If WZF was a burning house...

Stop trying to get people to like you. It isn't working, because you're not very likeable.

I mean this in the nicest way possible. Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;3032758 said:
Who says I'm trying to get people to like me? All I did was make one joke.

And thanks for being honest BTW.

Leave the funny buisness to people who are actually funny.
Stop trying to get people to like you. It isn't working, because you're not very likeable.

I mean this in the nicest way possible. Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh.

LOL, straight forward huh?

If WZF was a burning house, and DDP was the fire, somebody should help Michael V's self esteem.

But as far as getting back on topic, I'd save DDP just because of that comment, the three other people would most likely be the three that weighs the least, so i don't strain myself. the rest of you guys and gals i dont know so to hell with yall, burn baby burn.
Jglass, Dirty, SSC, Theoooooo


Numbers, Sns, Crock, Doc

Jglass, Because he's my msn brosiph.

Dirty, because he talks to me and helps me out constantly

SSC, because that man can prolly has somthing that needs to be put on fire. We could use him.

Theooo, because I need him to grow out his beard. So I can have somthing to measure mine aganst.


Numbers- Coz Alex is my brosiph.

Sns- I allways need a great laugh, and he is one of the best.

Crock- Coz he's my msn brospih to!

Doc- Coz he's an Ohio brother!
This question hurts my brain.

Crock, JGlass, and INDYJon are the first three people that sprung to mind as they are probably the 3 posters I like the most here. As for the 4th that is tough. I'll pick Phatso. Really moving up my list.
You really have no middle-ground, do you?

I'm not very good at sugar coating things. I have opinions and I say them aloud. They come off as harsh over text, but they really don't mean to be. I actually don't mind Michael V, or Crock, or anyone else I've said things about. I just hold opinions...and stuff.

Now this isn't really coming out right. Hrm.

Just because I sound like I either hate something or like something, doesn't mean it's true. I actually like everything, but I don't hide my feelings if there's something about someone I'd change. At least, not over the internet.
I'm not saying sugar coat things, but some things are just best kept to yourself. You know how I feel about Mikey, but a minor ribbing was all that was necessary in this case.
Lee, DDP, Michael V and Jglass. I picked Michael V and DDP just so they can eventually bond and form a close relationship, a Father/son like one.
I'd save...enterkey and SSC...because without them I could never look at a pair of tits the same. Then I'd save Theo..because of the beard. And we're going to need a Doctor, in case anyone has some burns..so I'd drag Doc along too I guess. ;)
now i miss litas
thanks, dick

So what does saving someone entail? Moving an obstruction with your sledgehammer or carrying them out in the fireman's carry (and then throwing them)
Which one of you has the Charlie Manson-ability to get women to sleep with anyone? You'd be the first to be saved, then 48.7 (if he didn't already have that aforementioned ability) and Norm.

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