If you were the creative team, What would be the FIRST FEW THINGS you would do?

I would...

1. Get rid of RAW hosts
- Don't mind so much now they're only involved in a few segments, although I agree that they don't serve much purpose

2. Send Teddy Long to RAW as GM
- think RAW needs a heel GM myself. Not sure there are many candidates (PLEASE NOT VICKIE!)

3. Place Vickie Gurrerero as SD! GM
- Not again. Been there, done that. Agree with heel GM's - but Vickie is old news.

4. Turn Morrison heel
- Move him to SD. Don't think heel turn is necessary. Give him a manager.

5. Take the WWE Title off Cena at the PPV, maybe to Edge, Orton or Sheamus
- Assuming you're talking about Fatal 4 Way. Very easy way for Cena to lose the belt, without losing face as the superhero. But Raw's main event problems lie deeper, Cena's fueded with all 3 of them, think we need him vs Undertaker - only feud with him in I'd be gripped by at the moment.

6. Keep the Brand split but send a big name like Orton (after the Edge feud), Sheamus
- Raw roster very top heavy compared to Smackdown! I think moving Jericho was a mistake.

7. Call Bryan Danielson up to SD! Push him for the IC title and give him a Jeff Hardy style push from when he was on RAW-Won IC Title, feuded for WWE Title, come up short, give solid performances and win WWE Title. Also, I expect WWE to give Bryan a bad theme. Give him an version of Final Countdown without the lyrics (like what TNA did with Wolfpack)
- Difficult to call BD up to Smackdown then have him fight for a title on Raw. They're dealing with him, albeit it may take slightly longer than people expect - he'll be in title contention soon enough.

8. Shave Punk's beard & chest hair. He looks like a hobo!
- very possible if Mysterio wins at OTL

9. Listen to the fans! Bring in stars from the Indies like Tyler Black, Austin Aries and ofcourse Christopher Daniels.
- Can't argue with that.

10. He may be washed up, but send Punk to RAW and bring back.... RAVEN! Loved his work with the Flock, plus the similarity between Raven's Flock & SES are there! Team up or Feud!
- Don't see him coming back any time soon.

11. Push deserving guys like Christian, Matt Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Kozlov, Regal etc.
- Christian - DEFINITELY. most credible non-main event guy at the moment, on a Smackdown with very few main event stars. As for the rest - not sure.

12. NEVVVVERRRR Have Edge & Vickie Gurrerero on the same show!
- never have Vickie Gurrero on any show.

13. Send Michael Cole to SD! in swap with Striker to RAW. Make Striker Play-By-Play, Make Grisham Color.
- I like Cole - then again I think I'm in the minority.

14. Call up Abraham Washington to SD!

15. Turn Jericho face.
- Credit to Jericho, works very well as both.
16. Give Dolph Ziggler a Johnny Nitro-JoMo make over. Change his name back to Nick Nemeth and give him a more cockier gimmick where he dosen't touch his hair as much
- Let the guy WRESTLE!!
17. Bring Back the Lord of Darkness heel Undertaker gimmick. Perfect for people like Ezekiel Jackson, Kane, others that aren't doing anything. (I know Jackson is injured, I just can't see him being pushed!)
- might work, particularly in a feud against a face Kane - don't see it happening though.
18. Re mask Kane -
- oppertunity missed a long time ago.

19. Turn Matt Hardy back Heel. After his storyline with Jeff, he developed a cheating heel persona. He reminds me of Owen Hart, let him step out of his brothers shadow like WWE tried to do with Owen.
- Think Matt is boring as a face - heel turn quite a good idea.

20. Rehire Viscera/Mabel/Big Daddy V
- why?
Get rid of the hosting thing and establish a good heel GM on RAW.

Seeing as I'm a fan of genuine women's wrestling, I would get rid of all the strictly Divas or relegate them to manager or valet status, if anything (Maryse, K2). I would build the division up overall with real women wrestlers and actual feuds not centered on childish, sexist storylines

I would make a Cruiserweight/Light-heavyweight division and establish it as a title of prestige. (I think it is possible) Also, I would make title reigns and feuds longer for all the titles.

I would make a real tag-team division (or get rid of it altogether).

I would get rid of some of the commentators (Matt Striker, in particular :banghead: )

I would push new people into the main event picture; I, personally, though being a fan of some main eventers, am sick of the same people. That's already been changing, so good.

These are just a few things I would do. I know I forgot something.

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