If u could choose

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Ok first thread, if this has already been done my bad.....

OK so say undertaker was for sure gonna lose at mania 26.AND it was up to you to choose. Who would you make finally end the greatest streak in wrestling history. And why do you think that person is worthy of accomplishing such a feat that so many greats have fell short of doing??
To tell you the truth, I don't think The Undertaker's streak should ever end, and I don't think any one is worthy enough to break the streak. The Undertaker's undefeated streak is the greatest of any sport or form of entertainment, so why end it? Although I have heard that Undertaker wouldn't mind losing to someone at Wrestlemania, I still see no reason to end it. From the Undertaker Wrestlemania matches that I've seen, the only ones that seem like Undertaker was really going to lose was against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 21 and to Edge at Wrestlemania 24. Other than that, the only Wrestlemania match that I thought Undertaker would lose in, just by looking at the build was Wrestlemania X-7 to Triple H.

So, I say no one should end it. But knowing WWE, it's very likely that it might end someday, but hopefully Undertaker will retire before the streak ends. That is unless, while Undertaker's retired, he'll still wrestle at Wrestlemanias once in a while.
Even though I'd hate to see it, I pick Christian, just because I'm a peep! Christian deserves this, can you imagine the heat he would get? Christian is born to be heel! Plus he needs that main event sprinkle! Christian has all the talent in the world and is arguably the best mic worker, so yepp Christian is my choice! JAPANESE PEEP, FTW! \m/
I personally don't think that 'Taker should lose at 'Mania, just a weird loyalty that I have for the man, but if it is going to happen, then it would have to be someone who he has not faced at past Wrestlemanias, would generate HUGE interest in the match and would be a credible threat to the streak.

My pick?

John Cena.

UT and Cena in the main event at Wrestlemania would be a more then decent main event. If Cena went into it with a Title belt, the more the better. Title vs. Streak, the Phenom of the '90s and the undisputed locker room leader of the WWE vs. the current main eventer and heir apparent to Hulk Hogan. If anyone is going to end the streak that is active in the WWE today, my money is on John.
I doubt very much that the streak will end. It's become part of WWE lore really and has become a major part of the Undertaker's legacy. Part of what makes the streak so great is that it wasn't planned out, it just sort of happened and took on a life of its own. In it's own way, it's as prestigious as a world title.

However, if the streak were to end, the only guy in the WWE that fans wouldn't raise a true, holy shit about would have to be John Cena. There are really only two guys left in the WWE that Cena has never beaten, Batista and the Undertaker. If Cena were to end Taker's streak, it would really cement Cena's place in WWE history. Even though Cena is a 5 time world champion, which in and of itself is a big deal, Taker's streak is something special. If the streak is ever broken, it can only be broken once. There can only ever possibly be one person that defeats the Undertaker at WM for the first time.
If Cena beat Taker he'd have to be a heel when he did it otherwise he'd get ripped a new one. He gets boo's now because they don't like his character or wrestling style, can you imagine how bad it would be if he beat the biggest legend in the wrestling business at wrestlemania? Little kids would even have it in for him.
If Cena beat Taker he'd have to be a heel when he did it otherwise he'd get ripped a new one. He gets boo's now because they don't like his character or wrestling style, can you imagine how bad it would be if he beat the biggest legend in the wrestling business at wrestlemania? Little kids would even have it in for him.

No, a minority of idiots boo him currently, don't go pretending it is most of the crowd. There would be nothing better than him beating "the biggest legend ever" (he isn't by the way) at Wrestlemania then getting a handshake. It would be a 'Mania moment to rival that of Rock/Hogan in 2002. Yes The Rock got booed during the match but he didn't at the end. The same would happen with Cena.

Cena is the best option for 'Taker to drop his record too. It would be 'Taker passing the torch to Cena for good, even though Cena has surpassed 'Taker in the business today. That does not mean he is better than 'Taker in his whole career, it means right now he is a better draw than modern day 'Taker.

The other option would be a young, up and coming wrestler but there is no guarantee that the chosen wrestler will hang around long enough, what if they do a Lesnar? Cena is young enough to be around for a good few years yet and that win could push him to legendary status after his career is finished.
No, a minority of idiots boo him currently, don't go pretending it is most of the crowd. There would be nothing better than him beating "the biggest legend ever" (he isn't by the way) at Wrestlemania then getting a handshake. It would be a 'Mania moment to rival that of Rock/Hogan in 2002. Yes The Rock got booed during the match but he didn't at the end. The same would happen with Cena.

The booing has gotten a lot better recently and it varies from place to place but still there's a good portion of the older fans who are not keen on him. Regardless little kids aren't going to want anyone beat the Undertaker at wrestlemania and whoever it is would get booed like hell. It would ware off but the impact would just not be good for someone as big as Cena. The Rock was booed by the older fans who had followed Hogan for years, little kids would hardly care about Hogan. However the Undertaker has a humongous following amongst kids and I can't see them forgiving Cena easily, especially when it's likely to be Takers last match as that's the only way I see him losing anyway. As for him being the biggest legend ever if you're talking about what he's done for the wrestling business and his accomplishments then no he's not, but if you're talking about his character then yes he is.
Okay, I don’t think the streak should ever end. As a matter of fact, after Taker retires, I think he should come back after 5 or 10 years, face someone and win again. If I have to pick one, I’m going to go with Kane.

There is a massive rub to be obtained from this, but something as big as the streak should not be given to some young up and comer. This is a milestone that should be with a Main Event / Main Attraction Superstar.

I picked Kane because the Stone Cold / Rock trilogy at Mania was great. Something like this for Taker and Kane would be just as great. “No one remembers act one or two, but act three, the final act…” You know the rest. Plus if anyone can beat Big Evil, it’s the Big Red Monster Machine.
I don't want it to end nor do I think it will end. If someone were to end it'd probably be John Cena if anybody. Though I would want Kane to end it so he could have a notable victory over the Undertaker.
If the streak had to end, I would say it should end to a young heel that the WWE is invested in. If I were to choose, I would pick David Hart Smith. He is big, he has some moves and if keeps developing a personality he can go places. The build could be an Undertaker/Hart Dynasty feud. This would put over a new talent with what could possible be the biggest rub in the history of Wrestlemania.

My second choice would be Dolph Ziggler, but I feel he can get over on his own. He got himself over in a feud with Khali, so I think he'll be ok without it.
kinda like the idea of cena being the one cuz it would give him the ultuimate heel turn.

but i would have to say.....no1. taker will never lose at mania and he shouldn't.
Nobody SHOULD, but knowing vince, he would get 'Taker to 19-0, then have his little bitch, i mean john cena defeat him to surpass austin and hogan in every milestone imaginable. I, personally, would do the 19-0 thing, then give a match against John Morrison. He needs a "defining" moment like every other main eventer at 'Mania. If he's going to be great, this could capture the moment. (cena-WM21.) (Lesnar-WM19)
(Austin-Wm14) (HBK-WM12) imagine shawn michaels showing up(if he's retired by then) in a few years trying to teach Morrison how to defeat 'Taker at 'Mania. Then Morrison use a lot of the Showstoppers moves and torwards the end of the match, out of nowhere Morrison hits a sweet chin music..1..2..3. The crowd would shit themselves, but it would be a helluva way to create a new "legend of the present" to battle off with the other "legend of the present", John Cena.
If the streak had to end, I would say it should end to a young heel that the WWE is invested in. If I were to choose, I would pick David Hart Smith. He is big, he has some moves and if keeps developing a personality he can go places. The build could be an Undertaker/Hart Dynasty feud. This would put over a new talent with what could possible be the biggest rub in the history of Wrestlemania.

My second choice would be Dolph Ziggler, but I feel he can get over on his own. He got himself over in a feud with Khali, so I think he'll be ok without it.

David Hart Smith?


David Hart Smith is never gonna be popular enough until Undertaker retires. I also don't think he'll ever be popular enough to have anymore then a jobber match with the Undertaker. Plus I don't think the Hart Dynasty will be around for more then a year longer or so. If they are broken up he will not make it in singles competion then he will be released.
David Hart Smith?


David Hart Smith is never gonna be popular enough until Undertaker retires. I also don't think he'll ever be popular enough to have anymore then a jobber match with the Undertaker. Plus I don't think the Hart Dynasty will be around for more then a year longer or so. If they are broken up he will not make it in singles competion then he will be released.

That's the thing, it's not the job of the person that beats Undertaker at Wrestlemania to be popular. They will most definitely be a heel and therefore their job is to be UNPOPULAR. If Undertaker has to lose at Wrestlemania it should be to a young guy and if DH Smith does the deed he will be catapulted to the Main Event, or at least the Upper Mid Card. Undertaker will not lose at Wrestlemania, but if he does, it should be to put over a new Main Event heel, hence DH Smith.
Taker should most definetly lose eventually at Wrestlemania, maybe not at Wrestlemania 26 but certainly at his last Wrestlemania before he retires. That is just how the wrestling business works. An older guy near the end of his career that is very popular will give a younger guy a rub to make him look better. It's what keeps the company going.

As for the man who should ultimately beat Undertaker, it has to be a younger guy. Someone who seems like a threat but just doesn't have that signature win yet that will cement them as a main event. To me, the answer is easy. That man is Jack Swagger. He is an extremely talented and dare I say charismatic young wrestler. He has been in the WWE for less than a year, but has already made a huge impact as ECW Champion. He has everything you could want in an up and coming superstar.

Swagger has the look, the size, the skills, and the attitude to make it to the top. A win over Undertaker would assure him of the main event spot he deserves. On top of all of that, a Swagger/Undertaker match at Wrestlemania would be an absolute classic. The Deadman has shown what he can do at Wrestlemania and Swagger is already one of the top workers in the company. I'm sincerely hoping for a Swagger Wrestlemania victory over Undertaker in the next few years.
Since Vince likes to do the unthinkable maybe Undertaker should win the world title for the last time at WM and then have someone cash in Money In The Bank and win the title from Undertaker and end his streak and this person should be none other than Kane or D.H Smith. Kane because he needs another world title run and He is Undertakers biggest rival and DH Smith because I just like him and he could be the next Bret Hart but Personally I want Jeff Hardy to do it just because he is my favorite Wrestler but anyways Undertaker will most likely never lose at WM just the possibility's.
If Taker was to lose his streak it would have to be to someone who could step into his role as a dominate Big Guy. It would also have to be someone who was a young and up and comer so Taker could pass the Torch to him. Or it could be to legitimize a future major star. Dibiase, CM Punk, Morrison, Ziggler, the Miz, MVP or Swagger. All of these people could benifit from a feud with the Undertaker.

Umaga would of been my top choice because he was orginally billed and built up to be a unstopable monster. But he bit the dust due to the Wellness policy.

The only reason he should lose the streak at WM to an already established star is if he was retiring in a Rick Flair vs HBK sort of way. My choice would be Edge because of their history, or Jericho because it would just be that awesome.
I would pick CM Punk.

Why? Well, simple... he's my favorite wrestler in WWE, lol.

But seriously, I think he and 'Taker would have a kick ass match, and I think 'Taker would be putting over someone who is the future of WWE, respects the business, and wouldn't fuck up the win in the future by being a dumb ass and failing a drug test or something ******ed like that.

And also... the streak MUST end. Otherwise, what was the point of it in the first place? The Undertaker is as big of legend without it as he is with it, so it doesn't benefit ANYBODY, not even himself, to keep this streak in tact by the time he retires.
It shouldn't end but if it did it would have to be in his last Mania match (at least for a while). The man to end the streak would HAVE to be John Cena. You can't have an up and comer do it who may not use the rub to it's full potential and it couldn't be someone he's already faced at Mania, except possibly Kane but I don't think Kane winning would benifit anyone.

Basicly you want whoever it is to beat him to be the one to carry the company into the next series of Wrestlemania's and who better than the company man and most reliable guy for Vince, Cena?

To say Cena would get completley booed after the match is rediculous, as the Pebble said, it could be a similar version of Rock/Hogan where of course most of the crowd would be behind Taker but in the end with a gracious handshake the crowd would just be behind the match itself rather than booing the man who beat Taker and I honestly think if they do end it, it will be Taker's retirement match..
Ok i have a thread like this one asking if you knew undertaker was going to lose at mania and you had to choose the man to do it who would it be and why? But i have been thinking about it myself, and here is a different scenario. Ok say the main event of mania is taker vs Cm Punk for the world title. A match that goes over 40 minutes and eventually becomes one of the best mania main events ever, Taker goes over punk but punk being a heel hits taker with a gts followed by another after the match is over..... Then the money in the bank winner comes out (lets say its John Morrison just because that would be awesome) and beats the already exhausted undertaker just by hitting a quick special on him. Would this count as the streak being ended? or since the match wasnt supposed to happen and taker was already beaten down after winning his first brutal match and taking the GTS 2 times would wwe find a way to still make him undefeated at mania? not counting the opportune loss? thoughts?
While I would never want to see Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania, but if I would have to choose, it would be Kane. They have had so much history together and have one of the greatest on and off rivalry, so why not have his storyline half-brother defeat him? It would make the most sense, and I read some article a while back and it said that Undertaker would let Kane beat him at Wrestlemania; that shows how much respect Undertaker has for Kane.

I don't see why anybody would want to see Cena defeat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. It just wouldn't be a good idea unless they plan on turning Cena heel.
Interesting scenario. It would definitely count as a loss, it would have to. His shoulders would be pinned to the matt and it would at Wrestlemania, so it would have to count as a loss regardless. But Morrison? No way. It would have to be somebody with at least a little credibility. A Jericho or Edge would be much better.
No one should end the streak.I don't know why people want something good about Undertaker to end.It's Undertaker's legacy since he debuted.I'm bored from people that's saying it's a good way to put a young wrestler over.If that wrestler can't get over without ending Taker's streak WWE shouldn't push that wrestler.It means he is not worthy of pushing to ME.What if Lesnar or RVD fiasco happens again.I mean the wrestler that ends Taker's streak leaves the company or gets suspended for some reasons.WWE just waste Taker's legacy to a guy that spits in their face.So what's the purpose of finishing something that makes WrestleMania more exciting.Yeah every year people wonder if this guy can end the streak.So it adds excitement to show.I'm not even a huge Taker fan but if something works well for 19 years why to change it?
If someone had to end the streak, it would have to be John Cena. Yeah, you could give it to a young up and comer, but there's a problem with that. Remember Brock Lesnar? He was the definition of beast. He went over guys like Rock, Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, etc. He became the younngest WWE Champion ever (and although Randy Orton is the youngest World Champion ever, Lesnar is still the youngest WWE Champion ever). He was booked as a dominant fighter, and then he...left. Just got up and left. He came, got his World Title, fucked his 5 Divas, and then left.

So that's why it should be someone who isn't a newcomer, or isn't an old timer. If they made Undertaker lose to Shawn Michaels last year, then it wouldn't do any good, because he's leaving next year. Same if he lost to Kane or Triple H. They're only going to be around for a couple more years. So to make it believable, and prepare for their future, Cena needs to win. Cena has shown his loyalty to the WWE. He has enough star-power to pursue a movie career, much like The Rock. But he has stayed with McMahon. He will be around for another 10 years, at the least, barring injury. As for Cena being booed out of the building, well as long as Cena doesn't get too cocky about it, that shouldn't be a problem outside of the hardcore smarks. Cena doesn't look like the type to do drugs either, so he won't fall to the drug tests, either. Punk would also be ideal, but he has been reported to have attitude problems, and while he might be drug-free, he looks like the type to get mad and leave. So I say Cena is the way to go.

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