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I'm bored, let's talk or speculate on Raw storylines


Big Boot, Leg Drop, 1....2....3
I'm on my break at work and don't have much to do right now. I want to have a good conversation but people who work in corporate America seem to not watch too much wrestling so I can't talk with them :disappointed:. I was thinking....

1) A way to further MVP's push without him going into the Main Event scene just yet is to turn Mark Henry heel, and have them feud for a while. This will further solidify MVP's status as a credible opponent after 2 out of 3 wins over the WSM. He can also get a new finisher along the way.

2) I can't believe I'm saying this, but the repetitiveness of Chavo jobbing is funny now. They are getting more and more creative with it, and not just using Hornswaggle anymore.

3) When DiBiase eventually turns face, I'm assuming his first feud will be against Cody who has Orton in his corner. Does anyone see Rhodes turning face along with him?
What I'm interested in seeing is what's going to happen with RAW after the Cena/Orton HIAC. I mean, if Cena wins, who's next in line? Those two have been feuding on and off for the better part of three years now, and if a HIAC match isn't the end all be all of this feud, I don't know what will be. Of course, they could have Orton win the title back, but again, I don't see that happening so soon after Cena winning it. Who's the next top heel behind Orton? DiBiase? Rhodes? Who hasn't Cena beaten? RAW is so stale right now, it's a wonder I even went to the event in Calgary, yet it's the only show besides Superstars I don't follow on TV.
You be on to something about Rhodes. It makes sense that when DiBiase turns face, that Rhodes should also turn. Think about it: why did Legacy defeat DX at Breaking Point? To make Legacy seem like a serious team. Why would they break them up when they are just starting to gain momentum? Also, if DiBiase goes solo, that means Legacy would be a two-man group, unless another member is added. Finally, you have to ask: how many tag teams are left. Teams either get seperated by the draft (Jesse & Festus) or one member turns on another. (Carlito & Primo) If Legacy is seperated, that is one less tag team in WWE. If they are trying to rebuild the tag team division, it would make sense to keep Legacy together. So yes, I think that when DiBiase turns face in 2 months, that Rhodes should turn as well.
What's going on with Chavo getting owned by Hornswoggle every week? He's a Guerrero for fuck sake! Surely that means he's better than constantly getting his ass handed to him by a midget?
I'll address #1.
I was thinking last night about the possibilities of where MVP and Henry could go if they weren't feuding with Jericho and Show. It has long been rumored that the WWE wants to reinvent the NOD stable. What if MVP and Henry were to start that rebirth? I don't see a split with them for a while (not just because of the matching attire.) The crowd is getting into them as a tag team, and unless this goes ala Miz & Mo, the two could be together for years to come. Mark is the last surviving member of the NOD I am most familiar with, so he could get on the kick that he and MVP have been looked over in the WWE and have decided to take matters into their own hands. Thus starting their own crew.
With the PG Era upon us, the child in us will be conflicted with our own adult mind, and we will question whether we should cheer or boo this group who is so unlike the clearly face Cena and the blatantly heel Orton. Let the Race Instigator, Al Sharpton, set this ball into motion. Have their stable consist of a newly face Shelton Benjamin (moved to RAW) and a tweener R-Truth (moved to RAW.) With a mix of heel tactics and a face reaction, this Malcom X inspired group could go on a calculated rampage.
I would agree with a Mark Henry heel turn, but he is the most interesting I have seen him in a long while. As a heel, he seems to me like nothing more than an oversized jobber. He had no more charisma beyond, "I'm big, so I'll beat you up. ARRRRGGGHHH"! With MVP and as a face, he at least gets my attention. I think him taking the RKO and the pin last night helped to nudge him in that right direction. He decimated a suprised Orton on his RAW debut night and garnered a proper reaction from the crowd. Now, Orton gains a little bit of revenge. Mark is validated by Orton seeing them now as even. Would a main eventer care if a nobody pinned them? (Triple H/Shelton Benjamin 2004.) Similarly, when MVP interrupted Orton a few months back, MVP was validated by Orton's reaction. With this new group, the WWE would use an Attitude Era creation to perpetuate the PG Era, satiating all parties.
I just want to LOL @ everyone who thought just because Chavo said he was done with Horneswoggle that the WWE was actually done this story line.

I had a slight hope that it was over and Chavo would start a real feud with Evan Bourne, but I guess that is not going to happen.

And does anyone know who the black wrestler under the mask was. I couldn't figure it out
What's going on with Chavo getting owned by Hornswoggle every week? He's a Guerrero for fuck sake! Surely that means he's better than constantly getting his ass handed to him by a midget?

Just because someone is a guerrero doesnt mean they are any good. Chavo sucks. That's why he jobs to midgets, guest hosts, who ever it may be. He's terrible.
I just want to LOL @ everyone who thought just because Chavo said he was done with Horneswoggle that the WWE was actually done this story line.

I had a slight hope that it was over and Chavo would start a real feud with Evan Bourne, but I guess that is not going to happen.

And does anyone know who the black wrestler under the mask was. I couldn't figure it out

i think that the masked guy was mark henry but that is just my guess because he looked like mark and he lifted chavo over his head. They should have unmasked him at the end. i would rather have seen cedric actualy fight. then they have hornswaggle as guest ref and santino as outside enforcer and make a rule that chavo cant do anything what so ever to hurt cedric. basicaly make it so chavo cant win. and before they should have had a scene will cedric being trained by someone like ric flair or hulk hogan. but those are just my ideas.
Pretty sure the masked guy wasnt Henry. The guy looked alot slimmer than Mark and was alot worse in the ring than Mark. I think it was probably someone from developmental or possibly it might have been Tony Atlas.. Eitherway would would explain him not unmasking since we wouldnt no who he was anyway or if it was Atlas he plays a heel charachter.
I'm scared that Evan Bourne will be a flashy, talented jobber. He keeps putting guys over without getting a shot to impress the fans. I'm going to say this...I'm sure it'll grab some heat...But Evan Bourne is more entertaining and fun to watch than John Morrison and look at his push. I think they are destroying his credibilty buy losing to the Miz and only putting him over in Hornswoggle skits.
Just because someone is a guerrero doesnt mean they are any good. Chavo sucks. That's why he jobs to midgets, guest hosts, who ever it may be. He's terrible.

Seriously shut up. You apparently have never actually seen Chavo really work. He's one of the best talents in WWE and the reason he jobs is because they ask him to and he gets paid to be a comedy jobber. He isn't putting himself through anything that can damage his body, which will lengthen his career and life. He's getting paid.

And remember something, just because someone is good in WWE doesn't mean they will get a push or won't get jobbed out. Examples of this are Chavo, Jamie Noble, Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang... and on the other side, Mark Henry, Big Show and yes John "I did a belly to belly so I have 6 moves now" Cena
This is what I would like to see. Would it happen? No.

Have Cena join DX, you know give it a new face. They run with it for a little and then Michaels and HHH stab Cena in the back costing him a title match. Then at the same time HHH stabs Michaels in the back. HHH is on his own and wins the Championship for like the 100th time.

Cody, Teddie, Orton get Big Show and Jericho to join Legacy. Cody and Teddie both win a title, IC and U.S. Orton gets the Championship back and Legacy is running Raw and Smackdown. Cody, Teddie, Show, and Jericho turn on Orton saying he's nothing and a waste of time. BOOM Orton is kicked out of Legacy and becomes a Face.

Evan Bourne somehow brings back the Hardcore Championship and destroys everyone. WWE puts him in a King of the Mountain match. (You know how WCW had the three cages on top of each other? Yeah that match) Bourne faces MVP or Matt Hardy or Hornswaggle.

Shane O'Mac starts his own stable and later claims the Heavyweight title with Edge and Christian being the ringleaders.

Once again this is not going to happen but damn it I can dream.
I surprisingly like henry and mvp as a team i mean before they were just being sparingly used atleast they serve as some kind of purpose as a tag team and i think if you want to rebuild the tag division they are a decent enough team to keep around but with that being said i dont want them to take the belts off jerishow i think legacy needs to do that to further the push. Now speaking of Legacy i was very disapointed in them getting all the camera time and not doing anything with it but damn they have been impressive lately. I dont expect them to win in hiac which is a shame but futures look bright.
If DiBiase turns, Rhodes will surely have to and then defeat Orton and build their "Legacy" to becoming tag team champions once again.
I think the DX run is gonna be short. If they lose at Hell In A Cell, I think you could see Triple H turn on HBK. It could be the start of a lengthy program culminating at Wrestle Mania. DREAM MATCH!

There needs to be a new face in the WWE Title hunt and I think it could be MVP. If Mark Henry were to get "hurt" it would leave MVP flying solo. This would let him move on without having a crappy fued with Henry. Give MVP a championship match at the Royal Rumble, he doesn't need to win but does need to look good in order to stay in the main event picture.

With the Marine 2 coming out Ted is most likely going to turn face, I think Cody could follow him and could lead up to a fued between Legacy & Orton. I think it could culminate at WM with Ted vs. Randy. It could help elevate Ted to the Main Event scene.

I think after the PPV, the tag titles will go to SD for competition. Some good teams over there (Hart Dynasty & Cryme Tyme) and ECW has Jackson & Vlad.

What is left for John Cena? Who could he have a program with that hasn't been done? I really think the only option is to push someone new. The WWE hasn't done much of that lately, but I think they are going to have to.
I don't think MVP has been able to prove anything on Raw to really get him over as a main event or even strong upper card superstar. I don't know if it is necessarily because of in-ring talent or the fact that WWE has hot potatoed him from 3 week storyline to storyline. I really don't know what they are going to do with him and Mark Henry. The NOD storyline could be done. The problems are the PG rating which I don't know if the race thing works under that or what (like Ron Simmons calling Ahmed Johnson "Uncle Tom"), and it's been a long time since the Nation was around. It is a thought though. It's better than the half-assed work WWE's done with tag teams in the last few years.

As for Cody and Ted, I don't know if they will turn Ted and Cody or just Ted for now. I don't think they will be booked to beat DX at Hell in a Cell. I think their turn will be gradual, like Batista's decision to leave Evolution. The WWE has given some moments of tension between the members of Legacy. I think Survivor Series might be the beginning of serious tensions inside Legacy.

And the WWE Title picture is screwed up. After Cena beats Orton, where does this leave Cena? Who is going to step up as a contender to his title? Jericho and Big Show are in a tag team. Swagger, Miz, and other heels have NOT been established to be potential opponents for Superman. The only guess I have is that if Cena wins, at Bragging Rights, fans will have a choice between Orton, DiBiase, and Rhodes to face Cena. If Orton somehow gets booked to beat Superman at HIAC, I think the title picture becomes not only more interesting but provides the most drama. There could be competition within the brand to get one of the three voting spots on the PPV. This could be the beginning of the first signs of breakup for either DX and/or Legacy.
What's going on with Chavo getting owned by Hornswoggle every week? He's a Guerrero for fuck sake! Surely that means he's better than constantly getting his ass handed to him by a midget?

absolutly... wwe is constantly jobbin this man since vikki left WHY????? sure its fun for the kids but its killin the Guerrero name... at least piut him in the us title hunt to save face... do admit that was creative wat the did with cedric but other then that drop the little basterd act

ORTON IS THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright, I want to address the MVP/Henry tandem. I don't see Henry being turned heel, especially since he just turned face and has gotten a pretty good reaction out of it. I would rather look at it the other way. If they do not stay a team for the long term, or become the next NOD as was mentioned above, then I would like to see MVP turn on Henry and be a heel. MVP has been a face for what, 9-10 months now. I don't really think he has done much in this role. Sure, he was the US champion for a short while, but besides that he hasn't done much else. I for one also do not like a face MVP. He has lost that cocky, arrogant attitude that made me like him when he first came into the wwe. He needs to get his swagger back. I think turning MVP heel also would help fix the other problem people have mentioned, that being what will happen after HIAC. If(when) Cena retains the title, who will he go up against next? There is no next heel on the horizon for Cena to face. I think MVP is on the cusp of the main event scene, and he is definitely the next closest on tap besides Orton, Micheals, HHH, and Show (but no one wants to see Cena/Show again!!). After HIAC is the interactive ppv, if that is what it still is, so its very likely the fans will get to choose who Cena faces next, so more than likely it will be HHH or HBK if they are in the vote. Then that means the next ppv after that is survivor series. This would give the wwe about 2 months to build MVP into a credible heel. He could turn heel after (or at) the HIAC. Have some sort of specialty match against Henry and win that at Bragging Rights, and then face Cena at Survivor Series. More than likely, the rest of the top stars will be in trady survivor series matches, so it makes the most sense.
I gotta be honest. I agree with Mark Henry not turning heel, but I have to say that I would much rather MVP stay face than turn heel anytime soon. It would have been cool to see an NOD return to WWE with Henry, MVP, Cryme Tyme, and maybe even Teddy Long as their manager. I don't think MVP has done much because they really don't seem to want to push him more. I think that he's proved now that he's at least deserving of a title shot. I mean come on, The Great Khali has been champion?!?! WTF! Healyz84, you do make a good point though. They are starting to run out of heels for Cena to face. A feud between Cena and a heel MVP would be kinda interesting. It would definitely be something fresh and new. I gotta be honest, I want HBK to be champ again but I'm kinda tired of seeing HHH and HBK being champ. Isn't it about time they start coming up with some new feuds. Isn't that what "shaking things up in the WWE" is all about?
MVP hasn't really has a chance to prove himself yet, but hopefully he'll get his chance and at least get a WWE title shot and I also want to see Cena vs Sawgger 2 because that was a damn good match.
I like the idea of the Dibiase face turn. An idea to throw into the mix is the much needed, long awaited Cena heel turn. Just imagine, on the Raw after HiaC, Cena comes out (still as Champion) and says he repects how much of a fight Orton put up both at Breaking Point and HiaC. He then says that Orton can't have another match as he's already used his rematch clause. He goes on to explain that he has arrange with the guest host for a number 1 contenders triple threat match for the main event between Orton, Dibiase and Rhodes. This keeps the fans on his side for the time being.
During the triple threat match, Dibiase dominates a good portion of the match over Orton whilst Rhodes is kept at bay. Rhodes then enters the ring with a chair and takes out Dibiase and he and Orton continue to beat down Dibiase. Cena suddenly runs down to the ring (or joins from commentary) to seemingly even the sides but then attacks Ted aswell. DX then join the fight and clear the ring of all but Dibiase and it leaves us with the set up of Cena & Orton vs DX and Rhodes vs Dibiase.
I also agree with building up MVP up over the next couple of months, possibly with a new NOD, to face a now heel Cena at Rumble. Again, he doesn't have to win just remember how good WWE and Orton made Hardy look at last years Rumble. Have MVP look strong in the match at Rumble and in the elimination chamber at No Way Out, then either he or Morrison win MitB.
how about abe as the manager for NoD? i dont mind the man at all, and wasnt atlas in nod aswell? how about them as the manager/enforcer. and also the masked guy might've been big zeke. another possible NoD man
I wouldn't mind a DiBiase face turn. He's over real good as a heel right now. I kinda agree with TheLyon on a few things. The very last thing on RAW tonight should be the three way between Orton, DiBiase, and Rhodes for the #1 contender's spot. I agree with the turn of Cena becoming a heel, and siding with Orton. That could set up a few things. DX vs. Orton/Cena, MVP could be thrown into the mix and pair him up with DiBiase and have the two of them fight Orton/Cena. They could at some point start a fatal four way storyline between Orton, Cena (as a heel), MVP, and DiBiase (as a face). I think it's time WWE starts to put more faith into some more people as future main eventers.
A DiBiase face turn is inevitable, but they have to build is slooooowly over time.

As for the rest of Raw and all that good stuff, here's my take.

- Honestly, I think they will shock a lot of smart marks out there and have Orton defeat Cena clean in this iron man match at the next PPV. Smackdown is struggling for ratings on a very bad network... they have to market the product and produce ratings, and moving Cena to Smackdown could do that. In return, I could see Show/Jericho becoming Raw-exclusive. Whether that involves the tag titles or not doesn't matter, but with that, then right there you have two more top-tier heels on Raw, and a horde of mid-card babyfaces ripe for a push (MVP, Kofi, etc...). I could see a stipulation on the main event Raw v. Smackdown main event at Bragging Rights as being the catalyst for all this.

In more of the long term, the inevitable DX breakup is coming, but I wouldn't go as far to say it's certain that HHH would turn on HBK, because it'd be far more interesting to see HBK become the heel. Nobody would expect that, but since Shawn is in the twilight of his career I doubt they'd turn him. If/when they do the DX breakup, again they'd have to plant some seeds early and stall it out. I'd like to see them do it at a PPV, where somebody mysteriously takes out HBK hard (like he gets hit by a truck or something), then he's off TV for at least 2 months. While this is going on, HHH plays the normal face role feuding with Rhodes or whomever... HBK comes back at the Royal Rumble with the knowledge that it was HHH all along, and sets up the perfect WrestleMania sendoff for Shawn Michaels, going up against HHH.
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