If Undertaker, then why not Shawn?

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
Right now the Undertaker is the heavyweight champ. He is a legend and a vet who is a role model to the younger guys, but took the title from a younger guy. He doesn't work house shows and in the last month he hasn't wrestled on TV in 2 out of the 4 Smackdown! episodes. I'm sure he knows that he doesn't need the title to be over or prove anything like HBK, but they put the title on him. Shawn works the same schedule as Undertaker so there's no reason to no give HBK another reign. It doesn't have to be long, but it could be for respect. I'm not taking anything away from Undertaker. Shawn is just as deserving and still can work with the best of them while making opponents look good.
Um, from what I know, HBK doesn't even want any belt on him. Trust me, if he wanted to they'd give him a belt at the drop of a dime.
Whether he wants it or needs it (he don't), I would like to see him as champion one more time. I was surprised when he won it at the first Elimination Chamber but knew it wouldn't last long. I think Taker is holding the belt right now because he never lost it the last time he had it. I don't see Taker having the title as a big deal because he could use it to elevate a new star (although I think the guy to take it from him will be Jericho whether he wins at Survivor Series or not).
Yeah. Why not Shawn Michaels? Him and The Undertaker are similar, if you;re looking at their statuses in the WWE, so if Undertaker is champ, than HBK should get a title reign. I hear that he's said that he doesn't want to be champion, but why? He is worthy to be champion, so why not do it, even if you don't necessarily want the title. However, if HBK were to win the title, it'd be stupid if it were too short a reign. His 2002 title reign was only 28 days long, and that was horrible. If he won the title, it'd have to exceed two months to make me satisfied. The 3 World Title reigns Undertaker's had was very short also, but atleast it was three different ones. For HBK, a final title reign should be a pretty long one (over 2 months), and for Undertaker, he should be champ for atleast the rest of the year.
i think that triple h will win the title right before hbk retires and they will have a match at wm 27 or 28 and hbk will win then retire the next night and give the title to john Morrison. lol off topic i know.
hbk does not need the title at all. taker does not either but he is on sd and punk is NOT championship material he is just like jeff hardy a upper mid card so they thought the ratings would get better if taker had the title. dont get me wrong punk is great i just think he is not as good as heel as he could be just like he sucked as a face. the wwe right now sucks im glad we got jericho in the sd main event im sure raw triple threat will be great if cena gets boo'ed lol.
but if Shawn won the title at survivor series it would be cool but you know he would lose a month later cause he does not want the title cause then people would bash him just like they do trips. plus i think 3 wwe championships is the average world title wins for most past champions
HBK doesn't want another title reign;it's as simple as that. Trust me, if he wanted one, he'd get it, no problem. Shawn is very deserving of a world title, but doesn't need it and he knows that. He's fine doing what he's been doing; putting over others.
I remember reading that HBK didnt want another title run. The reason being, if he did have another one, that would ruin his "special" road schedule, and he doesnt want to be on the road a lot at his age. If HBK did want another title run, Vince would drop everything he'd be doing just so he could go to creative and incorporate a Shawn Michaels title run into the storylines. Im all for another HBK run, hell I'd love it.
Well look at what show they're on and then you might find your answer.

Raw is obviously seen as "the" show to be on. And for that reason, HBK, will never get the belt while he's on Raw, whether he wants it or not. I highly doubt the Undertaker lobbys hard for him to have the belt tbh, but his character is ideal to lead to PG generation over on smackdown and be the dominant face.

HBK would have the title, had it a few times tbh......if he was on Smackdown and not Raw.

For Raw, you have to have either the top 2 Faces or the top 2 heels with the title. Not push new stars with it or have others for nostalgia. Cena and HHH are the top two faces, so unless Michaels turned heel, he will (and rigthly so) never have the title on Raw.
I remember reading that HBK didnt want another title run. The reason being, if he did have another one, that would ruin his "special" road schedule, and he doesnt want to be on the road a lot at his age. If HBK did want another title run, Vince would drop everything he'd be doing just so he could go to creative and incorporate a Shawn Michaels title run into the storylines. Im all for another HBK run, hell I'd love it.

Yes, thats true and good point. But Undertaker has the same special schedule. He doesn't work house shows and hasn't wrestled on TV 2 out of the last 4 Smackdowns. He wrestled Punk 2 weeks ago but didn't work the week before on TV or the week after. Shawn has said in the past because he doesn't want to be on the road all the time, but Undertaker isn't on the road all the time either and has the strap.
Yeah, Shawn Michaels really needs a respect reign. Because he doesn't get a video package touting his accomplishments and tonguing his asshole every couple months. :rolleyes:

Shawn doesn't want a title run from what I understand (although many a poster in here beat me to posting that). However, the respect motive for giving someone (especially him) the top belt is a little fishy to me. You want the top belt on the guy who you think will attract the most viewers (if they're a face) or build the best chase for a face contender (if they're a heel). What we don't need is an scrawny, over-hyped legend with a shady track record for being a draw and for putting people over getting the top strap. Especially not when a lengthy Cena reign is just what the product needs right now.
As many other people have said, it's because he doesn't want it. It is an obvious statement, because when you have the pull backstage that he does, a championship is the equivalent of a favor. But it isn't that he doesn't want it because of schedule, because Undertaker has a similiar one and is still champion. HBK, despite popular opinion, is doing what is best for future stars, keeping championships on other guys. Obviously HBK as champion means great matches in every main event until he'd drop it, but we can't always have what we want.
Shawn has come out and said he doesnt want a title rein if he did WWE would give him one quick now they put him in title matches to make the champ look good example Cena HBK WM23
Despite what everyone is saying I reckon we will see Shawn with the belt in the next couple of months. I reckon Shawn is approaching his final run with the company and may well wrestle his official final match at WM26. Before then though I think he might have a couple of months as WWE champion for the final time.
hat we don't need is an scrawny, over-hyped legend with a shady track record for being a draw and for putting people over getting the top strap. Especially not when a lengthy Cena reign is just what the product needs right now.

Overhyped? Are you kidding me? HBK has match of the year for like the last 7 years straight. He hasn't been champ in 7 years. He's been putting guys over NONSTOP all that time. Despite personal opinions, from a professional standpoint almost every wrestler chooses HBK or Flair as their pick for "greatest of all time". How can you say he doesn't deserve everything he gets? It's when I read opinions like that that I get frustrated with fans. It's completely personal bias and animosity without an ounce of truth or fact. "Overhyped" my ass.
Dude didnt just say we needed another Cena Title Reign did he??? Ughh.. HBK is far more interesting and better in every aspect.. nuff said. Best wrestler in all facets on the roster .. Period..Give him a title.. Please!!
Right now the Undertaker is the heavyweight champ. He is a legend and a vet who is a role model to the younger guys, but took the title from a younger guy. He doesn't work house shows and in the last month he hasn't wrestled on TV in 2 out of the 4 Smackdown! episodes. I'm sure he knows that he doesn't need the title to be over or prove anything like HBK, but they put the title on him. Shawn works the same schedule as Undertaker so there's no reason to no give HBK another reign. It doesn't have to be long, but it could be for respect. I'm not taking anything away from Undertaker. Shawn is just as deserving and still can work with the best of them while making opponents look good.

Shawn could definitely carry a title no problem. As far as all this house show crap that people like to bitch about when they complain about Taker having the belt, get over it. House show business is not what drives the product and is the lowest source of revenue in North America and Vince has already said this. He doesn't need Taker on house shows, he needs him on PPV and television, and even if he only cuts a promo on Smackdown, he almost always works a dark match afterwards. House shows are not the main revenue source they once were and I don't think it's a factor on whether or not a guy gets the belt any longer.

Shawn should definitely get the WWE title once again, it would certainly shake things up on RAW.
Why would you want HBK to have the belt? It'll only result in HHH turning heel and then he'll win it and hold it for 9 months straight or something, and it'll be like 2003 all over again. I guess that HBK doesn't want titles because he feels they'd work better if they were held by newer guys like Orton and Cena, helping them build up from superstars to legends.

From Taker's side of things, they're probably giving him a half decent run after 6 really pathetic ones so that his WM streak isn't his only shining accomplishment in his career.

Oh and Coco, the last thing we need is a lengthy Cena ANYTHING. All we need is something to whinge about apparently.
For the record, The Undertaker does, in fact, still work quite a few house shows. If you go to the tickets section on WWE.com and look at the line up for most of the Smackdown/ECW house shows, The Undertaker is the first name on the list, whereas HBK is not listed on any of the Raw House shows. So although he does have a lighter schedule than most of the roster, it is still not anywhere near as light as HBK's.(No offense intended to Shawn.)
You know Slam Master, you have a point here. I'm not a huge Shawn Michaels fan but think the guy is one of the all-time greatest wrestlers the WWE has ever had. I agree that HBK does deserve one more title run (just think about it, ever since Michaels came back, he's had the title I believe twice while Taker has had it several times, especially over the past year & half). I know that Shawn is on Raw & there's a more balanced amount of talent over there vs. Smackdown! (even though they don't seem to realize such things), but again, I think Shawn should get one more reign, maybe for about three or four months (which seems like an eternity nowadays). IDK if he's brought this up, but if not he really needs to. It's not like he's never politicked for the title before, right?
I hate to argue Mark Madden philosophy, but what is the point of a "Respect Reign" anyway? Michaels is a much better worker than the Undertaker, and he's doing whats best suited for the business in putting over young talent. Taker took the title off a young star who really got over better in the main event as champion. Why? because "He's paid his dues?" Thats ridiculous. Taker doesn't need the belt to be over, he's already over, and a loss does nothing to his legacy, because he's already percieved as one of the best. All these "Respct Reigns" do is bury the champion that does the job to the "legend."

So to the point of the thread, Could HBK be a decent champ? sure, but that doesn't mean he should be champion. Same thing with the Undertaker. IMO take the belt off of the Undertaker and let young guys who are coming into their own in the main event hold the belt. Taker should be in the main event, but not going over stars that should be getting put over and established.
I hate to argue Mark Madden philosophy, but what is the point of a "Respect Reign" anyway? Michaels is a much better worker than the Undertaker, and he's doing whats best suited for the business in putting over young talent. Taker took the title off a young star who really got over better in the main event as champion. Why? because "He's paid his dues?" Thats ridiculous. Taker doesn't need the belt to be over, he's already over, and a loss does nothing to his legacy, because he's already percieved as one of the best. All these "Respct Reigns" do is bury the champion that does the job to the "legend."

So to the point of the thread, Could HBK be a decent champ? sure, but that doesn't mean he should be champion. Same thing with the Undertaker. IMO take the belt off of the Undertaker and let young guys who are coming into their own in the main event hold the belt. Taker should be in the main event, but not going over stars that should be getting put over and established.

please get off that lame "Taker took the belt off of Punk, sniff sniff" bullshit! Taker didn't bury anyone nor kill anyones push..Vince McMahon made that call period end of fucking story. Shawn says it in his book very clearly "there is no saying no to Vince McMahon". If Vince didn't want Taker as his champion then Mark Calaway would not be walking around with that title , period. CM Punk is a mid card talent who had his chance and didn't get over near as big as he should have and Vince put the belt on the biggest star he has on the brand and that is Taker. Nobody is going to stop watching because Punk isn't in the main event, he makes or breaks nothing.

why should a young guy who's drawn nothing be given the belt? The belt goes on the best stars you have to offer, not on every new jag-off who walks in the door of the company because they've had less birthdays. Look what Bret Favre is doing right now in the NFL at 40, after everyone told him to go away and make room for the new blood...age has fuck all to do with anything, you either get the job done or you don't......you either have the shit it takes to work and draw money or you don't.

And Michaels is not a "much better worker" than Taker, I didn't see him carrying Taker at Mania this past April.....I think people forget that Taker is 300lbs and isn't supposed to do anything near what he does in the ring, no-one with his dimensions ever has. Taker is one of the most solid workers for any size ever. And have you stopped to think that Taker is being used to get the belt over? There was a time when that title meant something, now every Tom,Dick and Harry can apparently win it...Rey Mysterio is not a fucking heavyweight! Taker is giving the belt credibility and when the right time comes I'm sure the right guy will beat him for it. Just watching Punk vs. Taker last week on SD made realize that a guy like Punk would not last one minute in a fight with a guy Taker's size, it would go down just like it did, with Punk getting his clock cleaned.
The reasoning for Shawn not having a title reign is because he simply doesn't want to be champion. Trust me, if he wanted it, and the WWE knew he would be committed to a 3-4 month reign, they would do it. HBK can hang with anyone in the WWE right now. So can Taker. Taker's the champ because right now, he's the most over wrestler on the Smackdown roster. Period. That's why Cena's champ on Raw. He's simply more over than the other wrestlers.

From what the original thread starter was going with, he made it seem as if the WWE doesn't want HBK to be champion. That's far from the truth. Shawn is a respectable wrestler and is a hard worker. The match with DX and Cena's going to be great. Three solid workers going for the title. And trust me, if HBK wanted to be champion, he'd more than likely get that chance. He's earned it.
please get off that lame "Taker took the belt off of Punk, sniff sniff" bullshit! Taker didn't bury anyone nor kill anyones push..Vince McMahon made that call period end of fucking story. Shawn says it in his book very clearly "there is no saying no to Vince McMahon". If Vince didn't want Taker as his champion then Mark Calaway would not be walking around with that title , period. CM Punk is a mid card talent who had his chance and didn't get over near as big as he should have and Vince put the belt on the biggest star he has on the brand and that is Taker. Nobody is going to stop watching because Punk isn't in the main event, he makes or breaks nothing.

why should a young guy who's drawn nothing be given the belt? The belt goes on the best stars you have to offer, not on every new jag-off who walks in the door of the company because they've had less birthdays. Look what Bret Favre is doing right now in the NFL at 40, after everyone told him to go away and make room for the new blood...age has fuck all to do with anything, you either get the job done or you don't......you either have the shit it takes to work and draw money or you don't.

And Michaels is not a "much better worker" than Taker, I didn't see him carrying Taker at Mania this past April.....I think people forget that Taker is 300lbs and isn't supposed to do anything near what he does in the ring, no-one with his dimensions ever has. Taker is one of the most solid workers for any size ever. And have you stopped to think that Taker is being used to get the belt over? There was a time when that title meant something, now every Tom,Dick and Harry can apparently win it...Rey Mysterio is not a fucking heavyweight! Taker is giving the belt credibility and when the right time comes I'm sure the right guy will beat him for it. Just watching Punk vs. Taker last week on SD made realize that a guy like Punk would not last one minute in a fight with a guy Taker's size, it would go down just like it did, with Punk getting his clock cleaned.

Whoa don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying i don't think that taker is good, i just think for his and shawn's age, that shawn is better. Furthermore I'm not a CM Punk apologist who is whining that he lost. It could've been Morrison, Hardy or anyone else, i just think that due to being a young guy with a good upside, it makes more sense to have a heel hold the belt and a face like taker chasing. that is a better draw. We all know that Taker would likely beat the shit out of punk, but this is wrestling. It doesn't matter who is legit tougher than anyone else. Also I never blamed the Undertaker himself for anything. I just said it makes more sense to put the belt on someone who needs it to get over, rather than someone who is already over.
Shawn Michaels being champion again someday would be great, but he doesn't want another title reign. It'd be great to put it on him though just so he could elevate a young guy and the title itself. I'd be gun ho if he had the belt one last time!
Shawn Michaels doesn't want the title on him if he did he would have had a few more reigns by now look no further then his BFF Triple H.

I respect Shawn for knowing his time as the face of the company is over and swallowing his pride so to speak and putting young guys over.

Triple H is a power hungry title hog that deserves nobody's respect right now he has 13 title reigns and looks a lot worse than HBK in most peoples eyes.

I'm really not sure why The Undertaker has gotten such a spike in title reigns does he need them to solidify his career or to keep him over ? Absolutely not.

He buried CM Punk at HIAC (although it was Punk's fault) which was confusing to me. He simply doesn't need the strap have him feud with young talent and get them over so when he is gone Smackdown will be in good hands.

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