If u could choose

I don't think it'll end ever and it shouldn't it's taker's thing that he will be remember for as long as wrestlemania is remembered.
An up-and-comer can't do it maybe though just maybe a main eventish heel like CM Punk could do it especially if it was a ladder match since that seems to be punks match. It could have either the WWE title up there or a white boared with whatever 17-0 on it, have an eraser and expo with it if Punk grabs it he writes 17-1, and if Taker wins it 18-0 stupid but I wouldn't put it past WWE.
That's only if its used for a mega push which it shouldn't it should Taker vs. Kane in a Buried Alive match Kane would win and stand victorious or you have the Winner of the MITB cash it in just as WM goes off the air. Have the screen go black for 5 seconds then go back and have Jr say WM is officially over so this match is a match all its own. All in All though the streak shouldn't end it's what separates WWE from other sports besides the fact that it's fake you can almost always count on undertaker to win at WM.

Hear me out. Swagger is a guy with all the natural tools. He is a fantastic wrestler. He is big, he's strong, and he's a very very good heel. Also, more importantly, he looks like a guy who is truly a Wrestler's Wrestler, in it for the business, a company man, etc. They would have to give such a monumental win to someone like him.

Someone bigger like a Mike Knox would be appropriate, but are they going to push Knox to the moon, because he would have to go there after that. He's young enough at 31, is a big and strong guy. People would buy that he could beat Taker with the right build. It would make his career. But no, still wouldn't go with him.

Cena is a conventional choice, and I could see it. If they ever turned Cena heel, that's the way to solidify it with the fans.

Guys like CM Punk or John Morrison, while great, I just don't see it. It would have to be someone big enough to control Taker.
OK lets run with this, never gonna happen but it would be a fun curve ball. So we are all guessing DX is reforming to take on Legacy, so Orten looses the belt to Cena @ summer slam.

Over the next few months you have a Legacy Vrs DX war all of it culminating at Survivor series, with a DX/Mark Henry/MVP(who I'm guessing will be feuding with swagger)/Kingston Vrs Legacy/Jack Swagger/Masters(who could do a great spot with Kingston for the US title). TBH I wouldn't even care who won.

Then things can chill out unitll after the rumble.

Start hyping up a re match between HBK and Taker at WM26, it will be another awesome match, but this time HHH can come out to interfere in the match, heel turning DX and taker looses the streak.

However the very next week in the annual draft, taker and Kane get drafted to raw to feud with DX as the reformed brothers of destruction.
In my opinion it would have to be someone who needs the rub unlike Cena, Kane, Edge Jericho or Punk. Also I dont think i should be a big man as this would Ruin undertakers streak. So that means a newcomer who is the next great wrestler.

To me this means
Jack Swagger
Ted DiBiase
John Morrison
I would pick CM Punk.

Why? Well, simple... he's my favorite wrestler in WWE, lol.

Yeah...what jmt225 said. But seriously, I would also pick CM Punk and not just because he is my favorite WWE wrestler. The time is right. The WWE is building Punk up as a credible world champion this time. He is finally getting to do what he does best and that's be a heel. I can't think of a better way to increase Punk's credibility as a main event guy and to generate monster heat than defeat Taker to end The Streak.
Undertaker should NEVER lose at wrestlemania

with that being said i think this is a cool question.

If someone were to do it I would think it should be Chris Jericho. If the two were to have a feud at wrestlemania everyone knows it would be great. Chris Jericho plays the heel roll perfectly and I could definitely imagine him listing this as an accomplishment all the time (like he does when he says he was the first ever undisputed champion). How much would he be hated if he got a cheap victory over taker at mania (like his feet were on the ropes or the ref didnt see him use a chair).

I dont think young talent should win it becuase it would definitely feel like they were being forced down our throats as the next big thing. And if for some reason their career didnt turn out to be all that great it would be a waste of killing the streak

Why give it to a younger superstar? For the push they'd get? Great, but it also makes Undertaker look weaker in the process. Yeah, you can beat HHH & Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania, but hey, you just lost to *whoever the fuck, we'll say CM Punk*.

Think about it, Kane is his "brother". In my opinion, it's a logical choice.
I hope the streak ends Undertaker is good but overatied. and he takes half the year off.
Cena could beat him but i would rather see a midcard heel do it for a World title Shot at Backlash. wwe needs new blood in ME. Swagger would be great ON YOUR NEENS!

Why give it to a younger superstar? For the push they'd get? Great, but it also makes Undertaker look weaker in the process. Yeah, you can beat HHH & Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania, but hey, you just lost to *whoever the fuck, we'll say CM Punk*.

Think about it, Kane is his "brother". In my opinion, it's a logical choice.

Or, it makes the guy that beat him look stronger. As has been stated, Taker's legacy is cemented and there is no way a lose will make him look weaker. What it does, is make the mid-card heel look like a legitimate threat to the title or the ME.

Kane gains nothing by beating him. In fact, if anyone makes Taker look weaker by losing to him, it's Kane. He's been a glorified jobber for last few years now and every time he gets something going it gets ruined by someone else's push. That's why they push Kane, to give the rub to someone else.
I personally don't want to see the streak end. It's part of WWE lore really, it's almost become something of a tradition.

If it were to end, I couldn't buy it really if a mid-card guy beat the Undertaker. It'd be an impressive milestone for a young, up and coming guy, but a legendary streak should be ended by someone that really any reasonable WWE fan can look at and say "Ok, I can buy him ending the streak". Also, if Vince were going to end it, he'd come up with some sort of epic idea that would allow him to make as much money off of it as he could. That's why the logical choice, I think, would be John Cena.

Even if I chose not to end the streak, I'd build the feud somewhat similar to what HBK and Taker had early this year. I'd start it after the RR and have it be almost like a misunderstanding. Maybe have Cena talking to someone backstage, someone he's friendly with, just talking about WM and how they can already feel the energy building up, the excitement, etc. and they start speculating about Taker's streak and who'll wind up getting the shot. Cena makes something of an off color comment, nothing really offensive though word gets back to Taker and he makes an appearance on Raw the next week and he takes offense to it.

I wouldn't have either of them in a match with each other, not even a tag match. Maybe have them interfere in one another's matches once or twice, do a little posturing but never any actual contact. I'd make Taker something more of an aggressor in the feud, maybe go so far as to just put one of those Undertaker symbols on John Cena's front lawn, or some sort of studio backlot set up somewhere and make it appear as though Taker causes lightning to come down and strike the symbol, setting it on fire while just staring at Cena. Week after that, possibly show Cena at the Undertaker's home and have him trash one of Taker's bikes, spray paint it maybe or just destroy it.

I'd also do a sit down interview with each of them, have them both get really passionately angry during the interview. I'd have Cena rant and rave about how he doesn't buy into the Undertaker's mystique and never has, going on about who does he think he is coming to his home, threatening his family. For Taker, I'd have him talk about what the streak has meant to him professionally and personally, eventually go off on how some punk from little nothing town in Massachusetts thinks he can disrespect him, thinks he can get away with trivializing what he's done in his career just because he's made a few lousy movies and is in tight with Vince McMahon, etc.

About a week before WM, have the two finally go at it in a brawl, not a match, just two guys that've had enough of each other. Empty the locker rooms and have the guys try and seperate them. Maybe have it go on for about 15 minutes or so, each guy keeps breaking away or slipping out just to get one more shot in and eventually they get frustrated and start taking out a good portion of the guys trying to seperate them. Just hype the shit outta the whole thing. Maybe set up something like a no holds barred match at WM, something where there absolutely has to be a winner no matter what.

Cena is the only one that makes sense to me at this time if Vince were either going to end it or just try to draw as much money off the streak as he could.

John Cena: WWE's golden boy, the public face of the WWE for years, the last great threat to the Undertaker's WM streak.

The Undertaker: The phenom of the WWE, the most respected man in the WWE, a legend that John Cena has never beaten.

Kinda gives me chills.
Let me start with a short disclaimer, stating that I would NOT like to see Taker's streak end.

Now, let's get to business. Obviously, Kane and John Cena are two of the top candidates. Kane has a few pros and cons to him. Yes, you get the aforementioned Stone Cold vs. The Rock "three acts" kind of deal. And I have absolute respect for Kane's work ethic, but he is no longer the young man in the mask that came to beat his brother down. He's grown older and can no longer put on the caliber of match deserving to main event Wrestlemania and/or especially end the Deadman's streak. And Kane has expressed his views with wanting to put over new, young talent, and with this win, would go completely against the way he'd play his character.

So The Big Red Machine has been eliminated, leaving only Superman himself: John Cena. Cena really would be the best choice for ending the Undertaker's streak. John Cena hasn't beaten Taker yet, and the WWE within a few years seems like it will be losing most of its old-school starpower. Cena could take this win, run with it, and then be able to help advance the WWE by somewhat letting someone have a secondhand win over Taker by losing a long-running feud to an upcoming talent. That way, Undertaker's streak is ended by a suitable man AND the win in the feud against John Cena would let people say, "Wow, (insert wrestler here) just took out the man who beat the Undertaker."

And yes, the ending should be something reminiscent to the ending of the Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock in 2002.
I don't think this streak will ever end. I don't think Taker or Cena have ever squared off so they will probably put the two together sooner or later. I don't think someone like Swagger or Cm Punk would ever beat Taker at Wrestlemania. Maybe Jericho, but my money is on Cena even though Cena is already a Mega star.
i heard something about `taker retiring at WM26.i wouldn`t retire him on WM.let him have a great record.but,if i have to choose i`d pick Christian(because it would be a great build up for a rivalry)or Jeff Hardy(`cause i like him).Kane is a jobber,and if they want him do to then push him.
If Cena does it, i riot.Cena just makes me sick.why not make it a hell in a cell so we can adopt Cena`s superhero gimmick
I am one of the few who thinks Taker's streak should end, simply for the fact that wrestling is scripted and him losing at WM doesn't hurt him one bit. When you leave the business you must pass the torch, and what better rub could someone get than beating Taker at WM? Its the pro wrestling cycle, and its the right thing to do IMO. Even if he loses, he still has 17 wins in a ROW, which probably won't be topped!!!!

Its either Kane or Cena. I would pick Kane because it would make best sense storyline wise. Pass The Torch wise best choice would be to go with Cena, but it would automatically turn him heel just like CM Punk cashing in on Jeff turned the fans on him.

Stop being close minded thinking Cena is the fucking greatest most lovable face of all time, and there is no way the crowd can turn against him. People act like its a sin to even mention a Cena heel turn, WTF is wrong with a discussion? We aren't fucking writing scripts here we are just chatting about wrestling because we are fans.

There are a lot of people who don't like the character, and you can't be mad at them for that, or think they are "wrong". A LOT of hardcore fans go to WM and Cena would get booed to HELL in his match against Taker and booed for the win...but it would make for great television.

They shouldn't end the streak but if they did, then give it to Kane (only if they plan a World Title run for him) or give it to Cena. Taker needs to pass the torch to someone. 17 - 1
Taker is a company man and from what I see would do anything to put someone over my choice would be CM Punk

He is high on Vince's push list, He won the ECW title with no reaction from the fans but Vince didn't stop there he gave him the MITB and he had a poor face run as champ as an underdog

He lost his title without even being in the title match without even having a legit injury to where they tried to start him over again by giving him the IC title to which the only reason he lost it was to further the JBL retirement angle

He then went on to win the Tag titles for no apparent reason other than to give him a title,

He won the MITB for the second time in a row and was drafted to Smackdown to be with the more agile maineventers to build him up as a better champ.

They let him cash in after a match between Smackdowns most over face and heel and continued to push him towards a heel cutting terrific promos week after week

Vince sees him as Smackdowns answer to John Cena, he is a reliable company man with a good image for the fans

Undertaker & CM Punk would put on a great match at WM and the heat he would get from it would be amazing. He would forever be solidified as a maineventer
no i dont think undertaker should not lose at wrestlemania unless it is a career threataning match. i dont think they would let taker lose after 17 years
I think if anyone does (although I pray that no one does) it would have to be John Cena, someone who has show loyalty time and time again. If anyone can be handed this honor and the company be assured they wont pull a Lesnar it's John Cena.

If this were to happen I think that WM26 would be completely the wrong time for it to occur. Say we are on the eve of WM 30, Taker is on the verge of retirement and Cena's character has run its course.

Cena needs a change and finally the wells of money from his little fans have dried up and Vince sees that the time for the fabled turn is at hand.

Cena comes out victorious in a 40 minute war to end the Streak and retain his world title. Taker extends the hand and Cena looks into his eyes; extends his hand but before they lock, Cena pulls his hand away.

"You can't see me!"

Ladies and Gentlemen - Cena is a Heel.

Just My Opinion

P.S. Keeping in mind I am saying this is best for 4-5 years time when Cena's popularity has run it's course, not right now, Cena does not need a heel turn for at least...3 years.
It needs to be a younger guy so they can get the major rub and have the title "The only man to beat the Deadman at WM." Having someone thats already established as a major player like Cena, Jericho, Edge or Orton wouldnt push them any futher due to the fact that their already established stars who have and could main event WM any year.

Smart money would put it on someone like Ted DiBiase Jr, Swagger, the Miz, MVP, Ziggler, Punk or Morrison. All of these guys could use a major win and a major feud with someone with the star power of the Undertaker. This could be what makes them a major player in the WWE and Pro Wrestling.

and for all the people who think Christian should get the win over Taker, you have to be the dumbest fucking people on the face of the earth. Christian beating Taker at WM would ruin Takers Legacy as one of the best, because Christian is one of the worst ever.

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