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If you were the GM


I <3 Wrestling and Soccer
Okay, so the name says something about the thread. If you were the GM, what things would you do to make RAW interesting? This is the question. List more than 5 things if possible. So here's what I would do:

1. Change the champ: Trust me, Orton is a blant champ. He's just so boring. He's better chasing the belt than having it. People have said a lot about this so I'm ending it here. The new champ maybe someone interesting like Miz or Barrett

2. More storylines: Obviously, this will make RAW interesting. Imagine all matches on RAW, with a storyline. I know all the storylines can't be put on PPV, but, it could be like the era where there were only 2-3 PPVs a year (all important matches of the low/mid-card level storylines on RAW).

3. More matches: This is the very problem that RAW is boring sometimes. Glamour, fashion, mic work and promos are done more than wrestling to build a storyline. But I won't let this happen. Storylines will be started after interference, loss/defeats in matches.

4. New contenders: Every PPV will have a new challenger for the title. But only if a champ loses his title on a PPV, will the next PPV have the same men battle for the titles. Otherwise, no re-matches to challengers.

5. More opportunities: The WWE should build the young guns now for the future. Not just guys like Miz, Barrett and Sheamus, but also Morrison, Swagger, Kofi etc. Those young guys will have, somewhere or the other a match on the card.

6. Ban/stop celebrities: Hell, they take a lot of time on RAW. Yeah, most of the time, the show concentrates on the guests. So, I would ban them so the older/hardcore fans can watch wrestling and the younger fans will know what WWE is all about: Wrestling!!

So thats what I'll do to make RAW interesting. What will you do??
After Barrett wins the title at summerslam have Orton win it back at TLC.Have Sheamus feud with JoMo before having JoMo win a battle royal for a Title shot at Orton's Title next Raw.During it have Sheamus interefere and make it a triple threat match at the RR. JoMo wins the title but Miz cashes his MITB and wins the title.At EC have Sheamus vs JoMO vs Miz vs Randy Orton vs Cena vs Barrett(Cena and barrett are still feuding)End it with Sheamus pinning Orton then Miz eliminating Sheamus leaving it down to Miz and JoMo.Miz wins it.Cena and Barrett end the feud in a gimmick match at WMwith Cena winning to disband the Nexus. Have Orton and Sheamus continue their feud past WM.Have JoMo beat Miz at WM in a huge upset for the Title.

...AND STOP THE DAMN GUEST HOST.Its annoying as hell now
While I can't help smiling at the notion of IWC debate on upstaging the current role of a laptop, OK, I'll bite on this.

1. Put on Orton back as a heel. If it sounds like a heel, uses the moves of heel, it's a heel. Orton is one of the best heels to grace the E in years, and this covered up his awful mic work.

2. Ban all McMahons from appearing on TV. Vince can't be a moustache twirling baddie in the PG era so his value plumets. Besides, there's no way a GM can be legit if VKM or god forbid Trips just runs roughshot over the decisions. Orton, Seamus, Barrett have all moved up a level without Trips around. (Alright, so Seamus's push was based on brown nosing to Trips.) But does anyone think without the space created by Levesques' hiastus, there would have been the impetus to push Barrett?

3. If we can avoid the PG crap, then use it in a positive way. Put the focus on quality matches, less is more. This also means promoting guys and girls who can wrestle and not just look good. So more Danielson, Nathalya, Punk and JoMo; less Miz, Laycool etc.

4. Bring back the cruiserweight title to people like Bourne, Gabriel (post nexus), Riley and Santino something meaningful to do.

5. Legitimise the Tag titles again. That means not breaking up teams every few months, and using people with tag experience like DiBiese, Cryme Tyme etc.

6. More frequent rotation of people contesting the titles. Not shorter title runs, in fact the opposite is needed. But if Cena or Orton can't get it done, then they go back into the pack. JoMo, Seamus, Koslov and which ever nexus members kept around get the next crack. If the champ looses, yes, they get the first rematch, if they fail then they too fall in line.

7. In the words of Edge: less stupid sh*t. Whether its celeb hosts, diva dress up contests, santino marella, whatever. People have a hard time take the product seriously as it is, stop shooting yourself in the foot.

8. While I hate the customary pre PPV bitching, as its not going to go away, give mid carders and even divas a shot too. It might be another way of finding a hidden talent.

9. Go ahead with reinstating the King of the Ring on either two or four year basis. Make it mean something like a certain number of title matches etc. Something to again put the emphasis on ring craft.

10. Finally, and most importantly, overhaul the roster. I not talking about swapping crap workers on raw for crap from SD, but a real overhaul. There many talented guys in fcw, Steamboat Jr, Consequences Creed, the Polanesian Pact (Uso's and G-Rilla) and even more beyond like Aries, Roderick Strong, Eddie Edwards, Brent Albright, Melissa Anderson etc etc, who could shake up the roster. Giving the chance to wish Ryder, Masters, Otunga etc the best with their future endevours.

Ofcourse, in the words of VKM, will any of these things happen? No chance in Hell.
After Barrett wins the title at summerslam have Orton win it back at TLC.Have Sheamus feud with JoMo before having JoMo win a battle royal for a Title shot at Orton's Title next Raw.During it have Sheamus interefere and make it a triple threat match at the RR. JoMo wins the title but Miz cashes his MITB and wins the title.At EC have Sheamus vs JoMO vs Miz vs Randy Orton vs Cena vs Barrett(Cena and barrett are still feuding)End it with Sheamus pinning Orton then Miz eliminating Sheamus leaving it down to Miz and JoMo.Miz wins it.Cena and Barrett end the feud in a gimmick match at WMwith Cena winning to disband the Nexus. Have Orton and Sheamus continue their feud past WM.Have JoMo beat Miz at WM in a huge upset for the Title.

...AND STOP THE DAMN GUEST HOST.Its annoying as hell now

Great storyline. I think this should definately happen because new people need the titles. Because most of the time its people like Cena and Orton (Even though I am fans of both) that aalways have the titles and im getting sort of sick of it. So this would be good, seeing as JoMo gets the title at the end. What I wouldn't like to se ever, is the titles unified unless it's only for a certain amount of time.
There is a big problem with this thread. The list of things that the OP and Malenko mostly mentioned are not things the "GM" would deal with.

These are mostly all things that the Bookers and VKM would deal with. It is not up to the raw gm to make Randy Orton a heel

Yes Storyline wise I guess the GM could ban the Mcmahons, but how do you ban the CEO of the company even as a GM

Once again the GM is ony an on air talent and can't make raw no longer PG, ban hosts or do most of the things you want to see done.
1. Change the champ: Trust me, Orton is a blant champ. He's just so boring. He's better chasing the belt than having it. People have said a lot about this so I'm ending it here. The new champ maybe someone interesting like Miz or Barrett

I disagree, that's your opinion. You have to think about your fans, not just yourself. You'd be abit of a biased GM if you said you didn't want Randy Orton as champion because he's 'blant'. Every once in a while it's nice to see somebody else with the gold, or somebody get their first world championship, but it's also nice to see fan favourites and people who have clawed to get where they are with the belt.

2. More storylines: Obviously, this will make RAW interesting. Imagine all matches on RAW, with a storyline. I know all the storylines can't be put on PPV, but, it could be like the era where there were only 2-3 PPVs a year (all important matches of the low/mid-card level storylines on RAW).

I agree. This is what I miss about WWE. There's literally about 1 major storyline on each brand, with the occasional 2nd storyline at the same time. I swear we used to have at least 3-5 storylines at once. Something that made you think 'well, I'm not really interested in this storyline, the one I am interested in will be on later though' not just the typical championship storyline.

3. More matches: This is the very problem that RAW is boring sometimes. Glamour, fashion, mic work and promos are done more than wrestling to build a storyline. But I won't let this happen. Storylines will be started after interference, loss/defeats in matches.

Hmm...I don't think having a smaller amount of matches is the problem, I think build up is a good thing. Espacially for higher card characters and storylines. I don't know whether to agree or disagree on this one, it's tricky. I'm not sure.

4. New contenders: Every PPV will have a new challenger for the title. But only if a champ loses his title on a PPV, will the next PPV have the same men battle for the titles. Otherwise, no re-matches to challengers.

Yeah, new contenders, like I said earlier, is nice. But only once in a while. If your favourite superstar wins the WWE Championship and at the next pay per view, they lose to somebody completely new, it's going to get alot of bad reception from the fans. Like I said earlier, you have to think about your fans aswell.

5. More opportunities: The WWE should build the young guns now for the future. Not just guys like Miz, Barrett and Sheamus, but also Morrison, Swagger, Kofi etc. Those young guys will have, somewhere or the other a match on the card.

I partially agree. I understand what you're saying, but WWE are actually building people like Morrison, Swagger, Kofi etc. John Morrison is well known in the WWE for his athletism, previous championships and all-around talent. Jack Swagger is a 2 time World Champion (if you count his ECW run) and yeah, maybe he's been abit dry recently, but there are people much dryer. Like Mysterio and MVP. Kofi Kingston on the other hand hasn't been seen around lately, so I can't really say anything about him. Miz, Barrett and Sheamus pretty much just scream future and are well on their way. Sheamus is a 2 time WWE Champion, Barrett has a strong chance of becoming WWE Champion at Survivor Series and Miz; Miz is just The Miz. He's destined.

6. Ban/stop celebrities: Hell, they take a lot of time on RAW. Yeah, most of the time, the show concentrates on the guests. So, I would ban them so the older/hardcore fans can watch wrestling and the younger fans will know what WWE is all about: Wrestling!!

I don't like the idea of Guest Hosts, but they have their benefits for some of the jobbers. Where else would we see Mark Henry and the Bella's in a hot tub together? Santino has had alot of interaction with the Guest Hosts, aswell as the commentators, jobbers and fans. I'd still get rid of them, but that's just my personal opinion. I can't speak for the 17,000+ fans in attendance every week on Raw. Some Guest Hosts are interesting and some are just an incredibly stupid idea and waste of time. (Pee Wee Herman for a major example).

I agree with you on most stuff here, so I think it's safe to say that the things I have agreed on, are pretty much everything I'd do if I were GM.
If I were the GM, or just quite frankly in charge of the product, this is what I would do. First off, I'm not a big fan of the PG era, but WWE just can't go right back to TV-14 without some sort of transition, and I think I have an idea on how to pull it off, and it comes down to one man: Triple H.

The way I see it is this. Triple H makes his return, but not as a babyface. No, he makes his return as the biggest, baddest heel the wrestling world has ever seen. You see, Triple H will go on a tirade saying how he hates that Vince McMahon is making all of his wrestlers have to hold themselves back just to please a bunch of whiny children (breaking the fourth wall was always Trips specialty lol). He then challenges the way WWE is being run, and makes a promise to bring WWE back to its glory days. After some well versed "Anti-PG", promos, Trips pushes the edge further by flipping off (remember that?) some kids in the audience, telling superstars to "F*** off" (with bleeps of course, to keep it TV-14). He would interupt the matches of the fan favorites like Cena, Orton, and JoMo and just slaughter them with a sledgehammer or chair, and actually making them bleed. But wouldn't just attack faces, he would have a confrontation with Wade Barrett, alone, telling him that all he's doing is ripping off D-X and the nWo, and telling him he's not tought without his cronies. He would slap him in the face, and just go all out crazy.

It would all acumulate to Triple H just going nuts on SuperCena in the ring with his sledge and the locker room coming out to save Cena, but Trips doesn't go down. Instead, he just massacres all of them, leaving them all motionless in the ring, with Trips standing tall. Finally, Vince would come back, trying to fire him. Trips says he can't, however, as Trips has an unsackable clause, and would sue Vince for everything, and telling him would Vince really want Trips to be the chairman? This would start a Triple H vs Vince McMahon angle, and to further cement his status as the baddest heel, he would divorce (in storyline) Steph, and beat her with the sledge in the ring.

I think this could transition PG back to TV-14, this is what I would do if I ran WWE.
derkmay thatd make it nc 17 or m dude if he beat steph with a slege u be nuts oh and id first get rid of guest hosts strip the miz of everything and make jomo a main eventer but ohwell
I think I am just going to keep banging my head against the wall :banghead: :banghead:

As mentioned in my previous post in this thread the Raw GM would have no power to do any of the things you guys want him to do. All the Raw GM can do storyline wise is Book matches and suspend people.

He has no power to change the product from PG 13 to something else. He has no power to decided who is heel or face, he cannot create storlines. These are all jobs of the Bookers and Vince and Stephanie.

Maybe the title of this thread should have been what if you were the Booker for raw, and I beleive there are about a million of those threads.

And unfortunately this thread seems to have become like a million other threads all about the WWE being PG. Get over it people it's PG accept it.
Again, I think this should be called "If you were the booker or CEO" not "GM." GM is a fictitious powerless title that doesn't really do anything:

Changes I would make to the product (bear in mind that I realize some of these aren't financially feasible options):
1) Less PPVs - been talked about to death on the forums. I would go somewhere around 6 per year

2) Longer title runs - I actually heard the commentators say about Hart Dynasty - that they couldn't get used to not being champions anymore cause they had such a "long run" at two months! Two Months consititutes a long run nowadays? The problem with the titles is that they change hands so often that it doesn't mean anything anymore.

3) Promoters book matches, not wrestlers: I am sick of wrestlers coming out at the beginning of the show and booking matches for later that night. This should happen RARELY if at all. All matches should be booked in advance of the show. It gives the impression that these wrestlers have actually prepared for each other. Watch UFC, it is a BIG DEAL, when a fighter takes a fight on short notice and usually had detrimental effects on their performance. Give the impression that these wrestlers are actually committed to their craft and trying to watch tape and study their opponents to find weaknesses. Build that into your storyline. The slogan "any given day" should only refer to the fact that anyone can win any match, not that any given week you could be facing anyone on the roster without notice.

3. Legitimate tag team division. Put guys together and have them commit to a team concept. I really like the idea of bringing back the ECW/NXT Time slot and creating an entirely Tag Team show that functions as a separate roster from the other two shows. Really push that tag team wrestling is a different animal than singles wrestling and that is takes commitment to excel at it.

4) Less storylines - not every match needs to have some soap opera dramatic component to why its happening. These guys are wrestlers, paid to fight. Having matches that are their just to highlight the athletic and competitive component is important. The NFL doesn't just have the Patriots vs. Colts every week....everyone has to play everyone to prove their worth.

5) Bring back managers/valets and use them to increase the profile of wrestlers not ready/able to use a microphone
The GM can't do anything.
He/She is a prop an illousion, a figure head in our imaginations, however IF I was booking what the GM does and says, I'd book these special edition RAW's once every 2 month, rather then have 3 in a matter of 5 weeks, spread them out evenly and give them build up.

Championships I'd introduce maybe a new hardcore title for the lower card-mid card guys to add another side to the raw show.

I'd focus on number one contenders matches, to make the number one contenders more "worthy" I'd also add these matches to PPV's as well like back in the attitude era days.

Guest hosts would be kept strictly for special edition of raw's AND would HAVE to be actual FANS of wrestling and not there to push some dvd/book/charity bullshit, their there because they WANT to.

I'd also cut out the WRESTLEMANIA main events like Orton/Cena/Sheamus/Jericho yada yada main the RAW main events be more tv style main events, one main eventer vs mid carder.
well the TV-PG rating was Linda McMahon's idea and she has now left WWE so Vince should change it back and get somebody to beat the s*** out of cena for entertaining the kids and boring us true fans. if Barrett does win the title at survivor series, i have a bad feeling that cena will be number 1 contender:banghead:. i beleve that daniel bryan should drop the u.s title to C.M Punk or Ted DiBiase and then compete for the wwe title with the Miz when he cashes in the money in the bank. I agree that the guest hosts should stop as they just take up time and dont add anymore entertainement. only title rematches should be given and continous rivarlies for the Wwe title will bore me to death. i agree with a sheamus jomo rivalry over the title also give people like eze Jackson, R-truth, Mark Henry+ Yoshi Tatsu a big push. and definately stop putting Zach Ryder in squash matches.
1) Less Pay-per-views. cut the gimmicky ones such as Extreme Rules, and keep the classics, Royal Rumble. Save the gimmicks for the end of feuds.

2) Elevate Talent- This is directed mostly to Zach Ryder and Kaval(I know he is on Smackdown). These guys have the talent to push them to the next level. Yet they are being used to elevate guys that don't need it/deserve it yet.

3) Build up the Tag Division- Seriously do those titles have prestige anymore. It's changed hands more times in the last couple of months. While I like the titles being combined, they need to stay with a team for more than 2 weeks. Look at TNA if you must as an example for a good tag division, Motor City Machineguns are the face of tag wrestling, they are backed by 3 other solid teams (4 if you count 3D). The WWE only has the Heart Dynasty, and possibly Gabriel and Slater as teams you can care about/think as an actual team. And stop using it to keep people treading water, Drew!

4) Limit guest hosts- The span of months were every RAW had a guest host was brutal, and Pee Wee Herman made me change the channel last night, and The Miz is one of my Favorites in wrestling at the moment.

5) Limit Santino- I like the guy don't get me wrong, but seriously if he was on a pay-per-view, He won't be a force for me to buy it. Funny doesn't draw Money.

6) New Contenders- What a great move already so they should keep it, I was tired of seeing Cena vs. Orton vs. Jericho vs. Edge over and over again. Adding The Miz and Wade Barrett is only a good way to add interest in to this title.

7) Show my Face- The GM messages have only pissed me off since the first on came in. RAW fans everywhere would rejoice at seeing my pretty face on their screen and my voice over Michael Cole and the computer.
If I were GM, 1st thing I would do for the "Old School" RAW, WOULD ACTUALLY PUT wrestlers that wrestled REGULARLY on RAW from 1993-NOW.

I would bring back the name WCW!

I would get rid of this STUIPID PG thing.

I would bring back WRESTLING to the show!

I would bring back the element of surprise! Those are the best moments, and we dont have those anymore! My Fav was Jericho's arrival in 1999.

I would create bigger than life MANAGERS! I miss managers like Bobby Heenan, Jimmy Hart, vicious women managers like Scary Sherri!

Make Intercontinental title Prestigeious again!

BRING BACK SEX into story lines!

Bring back VAL VENIS! The porn star character!

BRING BACK Halloween Havoc, and Clash of the Champions events from WCW

Bring back Tony SChavonie

Re CReate the NWO

I would bring back Stephanie Mcmahon to tv, she is HOT! I would also bring back Marrissa Mazzola to tv for 1st time. Make her be a Raw Tv analyst.
First off let me say, like many others, GM's are fake. The ideas are made by the writers and Board of Directors.

Now on to the meat
If I was the boss I this what I would do:

1. End the whole Nexus/Cena bull. Its getting old and boring as hell.
2. Restructure the Title System. Have each title unified, leaving the WWE, IC, Tag, Diva, and reintroduce the Cruiserweight title.
3. Reduce the number of PPV. Keep the big 4 RR, WM, Summer Slam, and Survivor Series, and keep Extreme rules, bring back No Way Out and KOTR.
4. Build up the Tag Team Division, Uso's, Harts, Bring in Bret Debiase and do the Fortunate Sons.
5. Make the Diva's title legit, ie ditch LayCool (the boring pathetic excuse of a Beautiful People ripoff)
6. No more Vickie Guerrero, at least not on air.
7. More title shots for long time mid carders like Mark Henry.
8. End the celebrity guest.
9. Make better use of FCW, they got a lot of talent there that should be brought up to the main roster.
10. The last one is simple, no more 60 year old guys acting twenty. If you are retired you stay retired. We don't need to see someone that is twenty years pass their prime running for the title or weekly showing up to surprise everyone, like Bret Hart.

Oh and by the way, if I truly had the power NO MORE PG, Bring back the edge, aggression, and sex of the 90's and early 2000's
I agree, there does need to be MAJOR restructuring with this GM business. I'd say instead of just RANDOM guest hosts, bring in people who are entertaining, why Buzz Aldrin? What's he bring to the table, and Florence Henderson? Umm..ok. And, maybe how about once a month, and closer to a PPV, you can have an extra person, that'd be allowable, pending who the celebrity is.

Then onto the talent roster, Definitely, ditch the co-women's champs, that is a joke anymore these days, and I do agree, there needs to be more of a elevation of other talent, like letting Barrett flourish on his own feet, Kaval, Natalya, Ziggler (without his 'cougar').

I do like others' opinions about more exposure for FCW, maybe even a once a month show to 'show' the viewers what exactly goes on behind the scenes, or even an exhibition show to let us see since not all of the nation gets the benefit of seeing FCW on a regular basis.

Maybe even bring back a few of the classic matches, bra and panty matches, first blood, hardcore, and maybe pillow fights, fullfill your fantasy, etc. Let the divas compete in some more hard core matches, let them prove they are as tough as they say they are, you've got these 'hardbody' contestants on NXT this season.

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