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If you were in control...

The Chosen One of WZ

Even TNA cant ruin ECW for me
If you were in control of who won the 20 man battle royal last night who would have you had win?

Keep in mind this would set them up to face and possible fued with WWE Champ Randy Orton and possible be the next WWE champ.

Also say why you would pick them for it.

My pick would have to be Wade Barret who actully did win it will make a good storyline. My second pick would have been John Morrison as I think he's ready and him and Randy would have some good matches.

And this is my first thread so be nice :D
i would have gone with sheamus honestly. i think its too soon for barrett to be maineventing a ppv and with jericho out and edge moved to smackdown i dodnt see another option. miz has his mitb so he doesnt "need" the win and since morrison is a face and like miz isnt truelly ready for the mainevent i would have let the sheamus orton feud continue. dont get me wrong i lvoe barrett but i just dont feel he's ready to carry a ppv like that.
I would have had either Sheamus or Cena win.

Sheamus because I think he needs to be the top heel on the show not Barrett. Barrett is to green to be in the title or main event scene just yet.

Would have been hard to pull off the Cena win but something along the lines of one of other Nexus members causing him to lose while Cena still helped or something and then Cena got the win or something like. Then I would have had Barrett try to force Cena into giving him the spot in the match or something.
I would have went with JOMO or Barrett.
Jomo because I think him and Orton could have good matches and a good fued. I also unlike some think Jomo is ready to MainEvent a PPV as I have since he was on SD! last yr. having beating the WHC at that time(cant remember who it was) and was on the verge of becoming a ME superstar.

Barrett because The Nexus NEEDS SOME TITLES. If they ever want to be takin as a threat again they need some titles. I say let them go Evolution all over RAW by letting them hold all the titles.

But Im happy how it went Barrett is alittle Green but he's the best all-round Wrestler in Nexus by having the Mic Skills, Wrestling Skills, and Most Importantly(To Vinnie Mac) The Look and I think someone like Orton can help carry the match.
This is gonna sound weird how I would have booked it, but would make for a crazy set up to CeNexus, which I will also explain.

I would've booked it as Cena, but not how Cena would normally win it as a face. Have it come down to Cena and Barrett, like it did, but then have Barrett ask for the mic. He says something like, "There ya go Cena, you proved you can be part of the team. I told you earlier, you will come to realize that Nexus is a good thing for you, because we all watch each others backs. While I am the so called 'leader' of the group, I am still part of the whole. Consider this a sign of good faith." Then have Barrett jump out of the ring.The crowd would have no idea how to react.

This could set up Nexus actually helping (without Cena wanting it) Cena win the title, and the feud up until the pay-per-view would consist of what we saw from nexus in the begining, ambushing the champ every week. After say, a month, of Cena with the title, but with a COMPLETELY different way about his title run then his other blander runs, he slowly starts LIKING the Nexus help, and embraces being part of the group. This not only gets Cena over as a Heel, which would be excellent television, but elevates the entire Nexus group to the next level, like a mini nWo. You could have someone (say, Barrett) hold the US at some point and maybe add in McGillicutty and Harris and let them run with the Tag Titles. All of this would stem from Barrett showing Cena he can be part of the group, and letting it get to Cena's head.

I like it personally, though WWE wouldn't have the stone to run something like that.
Seriously, I also think along the lines of John Morrison... Sheamus and Drew McIntyre have been boosted up the yang in the last couple of years with literally no time spent earning their way in the "big league"... This is also the reason I didn't say Wade Barrett. Barrett, I see, will become the benefactor of all-things Cena-related as long as the execs run this "HBK-JBL slave angle part deux" with Cena being part of the Nexus. I find it interesting that, for all intensive purposes, the WWE has rolled up and are not playing pretty dead now that Cena was forced to join...
Okay... Sheamus, Drew and Barret I know for a fact busted their buts in Ireland, Scotland and the UK before they came to FCW so they defitenly earned their way o_O

Sheamus especially has worked mega-hard to get to where he is today. He isn't a 2nd or 3rd generation superstar. He didn't have the advantage of "knowing someone" to get to where he is today. He wasn't given a manager to help him out, nor was he placed in a stable to help build him up. Sheamus got to where he is today on his own merit.

If I were in control, I'd have had Barrett win that match too. The only real alternative was to have Cena win it and it's too early to place Cena against Orton or have him going for gold just yet, especially as this is a transitionary phase for him. Barrett vs. Orton should be a decent feud, especially with Cena now involved.
Morpheus - Sheamus and Triple H are workout partners, they're also good friends in real life, so I think he had a little help, in that regard.

I would've chosen JOMO. As a few before me have said, him and Orton could have some seriously great matches.

I know that, but it's not like Sheamus knew Triple H beforehand. Sheamus obviously impressed Triple H and Vince McMahon. Triple H is a man who carries a lot of influence in World Wrestling Entertainment. More power to Sheamus for doing the smart thing and seizing the opportunity with both hands.

JoMo certainly has a mega future ahead of him, but it wouldn't really have made sense to have him face Orton now. Orton is now the main face of the company and JoMo is an up and coming face....it'd make no sense to pit them against one another right now. JoMo needs a high profile feud though, perhaps against Sheamus.
If it were me in charge i would have had cena and wade be the last two remaining (as was) and had cena grab the mic and tell barret to give him a second chance at his "freedom" if cena won the battle royal he could leave nexus but if he lost he would follow nexus' orders to a "T" then have cena win after a good battle....but this is where it gets interesting!
instead of Cena leaving nexus he says he realizes how much strength there is in numbers and hes sick of continuing to come up short in #1 contender and title matches, he agrees to join nexus and destroy anyone who opposes them.
this, i think, would be a good way to start the transition of cena as a heel!

Also JOMO isnt ready for the main event of a ppv, i like the guys talent and agree that the match with orton would be energetic and classic...however, it wouldnt make sense to the fans who only watch the show and not pay attention to the backstage news, think about it, he main events maybe once every other month on raw and all of a sudden hes facing the biggest name in wrestling for the title at a ppv ????? no one would even consider it a possibility for him to win......and this is way off subject of the original post so stop talking JoMo main event status!
I would have picked John Morrison to win this match because I think he is most definitely ready for the main event. I mean a clean win over Y2J, numerous PPV bouts, a PPV quality match against Sheamus just calls for a major push. He has it all really the look, the talent, the mic skills, the entrance.

The proper to do this battle royal would have been that JOMO eliminates both Cena and Barrett at the same time and then eliminates Sheamus to win. I think he would be hated by all the little kids for ending John's career, but if you write it right you could make sure Morrison is popular with the fans. Eventually Cena would come back, but this is not about him. I think after Morrison would win this battle royal have him feud with Orton until the Rumble where he finally captures the WWE title and then Miz cashes in ruining JoMo's moment and take it from there....
If it were me in charge i would have had cena and wade be the last two remaining (as was) and had cena grab the mic and tell barret to give him a second chance at his "freedom" if cena won the battle royal he could leave nexus but if he lost he would follow nexus' orders to a "T" then have cena win after a good battle....but this is where it gets interesting!
instead of Cena leaving nexus he says he realizes how much strength there is in numbers and hes sick of continuing to come up short in #1 contender and title matches, he agrees to join nexus and destroy anyone who opposes them.
this, i think, would be a good way to start the transition of cena as a heel!

I really don't feel that would've been realistic, because obviously it's going to take a while for Cena to transition if he actually does turn heel, which naturally knowing the past, doesn't seem likely to me. Also, they'll probably have him help Barrett out at BR, Barrett wins, and my guess is then Cena will start to go over as a heel, I hope.
i would of picked JoMo

Jomo could eliminate Miz to win. There is barly any good opponent for orton right now. Wade will be to soon. cena is done to death. sheamus was last 2 ppv opponent. Jomo during the course of the 2 weeks left(needs more weeks for a proper build <_<) can turn heel and be a good opponent and fresh opponent for randy. JoMo isint ment to win but to show case him and build him up. Jomo first needs a US run before WWE tittle IMO
I would have had it as John Cena somehow winning the match after trying very hard to let Barrett take it so he doesn't lose credibility with the group. Then lead up the next two weeks with Nexus members demanding that if Cena wins they demand title shots. Then have a classic Randy Orton Cena match with Randy about to go cleanly over Cena cleanly when Nexus interrupts the match attacking Randy while the Ref is down. Cena sees what happens and really is in shock, as the ref comes to Cena lays over Randy and gets the 1, 2, 3. Next monday night have Cena come out and thank the Nexus for their help and also have Barrett state that while Cena may hate them he's part of the Nexus and thus looked out for. Cena will begin to Accept his transition into the Nexus and slowly begin helping them out with their conquests.
I think the whole reason Barrett got the nod in this match was because WWE is not ready for him to headline by himself in a one on one match yet. Even though it was tagged as a one on one with Cena at HIAC, everyone knew something would happen that would bend the rules in Barrett's way, seeing as they won't allow him to get a clean win(same runs for Sheamus) Same goes for if Cena would have won that match and then had this battle royal, Barrett would have been in the mention at all because there is no side story with Cena involved, or the backing of Nexus. In my opinion they did it right because I feel they are building something right now that will ultimately be settled at Wrestlemania. If Wade Barrett somehow gets separated from Nexus and they carry this out in a side plot until then, imagine the hype and turnout for a true one on one with them. A year in the making. Barrett gets a clean win(passing the torch somewhat) Remember HHH tapped to Cena at Wrestlemania, why can't it work in reverse?
John Morrison would be my pick, I wouldn't have him end up winning the Strap, but I really think that he and Randy could have a great fued. If the feud lasted 2-3 PPV's and the matches were half decent and had some great spots in them, it could really do wonders for JoMo's future.

As for Barrett actually winning the Battle-Royal, I think it was a good choice, but it would be a bad choice having him win the Title at Bragging Rights, but I can honestly see him getting "too focused" on the WWE Title, and Cena will eventually "destroy Nexus from the inside" and Cena's plan will come into fruition.
I do like that Barrett won this match. I think him and Cena put on a pretty good match at Hell in a Cell and I think him and Orton will be equally if not more entertaining. Cena being in Barrett's corner also has an interesting dynamic to it. Will the cleanest babyface in history cheat so Barrett wins? We'll see.

However, if I booked the ending I would have had Barrett, Cena and Morrison all involved in some controversial ending so it ends up being a fatal four way. But really it would be more like 2 vs 1 vs 1 which would have been different. Then have Cena play his bodyguard role to get Barrett the title. While celebrating have the Miz, Alex Riley, Joe Henning, and Husky Harris all come out attack them so Miz can cash in the money in the bank contract and take home the title.

The next night on Raw have The Miz's group come out and say they hate Cena and hope he gets fired for Barrett losing. Have Henning and Harris explain that they didn't make Cena lose to Barrett to help Nexus but to usher in a new Cena-less era or something along those lines. Then have Cena be pissed that he got attacked and actually work with the Nexus to battle the Miz's group. This could finally start an interesting faction rivalry that has been sorely lacking in the WWE lately IMO.
I would have loved to see a JoMo vs Orton feud. Orton has the best feuds with people of that athletic capabilities (such as Jeff hardy and Kofi Kingston) Besides John Morrison has been there for more than five years and i think he deserves it before they drop the ball on him like they did with Shelton Benjamin. Although with what I saw on Raw I don't think he's too far from a title shot. Other than him my runner up would have to have been Wade Barret. He has an awesome stable right now, especially with John Cena in it, why not have your two top faces (and heels) in the main event right?
Sheamus especially has worked mega-hard to get to where he is today. He isn't a 2nd or 3rd generation superstar. He didn't have the advantage of "knowing someone" to get to where he is today. He wasn't given a manager to help him out, nor was he placed in a stable to help build him up. Sheamus got to where he is today on his own merit.

If I were in control, I'd have had Barrett win that match too. The only real alternative was to have Cena win it and it's too early to place Cena against Orton or have him going for gold just yet, especially as this is a transitionary phase for him. Barrett vs. Orton should be a decent feud, especially with Cena now involved.

I guess "his own merit" means to work out with HHH in the gym, buddy up to HHH and for some reason, win the WWE world title on Raw within 30 days of joining the show?

Sure, he did that on hard work!

Too bad Sheamus is a piece of crap, as is Barrett. Raw has no good main even heel.

Orton needs to somehow go back to full heel again. With Orton and Cena as main event faces, Raw is lacking main heels that are worth a crap.
I'd stick with Barrett. How people can say this guy isn't a top heel now are crazy. Did you see RAW? That opening promo was delievered so calmly and presicely, and then the sly grinning as Cena puts on the armband and reads the letter. He's ready, and more ready then Sheamus ever was.

I'm actually incredibly dumbfounded people wanted Sheamus to win again...you want Sheamus VS Orton again? It'll be another snoozefest end of story. Plus Barrett is more over then Sheamus. I didn't hear any 'what?' during Barretts promo.
Wade was the right choice. Actually, he was probably the only choice seeing as about 40% of RAW was all about Cena and the Nexus.

To those who think that Wade isn't ready for the Main Event yet, remember that it's not going to be him by himself. The storyline at the moment is about keeping Cena under their control or else he gets fired, and so there are going to be lots of testing moments for Cena. Him protecting Wade against former allies was the first one which set up the next big one perfectly; Cena having an enemy's back against the champ who he's shown respect for over the past month.
Also, Cena giving Wade the number one contendership is going along the lines of what people feel, 'Wade doesn't deserve it.' It just adds to the story that people would normally have expected Cena to win in normal circumstances, but how he lost is all playing into a larger storyline.
I may be the only person here to say anything like this, but I think somebody like R Truth should have won the match. My reasoning, is I think R Truth can hav e a good match with Orton, but Orton needs a very convincing win at Survivor Series (maybe even a punt kick for R Truth to make Orton look even more dangerous). That would leave Wade Barrett and Cena to do their thing, Sheamus to feud with Triple H (I hope he comes back for Survivor Series), the Raw team at Survivor Series, plus the Smackdown side of the card. But that's just the way I would have booked it...

As for the top guys, I would have loved to see Sheamus win, just because they had him dominate DB eariler in the night, and without Sheamus winning, it makes him destroying DB almost meaningless...
I would say JOMO, kill two birds with one stone, first everybody knows he is a phenomenal athlete, randy orton is as well, but seen as orton is so over, you could turn morrison heel somehow which I know everybody wants to see from him because of how good he was in miz/morrison and also heels get far more mic time so that would improve him and rebuild his mic skills to the level of what they formerly were.

Also, he's 31 so his time oughta come on soon if he's gonna get that push, so if not now soon anyway. I personally want to see him come back to his older character style promo's you know the ones..... guru of greatness, friday night delight, shaman of sexy. I loved it when he was jim morrison-esque because he had individual character, I mean if he isn't gonna be like jim morrison, there is no point in him being called john morrison in tribute. I found him one of the funniest and entertaining guys when he's like that, and if you watch his ziggler promo last year with the mr ziggles section and similarly his backstage section with jericho a couple of weeks back I think you'll find that he is one of the naturally funniest guys in the company like ryder or santino and gets great attention and heat when he's being funny so a great future face potential for certain.

Well in case you haven't noticed, I'm a huge morrison mark but yeah, I see more potential in him than I do in the Miz lets put it that way, better wrestler obviously and on his days I say better, more original mic work but thats just me.

Despite all of that, on the day Barrett was the right choice of the significance of it being the first night of cena being with the nexus to lay the groundwork for future raws. It was easily the biggest most important thing going on that night and if barrett had lost it may have left questions like should cena be fired for not being able to help barrett win, are nexus even powerful enough to dominate with cena all these kinds of things. So despite me wanting jomo to win, had it been another night after a different PPV he probably could have been a 50/50 pick with someone else , but seen as what happened the night before yeah barrett was the right guy, and lets make no mistake hes good on the mic, hes a good heel, he gets more heat than anybody and hes good in the ring and is only going to improve. Personally one thing I love about wade that they have let him do for the last couple of weeks is to address the crowd personally when they start to chant and boo because he's done it in such a way that he isn't going to get heat of vince when he does it like anderson for instance. He's not like a heel flair when he responds or a heel the rock of '98/'99 or even a piper, he does it in a really PG way. E.G when fans chanted you suck he simply said, 'you've already told me that' or words to that effect which is very PG, its not like hes talking about how someones old lady is coming back to his hotel room, or calling somebody fat boy. So it does two things 1) It gets the crowd riled because they react more when you respond to them directly as we all know... but more importantly 2) lets him do it without getting into trouble, because hes kindof sticking to character but not doing anything even slightly where kids could say oh he did this or he offends anybody. And honestly having said this I don't know why anybody has really tried that much doing this last couple of years so I'm glad he has.

Yeah barrett will be sticking with us for a while I think and I'm happy to see it. But jomo push immanently please
In many ways, it shouldn't matter who won it because that person should merely be the next victim for Orton. He hadn't been champion for a long time and I find it hard to believe WWE has put the title on him just to have him lose it this quickly. The man is really over at this point and he's the right guy to have as titleholder.

But since we're asked to make a choice, I say John Morrison. I think he's ready for main event status but don't think he's ready to be champion, so he would be perfect to help keep Orton's reign going.

I can't see Sheamus or Cena winning the Battle Royal because they were recently champions and it's time to bring in someone new.

But Wade Barrett?......no. It's too soon and he's accomplished too little as an individual. All he's known for is using his buddies to execute cowardly attacks on people. On the other hand, if the company needs someone specifically to lose to Orton, I guess Wade is as good as any.
I really wouldn't have changed anything about the battle royal. The booking was done well, to make Wade Barrett who has been on fire as of late, the number one contender. Without burying everybody else in the terms of having someone like Barrett who is rather unbelievable to have won that battle royal by himself, come off as the winner all alone.

John Cena helped Wade Barrett beautifully, while playing off on his partial alignment with Nexus. He played it safe, and did what he was supposed to do. The only down-side to it was a small lack of action from Cena, who could certainly have done more in the Battle Royal. But it's hardly something to complain about because the results, and the booking in itself served a purpose, and it was fulfilled to a T.

Wade Barrett made perfect sense of winning this, he is the only one who has any kind of momentum to do this right now. Especially considering he just defeated John Cena, he has challenged for the WWE championship before, and Sheamus, Edge, Jericho, Cena and Triple H are either unavailable, or doesn't have the momentum to match Wade Barrett in terms of actually being the better choice for the number one contendership.
I agree with the choice of Wade Barrett. The Nexus angle is still hottest thing in WWE right now and with the addition of John Cena it can only get better. When Wade ordered Cena to make sure he won, there was no way it wasn't going to happen. Besides, who else would have won? Miz? Morrison? DiBiase? Sheamus again? Wade was clearly the best option. There is no one elso besides Cena and Sheamus that could have won, but Sheamus just got his rematch and Cena would have been "fired" had he went against Barrett's orders. Wade was the logical choice. This will be an interesting match, either Orton loses the title after a short reign, or he will have to overcome Barrett ans the rest of Nexus. This will be a good one.

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