iiWF - International Independent Wrestling Federation

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
.|:> iiWF <:|.
International Independent Wrestling Federation

In early 2008, Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's popularity began to drop dramatically. After an initial increase in ratings, the mainstream audience soon lost interest when TNA became less and less an alternative, and more like its competition and ratings bombed. Panda Energy attempted to sell off the ailing company, which was just about clinging onto its 2 hour Spike TV time slot by the skin of its teeth. Eventually, TNA was bought, and most talent put under contact by, a number of people associated with the wrestling business, most notably Paul Heyman, Adam Copeland and Jason Reso. However, Jeff Jarrett refused to sell his share. During this time, Paul Heyman also secretly purchased Ring Of Honor, using it to sign reluctant independent, and even ex-WWE talent to his new project. Eventually, both companies closed down, only to resurface as a single promotion ready to compete with World Wrestling Entertainment - iiWF.

Owner: Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman
Mike Tenay

Austin Aries
Kurt Angle
Jay Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
Christian Cage
Rob Van Dam
Bryan Danielson
Christopher Daniels
Sonjay Dutt
Chris Harris
Jeff Jarrett
Jay Lethal
Chris Jericho
Low Ki
Nigel McGuinness
CM Punk
Chris Sabin
Samoa Joe
Alex Shelley
Roderick Strong
AJ Styles
James Storm

First show coming soon. Certain VIPs will receive an early preview.

If any active bookers post, expect eventual feedback. Thanks for reading!

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
iiWF Weekly #1

Fireworks erupt, signalling the start first of the first ever Showdown. Paul Heyman, the owner of IIWF is standing in the centre of the six-sided ring, clutching a microphone. It’s a small venue, not tiny but particularly large either. Still, Heyman appears to be as excited as the capacity crowd.

Paul Heyman
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the I!-I!-W!-F! Tonight, we are going to put on the show of a f*cking lifetime, and you lucky bastards are the ones that get to witness it first hand. We’ve got the start of the tournaments for the Pure, Tag and World Titles, so why don’t we kick this off right now with IIWF’s first ever match, the Lethal Combination versus the Motor City Machineguns!”


Tag Team Title Tournament -
Round 1, Match 1

Lethal Combination
(Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal)
Motor City Machineguns
(Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)

Expectedly, a fast-paced and high-flying match. However, no one could have prepared the crowd for what was to come, a truly epic battle with many, many team moves, and over-the-top moments. The match ends with Sabin delivering three consecutive Cradle Shocks on Dutt, with Shelley holding Lethal’s legs and preventing him from intervening during the pin.

MCM win via pinfall and proceed onto Round 2 of the competition.

Mike Tenay
“What an incredible match! Hopefully, but probably, a representation of things to come.”

Paul Heyman
“If I know anything about the guys I’ve been hiring, this’ll be surpassed before the night is out.”


Pure Title Tournament-
Round 1, Match 1

Samoa Joe
CM Punk

A match that many a ROH fan would claim would be guaranteed to be an instant classic, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Although not as long as several of their previous encounters, the quality more than made up for the mild lack of quantity. Both competitors gave it their all and paid the price for it, leaving them exhausted by stubbornly functional. It all came down to Punk readying to deliver a top rope move, but playing victim to a Muscle Buster instead. Still, he kicked out. Joe began delivering blows left and right, eventually knocking the wind out of Punk with a Running Senton and synching in a Rear Naked Choke. It took several minutes, but eventually Punk actually lost consciousness as he was unwilling to submit, causing the match to be stopped.

Joe wins via knockout and proceeds onto Round Two.

Paul Heyman
“Mike, am I genius or what? Look at this, the fruit of my labour is blossoming before our very eyes. This, to quote the fans here tonight, is completely and unquestionably awesome.”

Mike Tenay
“That it is Paul, and I think that--”

Before Tenay can finish his sentence, Joe has slid out of the ring and ripped off his headset, placing it on his own head. He turns and looks at the camera, a dark grimace on his face.

Samoa Joe
“This is a warning to anybody that thinks they can get in my way. Try it and you’ll up like--”

Joe points into the ring, where Punk is being tended to by paramedics.

Samoa Joe
“--him. I will knock you the fuck out!”


World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 1


An odd pairing but one that worked surprisingly well. Understandably, Edge was reluctant to get involved with Abyss and so spent much time on the other side or the outside of the ring. Eventually though, Abyss got his hands on him a decimated him for much of the match, even hitting a choke slam at one point, but waiting too long to go for a pin. As it begins to wind down, Christian Cage emerges from the audience with a chair in hand. He swings at Abyss, who ducks, and accidentally hits his own brother with it. The referee rings for the bell as Abyss runs after Cage.

Edge wins via disqualification and proceeds onto Round 2.


Tag Team Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 2

Generation Next
(Austin Aries & Roderick Strong)
Latin American Xchange
(Homicide & Hernandez)

These two pairings proved that it is perhaps the tag division that is shaping up to be the strongest division in the IIWF, putting on a match that was arguably better than the one earlier this night. Homicide and Aries spent much of the match battling back and forth as when Hernandez and Strong got in it they often cancelled each other out, despite some impressive moves such as a swinging backbreaker from Strong. Surprisingly, it took MCM coming down to watch four of their possible opponents do battle to break the deadlock. As Aries distracted the referee and Strong did battle with Hernandez outside, Sabin and Shelley took Homicide apart with a variety of double-kicks, finally finishing him off with Shelly’s Shell Shock manoeuvre. Aries took to the air with a 450 Splash and claimed a very unclean victory.

Generation Next win via pinfall and proceed onto Round 2.

After the match Aries grabbed a microphone and welcomed Strong and MCM into the ring, where he began addressing the wrestling world.

Austin Aries
“You’ve just seen history take place before your very eyes, because you have just witnessed the formation of the Next Generation Next!!”

The four raise each other’s arms in victory as the crowd looks on in disbelief.


Pure Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 2

Low Ki

These two did unlike the previous competitors and had a clean match. They were full of mutual respect for each other, but that didn’t stop them from kicking the shit out of each other. Almost literally. As a phenomenal match comes to an end, Kenta is rapidly striking Low Ki in the face but Ki knocks him to he floor with a rolling kick, before climbing to the top rope and delivering the move that is now known as Warrior’s Way. He covered for a clean three count.

Low Ki wins via pinfall and continues onto Round 2.

Mike Tenay
“This evening just gets better and better, it’s like… wait, what is this!?”

Samoa Joe burst into the ring and knocks Low Ki about before locking in the Rear Naked Choke. He refuses to let go of Low Ki’s motionless body until other wrestlers begin pouring into the ring and forcefully separate them.

Paul Heyman
“I guess Joe’s just making good on his threat then, huh? I like that in a wrestler, going the extra mile.”


World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 2

Kurt Angle
Rob Van Dam

RVD hadn’t been in a ring for roughly two years before this match and it showed. At least in the early going. Angle pummelled him and simply outwrestled him, but Van Dam began to comeback as the match went on, taking complete control towards the end. However, a missed Five Star Frog Splash cost him dearly, and an Angle Slam followed by an Ankle Lock ensured he had a disappointing debut, as he tapped out.

Angle wins via submission and proceeds onto Round 2.

After the match, RVD and Angle shakes hands, and Angle can be heard announcing, “You’ll get your rematch.” The fans get on their feet and applaud IIWF’s action packed first show.




MCM bend the rules to advance past the Lethal Combination of Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt in the Tag Tournament.

Samoa Joe chokes CM Punk out in the race for the Pure Title and warns that he’s not to be messed with.

Christian Cage inadvertently takes out his own brother in the Rated R Superstar’s match against Abyss, but it ultimately means Edge proceeds into Round 2 of the World Title Tournament.

MCM help out Aries and Strong in their attempts to approach tag gold, and form the Next Generation Next in the process.

Low Ki beats KENTA fair and square, but Joe decides to “choke [him] the fuck out” anyway.

Rob Van Dam has a case on ring rust, which simply isn’t good enough when facing Kurt Angle, who advances in the World Title Tournament.

Next week:
Round One of the Tournaments come to an end

Pure Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 3

Nigel McGuinness
Bryan Danielson

World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 3

Christian Cage
Jeff Jarrett

Tag Team Tournament
Round 1, Match 3

America’s Most Wanted
(James Storm and Chris Harris)
AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
Jay and Mark Briscoe

Pure Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 4

Jay Lethal

World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 4

Chris Jericho
The Soon-To-Be Dominant Stable Of iiWF

Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and The Motor City Machine Guns, Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin




Edition 2 Coming Soon!
Interesting stable, should be good and thoroughly entertaining IMO. When can we expect the next show?
I'm writing the next show as we speak. Surprisingly, the heavyweight scene is the hardest to write for. People can PM me with their ideas if they like. The tag division is definitely going to be my signature division though, I may even put it in the main event at the first PPV.
for your 1st PPV you should probably focus your main event on the Heavyweight Title. That should be your show's bread and butter. Most RL promotions live and die depending on who is holding the "Big Strap".
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