If you still had hope for ECW, you won't after reading this

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I believe with all my heart Vince resurrected ECW with the sole intent of dragging it through the mud. That bastard can't stand to be out done by anyone. Vince knows that ECW was better than the WWE in every aspect except financial stability (which has nothing to do with product itself). ECW did not go bankrupt because of the lack of fans- in fact it's last show was sold out. This is Vince's chance to show the world that ECW was not on the same level as WWE. So he tries to push Test, Bobby Lashley and now the Great Kahli knowing that they will fail as main - eventers. The new ECW sucks, the Great Kahli sucks and Wrestlemania will probably suck because Vince McMahon sucks.
It's going to be horrible if this actually happens.
Hopefully it's just for television and nothing really becomes of it.
Like someone said before, I would like to see Test, or even Kevin Thorn, that is if Kevin Thorn can be pushed into a greater heel than he is now.
They did an amazing job with Test, turning him into an amazing specimen of power.
Honestly, if things don't work out with ECW in the long run, I can see Test having a successful singles career on Smackdown!, and a Tag Team career if Mike Knox actually knows how to wrestle.
It's going to be horrible if this actually happens.
Hopefully it's just for television and nothing really becomes of it.
Like someone said before, I would like to see Test, or even Kevin Thorn, that is if Kevin Thorn can be pushed into a greater heel than he is now.
They did an amazing job with Test, turning him into an amazing specimen of power.
Honestly, if things don't work out with ECW in the long run, I can see Test having a successful singles career on Smackdown!, and a Tag Team career if Mike Knox actually knows how to wrestle.

lol..come on now..Let's not act like Test is good. It's just that Test LOOKS good when compared to the Great Khali.
Some of the dumbest fucking wrestling fans reside on this board. Test is a fucking pathetic excuse for a wrestler. Lashley is a joke, Khali should be shot in the face, etc etc etc.

This is not ECW. Anyone that believes it is should not be allowed to watch anything but December to Dismember on continuous loop until you end up snapping and offing yourself.

I hate Vince for what he has done to a company I've loved for as long as I can remember. ECW will never be back as us true fans remember it.
Some of the dumbest fucking wrestling fans reside on this board. Test is a fucking pathetic excuse for a wrestler. Lashley is a joke, Khali should be shot in the face, etc etc etc.

This is not ECW. Anyone that believes it is should not be allowed to watch anything but December to Dismember on continuous loop until you end up snapping and offing yourself.

I hate Vince for what he has done to a company I've loved for as long as I can remember. ECW will never be back as us true fans remember it.

haha, why are you calling all of us dumb? Pretty much 95% of the board agrees with what you just said.
Some of the dumbest fucking wrestling fans reside on this board. Test is a fucking pathetic excuse for a wrestler. Lashley is a joke, Khali should be shot in the face, etc etc etc.

This is not ECW. Anyone that believes it is should not be allowed to watch anything but December to Dismember on continuous loop until you end up snapping and offing yourself.

I hate Vince for what he has done to a company I've loved for as long as I can remember. ECW will never be back as us true fans remember it.

At least "some" people know there is some decent talent on the roster.
Great Kahli is just . . . there's actually no word to describe a poor excuse of a wrestler.
Test and Kevin Thorn would be a great assest to Smackdown! due to their heel status. Test looked great on his return, but he did fatten up a bit. His short time in ECW has proved to some people that he can be dominating and that his old gimmick has completely disappeared, and the same goes with Kevin Thoorn. Ariel and Kevin Thorn are amazing together. I'm not sure how long they would last on Smackdown! due to poor bookings, but they seem to fit there.
CM Punk and RVD belong on RAW if things take a dismal turn for ECW in the coming months.
WWECW is dead! Long live ECW!


I see what you mean by it, Change the name and all would be well. Great Khali can't do Live shows, thats why he didn't do the Punjabi Prison Match. He also accidentaly killed someone while training so i respect anyone going up against khali just for that reason.

I see what you mean by it, Change the name and all would be well. Great Khali can't do Live shows, thats why he didn't do the Punjabi Prison Match. He also accidentaly killed someone while training so i respect anyone going up against khali just for that reason.

it should be noted that the guy he accidently killed wasn't medically cleared to be in the ring and had a severe concussion
This is from that all knowing source Wikipedia (don't laugh its just where i know it is.)

On May 28, 2001, Brian Ong volunteered to receive a flapjack from Singh. Singh did this move with two others in the gym that night, including one of the trainers, so Ong could see how it was done. Ong botched receiving the move, as he grabbed Singh's shirt instead of pushing off his back as the coaches had instructed him. He landed wrong and incurred a severe injury. Ong had suffered a previous concussion, and this second concussion ultimately proved fatal for him. As Singh inadvertently caused his death, Ong's family brought a lawsuit against All Pro Wrestling and were awarded damages of over $1.5 million.
The Great Khali is expected to receive a huge push as we head closer to WrestleMania, according to PWInsider.

His program against Tommy Dreamer has been done to design Khali as a huge monster. It is apparently written in pencil that at WrestleMania we'll see Khali vs. Lashley for the ECW title.


It's official, RIP ECW.

I lost all hope for the brand months ago. It has been clear since day 1 this is just a way for McMahon to use worthless wrestlers that fail on other shows. CM Punk is the lone star in the sky and after reading that if it is indeed true...well..I am just happy that it is Lashley and the ECW title he is going after and not Batista or Taker and the world title.
I feel sorry for CM Punk,he's stuck in the midst of all this crap.Itrs very likely he's just going to be over-booked but under-promoted like the Hardy Boyz.They want to use him to fiil up seats,but would rather put the title on lunch-wagons and stiffs like Lashley&Khali.
This is from that all knowing source Wikipedia (don't laugh its just where i know it is.)

On May 28, 2001, Brian Ong volunteered to receive a flapjack from Singh. Singh did this move with two others in the gym that night, including one of the trainers, so Ong could see how it was done. Ong botched receiving the move, as he grabbed Singh's shirt instead of pushing off his back as the coaches had instructed him. He landed wrong and incurred a severe injury. Ong had suffered a previous concussion, and this second concussion ultimately proved fatal for him. As Singh inadvertently caused his death, Ong's family brought a lawsuit against All Pro Wrestling and were awarded damages of over $1.5 million.

so then it wasn't even his fault.The guy didnt know how to be flapjacked and botched the fall. The way it was said Khali killed a guy made me think he didn't know what he was doing.:007:
I honestly don't see how anyone can have any faith in this abortion anymore. I wanna puke whenever I see RVD getting screwed out of the world title or Dreamer getting jobbed to a nobody like Khali. It's sickening to see the ECW originals being treated the way they are. No wonder RVD always looks so jaded everytime he walks down to the ring or in his promos. I never thought Vince was this stupid before, but obviously I was wrong.
yeah the great khali is a very cr@p wrestler and he should be fired so i think that lashley should lose his tittle to rvd and then lashley get's a rematch and he does something really dirty during the match like continually knocking referee's out because the count didnt go his way or using an illegal weapon on RVD to win the match so he would turn heel and then some were along the road Sabu gets caught up in the fued and then at wrestlemnia it's RVD(C) VS Lashley VS Sabu that would be an awesome match for ecw's main event at WM
Well at least there will be no more talk of a Lashley- Khali fight at wrestlemania. I now feel sorry for Raw for having Khali.
Right now I feel that there is a slight glimmer of hope for WWECW. Maybe God is a wrestling fan and can work some miracle to take the belt away from Lashley...
I just hope that tuesday RVD wins this time and that there is no bullshit finish like last week. I don't know why they can't have RVD vs Sabu at WM in extreme rules for the title, plus it could be a tribute to the Shiek.
WWE won't give RVD the title until he signs a new contract. They won't risk having another Bret Hart situation, so Lashley or someone else (Punk, Test, Sabu, Holly) will have the title.
Well at least there will be no more talk of a Lashley- Khali fight at wrestlemania. I now feel sorry for Raw for having Khali.

i can't believe they brought him to raw. WTF is wwe thinking anymore?
Every member of this board can come up with better ideas for matches/storylines than what www shits out.

Khali has been passed around wwe shows like a cheap ****e.they should let him go if they can't do anything with him .
I agree with ExtremeIron Chef- RVD vs. Sabu at WM in an extreme rules match for the title would be tremendous! I would pay the price of the PPV just to see that match, however, it will never happen. Vince McMahon will never give 2 stars that Heyman developed the spotlight on his biggest show. Vince is determined to make ECW all his own as he gives very little respect to the ECW orginals.
At least Khali is gone. Now there are only 5 or 6 other completely useless guys that ECW needs to let go of....
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