If you still had hope for ECW, you won't after reading this

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I just hope that tuesday RVD wins this time and that there is no bullshit finish like last week. I don't know why they can't have RVD vs Sabu at WM in extreme rules for the title, plus it could be a tribute to the Shiek.

Well, so much for not another BS finish. I think the Power 25 quote pretty much sums up what they [WWE] think of RVD right now: "RVD put forth a good effort, but once again he came up empty-handed in an attempt to win back the ECW World Title. Maybe he should just give it up, already." They made another stab at him in the latest magazine, too- in the spot about his guest role on The X-Files, they mentioned something about conspiracies giving him the munchies. They've already started the campaign in case he leaves. Also, didn't RVD and Jerry Lynn get in trouble for "showboating" on one of their first WWE Heat or Velocity matches? No way they're going in for RVD vs. Sabu at WM and show up their big men with little talent.

At least we know it won't be Cena vs. HHH again.
Well, so much for not another BS finish. I think the Power 25 quote pretty much sums up what they [WWE] think of RVD right now: "RVD put forth a good effort, but once again he came up empty-handed in an attempt to win back the ECW World Title. Maybe he should just give it up, already." They made another stab at him in the latest magazine, too- in the spot about his guest role on The X-Files, they mentioned something about conspiracies giving him the munchies. They've already started the campaign in case he leaves. Also, didn't RVD and Jerry Lynn get in trouble for "showboating" on one of their first WWE Heat or Velocity matches? No way they're going in for RVD vs. Sabu at WM and show up their big men with little talent.

At least we know it won't be Cena vs. HHH again.
I hope that RVD goes to TNA when his contract expires. I'm sick of him being wasted in a company that he helped to keep alive during the dark times. He doesn't have to use gimmickry to get pops and the fact that WWE ignores that speaks volumes as to how stupid the creative wonders in Stamford are. Dave Lagana needs to receive The VanTerminator.

RVD and Lynn were admonished after taking a match to the fifteen minute mark and waking up a prototypically dead Heat crowd from a sound slumber with some REAL wrestling, as opposed to "sports entertainment" fluff. Never make the other losers on the roster look inferior with your talent if they've got more merchandise on the shelves, or the creative squad will certainly kick your career in the junk.

They saddled the majority of the best wrestlers on the card at WM21 in the f**king openers and let pathetic losers like JBL, Batista, and Cena have the top spots. Too bad Angle and Michaels stole all of their thunder that night, by showing everyone who really should've closed the show.
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