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If You Could Add Five Talents To The TNA Roster, Who Would They Be?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the WWE independent contractor issue coming to the forefront, hypothetically anyone could leave at any time, regardless of no compete contracts. This leaves the possibility of a free-for-all of talents mass exiting to find greener pastures. If you could sign any five talents to the TNA roster (note: they don't need to be in WWE currently and they can be at any position within the company) who would they be? And why?

Remember that stealing all of WWE's 'top names' might seem like a good idea at first, but would they really fit the TNA style? Does that star thrive because of their talent or because WWE has positioned them a certain way that wouldn't work in TNA? Just food for thought.

Here are mine:

01. Dean Ambrose (The PG environment, while he is still thriving, holds Ambrose back from his full potential and his newly found star power would give a boost of young blood to a desperate roster)
High Profile Feuds: Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sanada (I think Ambrose could get a lot out of him)

02. Christian (One of the best champions TNA has ever had, a return to the company would be greatly heralded)
High Profile Feuds: Bobby Lashley, Matt Hardy, Bobby Roode, EC3 (if anyone could get a lot out of EC3, it would be Christian)

03. William Regal (Place him at commentary with Josh Matthews, use him as an occasional in-ring talent, maybe even make him a manager if the right talent comes along, a jack of all trades)
High Profile Feuds: Austin Aries, MVP (Japanese style vs. British style), Magnus (could do wonders for him), Kurt Angle (what a technical masterpiece)

04: Awesome Kong (She is the one name TNA was ridiculous to lose in the first place, one of the few genuine attractions in women's wrestling, it really wouldn't matter who she faced)

05. AJ Styles (Take away the Styles Clash, given the recent string of injuries, and everything else about Styles is as good as it has ever been, maybe even better now that he has proven to excel in Japan, Styles was synonymous with TNA for a long time and a surprise return would be big news)

Sometimes it only takes one person to completely shift the dynamics of a roster. Dean Ambrose would do that for TNA, bringing in someone whose star power isn't SO big that everyone would expect him to squash everyone that isn't named Kurt Angle but big enough to give a huge boost to everyone he works with. Christian and AJ Styles would bring in two of TNA's best main event talents to mix with their current talents. Awesome Kong can hold down the Knockouts division so long as they keep a steady flow of challengers coming. Finally, William Regal could work in any position and be a major asset to the entire roster, many of their young talents looking to take it to the next level could benefit greatly from him being around.

So, who would you bring in?



CM Punk: Just with the buzz and attention hes getting would draw alot of eyes to the show and would immediately be in the title picture.

John Cena: Im just curious on this one. Curious to what he could actually do for TNA in a financial standpoint and Curious to what life in the WWE would be without him.

AJ Styles: Just bring him back home.

Tyson Kidd: The work horse and overlooked champion of the world. I wonder if TNA would strap the rocket to his back.

Shane O'Mac: Invasion rumors would start, he would draw media attention for returning to wrestling. Everyone would wonder if hes going to compete with WWE. Curious to heat on him and Trips. So many questions on that one!
I'n going to pick the wrestlers not on the WWE roster at the moment.

CM Punk: For buzz

Alberto Del Rio: Solid worker, great history.

Kenny Omega: All around beast, would be great in the X-Division, or a top heavyweight.

Ricochet: One of the best high flyers going today, I would build the X-Division around him.

Kota Ibushi: Another solid high flyer for TNA's X-Division.

A weird mix of wrestlers, but I find all of them talented, I would seriously try to build up Kenny Omega as a major star. In my opinion he is one of the best wrestlers in the world today.
I'd say it's pretty obvious, you just follow the WCW formula…take the biggest stars possible.

1. John Cena
2. Brock Lesnar
3. CM Punk
4. Randy Orton
5. Daniel Bryan

Taking anyone else would be a wasted pick. There is no TNA style, because no one watches TNA (sad but true). The number one goal is to get viewers and get an audience, and the fastest way to do that is to shock people in to watching feeling like anything could happen at any given time. Doesn't matter how long of a run they would have or even if they would get over long term, the goal is to get eyes on the product and hope they stick around to watch the new stars you're building. Guys like Christian and AJ are great, but they didn't move the needle enough to justify using them as part of the 5 picks, assuming the goal would be to make TNA competitive.
Othello: A big powerful and agile dude like him would fit in perfectly
Tito Escondido: In fact the whole Vermin faction would benefit TNA both as a group or separate.
Michael Elgin: Like Othello and Tito another big powerful man who would benefit TNA
Dolph Ziggler: If you must recruit a WWE guy then get one that's worth it
Red Dragon: Restart their feud with the wolves or start one with the Hardy's that should bring in the ratings.
Tito Escondido: In fact the whole Vermin faction would benefit TNA both as a group or separate.

You know about Tito? Wow haha I went to wrestling school with him, I mean I haven't gone in a while, but I trained a couple of times with him at Santinos Wrestling Academy. He's really good, along with Rico.
1) John Morrison - he still has name value, is an amazing in ring performer, oozes charisma which may not transfer to the mic so well. Can feud with all types.

2) Trent Barreta - could really bolster the X Division. Good look, ok on the mic, high flier in the ring.

3) Drew Galloway - The Chosen One. Never quite got the opportunity he needed to be the top guy. Maybe it was the accent. Could renew his feud with Morrison.

4) Shelton Benjamin - straight away I want to see him against Angle and against Lashley. A fair dinkum wrestler who would add so much credibility to the product.

5) Colt Cabana - just imagine the publicity. Don't forget he is a two time NWA World Champion. His promos burying the opposition would be priceless. He may even get his mate to accompany him to the ring on a major PPV for a World Title match.
It's difficult to say, as there are so many talents out there I'd like to see him TNA- but I am going to focus on talents who I think would make the biggest impact on TNA programming- however unrealistic their signing would be.

1. John Cena
Why not go for the biggest name in the business? It's highly unlikely that Cena will ever leave WWE, he'll be with the company for life and will almost certainly have a job there once he retires from the in-ring side of things. However, imagine the surprise if Cena suddenly appeared on Impact- it would be even be more shocking that Kurt Angle's debut! The buzz would be massive and if anyone would be able to boost the ratings then it would be Cena. I'd expect he'd be TNA World Champion within weeks, and be the new face of the company.

2. CM Punk
I'd have picked Punk as one of my choices anyway, but with all the recent publicity surrounding his departure from WWE and now his signing with the UFC- seeing CM Punk on Impact would be a big deal. Punk has been pretty vocal in the past about his dislike of his previous run in TNA so I doubt we'll ever see him back in the Impact Zone. I'd love to see him face the likes of Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle though.

3.Randy Orton
Orton is a great wrestler, but over the last couple of years I have felt he has become a little stale in WWE. He's still young enough to have alot left in the tank, but a change of scenery could be just what he needs to freshen up his gimmick and style. Again, I think he is a WWE guy for life (unless he fails another drugs test), but seeing the Viper on Impact would be awesome. I think he would fit in well in TNA and be one of the undoubted gems on the roster.

Probably the best high flyer in the business today, I am shocked WWE passed up the chance to sign this man a couple of years ago- some of the things he can do are unbelevable. He's being pushed in Lucha Underground as one of their big stars and I have no doubt TNA would do the same thing- he's someone you could build the X-Division around.

5.The Rock
Ok, Ok...it's not happening but imagine if it did? Along with Austin, Rocky is the biggest star wrestling has produced in the last 20 years as well as being a genuine Hollywood megastar- The Rock is MONEY. If wrestling fans found out The Great One was appearing on a TNA show, you can bet you're ass they'd be tuning in. The pop when he came out would be bigger than the rest of the roster combined- and a run as TNA World Champion would be guaranteed. Even if he didn't wrestle, and just appeared on screen, it would be huge news.
Ah well first I would say my picks arent gonna happen ever! But this is just a fantasy roster. For me, TNA always had the best in-ring talents and most Charismatic wrestler but they lack mic skills. They can't sell anything they would want to!! So I'm not gonna add some guys who can rock the mic

1) Triple H - In ring talent or make a new Evolution in TNA
2) CM Punk - High profile feuds
3) Stonecold Steve Austin - General Manager
4) Adrian Neville/Wade Barret with William Regal
5) Bo Dallas - I don't like him tbh but he can get over the crowd
John Cena .I've gotta agree with charismatic enigma here if you wanna make the biggest impact you've gotta take the biggest names so he's the first id go for, just imagine the media buzz and attention you'd get. John Cena is arguably bigger than TNA so this would be the real gamechanger.

Jim Ross. Secondly let's get someone in who knows the game and who's gonna know how to use all this talent. Its not good Dixie giving these wonderful gifts to her stooges to ruin.

Shane Mcmahon. Once again this is for buzz and attention. Just think how many people would lose their shift when the boss of the WWEs son joins a rival company.

Daniel Bryan. No doubt about it he is still the single most over wrestler of the current era who has really carved a place into the mainstream. Imagine the following he would bring over to the company when his first match upon his return is in TNA.

AND Finally...... You've got the merchandise cow, you've got the brains and voice of the show, you've got the shock factor and you've got the hottest star right now....... so you go for their heart, their history, their soul, you take away the man who has contributed to so many era defining moments over the years and shaped so many legacies they wont be able to acknowledge his defecting to another company without feeding his aura, you go for.............The Undertaker....... Just imagine the ppv sales shoot through the roof when you have Daniel Bryans first match upon his return and The Undertakers first match since the loss of his streak on the same card. Insane.
I'm going to try to be a lil more REALISTIC then most have. Triple H??? John Cena?? Undertaker???

1. Crimson- this guy started off strong from the bottom and had so much potential to rise to the top. (IMO one of TNA's mistake) I would love to see Crimson back in a TNA ring.
2. Amazing Red- bring back to help the x-division.
3. Ricochet-the best high flyer currently in professional wrestling.
4. Shelton Benjamin- Always wondered why he never decided to go to TNA. Benjamin would be an excellent addition to the World title scene, the x-division or the tag division with Charlie Haas.
5. Tyson Kidd w/possibly Natayla- One of the few wwe main roster guys that I see fitting in perfectly with TNA.
1) Jim Ross - commentary + talent scout
2) Paul Heyman - commentary
3) Dusty Rhodes - booking
4) Daniel Bryan - top star with a huge following
5) Brock Lesnar - huge special attraction
1. CM Punk — is there a hotter name out there right now among non-active wrestlers? This guy is more over sitting at home on the sidelines bitching about WWE, HHH and McMahon over Colt Cabana's podcast than I'd imagine at least a handful of WWE's actual in-ring talents are performing for them on a near nightly-basis. Not just the jobbers, either. Significant roster talents.

Age and attitude aside, his coming to TNA would have all the same impact as when Hogan joined in 2009, except with Punk, you're getting the kind of spark you can actually work with in the ring. He's probably the only in-ring talent who would single handedly revolutionize the company from a one-man-army perspective.

2. AJ Styles — the original TNA original. Even though the term isn’t technically true, since guys most certainly didn’t inherently start from TNA, is there any name more synonymous with wrestling fans as a direct result of the work they did with that company than Styles? I’d argue not. The closest to him is probably Samaoa Joe, but even he pales in comparison to “the house that AJ built”.

Bring him home. I want to hear that “Get ready to fly!” pop again.

3. Trent Baretta — he did really well in every match he had with them the last year or two, and he would help to add the depth required to make the X Division a division worth watching. Not that it’s not right now with the group there today, but the potential list of feuds there are really entertaining. Specifically Low Ki, Kenny King and Sanada. Heel or face, he’d fit right in.

4. Matt Hardy — I know he’s already there, but I’m talking on a full-time basis. He’s done wonders for the tag team division, where he could continue to provide an impact (all pun intended), and this version of Matt, coming off some of the worst years of his life, seems humbled and just genuinely appreciative of the wrestling business, and of “lesser” companies like TNA, ROH and House of Hardcore. He’s one of the best working hands out there. Every roster needs them. Even the best of the best need guys who understand work rate to get where they are. That’s Matt Hardy in a nutshell.

5. Matt Morgan - presuming he wants anything to do with pro wrestling again, he’s a guy I’d give the ball to and let run in this new 2015 IMPACT. Fresh start, fresh legs. Always loved what Morgan had to offer. Size, attitude, look, intensity, everything. He could wrestle about as well as any “big guy” I’ve seen compete, especially in TNA, and despite leaving, always struck me as a really loyal-to-the-brand type guy.
I wanna stick to realistic ideas here. Sure, even if the whole contract with WWE thing wasn't in the way, guys like Punk, Cena, Orton, or Lesnar would never in a million years go to TNA cause it wouldn't make sense for them. Nowhere near enough money. Now, to preface my picks, I would basically add the entire ROH roster, as I think pretty much everyone on the ROH Roster has potential. But, we only get 5. So....

1) Chris Hero- He's extremely talented, and was never given the chance he deserved in the WWE. Without a doubt, whatever he did on TNA would be good.

2) Colt Cabana- This could be a bit of a needle mover. With recent events, Colt has been making news by association. I think this will be the closest you'll be able to come to capitalizing on the TNA situation if you're TNA. Besides, he's damn good. He'll get over if treated right.

3) ACH- TNA needs to rebuild the X Division. There's a lot of great choices out there, but I think ACH would be a great pick up. He really fits in to that crazy flip style.

4) The Briscoes. I count them as one pick. Once upon a time TNA stood out because it had a great X Division, a great Women's Division, and a great tag division. I'll say, they're may have been a time where TNA had the best tag division on TV. They need to reset all those divisions. I think Dem Boys from Sandy Fork would be the pick up to create. Until Jay became world Champ, they had done all they could in ROH. I think signing the Briscoes would be a great move for TNA to jump start the tag division.

5) Drew Galloway- This is one of the bigger names out there. We all know he didn't get a fair chance in WWE when he really deserved it. And from interviews and his recent work, you can tell he's hungry to make a name and prove WWE wrong. Give him the right treatment, and he'll make a lot of good TV for TNA. And he'll be an ex-WWE guy that actually has talent, unlike some of their aquistions who got cut from WWE for a reason. But that's another conversation.

So that's my list. All realistic choices. Nobody is gonna leave WWE for TNA unless they really don't care about money. If I had more choices I would suggest new knockouts, like Mia Yim or Ivelisse Velez. Also, Alberto del Rio and Michael Elgin would be at the top of my list. But I'm sticking to my choices.
1). Alberto Del Rio - He has an axe to grind with WWE. Give him the ball in TNA and see how far he can go with it

2). Michael Elgin - I think he would fit in perfectly with TNA. Could have great matches with Aries, Roode, EC3 etc.

3.) Zack Ryder - Needs a fresh start. He could fit in the tag division (with Curt Hawkins) or X division. May even surprise us all as a heavyweight contender

4.) Cesaro - Vince is apparently not pleased with his inability to get over with the crowd. Have him go to TNA and instantly become a top contender

5.) Curtis Axel - Bring him in as Joe Hennig and see what happens.

I am obviously leaning towards midcarders who seem to not be going anywhere in the near future in WWE's mind. Give them a chance in TNA and see what happens. It proved worthwhile for Christian and EC3 amongst others
1. Jim Ross. Give him the power that Big John has or at least have them work together. JR can still play a major role in professional wrestling, and not just behind a mic. The TNA schedule wouldn't be that stressful to JR, at least I don't think it would.

2. Shelton Benjamin. X-Division or World Title. Have Angle as his mentor/manager. Great opponent for Angle as well if he was to have a retirement match in TNA.

3. Matt Morgan. Once or twice, it looked like TNA had finally gotten Morgan over and each time they dropped the ball. This guy can compete, and is better than Abyss or Knux.

4. Ricochet. He'd freshen up the X-Division, and would be a good opponent for anyone.

5. The Briscoes. TNA needs a couple of tag-teams. Briscoe's v Wolves feud ticks a lot of boxes.
1, I would bring in someone like Ted Dibiase Sr as like a new heel commisioner figure I think him paying off wrestlers to do his dirty work the storylines would be great.
2, Maybe bring in Roddy Piper to maybe work as some kind of co commisioner and work for the faces against the heel Dibiase team, Also TNA has lost several big name legends recently so Piper and Dibiase are still big name legends and would at least be a little cheaper I imagine than Hogan, Sting and Flair etc.
3, Cesaro I think his talent is being wasted in the WWE and would love to see him come over to main event in TNA.
4, AJ Styles I think he's kind of the franchise face of TNA and TNA needs him back, Kind of like how Sting was to WCW and how Tommy Dreamer was to ECW for example just not the same without him.
5, Luke Harper I think he's got a lot of potential and believe the WWE will only ruin his build up given time and hope he will have a better chance in TNA.

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