If you have met a wrestler who was it and where?

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i met taker YEARS ago whe he was still with paul both of them were verry nice

met mick foley and also met SGT slaughter

i want to meet sandman, and CM punk
Met Yokozuna and Greg Valentine a few day's before 'Zuna died. He was a nice guy but Valentine was a miserable twat.
I met Kevin Nash at a comic convention in 98 when he was promoting his comic, got the first issue autographed and my pic taken with him, met Raven at the same con, funny story, I was waiting in line to meet him and this kid maybe 9 or 10, ducked the rope and went up to him (like next to him) and said "mom take our picture", Raven smiled and looked at the camera right as the flash lit up, he flipped off the mother...she was pissed, go his autograph too. I also met Mick Foley and Virgil/Vincent at a con in 05, Mick was real nice, my wife and i got our picture taken with him and i got his autograph, Virgil/Vincent was nice too.
I've met:
John Cena(3x)
Mick Foley
Trish Stratus

Also Rebecca Dipietro cuz as you've been hearing she and Batista are dating and he brought her along when I went to meet him so I got to meet her also.
Back when i lived in Memphis, back in 93-96, I got to met a few. When out to a bar with my ex-gfriend and she told me she wanted to introduce me to somebody. Ended up whe went to high school with Jeff Jarrett and was friends with him. We ended up closeing down the place drinking with him and Jimmy "Mouth Of The South" Hart.

And I also ran into Jerry Lawler acouple of times a stripclub. Pretty nice guys.
:wwf: :)

Well, today I finally met the big guy with the HUGE biceps, good old Hulk Hogan, and his (please Hogan don't bodyslam me through that table) smoking hot daughter Brooke at a Music CD signing in Toronto Ontario Canada today.

Waited like 2 and a half hours to get Hogan's autograph, JIMMY HART!!! and of course Brooke...who's CD is actually not that bad.

Pretty cool to shake hands with the dude who's birthday I share. August 11th man.

What sucks though is it was not on the WWE site as an appearance though, I guess maybe because it was for Brooke's CD, and since Hogan is I assume, not under contract with WWE in a formal way or anything like most of the other wrestlers are.

So how many other dudes and dudettes on here have actually met the wrestlers and diva's? Who is super nice and who are A-holes?
MikePhotoGuy said:
:wwf: :)

Well, today I finally met the big guy with the HUGE biceps, good old Hulk Hogan, and his (please Hogan don't bodyslam me through that table) smoking hot daughter Brooke at a Music CD signing in Toronto Ontario Canada today.

Waited like 2 and a half hours to get Hogan's autograph, JIMMY HART!!! and of course Brooke...who's CD is actually not that bad.

Pretty cool to shake hands with the dude who's birthday I share. August 11th man.

What sucks though is it was not on the WWE site as an appearance though, I guess maybe because it was for Brooke's CD, and since Hogan is I assume, not under contract with WWE in a formal way or anything like most of the other wrestlers are.

So how many other dudes and dudettes on here have actually met the wrestlers and diva's? Who is super nice and who are A-holes?

Wow that's cool dude :headbanger: It's an ambition of mine to meet the Hulkster, he's still my fave childhood wrestler from when I started watching WWE in 1990.
wow, thats real cool bro. when there was a house show in valporasio, indiana a few years back, i played football with the big show and billy gunn outside the arena before the show. they were really cool guys. then i met holly, who was a cool guy
Dang you guys are lucky. It would be cool to meet hulk hogan. And you got to play ball with show and billy gunn. That's insane.
Awesome! Hulk and Brooke are coming to my local Wal Mart on Thursday for a signing. I'm going to show up a few hours early and hopefully I too can meet the Hulkster.
a couple years back after hogan left the wwe after the mr american skit. i was in clearwater, fl. we were staying at a holiday in and it was right on the coast and the waitress said that every once in a while the hulk likes to eat there and we wer elike ok. so anyway later that weekend my mom comes in the room and says the hulk is out in his boat, i was like who cares thinking of the green hulk and she said grandpas helping him pull his boat to shore, thats when i realized it was hulk hogan, long story short we ended up playing football with his son and other family members whil he fished with my grandpa, his wife waked around in a thong bakini and brooke was so hott. the day the game ended after i trew a touchdown over nicks head to my cousin who is a girl then he left on his ski-doo, before we left i asked why he did the mr. american thing and he told me i could never imagine the amount of money they gave him brother.
Met Candice and Victoria in April at a book signing. really nice, friendly girls and for those interested, yes they did kiss and yes I have a pic of it!!
I met Steven Richards at the mall near my house. he was looking at some video game, and I tried talking to him about the Punisher game, and he just walked away.
ive met kurt angle he was n richmond virginia at NEXTEL store doing autographs n he signed my pic. n i shock his hand it was cool n ive met THE ROCK there was a house show n richmond virginia n me and my friend went we got droped off n was getin picked bac up after it was over n me n my friend was outside the arena after it was over walkin around waitin 4 the ride n we walked around the corner of the building n the rock was walkin out the door to get n this van n we ran up to the van n we talked to him 4 a min. shock his hand n he was askin us if we new where there was a poppa john's at lol its a pizza places it was cool
I met the Rock, We live in the same state and when I was in Miami for vacation I saw him at some resturant forget which
Well i've only met 2 Superstars

Jake The Snake Roberts

Sabu: Well before he signed with ECW he was doing house shows with a league called "UWA"(United Wrestling Alliance) and he was doing autographs and i went and got one and we had a casual talk after that, then he went and bought me a coffee but he had to go get ready for his match (man he was cool)

JTSR: Man oh man... He also did a show for UWA and he wasn't signing autographs.. well right before the show started i sat near the entrance where the wrestlers would come out and he peaked his head and and gave me 5 Dollars and asked him to go buy a coffee for him so no one would see him..

That also reminds me ive also met Abyss

I met him at UWA too. He was signing autographs and taking pictures, he was really nice.
I used to ring Kurt Angle out at a Toys R Us i use to work at in Pittsburgh.

I've met The Big Show outside of a Pittsburgh Pirates game 4 yrs ago.

I just met Ms. Brooks and Shark Boy at a MEWL event here in ohio

Ive gotten autographs for the JunkYard Dog many years ago and from BG and Kip James back when they where the New Age Outlaws.
Lets See i've met john cena at his house once in new bury,massachussetes
i was doing a fundrasing thing once and i went to this big house i was like are you john cena
he shook his head i was like :eek:oooooooooooooooooooooooooo w..wwould y.ou like to buy chocolate cena he replied yes i asked him can i have a autograph i even have a picture of him and me in my bedroom
I Met batista just last week in barcolona he gave me his phone number even
I Met Dx at a raw show they sined my dx t-shirt i was like can i be your son they laughed they pat my head but that was the old dx not now in the late 1990's
I Also met ric flair,hulk hogan,and sting at a bar once i got ther autographes
and a picture wityh them
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