If you could change the roster

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Dark Match Winner
I was having a discussion with another TNA fan recently. We were discussing the recent changes within TNA's roster. A hypothetical scenario came up that I thought would be interesting to see the feedback amongst the message board folk. The scenario was: You have to save money within your corporation by "cutting the fat". If you were TNA management and had the power to release any or all of the roster in TNA, who would you release and why? There was no limit on how many people that you could release.
The two names that I came up with were: Elix Skipper and Johnny Devine. I know that Devine is with 3D but what does he really do to help or hurt 3D? He isn't good on the mic and just makes weird faces while Bubba talks. I am unimpressed with Devine's skills in the ring. Elix Skipper has good skills but has no potential the way the show is written. He is buried within the storylines to jobber status. When you see Skipper, you automatically think that he is going to lose against any opponent.
I think Skipper and Devine are decent. Skipper is pretty awesome but bland and I think there's a chance with Devine, he just needs a good gimmick. Though I would still release Black Reign who without the Golddust gimmick is useless, and Sharkboy (and probably Rellik) before them. I think they could find other guys to be jobbers that are better than Sharkboy. Then if we kept going I would get rid of Lance Hoyt, Raeesha Saeed, Matt Morgan and possible VKM. I might want to keep VKM around though as familiar faces that late 90s wrestling fans might see channel surfing.

On another note, I think they could drop some guys and bring in guys like Nigel McGuinnes who I think has a great look and the Briscoe Bros. I'd love to see Austin Aires back in TNA as well.
I actually dont mind Devine or Skipper, Skipper has been demoted and I feel sorry for the guy I think hes got great talent just never really had the chance to showcase it, and same with Devine. I think if you were going to cut anyone from the roster it would have to be firstly Black Reign, no doubt about it he can cut good promos but his character doesn't do anything and has really run it course, he will never ever be more than that mid card guy. Another one would be Rellik, why is he in TNA he has rubbish attire, rubbish character the crowd dont boo him or cheer him, hes stuck in limbo and costing them money if you want to keep the guy make him change back to Jonnhy the Bull.

I think what TNA could do with is some fresh original untouched talent that they have grown themselves perhaps the should invest into OVW.
Like you, I feel bad for Skipper too. My choice to cut him was close to euthanasia to spare him from jobbing so much. He has talent. I would like to see him utilized in a story line to a point rather than always jobbed. But once you are buried as a jobber, it is hard to bring your character back to a winning status without hurting the guy's rep that you beat. How could this person lose to Skipper mentality comes to mind. I didn't see CPR coming to his career in TNA so, I decided to cut him.
I have to say that taking the Rellik character and canning that idea isn't bad. I like Stamboli and could see him "unmasked' working out just fine in TNA. Re-package Rellick with a new gimmick. I have a hard time buying Stamboli as a monster when he has a giant cross tattooed on his back. Aren't crosses something that monsters fear in old black and white movies? Then again, if they did that - what happens to Super Eric?
I think the thought with Black Reign is that he is another face from the past that channel surfers know (like VKM). Hey, is that Golddust - stop here and watch - I remember him from way back. Putting Dustin Rhodes on television might not catch the channel surfer's eye. Black Reign gets a decent response in the Impact Zone at tapings, mainly from tourists, because he is a face from the past.
I agree with another post. I would like to see new talent that is home-grown from TNA. That would be awesome. Lord knows, there are tons of indy guys and gals who would love a shot at TNA. They would work for less compared to veterans who know what they think they are worth. It just takes some really good scouting and creative skills to make these new characters from scratch work for the company. It takes time and money to build these characters from scratch. However, I think it would be worth the effort in the long run.
It was a hard decision when I had the conversation with the other fan to make a definite choice. I am just glad that I am not making those choices for TNA! The subject came up when I was upset over the release of Mesias. I made the comment that I would have let some dead-weight that is not being used correctly or needed go before I let him walk out the door. Did anyone explain to him that making 100k and working 5 nights a week, every week was the same as $50k when you work half the days? That is a whole new converation by itself.
I like Hoyt's personality at the tapings. What you don't see on television is that he is very personable and works the crowd. He is fan friendly at signings. He can get the crowd going at live shows and tapings. That makes him valuable to the company. I haven't seen the same with Rave. I am not sure if TNA has not shown all his talent or showcased him correctly. He seems a little bland. So, he was another person that came to mind in my cut. I have never seen Rave outside of TNA so, I may be missing out on something that has not been shown yet. I wasn't sure if he was someone to cut or not. Since the tag team division needs big help, I might consider keeping Rock and Rave in tact for awhile longer.
If Skipper put down the crack pipe and picked up a dumbbell id let him stay. Hes disgusting to look at, sloppy, and just useless at this point. Even when he was in Diamonds in the Rough, HE BOTCHED A SPOT IN EVERY MATCH. I cant believe you guys have a soft spot for him.

VKM should have been gone a long time ago, but since BG and Jarrett are good buddies, they remain protected. The truth is, they havent drawn a dime in TNA. I know TNA doesnt draw a lot of dimes, but they really havent gotten the fans behind them, except for a month when they waged war on Vince.

Johnny Devine can stay cuz theyv spent too much time trying to build him back up. Plus he will take a beating, and not put other people in danger.

VKM, and Skipper are pure fat that need to be cut off the meat.
I think that TNA has a lot of good workers, and some that are not so good. I hate to say it, but everyone is right about Elix Skipper. The man is talented, but he is a jobber. He has some great athleticism and some unique offense, but he has never really connected with the TNA fans that much over the years...the last time I could think of was when he was a member of the original XXX, and the sick head-scissors after walking the top of the cage....Even after all that, he gets let go, there is nothing there for him...

And, I agree that Johnny Devine gets axed. he also has never connected with the fans. Plus, as someone said, he is sloppy in the ring and really does nothing for Team 3D or the company in general...I can't believe they put the X-Division belt on this guy...

Plus others that are not really doing much right now, like Black Reign and Rellik (that's "killer" spelled backwards), just need to be repackaged with either new looks and / or new storylines. Matt Morgan, Roxxi Leveaux, and others fall under the same umbrella...
I agree with most everyone else on Black Reign, Rellik and Johnny Devine. They can't get rid of Sharkboy, though. He's the best jobber since Brooklyn Brawler.
It's disgusting how TNA is wasting Roxxi Laveaux. My God, write something for her.
I wouldnt so much mind Black Reign and Rellik in TNA if they never really won any of their matches, but the fact that TNA made them go over the Motercity Machine Guns was disgusting. The other reason I dislike Black Reign is because when Chris Harris was fresh off getting his singles push, TNA decide to stick him in a dead end fued with Black Reign, real stupid. Same exact thing happened to Kaz. I know thats not Black Reign's fault that TNA put them Harris and Kaz in a fued with him, but jesus if Reign had atleast some ring skills, didnt lick that stupid mouse all the time and didnt talk in that dumb voice those fueds may have been interesting. Slightly..interesing.

The people I would cut from the rosters would be Rhaka Khan, Johnny Devine and Elix Skipper. TNA has way to many Knockouts these days, why the hell does Scott Steiner need a manager for christ sakes. Johnny Devine is totally uninpressive to me. Watching his facial expressions while Brother Ray was on the mic was cringe worthy, and his ring skills arent exactly good, average at best. Finally Elix Skipper, basicly they have nothing for him, I mean I used to quite like him but just making him job all the time doesnt do much for the guy.
Oh, thank you. Rhaka Khan? Why?
Also Rasheed Saeed or whatever Kong's associate's name is. What's her contribution, other than speaking for Kong once a month?
here's how I would rework the roster. PUT THE BELT ON ROBERT ROODE! I mean come on the guy has a hell of a lot of potential. his feud with Booker T should help him immensely... the belt should be off of Kurt Angle. yea I know he's got creative control over his character but still the guy needs to put over TNA's homegrown talent. TNA needs to cut Jonny Devine. why they still have him is beyond me. the guy can't act to save his life, all he's good for is an enhancement talent. Cheerleeder Melisa (who is Kongs associate) gotta stay but she needs to just be herself. Kong doesn't need anybody to put her over her immense size and the fact that she freaks most people out should suffice for now. they have so much to do but if they had another TV show or something then they can. reminds me alot of when WCW was at its peak as well as when WWF/E bought out WCW. way too many good talent but wasting a lot of it due to not having enough exposure.
Oh, thank you. Rhaka Khan? Why?
Also Rasheed Saeed or whatever Kong's associate's name is. What's her contribution, other than speaking for Kong once a month?

Well... she's one of the best female wrestlers in the world right now; so whilst changing the way they're using her might be a valid suggestion, kicking her off the roster is not.

I'm not even sure if skipper is still with TNA at all; I don't reember seeing him since Senshi left; he's a decent atholete and was willing to perform high risk spots, but didn't have much charisma, so I doubt he has much of a future if he is still there.

Kip James would be at the top of my list of people to scrap; anyone who saw his match with Devon 6 months ago knows how sloppy his in ring work has gotten. Of course, he's involved in quite a promising retro fued with BG right now, so keep him aound for that, then send him packing.
Here's how I would change the roster. Some have already been mentioned, but there are a few new suggestions.

Elix Skipper – I too find his in-ring work sloppy. At times he looks like he’s moving in slow motion. He often has a confused look, like he’s thinking what do I do next? He’s also bland, boring on the mic.

Johnny Devine – he’s good with a kendo stick, but take that away and he doesn’t have much. He has average ring and mic skills. He just doesn’t stand out...I forget he’s on the roster most of the time.

Kip James – he draws more attention because of his fancy outfits than his wrestling or mic work. He just isn’t that impressive in the ring anymore. He’s 44 and I think it’s time to focus on the younger talent. Once he's done feuding with BG, he should go...otherwise I see him turning into jobber fodder.

Scott Steiner - I say let him finish out this year, that'll give him ample time to get his world title shot and feud with Williams, eventually putting Petey over. He's another member of the over 40 set (he's 45) who has slowed down and whose matches just aren't on the same level they once were in his prime.

Kevin Nash – I was a ‘Big Sexy’ mark back in the day so it’s hard to say this, but these days he looks and moves more like ‘Grandfather Sexy’. At 47, he’s 10 years past his prime. He’s slowed down considerably and just doesn’t bring the same power and energy to his matches. Everybody’s mama knows he’s got bad knees. It gets a little more painful each week watching him hobble *cough*walk*cough* to the ring.

Velvet Sky – her match with Gail Kim last week was painful to watch. Some of the worst selling I’ve seen in a long time. She moved slow and looked winded. I know she serves a T&A purpose (like Angelina Love), but if TNA is striving to have a legitimate wrestling based women’s division then she should go.
Cheerleader Melissa is great. Raeesha Saeed is a waste. Who in their right mind would turn Cheerleader Melissa into Raeesha Saeed?
I didn't realize that was Melissa's new character, perhaps because it makes absolutely no sense.
If somebody tells me Rhaka Khan used to be Jazz and Johnny Devine was formerly Rob Van Dam I'll do a swanton off my roof.
I would have to agree with everyones opinion on Raeesha Saeed, Ive never seen her as cheerleader melissa but it doesnt make sense that Kong has a manager like her, and I understand that Kong needs someone to speak for her, to obtain that monster appeal, but why dont they try someone already on the roster like James Mitchell? And then let cheerleader melissa wrestle as I aint seen her yet as Melissa!
Rellik needs a new look/gimmick. He's certianly a talented wrestler but he's embarrassing. I'm also sick of hearing Mike Tenay comment ''That's killer spelt backwards'' Err, thanks captain obvious...

Black Reign obviously needs to just go away, he's ruined Kazs push. Robert Roode is an excellent heel, he'd be even better without the whole wall street, cheap attempt at being JBL thing.

Johnny Devine or as my friend named him ''the worst X Division champion ever'' did have a purpose when he was with Team 3D, and he could be a filler in x-scape. He's an annoying character, they could just use him the same way they did when he was havoc, a filler x-divison wrestler who doesn't take up too much valuable air time.

Elix Skipper has some unique high flying abilities no doubt about, but the fact that he was seen as a shadow in the recent triple x and never having said anything doesn't help. He looks like a character that was stuck in TNA from 2003. Also in recent times he looks like he's on hunger strike, almost worrying.
first off you cant keep rellik and blackreign so fire one of them
fire elix skipper because he realy dont do nothing
also fire either Bg james or Kip James preferably Kip
cut about 3 or 4 knockouts like sharmell and roxi laveux christy hemme
split up the rock'n rave infection the guitar hero crap is stupid and besides
Hoyt can have any partner and Jimmy Rave would do better
in the X division
last they could hire some new talent like Bryan Danielson Austin Aries or
Nigel Mcguiness
I would get Rid of Black Reign, Rellik, Jimmy Rave, Lance Hoyt, Shark Boy.

Black Reign- There is no place for him at all in the company and everytime they try to start a storyline it last 2 or 3 weeks and then it is just dropped. Such as the Kaz and Eric Young storyline. yes they have been pushing that for the past couple of weeks, and it has sucked and i see no point to it at all.

Rellik- same thing as black Reign. BUt i think with a gimmick change he will be good. Have him team up with Abyss or something and have them run wild on the talent and give them the Tag Team titles or something.

Lance Hoyt- No use for him, just a jobber and same with Shark Boy, and Jimmy Rave.

I think once they give the belt to Samoa Joe this is what i think will happen or should happen.
AJ and Tomko vs. Cage and Rhyno. Give Cage and Rhyno the belts.
Now start a feud, Sting and Nash vs. Team 3D vs. Cage and Rhyno for the belts.
Then they will start a Kurt Angle vs. AJ Stlyes feud because during that thing last night they sort of hinted it at the end.
Then you have to incorperate Tomko, Booker T, and Robert Roode. I think that sooner or later they need to give the belt to Roode because he has a lot of potential.

Put Samoa Joe, in a transitional feud for like 4 weeks with like Tomko or something like that. Then take it from their.
It's disgusting how TNA is wasting Roxxi Laveaux. My God, write something for her.
I haven't been on here in ages. Barely read the wrestling news anymore. But I agree that they need 2 do something with Roxxi. She's supposed 2 be about voodoo. They could think of something, like tamper with Sky's & Love's makeup while they're wrestling. Act like they're allergic to something, use some kind of itching powder in their wrestling attire.
Another one would be Rellik, why is he in TNA he has rubbish attire, rubbish character the crowd dont boo him or cheer him, hes stuck in limbo and costing them money if you want to keep the guy make him change back to Jonnhy the Bull.

I like Rellik, it wouldn't make sense making him Johnny the Bull again. TNA could do more with the Rellik gimmick. Put him & Black Reign up with James Mitchell & Judas Mesias. They could have their own Dungeon of Doom. I don't know when ima fully give my choices on change the roster, I know they can tweak it.
BG James: Lets face it whats he got left to offer he may have skill on the mic but he cnt wrestle and noone gives a crap about him

Kip james: Dx reject his ok but got nfin left to offer ditto as bg james nobody cares about him anymore

Black reign: His good at playing his character but his a jobber and boring in the ring

Sharkboy : lets face it he aint going nowhere and this gimmick has to end sometime and then u will see gimmick or no gimmick his doomed to fail

Elix skipper: his a gd in ring performer but aint bein used well

Lance hoyt:ditto elix skipper

Johnny devine: he barely gets crowd heat and his so blande

Don west: maby not sack him put him backstage for a recap on recent events and to replac ehim on commentry james mitchell:undertaker2::007:
Well said stena. I agree with you. But I would say they should try and re introduce Lance Hoyt. I think if used correctly this guy has some potential. For his size he is quite acrobatic :)
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