If you could change One Theme....


Dark Match Winner
The power is in your hands. You've just complained to Vince McMahon about how generic and boring somebody's theme is. He is now your bitch, and has given you the creative power to choose a song as a theme for a superstar of your choice, who's current theme is rubbish. What wrestler and what song would you choose for them?
I personally hate Tyler Reks's theme song. It's bland, generic, and unoriginal. They literally took Darren Young's theme, removed the lyrics and half the beat, and gave it to Reks.


I think I would ask for the E to rehash Tyler's surfer theme and gimmick. Not necessarily because I enjoy the gimmick itself, but because Smackdown lacks midcard faces. There's Kofi, Barreta, Masters, and JTG. The heels drastically outnumber the faces. And the kids could enjoy the gimmick now that it would be on a show people watch.
2 stand out for me.

the corre- just dosent seem to fit the group. should be a bit more heavy for 'the end of days' thing. i mean it just makes them seem more mid card than need be.

bryan danielson- my god his song is getting on my nerves. if i was running things, i would let him use his old theme 'final countdown'. just fits better.

also a mention on the smackdown theme.. blows. they should have used 'invincible' by adelitas way for smackdown & chose something else for superstars. i was pissed when papa roach did raw's theme but the nickleback song has been a nice replacement. although the best in my opinion was 'across the nation'.
I would change Triple H's Theme song Because he has had that song for like ever
and i think this song Fits him perfectly and the band who plays it has done some good WWE themes (NO way out 2009, Batista's Theme and Wrestle mania 23
And is a good song for either Randy Orton or HHH


Imagine Triple H coming out to that song it fits him perfectly
And his old Theme song is so old i don't even remember if he has had any other themes
somehow i dont see HHH changing his theme. its one of those iconic themes that hold up over time. maybe it has been altered a bit (king of kings) but its still all about HHH\Motorhead. its like changing HBK's, Vince's, or Stone Cold's entrance themes. maybe somewhat changed over the years but, all in all, still the same for a reason.
2 stand out for me.

the corre- just dosent seem to fit the group. should be a bit more heavy for 'the end of days' thing. i mean it just makes them seem more mid card than need be.

bryan danielson- my god his song is getting on my nerves. if i was running things, i would let him use his old theme 'final countdown'. just fits better.

also a mention on the smackdown theme.. blows. they should have used 'invincible' by adelitas way for smackdown & chose something else for superstars. i was pissed when papa roach did raw's theme but the nickleback song has been a nice replacement. although the best in my opinion was 'across the nation'.

Corre - I don't know if you saw Smackdown last week, but they remixed the theme. It's a lot better imo. Besides, they kinda are mid-card at the moment.

Daniel Bryan - Bashing Ride of the Valkyrie's? Have you no shame?

Smackdown - ... yes. Change this NOW.
The Corre's theme.

Really, they should just give Corre the Nexus them, because CM Punk's Nexus is HIS group, The Corre is more like the original Nexus, a unit, a group all in one.
**Side Note** The CORRE's new theme as of 2/4/11, is a remix, and is done by Shaman's Harvest, the same group that does Drew McIntyre's theme...its actually a good theme as of now. I like it**

If I could change any theme, I would HAVE to change Smackdown's theme, Green Day is okay, but THAT song...:wtf: you can't say that is the only song that came to mind to try to appeal to a broad audience? I mean, surely there's other songs about fighting. I do like the Adelita's Way "Invincible" suggestion. Another one to me would be "Justice" by Rev Theory, an interesting side note about that song, its already being used as the bumper music for the show.

I think Kane could benefit from a new song as well. I'd like him to maybe have Avenged Sevenfold's song "Nightmare" as a theme song, its a pretty accurate description of him whether face or heel. He's anyone's worst nightmare in the ring, no matter what the situation.

I think Eve needs a new song too. Something other than "She Looks Good." :disappointed: That's such a BLAH song, maybe she'd also get more crowd support as well. How about "HollaBack Girl" by Gwen Stefani..in some remix way. The song is meant as a diss to Courtney Love who called out Stefani as a cheerleader. So if Eve wants to prove she's more than just a bad dancer/cheerleader to R-Truth...do it then.
1. I would defintely like to change The Undertaker's song. It's gettng old & no longer has that dark feel the same way it used to have.

2. Plus Kelly Kelly's.....meh. Sounds like a go-go girl trying too hard to be seductive through singing.

3. Vladmir Kozlov I would change 'cuz it doesn't seem to fit his current gimmick w/Santino. It mostly blends in with his Heel gimmick.
Kane. His music sounds less like a psychotic beast of a killer, and more like someone who's just mysterious and shadowy. I understand that's what they were going for, but I think Kane's character, even now, is supposed to be a guy that is mysterious, but will absolutely kick your ass if you cross him the wrong way. His old music fit him a hundred times better, and I think they should have left it alone.

Honorable mention: "It sounds like a Halloween party." -The Doctor.

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