I'm back (kind of).

I Suck Ass

I survived the Rapture
So after a few days of not being able to get on at school, I finally got on. I should be on every other day, maybe every day, but at least once a week until I'm ungrounded. I just hope that I can come back to fantasy wrestling. Should have mentioned that. :banghead:
Yeah? Well... I'm front. Sorta.... No, no. I'm sure of it.

Oh, who am I kiddng, I don't give a flying shit. Just post. We don't need a formal reminder every time you get cut off.
I got grounded for getting into a big fist-fight with my brothers. And I probably should have found the other thread. :banghead:
what you should've done was get in a fist-fight with your parents when they said no computer.
Don't listen to those guys, Noah.

You have posting privileges just like the rest of them. Create as many threads as you like about it.
Who gives a damn? You were gone for a day. Do you want me to make a farewell thread whenever I go to take a shit, or to sleep?
^^^Ewww, poor guy is trust trying to explain to us his struggles with his parents...gotta admire that since he's such at a young age manning up on a forum where most of us are in our 20s or 30s


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