Sorry, but when your literally "worse than cena" and your still being pushed....I have no respect for you.
Well then you must not have any respect for most of the wrestlers because most of them are significantly worse than Cena. I'd say close to all of them, in fact.
Roman has yet to prove he can wrestle.
You mean other than all of those times he's wrestled, right?
Cena has the same 5 moves, but at least he puts on great matches.
I have a hard time believing that a person who thinks Cena only has 5 moves and
also thinks that the number of moves performed in a match matters
also knows what a good match is.
Cena also has mic skills when he is allowed to talk.
Well yeah.
I can't believe someone worse than Cena is in the main event. As much as I hate Cena....I would rather watch him over Roman anyday of the week. You know your bad when Cena is better.
Well yeah, several people who are in the main event picture are worse than Cena. Reigns is totally one of them. So are Rollins and Lesnar when he's around.
The point I am trying to make that Roman is ALMOST as bad as the Great Khali.
Khali wasn't really a bad wrestler for what he was supposed to be but no, Roman is much better.
I am not exaggerating either.
Well if you aren't, you're just very stupid.
Khali could only do the chop. Roman can only punch and spear. They are only 1 move from being the exact same terrible wrestler in the ring.
Very stupid. First of all, the number of moves performed in a match means dick. Roman may have only done those two moves in that particular match but given the story of the match, it makes sense for those to be the only moves he used.
Also, unless you have never seen any other match of his, saying that Reigns only has a handful of moves at this point is just willful ignorance. In the match with Daniel Bryan alone he did the multiple Pumphandle Slam move that I've never seen anyone do before. He also did an overhead belly-to-belly Suplex in that match. On Raw, not too long ago, he did a fireman's carry flapjack. Like this one.
Roman is barely better than Khali on the mic. I am still seeing no progress with Roman.
Okay, stupid.
Everyone clearly saw that Brock was calling the entire match.
Horseshit. That match was choreographed in the back and anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.
The match was great because of Brock and the great crowd. All Roman did was "be there for the fans to boo".
Not to mention his amazing selling that made the match work. I wouldn't expect you to catch onto that though, stupid.
No one wanted Roman as champ and that is why the crowd was into the match. We were begging god that either Brock or Rollins won...and our prayers were answered.
Bye, stupid.