasn't done a single thing to warrant a free pass regarding live events (in either WWE or TNA), so if he suddenly asked not to do house shows and Dixie allowed it, then your post, TC, would be accurate. As far to my knowledge, he hasn't. But you have a good point, though it's partially wrong. There are too many lazy ass workers who think because they've won a world championship that they deserve special treatment (Booker T).
First of all thanks, for reminding me of using a spell check, i normally do but i was in a hurry when i type this. Next, i've got to say that you guys brought some very valid points about this subject.

However, saying that RVD was never in it for the money or he deserve the free house show pass is ridiculous. If you look at RVD's career outside of his first run in ECW, he always was in it for the money and it well documented that the first time RVD left ECW that he was holding out on Paul Heyman for more money and only agreed to come back when Paul gave him the money. Personally, i agree that Sting did a lot for the company and deserve the money he's getting, but would it kill him to show up to at less one house show a year, like Kevin Nash or Kurt Angle does. Mick Foley while not in the best of shape does show up to some house shows why not Sting or RVD. For god sake even Jeff Hardy went on to sign a contract that included house shows and his body is way more ravage then RVD.

That's what i'm talking about, you got to set of guys in TNA, you got big name star like Sting and RVD who should show up at less once in a while for house shows but decide not to and then you got the other guys like Nash, Angle and Hardy who deserve a break from house shows but still decide to go on and show up to house shows once in a while.

That's why am saying that TNA as become a retirement home for old wrestlers because not all of these big name wrestler are doing what's right for TNA. Some of them are doing what's right for themselves and while i understand why Sting would do it, i don't get why RVD deserves this.
However, saying that RVD was never in it for the money or he deserve the free house show pass is ridiculous. If you look at RVD's career outside of his first run in ECW, he always was in it for the money and it well documented that the first time RVD left ECW that he was holding out on Paul Heyman for more money and only agreed to come back when Paul gave him the money. Personally, i agree that Sting did a lot for the company and deserve the money he's getting, but would it kill him to show up to at less one house show a year, like Kevin Nash or Kurt Angle does. Mick Foley while not in the best of shape does show up to some house shows why not Sting or RVD. For god sake even Jeff Hardy went on to sign a contract that included house shows and his body is way more ravage then RVD.

That's what i'm talking about, you got to set of guys in TNA, you got big name star like Sting and RVD who should show up at less once in a while for house shows but decide not to and then you got the other guys like Nash, Angle and Hardy who deserve a break from house shows but still decide to go on and show up to house shows once in a while.

That's why am saying that TNA as become a retirement home for old wrestlers because not all of these big name wrestler are doing what's right for TNA. Some of them are doing what's right for themselves and while i understand why Sting would do it, i don't get why RVD deserves this.

First of all, shut up about the money! Anyone who works for TNA obviously doen't care about money, especially guys who have worked for WWE previously like RVD, Jeff Hardy, Kurt angle and Booker T. You keep on stabbing at RVD. RVD has worked his ass of in ECW and WWE. RVD in no way is with TNA for money. Think about it, when RVD was leaving WWE in 07, he demanded to leave WWE, because he was gettin a heavy schedule and because his character was getting nowhere. Vince let him go and buried him. RVD then wrestled in small promotions 24/7, so he obviously over works. Signing with TNA was not a money decision, and like what the guys have said before me, the truth is TNA needs RVD more than RVD needs TNA, so the argument your saying is that guys like RVD don't attend house shows so they're greedy? The only guy I know who would fit that discription would be Booker T.

Sting and Foley, hell no, without them would be like WWE without guys like John Cena or Batista. RVD and Jeff Hardy work their asses off every night. Flair and Hogan are not greedy at all, they are helping TNA get to the top, regrdless of they're pay checks, which are probably much less than WWE's.

If anyone is greedy it's Bret Hart, why is he signed with WWE? WWE doesn't need him. But he signed with WWE for what? Real closure? Vince doesn't regret anything, WWE have hi because they know they can make money and Bret knows he will.
First of all, shut up about the money! Anyone who works for TNA obviously doesn't care about money, especially guys who have worked for WWE previously like RVD, Jeff Hardy, Kurt angle and Booker T. You keep on stabbing at RVD. RVD has worked his ass of in ECW and WWE. RVD in no way is with TNA for money. Think about it, when RVD was leaving WWE in 07, he demanded to leave WWE, because he was getting a heavy schedule and because his character was getting nowhere. Vince let him go and buried him. RVD then wrestled in small promotions 24/7, so he obviously over works. Signing with TNA was not a money decision, and like what the guys have said before me, the truth is TNA needs RVD more than RVD needs TNA, so the argument your saying is that guys like RVD don't attend house shows so they're greedy? The only guy I know who would fit that description would be Booker T.

Sting and Foley, hell no, without them would be like WWE without guys like John Cena or Batista. RVD and Jeff Hardy work their asses off every night. Flair and Hogan are not greedy at all, they are helping TNA get to the top, regardless of they're pay checks, which are probably much less than WWE's.

If anyone is greedy it's Bret Hart, why is he signed with WWE? WWE doesn't need him. But he signed with WWE for what? Real closure? Vince doesn't regret anything, WWE have hi because they know they can make money and Bret knows he will.

first of all, i see that you are angry so i'm guessing that i'm not going to have a level headed discussion about this with you and that you actually are a fan of this guys especially RVD.

But let's face facts here: what it or wasn'T RVD that said that if the price was right and if they gave him what he wanted which was a lighter schedule that he would come back to either company.

Is it true that both Hogan and Flair don't have that much money left because of their divorces and pretty much would have taken any offer from either company? Flair even said so that if WWE would had have something for him to do he would have drop everything and sign with them. Ric Flair is in TNA for the money because he needs the money to live and to paid all the debts he owes. Hogan needs the money because his ex-wife pretty clean him out of all his money he made during is career.

Has For Sting, the guy as been a big help to the company and i understand why he doesn'T want to do house show and a respect it because he earn it and he ready to drop everything to help to younger guys, but it would be fun that once in a while Sting's show up at a house show as a surprise attraction like Mick Foley and Kevin Nash does every once in a while.

But back to RVD, ever since he left the WWE, what as he done, he did a couple of local show near is home, came back to the WWE for a decent payday as a special attraction at last year's royal rumble and then what. What has he done during is career that made him so special that he deserve to be excepted from house shows. Hogan, i understand, Sting same thing. I don'T have to agree with them but i understand why, they are legends and they deserve a break but RVD is pretty much on the same level as Jeff Hardy, he's an acrobat that wind up in pro wrestling and probably when he retires permanently will be forgotten like so many other acrobat before him.

It's not that i hate RVD or any other big name guys in the business but if TNA is showcasing these big name star on a regular based on IMPACT and then somebody buys a ticket for a house shows expecting to see the same guys they see on t.v. every weeks and these guys don't show up, they disappoint the fans because they want to see theses guy live but they can't because they don'T want to do house show.

Has far as the Bret HArt comment you did, sure i do agree that it probably was about money even if Bret has said otherwise, but i still believe that Vince didn'T ask Bret to come back and that Bret went to Vince what he thought about him coming back, which his a big difference plus you know that Bret won'T be with WWE after Wrestlemania while these other guys in TNA will still be there, taking money from TNA for doing almost nothing.

On a side note: i'm just talking about the wrestlers that have big contracts with TNA and don'T do house shows and not guys like Jeff HArdy, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley and KEvin Nash who actually goes to house shows sometimes to help the company have big names guys on their house shows.
first of all, i see that you are angry so i'm guessing that i'm not going to have a level headed discussion about this with you and that you actually are a fan of this guys especially RVD.

But let's face facts here: what it or wasn'T RVD that said that if the price was right and if they gave him what he wanted which was a lighter schedule that he would come back to either company.

Is it true that both Hogan and Flair don't have that much money left because of their divorces and pretty much would have taken any offer from either company? Flair even said so that if WWE would had have something for him to do he would have drop everything and sign with them. Ric Flair is in TNA for the money because he needs the money to live and to paid all the debts he owes. Hogan needs the money because his ex-wife pretty clean him out of all his money he made during is career.

Has For Sting, the guy as been a big help to the company and i understand why he doesn'T want to do house show and a respect it because he earn it and he ready to drop everything to help to younger guys, but it would be fun that once in a while Sting's show up at a house show as a surprise attraction like Mick Foley and Kevin Nash does every once in a while.

But back to RVD, ever since he left the WWE, what as he done, he did a couple of local show near is home, came back to the WWE for a decent payday as a special attraction at last year's royal rumble and then what. What has he done during is career that made him so special that he deserve to be excepted from house shows. Hogan, i understand, Sting same thing. I don'T have to agree with them but i understand why, they are legends and they deserve a break but RVD is pretty much on the same level as Jeff Hardy, he's an acrobat that wind up in pro wrestling and probably when he retires permanently will be forgotten like so many other acrobat before him.

It's not that i hate RVD or any other big name guys in the business but if TNA is showcasing these big name star on a regular based on IMPACT and then somebody buys a ticket for a house shows expecting to see the same guys they see on t.v. every weeks and these guys don't show up, they disappoint the fans because they want to see theses guy live but they can't because they don'T want to do house show.

Has far as the Bret HArt comment you did, sure i do agree that it probably was about money even if Bret has said otherwise, but i still believe that Vince didn'T ask Bret to come back and that Bret went to Vince what he thought about him coming back, which his a big difference plus you know that Bret won'T be with WWE after Wrestlemania while these other guys in TNA will still be there, taking money from TNA for doing almost nothing.

On a side note: i'm just talking about the wrestlers that have big contracts with TNA and don'T do house shows and not guys like Jeff HArdy, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley and KEvin Nash who actually goes to house shows sometimes to help the company have big names guys on their house shows.

You said it yourself ever since RVD left the WWE what has he done. He doesn't need to wrestle to get a paycheck if he did he would of bit the bullet and returned to WWE years ago. If he can get a deal to not work house shows then more power to him. Supposedly Booker T wanted the same type of deal to go back to WWE. It's up to the company to say no we won't agree to these terms. It's not about making the fans happy at a house show it's about TNA wanting RVD to work for them so they accepted his terms. He has every right to request any stipulations he can dream of.
First of all thanks, for reminding me of using a spell check, i normally do but i was in a hurry when i type this. Next, i've got to say that you guys brought some very valid points about this subject.

Glad you agree with that.

However, saying that RVD was never in it for the money or he deserve the free house show pass is ridiculous.

Is it now?

If you look at RVD's career outside of his first run in ECW, he always was in it for the money and it well documented that the first time RVD left ECW that he was holding out on Paul Heyman for more money and only agreed to come back when Paul gave him the money.

Considering that most of the time, Heyman tried to pay RVD with BAD checks, I'd say I'd hold out for the money, too. You're spinning it like RVD was just wanting more money. He was just wanting money in general, as some of his checks didn't even get cashed because they were no good.

Personally, i agree that Sting did a lot for the company and deserve the money he's getting, but would it kill him to show up to at less one house show a year, like Kevin Nash or Kurt Angle does.

Who's to say that Sting won't show up. If he's healthy, I bet he'll make an appearance down the line. If all else fails, he'll sign autographs somewhere.

Mick Foley while not in the best of shape does show up to some house shows why not Sting or RVD. For god sake even Jeff Hardy went on to sign a contract that included house shows and his body is way more ravage then RVD.

Jeff Hardy is younger than RVD and is on more painkillers than RVD. Besides... RVD gets a pass on this because he's simply earned it. Hardy hasn't earned the trust of anyone, so appearing at house shows is a must for him.

That's what i'm talking about, you got to set of guys in TNA, you got big name star like Sting and RVD who should show up at less once in a while for house shows but decide not to and then you got the other guys like Nash, Angle and Hardy who deserve a break from house shows but still decide to go on and show up to house shows once in a while.

The differences in the 'greedy legends' and Angle and Hardy is that both of those guys are still the main focus on storylines and are also passionate about working a somewhat full schedule. That's why you see Angle and Hardy work some house shows. Sting and RVD have worked TONS of house shows in their lifetimes and if they need a free pass from a few of them, then so be it.

That's why am saying that TNA as become a retirement home for old wrestlers because not all of these big name wrestler are doing what's right for TNA. Some of them are doing what's right for themselves and while i understand why Sting would do it, i don't get why RVD deserves this.

Once again, because RVD's done a lot for TNA already and for wrestling. He's more over than nearly anyone on the roster after being on just one iMPACT. He busted his ass for a low rent company in ECW and as far as earning a pass, RVD has done that. If you're not a fan of his, that's fine. But to say that he should work more because he's greedy is just stupid and proves you know nothing about RVD's career in general.
A DEVASTATING blow for the TS' credibility!


Rob Van Dam is now advertised for the Apr. 22-23 TNA house show events. TNA president Dixie Carter noted on her Twitter page that he will be in Macon, Ga. on Apr. 22, and Albany, Ga. on Apr. 23. To read more tweets from Carter, visit Twitter.com/TNADixie. [Thanks to Devin Cutting of ProwrestlingEvents.tk.]

Powell's POV: I mentioned in the Dot Net Weekly audio show yesterday that Van Dam was expected to work select house show events, just as new signee Jeff Hardy will. Neither wrestler will be on all the house show events, but it's good to see TNA intends to feature their new stars on some non-televised shows.

So...basically you are dumb and had no idea what you are talking about. Rob Van Dam is working house shows, so is Jeff Hardy...and they're doing them not as special favors, but as part of their agreed upon contracts. I guess that makes them BETTER then those greedy bastards like the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels...

Even to your overarching point, you're just flat out wrong. These guys are draws, and older men. That means they're more easily injured. Why should they, or TNA for that matter, risk losing them on a relatively meaningless house show, taking them out of their big time storylines and more important TV shows and PPV's? If they wanted to work NO house shows, they would have every right to, and TNA would be smart to let them do this.
Well, to some degree I agree. However, TNA's roster is like a double edged sword and TNA is going to wind up getting cut with it no matter what happens.

On one edge, you've got guys like AJ Styles, Daniels, Kaz, Amazing Red, the Motor City Machine Guns, Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, Generation Me and some others. Now, there's some pretty talented wrestlers on that list, all of which have been involved in some pretty damn good matches. That's all well and good, but the problem is that they can't draw a dime when compared to the competition. Having all the wrestling ability in the world means diddly if you can't get people to watch you show off your wrestling talent. So there, you've got ability but no name recognition and no drawing power.

On the other edge, you've got a lot of legendary wrestlers that made their bones in WWE and/or WCW and you've got other wrestlers that are well known due to recent stints in the WWE. As far as the legends go, they still have their names. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash and Sting will always have their legacies to fall back on and having them connected with TNA does give TNA a certain degree of legitimacy that it wouldn't have without them. The downside is that these wrestlers are well over 50 and not nearly the physical specimens they once were in the ring. Watching them try to wrestle sometimes is almost painful in and of itself and is made even more so by them not realizing, at least for some of them, how pathetic they look. Then you have wrestlers like Anderson, Jeff Hardy and RVD that are younger than these legends but are still relevant and popular with fans due to their careers prior to TNA. The downside to them is that a lot of wrestlers that have been with TNA for years, some from the very beginning, are worried about being pushed aside and resent some of these newcomers for relying on their name while collecting much bigger paychecks.

TNA wants to be the #1 wrestling company in the world. Can't blame them as everbody does wanna be #1 at something from all walks of life and they're doing whatever they can think of to make it a reality. I do understand some of the frustrations some fans feel about these older wrestlers because, in some case, they don't seem to be worth nearly what TNA is paying them.
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