I'm Reading Twitter; Making Me Bitter (feat. Tweets from WWE Superstars)

Stating that you ''Wouldn't be caught dead'' in wwe merch, is redundant since you follow anyone on Twatter at all. Its about as trendy and obnoxious as skinny jeans, fro-hawks and sagging pants to show your boxers on purpose.

Twitter as a whole is just stupid. We as a society are SO obsessed with these people that we need more and more input to their everyday life? Its kinda sick when you really look at it.
Zack Ryder is kind of a douche. First of all, he doesnt even socialize with fans and when he does, he does it in the most snobby way possible. He only tweets to promote himself and there is nothing wrong with that, but its in the most annoying way.

Personally, its getting tiring so I unfollowed him.
You're missing the whole point of Twitter. Its designed to give you constant contact with people. Its supposed to be used frequently for self promotion, friends--whatever. Its different than a facebook, myspace etc. It's supposed to give fans access to their favorite superstar like never before. If all someone did was post where they were appearing next, new merchandise etc, then it wouldn't be any different that a facebook page or website run by their publicist or something. If you don't like it--don't use it.
Just for the record, my threats of violence are always genuine and to be taken entirely seriously. Lock your doors. That the English riots coincided with a rise in Zack Ryder t-shirt sales is no coincidence; I'll say that much. Mum's the word.

Just some more notes for random wrestling personalities, seeing as I seem to have grabbed you all by the hair of your balls:

Cena ain't half bad. I mean, his SPAG (spelling and grammer for those that have never had to look at a British assessment guide) ain't too hot and he peppers "CeNation" in there a bit too often, but he responds to fans and I'm a fan of his self-deprecating humour. If he posts about how he's going to increase his workrate, I'm going to lose my mind. It's also a helpful reminder that kayfabe isn't as dead as I might like it to be.

Barrett's a good one I forgot to mention. Then again, seeing as I only mentioned two, I suppose I forgot to mention most of them. Reading his tweets about football gives me a warm feeling that I thought I could only accomplish by reading Tastycles' and Lee's posts about football - I'm completely lost, but somehow I feel safer. I was just browsing his profile to try and figure out why I like him so much and I came across this gem:

@AssaadTaker I don't have Facebook you utter mong. Stop tweeting me or I will block you.

"Mong", just the right side of an offensive slur to not get you into sensitivity training. I ought to use it more, honestly.

Jim Ross' Twitter is like if Zack Ryder sold BBQ Sauce instead of horrible t-shirts. There's some good stuff from time to time, though, so I stick around.

As a quick note, I know this thread is inane and, heck, even a tad assinine, but I'd wager it has more meaning than that "Shane McMahon should come back" thread you were about to make. Which gives me a great idea...
Ah yes, wrestlers on Twitter. I'm not too big on Zack Ryder's tweets, but I follow him because I support the cause. That's right, the cause. I want to see him be as successful as possible.

I'm British, so the British wrestlers are obviously the best. Wade Barrett plays the tongue-in-cheek heel perfectly. He also has good spelling and grammar. If you have good spelling and grammar, I will like you. William Regal seems obsessed with Cannon & Ball. But that's OK. He reminds of the bygone World Of Sport/Blackpool Tower/wrestling in Working Men's Clubs era.

CM Punk is good. He's funny and also has good grammar. Like others have said, he isn't an incredibly frequent tweeter. AJ Lee has the same qualities as Punk on Twitter. Even though she tweets about video games and comic books (things which I have no interest in), I still find myself enjoying what she says.

Oh, I just love it when people speak truth. He's a tool. Deal with it. You don't get over in the business by ****ing yourself the way Ryder does. You do it by showing you mean something. Just yelling out "Buy my shirt, watch my show, Woo Woo Woo, love me" isn't gonna get anyone to see why you should even be on TV. Hell, it works against it. No need to put you on TV if you're already pushing for sales, right? But you can't expect those kind of people to rely on logic. Attention ****es don't work that way.

That's funny, because he is getting over. He's making his t-shirt sell-out. He's getting himself on TV. He's getting noticed and he's getting over. You may not like him, but the fact is Zack Ryder has built a pretty big fanbase from nothing but his personality and ingenuity.

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