If you could do one wrestling move...

The Legendary 23

Naughty by Nature
...to a person in real life, what would it be? You're pissed and you need to let off some steam, what better therapy than pro wrestling? This is a one time thing, so let's say for this moment alone you are gifted with all the strength or coordination to pull off the move.

Mind you this person will not get injured or in serious pain, but you can picture them as your sworn enemy if it makes you feel better, or if your into that kind of stuff. As for me? I'd do a motherfucking powerbomb. Full force, it would feel pretty cool to pull that move off.
Canadian Destroyer. If the guy doesn't get hurt, that looks fucking fun to do.
I bonce locked my uncle in a Figure Four. It was all fun and games until he rolled it over.

My friend and I also hit my brother with a 3D. That was so much fun, that I'd do it again.
Full on Ric Flair mule kick to the balls...the one he does when he is holding on to the ref and his opponent is behind him. Nothing more satisfying then hearing that crack *squeak* of your opponent freezing in time and space from the pain and then crumpling to the ground.

Then, turn around and SHINING WIZARD as he is kneeling on the ground!
I'd do one of these

No one get's hurt? All the coordination in the world?

Shooting star press off the Raw set at the top of the stage onto your mum.
Well, when I was younger I actually did a Clothesline from Hell on a kid I did hate. That was fun.

But as I would like to progress from that, I would like to do the Rock Bottom right through a table.
I gave a guy a pretty good spear once in a fight.

Knocked the wind right out of him, which was immediately followed by a couple of his teeth getting knocked right out of him.
I gave a guy a pretty good spear once in a fight.

Knocked the wind right out of him, which was immediately followed by a couple of his teeth getting knocked right out of him.

Can't say I've done it in a fight, but when wrestling, I spear. Hard. Had my buddy on his backside for a good 3 minutes once, but it felt good to make Adam Copeland proud.
A few years ago, we had a kick ass trampoline positioned right next to the pool. I have three memorable moments on this:

3) A Stone Cold Stunner to my friend. We hit some air time!

2) Diving spear. Same friend ran off the trampoline into me

1) Springboard Swanton... this involved a pool, a pool fence & a trampoline. Figure that one out.

BTW: I got it right the 4th go!
I once fisherman suplexed someone in a real wrestling match. His shoulder landed square on my head, I was stunned. It costed me the match. :lmao:
Back in the day my friend, his cousin and I had a hardcore match. Well as hardcore as some cardboard boxes, trash can lids, and of course the almighty ladder could be. Needless to say an Evenflow DDT onto a trash can lid, throwing my friend into a cardboard box, and then hitting a frog splash from the top of the ladder won me the triple threat.

Otherwise today, I would love to do a proper Go To Sleep Kenta style to someone, or lock on the Devil Lock and make someone cry like a bitch.
I've done a spear, and a swanton to someone so... I think I would go with an rko... just look like it would be fun
I think the best situation I'd love to be in where I'm pissed off and have a move to use, going down a street and chokeslamming people into bins, tables, cars, your pet dog and the local paperboy, just the power to let it out one hand at a time and not alot of energy spent doing it would be a good release for me.

That or the Crippler Crossface, tap bitch, tap!

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