If you could choose


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if cout could choose one superstar to move from their current brand to another who would it be, what brand would they go to, and why??

i would move matt hardy back to ecw. i really liked what he did there and his title reign was pretty good. i feel that he doesnt have a place on smackdown anymore. he wont get to the mainevent and as a midcarder he is really just in the way of guys like ziggler and morrison. if matt went to ecw he could do what regal and christian are doing now. giving a bit of prestige to the ecw title and help develop and create new superstars. since alot of people also want christian to go to smackdown i could see matt take his place as the top face of ecw. i wouldnt mind seeing a matt hardy christian feud as well. we all know about there tag team battles but these two have never had a program of their own.
I sort of answered this on the "diva's hell in a cell" thread, but I will answer it here too.

I would take Katie Lea Burchill off of ECW and put her on RAW. katie Lea is an underrated performer and would be a GREAT champion.. tho I am torn between having her win the pathetic Diva's Title or the Women's World Championship (i'd rather have her win the women's belt)

She had some AMAZING matches in Ohio Valley against Beth Phoenix for the OVW Women's Championship and I think she would definitely serve notice to Mickie James.
I would put Christian on Smackdown. he's done all he can on ECW already and needs more competition and a possible Smackdown Title Reign. Ofcourse the talk of E vs C.
R-Truth to ECW. He's just lingering in shadows with all that amazing talent he has to offer. He could bring alot to the table - he can prove to strong champion and help bring prestige back to the ECW belt. I mean I acknowledge that he is pretty old but he can definitely put over the young guys. Give them some good matches to put under their record. I dont see them (thewriters) going anywhere with him on smackdown.
If I could move one Superstar to another Brand it would have to be Triple H to ECW. Moving the King of Kings to the Black Show would do wonders for Tuesday nights. I’m sure a whole lot of things would change if Hunter was gunning for the 3rd place Trophy. A second hour would be added, just to give HHH more camera time. A second – tier Title (ECW TV Title), maybe a set of Tag Titles, would be added to give the other stars something to gun for while Triple H hogged, I mean held, the ECW Title. So many young up and comers could use a rub from Hunter. This also makes room on the Red and Blue Shows for the other Stars.
If I could move one Superstar to another Brand it would have to be Triple H to ECW. Moving the King of Kings to the Black Show would do wonders for Tuesday nights. I’m sure a whole lot of things would change if Hunter was gunning for the 3rd place Trophy. A second hour would be added, just to give HHH more camera time. A second – tier Title (ECW TV Title), maybe a set of Tag Titles, would be added to give the other stars something to gun for while Triple H hogged, I mean held, the ECW Title. So many young up and comers could use a rub from Hunter. This also makes room on the Red and Blue Shows for the other Stars.

I couldn't of put it better myself. As he states he's the best in the world, so he would only help the show out by going there. They don't need another hour or other titles on the show. He could sit on a king's throne every week and be the ECW Champion, as well as the GM. Everyone else would compete to please him, and once he felt someone was worthy of a shot he could it to them. He could be the measuring stick that new talent was judge upon.
The way I feel about Triple H being on ECW is the same way I felt when Kurt Angle and Big Show first got the ECW. I had high hopes for Kurt in ECW. Hunter could do the same maybe even better. Do I think he would “lower” himself to Tuesday?? Like VKM’s theme song, No Chance In Hell!! Do we all remember how hard it was for him to go to Smackdown?? That was just moving from one mansion to next door. Him moving to ECW would be like moving from the mansion to townhouse. It’s just a dream and I’m glad I’m not alone in this idea.
HHH going to ECW would be him admitting he's not ALL that anymore. ECW is for veterans to put over talent and the young talent ideally to get national TV exposure. HHH wouldn't fit in and would have no one realistically able to challenge him. I wouldn't believe ANYONE facing him could actually beat him or have HHH put anyone there over.
I would move john cena to smackdown because I want him to get away from orton and with him on smackdown that could do wonders for the brand.
Cena to Smackdown would be a good thing for him as he is perceived as young and hip which is the age demographic of the Smackdown audience.

Id like to see Jericho go to ECW and take Edge with him. They are great Canadian talent who are great for business and would fit in well.
Perhaps if HHH went to ECW he could put over younger talent in a different way; instead of having them defeat him which would be rather unbelievable perhaps he could lead ecw at PPVs against raw and smackdown trying to usher himself in as the true king of kings; also as stated before it would provide the perfect platform for any extenion t the ECW brand to occur
Well I agree that Cena going to Smackdown would help the brand and get him out of main event cluster that is Raw, I have a different idea. ECW needs help desperately in the form of seasoned top guys. Many of you mentioned HHH going, which wouldn't be a bad fit but he's unwilling to move to what many consider a second class brand (I don't but many of my friends do). The surprise move that I was thinking is someone who never left RAW and is nearing the end of his career physically; HBK to ECW.

Not only can the brand grow from his experience, he can also mentor the young talent of how the business works; he had his own wrestling school for God's sake. By splitting up DX, it can help ECW when big PPV's come together and can make the brand a major player again. If he learned anything from Ric Flair, it's you have to give back into the business and can you imagine wrestlers taught by HBK?
This one may seem an odd selection, but I'm going to go with it anyway. My choice would be to move Tommy Dreamer from ECW to either of the other brands. I know that he's seen as the ECW original and, for many reasons, is considered to be the most major staple of ECW, and I think that may be holding him back more than anything else. I think it would make a great storyline to have Tommy Dreamer forced from ECW to either Raw or Smackdown and have him cope with this situation he's never had to before. Watching him need to reinvent himself and find a way to fit into an entirely new show, especially after being so long with ECW, I think would be an awesome tale to tell.
I've been thinking about tommy dreamer moving to smackdown. I reallythink he would be a great upper mid card wrestler and have great storylines with other upper mid card wrestlers on smackdown. Maybe lower mid card wrestlers too like charlie hass.
I would move Swagger to Smackdown! for obvious reasons. In my opinion I would rather see him gunning for the IC title rather then getting in on the Kofi/Miz feud. I would love for him to be challenging John Morisson or Dolph Ziggler. I think their styles would mesh well. Plus instead of just waiting around for a storyline to come his way he would be in one. On Smackdown most of the superstars are involved in a feud in one way or another. I would love for Swagger to come over to Smackdown and actually have something to do. Plus he could really prove himself and get that push to the main event level that he needs here as he will not get it on Raw while Triple H Orton and Cena are there. I am not saying those three are holding him back but if they were not there then there might be some more room for newer Main Eventers on Raw.
I would move Chris Jericho to ECW, because I want him to get the ECW championship. If he ever did, he'd be the first one to hold the WCW championship, WWE championship, World heavyweight championship, and ECW championship. All 4 heavyweight titles. To my knowledge nobody has ever done all that. That would just add to Jericho's already legendary status.
jericho yes but cena no. I just cant see cena on ecw i know cena and jericho are great wrestlers and i think jericho is better but in cena's consideration i think thata bringing him down a step. I also think jericho is good on any brand
There are several people in WWE that could use a fresh change of scenery. Hell, WWE could use a fresh change of scenery.

Every show needs a great villain. People want to see the bad guy get their ass kicked. They'll buy the tickets, the good guy's merchandise, and the PPVs all in the name of watching the antagonist get his butt kicked. Raw has Randy Orton and Legacy as well as Big Show. Smackdown has CM Punk, Chris Jericho, and now seemingly Vince McMahon. McMahon could be 90 years old, barely able to walk to the ring, and have more skin dropping than Mae Young at the Royal Rumble Swimsuit Competition. He'd still draw people to watch him get his butt kicked by the right guy. And oh yeah, Smackdown also has on the IR the Rated R Superstar, Edge.

What does ECW have? William Regal? Vladimir "Ivan Drago" Kozlov? Ahmed Johnson?.... I mean Ezekiel Jackson. God, how can I confuse the two? Maybe its the ear ring. Then there is Sheamus, a guy who can wrestle pretty well.... if you can wear sunglasses to block out the light. Plus, he has questionable mic skills. So, who is there on ECW to draw heat, REAL heat to counter Christian?

I vote to trade Edge to ECW. Christian and Edge have a history. Edge can come to ECW where he can feud with Christian over the ECW Championship as well as erase Christian from the company. If the WWE wanted to, they could put Edge as a GM of ECW while he is recovering just to begin the storyline. I'm sure the two can put ECW on some sort of right track. The Edge and Christian rivalry can include other wrestlers as well (ala Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer). Edge needs to be on a show where he is the main heel attraction. Any other use in my opinion is a waste of time. Edge makes the young crowd boo. He can get people to watch ECW on a regular basis. Raw and Smackdown are too congested with heels for Edge to really stand out. ECW can be the home of the Rated R Superstar and as a result gain a wider audience to showcase their new talent.
After reading this thread and all it's opinions I think the best fit to be moved to WWEECW is "Lionheart" Chris Jericho for many reasons I think he would make a GREAT WWECW Champion first of all , second of all I think he would be a great fit in terms of being able to build new young talent much the way Christian has to this point with Zack Ryder (The match they had last week was incredible and Christian actully made it look like Ryder could beat him) but the problem is that outside William Regal there really isn't any "main Event" calibur talent in WWECW I know ur all thinking Vlad Kolslaw who loves doubledouble E or Big Bad greenhorn known as Zek Jackson but neither of them have what it takes to get it done in WWECW , RAW or SmackDown atleast not right now . Another person who could step up into the WWECW Championship picture is Hurricane Helms with or without the Hurricane gimmick I think he could be a good WWECW Champion if time was taken to build a good story around an eventual WWECW Title match with Christian , Ryder or Regal . As for Tommy Dreamer being in the mix I would nix that Idea becasue he could be on Smackdown chasing the Intercontinental Title or chasing the Unifed Tag Titles either thay or on Raw chasing the United States Title or the Unifed Tag Team Titles . See this is one of my issues with WWECW there is only ONE TITLE , this is a Major reason for WWECW's failure to be a "Major player" in The WWE Brands thus making WWECW the "third" wheel" The Unifed Tag Champions NEVER defend on WWECW I think having a young team like The Hart Dynasty win the titles and moving them around to ALL three brands would be a great Idea Take care and tune into WWECW Tonight On ShFy @ 10:00 EST.
how about well established mid high carders to bring up the young talent and let raw and smackdown fester for 6 months. 6 months down the line all the new talent + the mid carders stated above would florish thru and u would have your pic of superstars and new factions and tag teams thus creating loads more story lines and reviving the tag division. U could also use this push of new talent to rest the older guys its time they stood back and let the future shine.
This Might sound odd... but i have a reson, Chris Jericho to ECW. on ECW has some great talent that he could face with, like Vlady, Exzekeil, Tommy Dreamer... and one of a great tag team could be REFORMED......... Christian and Chris Jericho, just thing, Chris and Christina with UTTC would be heavon.... idk if ppl agree with me, but Chris and Christian ROCK!!!!!
From Raw I would choose Jack Swagger I would move him to Smackdown where he would be in the uppermidcard /mainevent. He could have a good feud with Undertaker, Mysterio, Matt Hardy, or John Morrison. His talent is being wasted right now and he could shine without the clogged mainevent on Smackdown

From Smackdown I would choose R Truth to ECW. He could easily step up to be the mainevent face. He is a veteran and could train the FCW graduates

From ECW I would choose William Regal. He has had a mediocre career and deserves to go to Smackdown and get the JBL treatment for his years of loyalty. Let him win the big one and have some good feuds with Mysterio, Punk, Jericho and Taker for the title
John Cena to SD or Orton back to SD.

either one of them could main event there, or help tag division. Tag division on SD is cryme tyme and hart dynasty for ages. week after week. Rated PG-Rko could return as a tag team and put them over. if they return the tag titles (or not) whoever was put over could be contending against JeriShow.

Cena to SD! could also be good. he could main event and lose to Edge,Jericho,Undertaker and prove he's only good on a show that Vince McMahon TOTALLY controls. (RAW is his favourite show, it's pretty obvious to, he's listed on the Raw roster even).

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