Can someone explain why Undertaker and Shawn are already building up for Mania?

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Yeah, but Becca (I can call you becca, cant I?),

Sure :)

if HBK wins the Rumble next Sunday, the match will be confirmed like.. the day after? That wont get us entertain for 2 month, that wont even get me entertain for more than 5 days (Raw->smackdown).

I don't see it like this at all. Most matches, being confirmed for this long would draw them out too long and people would lose interest, but I don't think it's the same for both of them. Undertaker is practically never on Smackdown anyway, and Shawn may still be a part of DX, meaning this match will be used in promos, and they will build up to it, but other things will be happening too so they won't run out of steam. The promos towards each other could then get more frequent as it gets closer to the Rumble.

You said that you changed your mind, cause the promos were outstanding, the question is, can they do as good as they did last year, but in a different way? Cause the same promos won't work, and I highely doubt they can do as good in another kind of feud. But again, that's just me, and if they do, I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong.

This waws why I was wary at first, I didn't want anything to take away from last year, and we all know what wrestling fans are like for simply looking at the bad. But I don't think they can do bad. Even if isn't as good as last year, (Which would be almost impossible to beat, as the promo Shawn cut where he's like the White Undertaker was one of the best promos I've ever seen) I still think they can have a great match and build.
Well....... my prediction was obviously wrong, as HBK did NOT win the Royal Rumble match last night, but instead Edge did, however, i'm still confident that this will match will still go ahead. Now that the Rumble is finished and the Wrestlemania build is offically under way, this thread may as well be closed.
Oh my god, I was sitting here and was reading where people were mad that no one ran down to save Bret last night, and how HBK could do this or he could do that.......BUT to be totally honest I doubt that what we're going to see with HBK will involve Undertaker. I mean sure it seems logical, I mean it might even seem like Edge will be wrestling Jericho for the WHC at WM. BUT what if we are looking at things all the wrong ways?

Jericho - Jericho was arrested for being drunk in public. I am sure that they WILL NOT allow Jericho now to go to EC and win the title. Sorry I just don't see it. If they are keeping Hurricane off tv this week, an to be totally honest we aren't sure for how long. Seems like I just dont see Jericho not getting punished. So that leaves the EC smackdown match. Now one could have HBK going to Teddy Long and begging to be allowed to wrestle for the slot on Smackdown, but I don't see that happening either. The best route would be to have HBK tell the lepruchan to hide under the ring and then pop up an cost Taker the match. But I am not sure I wanna see that either. How about an HBK vs. Batista match? Nope couldn't stand to see it.

So where do I put the HBK at on WM? Simple really, I was sitting at my computer reading the other Shawn Michaels post. And I was not feeling it. So I started thinking, how would it be to send HBK the title and still get over the fact that he's upset at not fighting Taker at WM?

And then it hit me. Like a Nolan Ryan fast ball, Like a Michael Jordan jumpshot, Like a Troy Aikman touchdown pass.

Have HBK compete in his first ever MITB match! Think about it for a minute folks. HBK is done he won't get Taker, so how does he get a chance at beating Taker? Winning the MITB match would be killer, I have read in the past here on wrestlezone that Taker wanted one last title run before he retired. I am sure that the man is more than likely going to hang the boots up after March. So HBK enters the MITB match, knowing it is his last chance to win the chance to fight Taker, he wins the title with a little help from Triple H and the lepruchan, and the rest as they say is history..........WHOA! Hold your horses for a minute buddy.

Sure HBK wins the match, but instead of waiting to cash his title shot in, Taker is standing in the ring *the final match of the night* he's tired, drained, an still WHC, all of a sudden HBK comes out with a referee and cashes in the MITB match. Remember the winner has a complete full year to cash it in, NO ONE has ever cashed it in at Wrestlemania, and they can because it starts the 365 days and is included in those days. So HBK walks to the ring mouthing at Taker, and Taker saying this ain't the time Shawn, HBK gets in the ring, a chokeslam, a Tombstone, an a missed and a connected Sweet Chin Music later, HBK is standing over Taker as the NEW WHC, and the man who ENDED the STREAK. WM goes off the air as HBK stands up holding the title, the next night on RAW HBK gives his fairwell address and says goodbye to Hunter, HBK gets freaked out during the night by crazy spooky things happening throughout the night that seem as if Taker is playing his mindgames. Then on Smackdown have HBK get confronted by a man in black, who does not strike or talk to HBK but just puts the fear in him, later that night have Morrison get the win over HBK in a non title match because Taker appears on the TITANTRON and says "R.I.P. HBK"

One way to go, but how about we go back just a little to HBK winning and cashing in the MITB at WM, instead he and Taker bring the house down again, only to come up short again. Then during the Draft HBK doesn't get drafted during Raw and convinces the GM of Raw the next week to trade him to Smackdown for Batista or Rey or someone, HBK goes to Smackdown and can continue his feud with Taker and brings someone new to Smackdown's roster.

But that's just how I see that the WWE should do things. Which would you prefer? How would you set up HBK vs. Taker 2 at WM?
Though i see the MITB idea good, and would cause a huge shocks (maybe the biggest shock in WM history). I just dont see WWE ending Taker's streak like that, if he is going to lose it, it will be in an epic match (like last year). They wouldn't end a streak like that within five minutes and not to someone like Shawn, who already has one of the biggest names in WWE, it will be to Kane (him and Taker retiring) or an up and coming star.
MITB would be the bigest "plastic bag on your head & punch in the face" thing that anyone could do to Undertaker at WM. I guess it will be a matter of someone being younger & Taker just being to old to win a WM match maybe like 19-1 or something like that
yeah HBK-Taker 2 match probably isn't going to happen. THis is a total Bait and Switch for HBK-HHH. I know you've read in alll these other posts about how Triple H is going to get tired of Shawn's bullshit and kick his ass. But a more likely situation is HBK just going insane and throws away his friendship with Hunter for distracting HIM with DX and if it wasn't for him he would have never have had to come back in the first place. Thus, you have your WM Main Event.
That's a very creative idea and although it would play out well on T.V. and be a total shocker, nobody really would want to see that would they? Not real fans of wrestling I don't think. Even HBK fans? Really? That fascinates me that anyone would appreciate "The Streak" to end like that. I would be furious. In a time when titles change hands at a ridiculous pace "The Streak" is the last thing that is really holy in wrestling. To end it is something that can never be corrected... possibly the only impossible task in wrestling would be to erase that loss. So if they ever were to actually end it, that cannot, should not, and hopefully will not happen.

But thats just one mans poorly written opinion -Tdub
the only way for taker shawn to happen is the idea i came up with.....
so shawn finds his way into smackdowns ec and wins the title by pinning someone other then the taker the next smackdown taker comes out and wants his rematch from loosing the title. shawn says if you want a rematch then itll be at wrestlemania and there you have it hbk vs taker for whc and edge vs shamus for the wwe title if shemus is still champ
shawn goes to church on tuesdays (smackdown taping) which is why he's never on smackdown. But if it will happen maybe a HBK heel turn/ screw over at EC ppv against taker.
It won't happen. I mean its a good idea and even I thought of it but there is just one problem, Shawn will never compete in a M.I.T.B ladder match. He said, and I can't remember where or when, maybe on here, that his ladder match with jericho at no mercy '08 was his last.
There is nothing wrong with the buildup So early on in the road to Wrestlemania. WWE has to deliver on this match since they have invested tons of time into it. Most fans likely want to see a rematch (not me). It definitely builds WM as a huge event and also adds credence to Taker's streak being ultra important. In the end, WWE will go with the rematch unfortuantely.
There is nothing wrong with the buildup So early on in the road to Wrestlemania.

Not now there isn't. Before HBK promised to win the Rumble, it didn't make any sense whatsoever. Building to Mania made sense, the way they were doing it, did not.

WWE has to deliver on this match since they have invested tons of time into it. Most fans likely want to see a rematch (not me). It definitely builds WM as a huge event and also adds credence to Taker's streak being ultra important.

Tbh, they're going to bang on about Mania in every ad break and between every promo and backstage skit anyway, plus they'll show the WM logo once every 30 minutes, and the announcers will talk about it in every match as well. This year, they've started doing their storylines before the Royal Rumble, whereas previously it's always been after. It's little 2 months away, and there's STILL tickets available, whereas last year it was sold out well before December if i remember correctly, so based on that fact, it would suggest that hyping it earlier isn't actually helping at all. Maybe it's because the only 3 WM angles we have at this point are:

1) Bret v Vince, which apparently isn't drawing, but until i see an hourly breakdown of both Raws with Bret so far, i wouldn't believe that.

2) Taker v HBK, which we all saw last year, and the majority of people don't want a rematch because they feel it will take away from the awesomeness that was the original match, plus it seems like a cop out on the part of WWE to think of something new.

3) Edge won the Royal Rumble, so for the third year in a row, Edge will be in a title match at WM.

So 2 angles we've seen before, one of which has been done to death (Edge/Championship angle), and the other we don't think will live up to last years expectations (although we all said the original match wouldn't live up to the hype, and yet it blatantly did), plus an angle that involves 1 retired wrestler and a wrestling promoter, where most of fans are 'certain', that the actual match won't involve them in the ring at all, but Batista and Cena instead. Now i can only go by what's said on this forum, but the majority of us seem to hate Batista regardless, and are split on Cena. Now i know that WZ doesn't even represent a percentage of the IWC, and the IWC doesn't represent the majority of wrestling fans anyway, but based on the cheers and the boos, i'd say that's a fair assessment. An angle between old guys building to a match involving two talents that a lot of people simply do not like.

So i can see why at this stage there are still tickets left.

In the end, WWE will go with the rematch unfortuantely.

Which is why i said they should do everything they could to make the same match seem as different to the original as possible, but most people don't seem to agree for some reason.

Most people seem to think that it shouldn't happen at all, or if they must do it, then there's no need for titles or stipulations to give it variety. Don't do it or have it exactly the same as last time, which is a mentality i simply don't understand. I'd be happy to see them go at it again, but not straight up one-on-one. Maybe 2/3 falls. It's still a singles match in all honesty, just one guy's gonna get pinned twice.
The build up for Mania has pretty much always began in January. The only difference this time around is that they are being obvious about it, but I don't see how it isn't much different from Orton last year. The fact that Taker and HBK will wrestle again is by no means a certainty, so I see this more as build for what might happen at Mania rather than what definitely will. It's a case of waiting and seeing how the storyline pans out, and I don't think the conclusion is inevitable.
The build up for this match is tremendous. It's probably the best Mania build since Batista/Triple H at WrestleMania 21.

I've always felt building matches for Mania should be long as well. Mania is the biggest show of the year; a bunch a matches with little to no build just make it a regular PPV with an extra hour.
You all talk about the WWE not tarnishing "the streak" but look at who we're dealing's the WWE, not a buncha rocket scientists. They do not care about how to do things the right way, they only care on how to do things the green way, And I have been thinking about this for a while now, the whole world seems to be all going green right? Well it's just the WWE's way of going green only a different kind of green. Money folks that's what it's all about..........what will put more money into the product and into the pockets of the "superstars" and the company payroll. Hey from a federation that gave us The Million Dollar Man and IRS, I was surprised it didn't come quicker, watering down our main events, giving us crap feuds, making us suffer with paper champions.

The WWE has to do certain things to make money, and after the success of last year, I still see HBK getting his match with Taker, now albeit I now see things on a slightly different scale than I did in my prior post, I think that the match will ultimately come down to HBK/Triple H/Taker and Triple H possibly "screwing" over HBK and getting the pinfall on Taker by hook or by crook, OR I see HBK getting ready to win and him and Triple H collide and Triple H accidently lands on Taker for the pinfall or Taker rolls Triple H up for the win whilest Shawn is "knocked out." Do I want the streak to end like that or even the MITB match way I spoke of earlier? NO, but I do see that this is possibly the only way that the WWE is going to go. I do not think they are going to push a Triple H/HBK match at WM26, I think that since Shawn possibly only has 1 or 2 more years in him and I am PRAYING that Triple H takes more of a backseat and less camera time in the future to get primped at running things more in the back and less focus on him.....After all we have seen what happens when "MEGA STARS" run a federation and make it all about them, I'm looking at you Hogan and Bischoff ala cira WCW. But I think that they are going about TNA the right way and that maybe they are sincere when they want to get TNA the bigger show than WWE, but that's a different story altogether and I won't dabble in those waters any longer.

IF the WWE goes ahead and just books Triple H/HBK I certainly hope for one that they are NOT the main event, I'd rather see Triple H/Shameus for the WWE title than see Triple H/HBK headline WM. I'm sorry I am a huge DX mark and I love "heel" Triple H and "heel" HBK but this is a match that I am also tired of seeing, it ranks up there with any match John "choke me with a Virgil t-shirt before I have to see him in a WWE title match AGAIN" Cena, Randy "Look Pa NO HANDS, I've did what you NEVER could an win a WORLD title" Orton are in.

Now I KNOW some of you are going to be a little butt hurt, and do not be butt hurt, this is the truth i speak, I mean this after all is the WWE and they are willing to slap a WWE title on any of Triple H's gay buttsecs "workout" lovers of the week, than put any thought or time into giving fans what they want. Do I like Kofi? NO, but HE in my opinion deserved the belt WAAAAAAYYYYYY before Shameus, I mean a brief title reign in ECW and that qualifies you to move to Raw and in less than 2 months time make you WWE Champion? Hell if that's the case my boy Christian's coming to Raw and will be the one to beat Shameus at WM26 for the WWE title and have 6 title reigns since he is the LONGEST REIGNING CHAMPION IN THE WWE TODAY!

But that would be ludacris and as we all know, LUDA ain't in the WWE!

After last night's Raw I see HBK going to EC and screwing Taker OR making sure Taker comes out of EC the WHC. Or wait a second, maybe this is how it happens.......

HBK runs down to EC, finds a way into the Chamber, Taker and "Joe Blow" are the last two left, Triple H runs down an tries to stop HBK from getting into the Chamber, Taker comes over to yell at, beat up HBK/Triple H for trying to interfere in his match, Triple H and HBK accidentally "knock" Taker out, allowing "Joe Blow" to win the title and go to WM the Champion, this infuriates Taker an so on Raw he comes out and tells HBK and Triple H that at WM26 it's going to be the 3 of them in a "Stairway to Hell" match and that one of them if not BOTH of them will REST IN PEACE at WM26. HOLY SHIT, you have a great Main Event for Wrestlemainia 26, Taker and Shawn get to do it one more time, Triple H gets some spotlight, Christian gets Shameus for the WWE title, Earlier when I said "Joe Blow" it was meaning anyone not someone who is non significant, Hell if it plays out this way I do look to see Jericho being the one to wind up with the WHC and face Edge at WM26, Vince/Batista against Cena/Hart happens, Kofi wins the MITB match allowing him to go on to "BREAK OUT" of the glass ceiling and finally get a Championship match. ShowMIZ gets to go to WM an take on The Hart Dynasty, and yada yada yada, that would make for a very interesting Wrestlemania, AND it could further along the Triple H/HBK feud, heading into April's PPV with them headling the show. That is where I see a Triple H/HBK feud match headlining at, not at WM26.

Why would anyone allow Taker a veteran workhorse, a hero among men, a true WRESTLING GOD, to lose "the streak" to a younger guy is beyond me, I know I know, *imitates the Rock's voice* BUT JEFFREY it would give that person "the ru......IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT WOULD GIVE THEM THE RUB!" I do not see anyone other than HBK, Triple H, Cena, maybe Rey Mysterio beating Taker to end "the streak" I'm sorry get over it it ain't gonna happen sorry charlie that's just the way that it is.


Kofi wins the MITB match earlier in the night, Taker wins at EC, gives Triple H and HBK a title match, Taker wins that, and THEN Kofi cashes in the MONEY IN THE BANK and wins, it seals his place as a headliner, he wins a WHC title, gives him the rub, and sends in the "NEW" ERA in WWE history. Showing that the young talent will not go quietly into the night nor will they lay down for the old decrepit millionaire veterans that it is their time to shine and break out of the pack.

But like I said we're dealing with the WWE and I am sure that they have their ideas set in stone and that's just the way that it is heyyyyy baby.

But just note that IF I offended anyone, I apologize..................




And if you didn't know..............................


And get them over to your house..............

TO SMEEEELLLLLLLALAAAAAAAAHHHHHH...............................

WHAT THE ROCK..................

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