I'm A Mark Henry Fan


Pre-Show Stalwart
Go ahead IWC bash me!

Mark Henry is finally being used as the beast that he is!


Smelling the fear on Orton!


this man is a legit beast, i know IWC he's not a 5'10 Daniel Bryan wannabe, I appreciate big man wrestling, and Mark Henry has improved alot IMO!

I hope he wins the WHC, He's a believable champion, LOOK AT HIM!
He deserved this kind of a push 8-9 years ago. If you go back a year he was pretty much a jobber. I can't be made to believe him as a World champion. I remember reading that this is just a phase he goes through every 5 years or so. Remember in 2005/2006 when he injured Batista and made him the same monster he is now? That was the time when WWE should have made him champion. They shouldn't have stopped his push.

I don't even know how he went back to being 'just another wrestler' he even faced Undertaker at Mania 22, and I read somewhere they might make him go up against him once more which will be a waste.
You can add me to the list. Mark Henry will never be a technical marvel, but he knows how to use his size, strength, and frame to tell a story in the ring. He doesn't have the ability to perform eye popping highspots, but has a solid arsenal of impact moves. I also like the newer wrinkles added to his character of these past few months. Henry has played the "beast" role perfectly. He comes across as arguably the most believable character on television right now. His push has been nothing short of brilliant, and I applaud both creative and Henry for some very good television.

The biggest and most important factor in this push must be the culmination however. If Henry gets pinned by Orton (who I predict will beat Christian in the cage on Smackdown), all this time and effort will be for naught. I think Henry could be the monster heel WWE has been looking for, as no one has really filled that void in quite some time. He isn't over the top evil, just an anger, powerful man hurting people because he can and enjoys it. More or less a man who feels disrespected from his years in WWE, and now he is exacting revenge in sadistic ways. Henry is easily one of my favorite wrestlers at the moment, and look forward to more from him.

"Somebody going to get their ass kicked". Indeed.
He deserved this kind of a push 8-9 years ago. If you go back a year he was pretty much a jobber. I can't be made to believe him as a World champion. I remember reading that this is just a phase he goes through every 5 years or so. Remember in 2005/2006 when he injured Batista and made him the same monster he is now? That was the time when WWE should have made him champion. They shouldn't have stopped his push.

I don't even know how he went back to being 'just another wrestler' he even faced Undertaker at Mania 22, and I read somewhere they might make him go up against him once more which will be a waste.
He wasn't ready for it 8 years ago, when he was ECW champ I started to see signs he was starting to get it, then WWE saddled him with a dumb babyface gimmick.

Look at him, if you saw him in a dark alley at night, you would be scared, so would I....so would anyone!
I like Henry as a heel. When he's a face, he's just a push over used to build other talent. I wouldn't say a jobber, but just a step or 2 above it.

Heel Henry is always a blast because he destroys so many other superstars. I don't think he'll win the championship but I do enjoy his character at the moment. "I'm big, I'm bad, what are you gonna do about it?"
I've been a fan of Henry for years Heel or Face.

Personally I'm more of a fan of the big men than the High Flyers and Mark Henry is a big man who knows how to use his size and he he can talk on the mic.

I get that some people don't like him and to each his own but I personally hope Henry wins the WHC if for no other reason than a thank you for his years of hard work both in and out of the ring, although i think he will be a good monster champion
Henry does everything a pro wrestler should do.

He stays in character at all times and never does anything his character would do (such as dumbfucks thinking he should do technical stuff).

He knows ring psychology, the way he moves, stands, bumps, sells, everything gets over the idea that he's huge.

He does everything with confidence and looks like he's really that character, not like someone playing a character.

Mark Henry is a great pro wrestler.
He wasn't ready for it 8 years ago, when he was ECW champ I started to see signs he was starting to get it, then WWE saddled him with a dumb babyface gimmick.

Look at him, if you saw him in a dark alley at night, you would be scared, so would I....so would anyone!

Okay maybe not 8 years ago, but for sure 6 years ago in 2005/2006.

They gave him this exact same run, being this destroying machine...He even injured Batista..

He faced Taker at that years Mania and lost, after that his push was over...

That was the time when they should have left him as that destruction machine not redo the whole thing 5-6 years later...

After couple months hes going to go back to jobbing or whatever the hell he was doing before..
I am a Mark Henry Fan.

The monster heel is my favorite archetype, and he is doing it perfectly. He doesn't have to be a technical marvel, or a master orator on the mic. He just needs to kick ass, take names, and do promos where he says he's gonna kick ass and take names.
Mark Henry has done a great job these last few months. You really get the sense of violence in him and he is doing a great job not extending himself too far beyond his abilities during his promos. I want to see him knock of Randy in 3 weeks.
Okay maybe not 8 years ago, but for sure 6 years ago in 2005/2006.

They gave him this exact same run, being this destroying machine...He even injured Batista..

He faced Taker at that years Mania and lost, after that his push was over...

That was the time when they should have left him as that destruction machine not redo the whole thing 5-6 years later...

After couple months hes going to go back to jobbing or whatever the hell he was doing before..

think about this though, the point isn't to make Mark Henry look like a star, it's to elevate other people. How many monster heel T-Shirts do you really see? Is Jimmy Fallon going to invite him on the show? No.

I think the point of making Mark look so good is to elevate someone. Just look at how much more over Sheamus already is and how easy it was to turn him face. At the house show I went to, they sold out of Sheamus shirts.

Not everyone can be the star quarterback, but the linemen who make him look good are just as important to the success of a team.
I too am enjoying the current Henry push. Although, he is not very good in the ring, he is using his power and size to the best use in the ring and putting on some really convincing and entertaining matches.

Hopefully his push continues for some time and is not ended come NoC.
I hope he wins the WHC, He's a believable champion, LOOK AT HIM!

If looks alone are enough to put the World Heavyweight Championship on someone then I suppose Mason Ryan should be awarded the belt right away too right? No, there are more things that come into play than just someone's appearance. There is also in-ring ability, mic skills, and (the most important of all) fan reactions. Henry is not believable as a world title contender due to the fact that he has been booked to be a joke for far too many years for people to take him seriously as a world title contender.

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed watching Henry's biggest and best push of his career. That doesn't change the fact that he is not believable as a potential world title holder though. He is getting built up to be squashed by Orton. I have said that for a long time now and still believe it is exactly what will happen. If you don't believe me, just watch. The day after Night of Champions, Henry will be a joke again. The ECW Championship is as far as his career will ever go.
I've been enjoying Henry's push a lot lately too. I wouldn't mind seeing him have a little title run. He's been playing the pissed off beast to perfection. I'm kinda hoping that he takes Orton out for awhile to add to his persona, but, that is just wishful thinking.

As Henry's long ride with the WWE comes closer to an end it's nice to see him getting a little thank you for all the years put in.
If looks alone are enough to put the World Heavyweight Championship on someone then I suppose Mason Ryan should be awarded the belt right away too right? No, there are more things that come into play than just someone's appearance. There is also in-ring ability, mic skills, and (the most important of all) fan reactions. Henry is not believable as a world title contender due to the fact that he has been booked to be a joke for far too many years for people to take him seriously as a world title contender.
After reading this 1 name comes to mind: Kane

If Kane can spend Literally years being nothing but a jobber to everyone, win MitB and not only become World Champion but hold it and have 2 good feuds (Undertaker & Edge). Then why can't Mark Henry be built up as a monster Heel destroying everyone that gets in his way and win the World Title at NoC and have at least 1 good feud?

I get that Mark Henry isn't everyone's cup of tea but come on man.
If looks alone are enough to put the World Heavyweight Championship on someone then I suppose Mason Ryan should be awarded the belt right away too right? No, there are more things that come into play than just someone's appearance. There is also in-ring ability, mic skills, and (the most important of all) fan reactions. Henry is not believable as a world title contender due to the fact that he has been booked to be a joke for far too many years for people to take him seriously as a world title contender.

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed watching Henry's biggest and best push of his career. That doesn't change the fact that he is not believable as a potential world title holder though. He is getting built up to be squashed by Orton. I have said that for a long time now and still believe it is exactly what will happen. If you don't believe me, just watch. The day after Night of Champions, Henry will be a joke again. The ECW Championship is as far as his career will ever go.

Mark henry gets plenty of heel heat, in fact I'd go as far as to say he's the best heel in the company right now. Even that shitty crowd in Kansas boo'ed him; they only boo'ed Christian after he directly insulted them.

It's different for heels than faces, even if Henry wins the title at NOC it's inevitable that he's going to lose it only to elevate the face that beats him.

If the crowds cheers twice as hard when Henry's beaten, then his job as a heel will have come full circle.
I'm a fan of Mark Henry as well. His work now is some of the best he's done in...forever. Believe it or not, he's now in better shape than he's ever been in and seems to be on a roll. Great timing, great presence and everything he does now is believable. I hope he does get a run with the title. If anything he's improving the stock of some of the talent in the locker room. He's is responsible for the Sheamus face turn and Sheamus has easily become the #2 face on SD! due to Mark Henry.
Heel Henry is legit, he's a beast and all of this looks believeable, hell im sure he could even thrash some mma fighters, he is intimidating hes not technical thats for sure but his matches aren't bad at all hes like 5000000000x times better than the great khali, hes heavy and strong but not super tall so other superstars getting strikes on him looks good, wwe should just NEVER EVER MAKE HIM A FACE AGAIN
I can't say I am a fan of his matches, but I am a fan of his gimmick, his character, his push and of monsters.

I would even go one step further like I said in another thread and I will develop further in here.

When Mark Henry faces Orton you have Kane's pyros, music and lightning going off. Kane and Big show comes out and surprise, surprise they HELP Henry win.

The next night they get on the mic and say that the monster faction will be unstoppable. Big show and Kane says that while they were sidelined they had the time to think, think that they were jokes compared to what they used to be and compared to Henry. That a monster should take what he wants and not care who he has to hurt. They then take the title also from Cena eventually who took it from Del Rio.

You then have the most dominating faction in WWE history with 3 monsters and they crush everyone until one new face score the upset victory with the help of Cena and Orton (like Mankind winning the title with the help of DX). You then have a new face who is getting endorsement by your 2 biggest draw, they eventually conquer the big evil and everyone profits.

As much as I hate parts of Hogan and Bischoff for some of the ways they think or plays their things, without a big evil to vanquish your heros have nothing to conquer.

I fear that for Henry it's too little too late, like TNA wanting to push Abyss as a legit monster a couple of months ago, but I hope that they don't scrap their plans and change him again into a big friendly giant anytime soon. Monsters sells more than fat guy or giants dancing in a ring.
I remember starting an account on this site and my first post was about how shitty Henry was. Do I still think so? Yeah.

You can make any super heavyweight look like a beast and just destroy people. Not that hard. But to me, it's just too damn late for this shit. He should've been doing this back a long time ago. Now, he's almost at the end of his rope and he finally gets a true shot at the title?

I don't mind if you like Henry, that's cool. But think to yourself for one second: How long have I truly liked him?
I don't mind if you like Henry, that's cool. But think to yourself for one second: How long have I truly liked him?

Since he started being good. Yeah, that's what I'd say; since he started being good.

If I were Booker T - and, God knows, some days I wish I was - then Mark Henry would have been a fixture in my fave five for at least two months now. When someone's on, they're on. When they're not, they're not. Henry, for all the time he's spent not being on, is fucking on big time right now.

In fact, I don't even know why this thread is still going; this motherfucker pretty much said all that needs to be said:

TWJC: The Beginning said:
Henry does everything a pro wrestler should do.

He stays in character at all times and never does anything his character would do (such as dumbfucks thinking he should do technical stuff).

He knows ring psychology, the way he moves, stands, bumps, sells, everything gets over the idea that he's huge.

He does everything with confidence and looks like he's really that character, not like someone playing a character.

Mark Henry is a great pro wrestler.
If mark herny is gonna win the WHC let it be at night at champions. He is doing a great job at playing the monster heel role. Herny is better as a heel than a face.
Anyone else see this as a way to build up Sheamus?

You have Sheamus and Henry have a mini-series of matches where Sheamus looks super strong. The matches get good reactions, and you can't really tell who's better.

Henry has destroyed everyone, and is now going against Orton. I would not be surprised if Henry beats Orton and then Sheamus beats Henry.

Henry's job right now isn't to become a star. It's to be a believable monster that gets guys over. Obviously, Orton is already over. Sheamus is a younger babyface who, despite already being a champion, could use another push. Sheamus is very over as a babyface which means he's earned another push to be made into an even bigger star.

If Henry beats Orton, it really cements that Henry is a monster. Sheamus, I would say, got a majority of his current "main event level babyface" rub from saving the NXT guy. Imagine how much more over Sheamus is going to look if he knocks off the big bad bully that beat up Randy Orton.

I don't see Orton vs Henry as the same thing as Orton vs Christian. Not from a story standpoint (obviously) or from a business perspective. Christian has always had a following and putting the belt on Christian and having a lengthy feud with Orton solidified him as a main eventer. However, if Sheamus beats Christian for the belt, it doesn't get Christian as over. Christian is a smarmy little fuck and Sheamus is a big ass kicker. So while it would likely get him over for someone to finally beat up Christian (in an alternate universe where Christian won the feud), it's going to get Sheamus over a lot more if he beats the unbeatable Henry.

I hope they play out Henry vs Orton until Hell in a Cell. I think it'd be poetic to have their feud begin and end in a cage. Plus monster heel vs babyface in a cage matches are always awesome.

So, with that type of thinking in mind, you could see why I would be a fan of Mark Henry. The booking has been good even if it's pretty easy. Although it's only easy if you have someone talented like Mark Henry. Henry is constantly scowling. Kinda reminds me of all the old music videos with Ice Cube trying to look "hawdcore". When Henry takes over a match, he doesn't just hit a guy, he explodes out, hair flying, screaming, it looks really violent and scary. Most of the audience members seem to live vicariously through the wrestlers. Meaning they put themselves in the shoes of the wrestlers (it's why ring psychology, fleshed out confident character work, and in ring storytelling are so important). This also means that they will typically "be" the babyface. So if you put yourself in their shoes, you are beating down this huge man who is hard to even get off his feet. In the back of your mind you see images of Show, Kane, everyone he's destroyed. Then he jumps up and knocks you on your ass, with that scowl on his face, breathing heavily, looking into your very soul before he throws you around and dismembers you. It's that kind of emotion that Henry stirs. It's basic and primal, but because it's basic, everyone can relate to the babyface. Everyone has been bullied before. Henry plays everything up to a tee and it's been working.
Henry as champion on SmackDown would be something nice and different for the show. As it stands he's the best heel SmackDown has to offer and is doing well with his chance to shine...the only thing that makes me bitter with his push? That I wish WWE had gone this far with the Vader push back in 1996, as I think he'd have had a lot more chance of being a monster main event heel draw for longer then Henry will be.
Henry as champion on SmackDown would be something nice and different for the show. As it stands he's the best heel SmackDown has to offer and is doing well with his chance to shine...the only thing that makes me bitter with his push? That I wish WWE had gone this far with the Vader push back in 1996, as I think he'd have had a lot more chance of being a monster main event heel draw for longer then Henry will be.
I think with Vader it could have been attitude problems. I've always heard that for the longest time Vader was a dick to people both backstage and in the ring. A bully. Maybe Vince felt that if he gave him the belt, he'd be more detrimental to the company. I don't know, maybe Vader just wasn't drawing all that well. Or maybe it was something else. Who knows.

I think Vader and Henry are good comparisons. When you see Vader, even pictures of him are scary once you suspend disbelief and pretend you could actually be put in a real fight against the guy. It's the same with Henry. I donno if it's how dark Henry is (not racist, darker things scare people, it's evolutionary), how big he is, or all. Henry, like Vader, also stands real aggressively. If you watch animals, the dominant ones always stand real aggressively. Always giving the animals around them the broadest view they probably can and posture up to make themselves look bigger.

If you watch Henry (or Vader) matches, you'll notice that they very rarely stand with their backs to the opponent or at an angle. They also both sort of stalked and hovered over the other guy.

Like I said, it's sort of primal and very basic, but that's why it works. Einstein said that genius isn't make the simple complex, but making the complex simple.

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