I'm Leaving The Staff

You should've made me admin all those months ago, Luther. How different everything could have turned out. Now who's going to be the next British admin - Becca!? God help us all.


It's a fear I have too. Maybe they'll make Lee G-Mod in my stead.

I currently racking my brains, wondering if there's any titles of threads that need changing. The revolving title of my chattin' thread will be no more. A sad day indeed.

I'll change it when I get bored.
I'd say about 17 months. I think I was asked why I left the staff and I said because everybody has a time limit and mine was up. I think I then added some more names to that list.
I'd say the Irishmans time as admin runs out in the Summer. Twoyears is long enough, it's not a job it's more like a game, stop hogging it I say.
The American, my bad.

I've just finished reading Forrest Griffin's Got Fight book. To paraphrase, ''I suppose I have.......to thank for making being Irish cool''. Being Irish isn't cool and you're American, cunt.
Isn't The Departed full of Americans? And the Irish in In Bruge only come across as being cool because they mock Americans. I'm not saying anything more.
So you were born in Ireland or were your parents Irish?
So you were born in Ireland or were your parents Irish?

Grandparents on both sides came over from Ireland, mother's side of the family is from Kinsale, father's side of the family is from Cork. The O'Noonan's and O'Rineharts.
I'll let you off then.

I've spoken to Americans in the past who have an Irish heritage because their parents went their on honeymoon or they drink green beer on the 17th.
I'll let you off then.

I've spoken to Americans in the past who have an Irish heritage because their parents went their on honeymoon or they drink green beer on the 17th.

Yes I know, we Americans like to always identify ourselves with other nationalities and cultures, it's kind of our thing. My family really does almost exclusively hail from Ireland though, with a small pocket of my family being Swedish and German as well.

Wednesday should be a good day, do you plan on celebrating Lee?
My grandparents were German but you don't see me... say, what were the Germans up to between 1939 and 1945? Seems like the sort of period I should adopt some customs from.
My grandparents were German but you don't see me... say, what were the Germans up to between 1939 and 1945? Seems like the sort of period I should adopt some customs from.

Sam's first few days back as a regular poster and he's already trying to get banned. How sweet.
Being Irish is nothing to celebrate

Well sure, because you live there 24/7/365. I'd imagine that would make any place seem shit, I know from experience living in what's considered a hot vacation town in the summer.

I'm building up to posting memes featuring piles of dead children. Give me time.

We can't all be as blunt and macabre as myself Samuel. Give it time, you'll get there.

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