If TNA Could Pick One Person to Bring In, Who Should it Be?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As far as we know HOGAN definately isn't resigning with TNA, and I honestly haven't heard what BISCHOFF'S plan's are, but I have to believe he is sticking around. I heard he has more power within TNA now with the production side of the show, and I think he's going to milk the CASH COW for a while longer.

I know HOGAN must be getting paid a descent paycheck being in TNA or he wouldn't be there.

So my question is this.... If TNA could invest that money from HOGAN'S salary to any one thing, what should it be?
What's the very best thing they TNA could use that money for that could help them in long term, hell even short term.

To me that is one hell of a tough question. Should it be for a wrestler(s), personality, or even production.

Myself I would have to say use that money to pay CHRIS JERICHO into the company. He' has worked with them before(not as a wrestler) but with his beand FOZZY. I think he could bring alot of good exposer to TNA, while catching the eye of a lot of other big players in WWE possibly. Just my opinion of course.

So what do you think the money would be better suited for?
Put the money into advertising, media buying and promotion. TNA will continue to let Russo write the show. Will continue to let the inmates run the asylum... fine whatever.

That wont change. So put Hogan's salary into letting people know an alternatice to WWE exists.
TNA has a good roster so I don't think they should be hiring any new wrestlers. What they could use Hogan's salary for is to pay for some new creative writers. The main problem with TNA now is the writing is either too repetitive or nonsensical to draw in new viewers. The company definitely needs new direction. Hiring former WWE superstars hasn't done much if anything for ratings even with top names like Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, and Hulk Hogan coming into the fold. If I were Dixie Carter I'd grow a pair and let Vince Russo go and scout new creative thinkers who can re-invent the promotion. I'd also look for a head writer with extensive knowledge of professional wrestling, not necessarily Paul Heyman, but if he has a good plan for the company I'd take him.
I'd grab The Miz or John Cena.

Either get the WWE's top guy right now or their next big star.

I've said it before, TNA signing The Miz away from the WWE would be like when Vince signed Hogan away from AWA.

Now, since neither one of those options are actually available, putting the money into advertising would probably be a good idea. It always seems like TNA & WCW never did anything to further their monetary gains in a way that makes sense. It was one thing when TNA was a PPV only organization but these days, people need to know when it's on, who's there, and what they are doing, and for crying out loud do some better merchandising and get a few of your guys on talk shows.
I think IW should get a new, original wrestler. Someone who could be real Main Event material. They could sign a new Tag Team, because that division isnt doing its best right now.
My personal pick is for TNA to get Colt Cabana. Not to exspensive, great credibility, great in ring. Go for it IW.
They dont need anymore wrestling talent, they need somebody to run the comapny. Either a Jim Ross or a Paul Heyman, somebody given complete control ala Vicne in WWE. TNA wrestling has many many talented wrestlers of different styles, they dont need Jericho, and he has clearly stated if and when he returnsd it will be WWE. TNA have not been able to use Hogan, Flair, Sting, Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, RVD properly, how on earth could they use a current main event star properly?????
I think IW should get a new, original wrestler. Someone who could be real Main Event material. They could sign a new Tag Team, because that division isnt doing its best right now.
My personal pick is for TNA to get Colt Cabana. Not to exspensive, great credibility, great in ring. Go for it IW.

Read the OP, he said give the Hogan money to someone. You would give Colt Cabana 1 million a year?
I'd grab The Miz or John Cena.

Either get the WWE's top guy right now or their next big star.

I've said it before, TNA signing The Miz away from the WWE would be like when Vince signed Hogan away from AWA.

Now, since neither one of those options are actually available, putting the money into advertising would probably be a good idea. It always seems like TNA & WCW never did anything to further their monetary gains in a way that makes sense. It was one thing when TNA was a PPV only organization but these days, people need to know when it's on, who's there, and what they are doing, and for crying out loud do some better merchandising and get a few of your guys on talk shows.

One of the reason why I don't watch WWE is because of Cena. If he came to TNA I think I would stop watching wrestling altogether. Bad idea.
Put the money into advertising, media buying and promotion. TNA will continue to let Russo write the show. Will continue to let the inmates run the asylum... fine whatever.

That wont change. So put Hogan's salary into letting people know an alternatice to WWE exists.

Pretty much sums it up, how about stop wasting money on talent they have no idea what to do with and reinvest in the company to get the word out and spend some money on production values and better arena's. Oh and here's a novel thought, get out of the we pay you to watch out show mentality.

and there version of "attitude" sucks, they seriously need to look at some reality.

Pay the talent to have some acting/speaking lessons wouldn't go astray too
really??? really??? reallllllllly???????

of course it would have to be john cena! as much as people would hate that, he is the biggest draw is the wrestling industry! there are plenty of people i would prefer to see come instead but tna wouldn't even be able to function if they had that option and didn't take it!
Sign ANYBODY? I'd Sign Barrack Obama... You want rating to rise? why not sign the president of the USA? Rating will most likely go up then. But the government might not. oh well :]:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Million Bucks from Hogan money? I'd spend half on a writers, and the other half on something to boost morale, break it up to pay some of the wrestlers more. The Knockouts make a few hundred per appearance, so maybe pay them a bit more for putting their bodies on the line, or health insurance.
One of the reason why I don't watch WWE is because of Cena. If he came to TNA I think I would stop watching wrestling altogether. Bad idea.

Bad idea just because YOU would stop watching it? Haha. There would be more who STARTED watching than those who STOPPED watching fella. Cena as a person is a class act, it's the way he is booked that people don't like. He could do wonders for TNA with his charisma and work ethic.

People mentioning Paul Heyman, ain't gunna happen. Pretty sure he has a contract with WWE now. Him and Brock signed some 'behind the scenes' deal a few months ago. It was well documented. Chris Jericho is another who would ahve no interest in TNA. His ego wouldn't allow it and he isn't stupid.

In the spirit of the game then how about Lashley.
Bad idea just because YOU would stop watching it? Haha. There would be more who STARTED watching than those who STOPPED watching fella. Cena as a person is a class act, it's the way he is booked that people don't like. He could do wonders for TNA with his charisma and work ethic.

People mentioning Paul Heyman, ain't gunna happen. Pretty sure he has a contract with WWE now. Him and Brock signed some 'behind the scenes' deal a few months ago. It was well documented. Chris Jericho is another who would ahve no interest in TNA. His ego wouldn't allow it and he isn't stupid.

In the spirit of the game then how about Lashley.

Maybe I missed it, but I don''t remember reading anything about Heyman and Lesnar signing a deal. Perhaps they gave WWE the rights to use them in video games or a DVD deal, but that hardly sounds like an iron clad deal to keep either of them from doing other things. I think they need to get rid of more than just Hogan, I think Bully Ray, Devon, RVD, Jerry Lynn, Steiner, Flair, Hardy and Pope need to go as well. Take all that money you save and invest it in some new announcers and writers. Hearing Tenay and Taz every week makes my ears bleed and screams of WCW/WWE. Give your program a voice that is new and different. Set yourself apart from the past of the business and what your competitor has already used. Set up a plan to do shows on the road for TV instead of for free at the Impact Zone every week.

They need to take this re-branding of "wrestling matters" seriously and actually book wrestling and build on different wrestlers not WWE Superstars of years' past. Keep Angle, Sting and Anderson to give you some big name talent to draw in the casual/WWE fan and build on the roster you have. You don't need to continue to bring in guys that are past their prime and can't draw money or ratings anymore. Start making yourself new and different again.
I think most of us agree it should be spent backstage rather than in the ring. I would give some money to Bischoff (if it really is his responsibility) to improve production values and then the rest to hire somebody to act as a competant booker/on-screen GM type figure. Heyman would be great, so would Jim Ross or maybe even Cornette. Someone who can keep the locker room in line and is neutral on screen to make matches that fans want to see.
If I were to give Hogan's money to someone, it would be Jim Ross. No doubt in my mind could he turn this product around in all areas. Talent scouting, development, announcing and storylines. I would venture to guess if Ross were in TNA other "top" superstars in WWE would consider joining TNA. Like Jericho, Big Show and Batista to name a few.
If he could be persuaded to "cross the line", I would definitely have to cast my vote with Jim Ross. He'd give TNA/IW a lot more credibility, a knowledge of the wrestling business matched by very few others, and the loyalty of a lot of people who, upon seeing JR in Orlando, might just be tempted to make the move themselves.

Let's face it- there are very few who are even half as good as JR at finding and building superstars. I know Heyman comes to mind- but given the choice between the two of them (if it were possible) it wouldn't even be a contest. Jim Ross hands down. Give him Hogan's money and power and I think you'd start seeing some serious results.
Generally speaking, I don't really think that TNA needs to hire anymore big name stars.

The idea of TNA hiring all these big, established stars was that viewers would flock to their show on Thursday night to watch some of their favorites from WWE, WCW, ECW or wherever. That's all well and good but it's a theory that's failed miserably as TNA's ratings are still in the very low 1s just as they have been for the VAST majority of the past 5 years. I don't think that's going to change no matter who you bring in at this point.

Hell, if anything, it wouldn't bother me to see TNA do some house cleaning. If TNA fired everyone of the huge names from their roster; I'm talking Hogan, Bischoff, Bully Ray, Devon, Scott Steiner, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Mr. Anderson and anyone else then I'd be willing to bet TNA would draw the same amount of viewers. Not that I'm saying all these guys should be fired or anything, I'm just saying that none of these guys have demonstrated any consistent drawing power in TNA.

However, just for the sake of argument, if TNA was able to pick ANYONE to bring in to the company, I think they'd pick John Cena. They'd follow the same flawed theory that bringing in big names equals ratings that they've followed for 5 years now. Cena's the biggest star in wrestling right now and, realistically, they'd take him in a second if they could get him.
As far as behind the scenes, I'd say bring back Jim Cornette and get rid of Russo. For talent, I would like to see either Y2J or Batista join. They need an injection of life that one of them can provide. As far as Cena or Miz, they'll never walk away from the big show, WWE.
If they could sign Brock Lesnar as a wrestler and Paul Heyman as the 'boss' it'd be the change they could use. Fire Russo as well and let Paul E. take over both of those spots (he can do it). Then you have Brock; a big name guy with plenty of exposure, talent, and potential. With him, Angle, Morgan, AJ, Roode, Anderson, and RVD, they'd have a solid main event pic. Get Flair, Jeff Hardy, Devon, and Scott Steiner out of there, too. And for the love of GOD: FIRE EARL HEBNER! He's the absolute worst ref ever! During the Flair v. Sting match from IMPACT a few weeks ago, he stood there staring DIRECTLY at the two when Flair low blowed Sting and didn't react at all! Not even a warning or word with Flair after Sting fell to the ground HOLDING HIS CROTCH! Get that guy the fuck out of there, lol
Hire an old school guy who came up in the territories to be the booker. One thing we dont need is more WRITERS that is whats wrong with the product today is too many writers. Just need a good, old school wrestler to be the booker.
Kevin Sullivan, Arn Anderson, hell even Dusty Rhodes would improve the product.
Hire an old school guy who came up in the territories to be the booker. One thing we dont need is more WRITERS that is whats wrong with the product today is too many writers. Just need a good, old school wrestler to be the booker.
Kevin Sullivan, Arn Anderson, hell even Dusty Rhodes would improve the product.

If you want old school wrestling watch ROH! TNA should not go backwards! It's 2011 and old school wrestling died in 1993! So stop with the pipe dream. Spike doesn't want it and Dixie doesn't want it. It won't happen!
Two Words....JIM ROSS!!!

JR has been everywhere and seen everything, he could be the one person in the business that could take TNA to the next level. Jim Cornette has been there before, and he couldn't do it. Obviously Hogan, Bischoff and Russo aren't gonna be able to pull it off. Not that they haven't made progress, but it seems like they still think it's 1997. Jim Ross has the know-how and the credentials to make it work
The problem in TNA is that fans always assume that they need that one big star to establish them. When in reality, Impact Wrestling could use the stars they have but aren't using to create an identity. The worst thing to do is copy the past and bring in someone established when you have the stars to do the same task.

There are those I'd like to see in TNA strictly as a fan[if they are still using their original talents in a healthy mix]. Christian returning to TNA would be great as his style was a good fit. Monty Brown returning to TNA would be an opportunity to make him a star where they failed to before. If Brock Lesnar ever decided to retire from UFC, he'd be a big name to bring over into Impact Wrestling. I also believe Randy Orton could be a big establishing name to help put over TNA's original talent and his style would fit in nicely[although it seems Orton is WWE for life and that'd never happen]. As for announcers, Jim Ross would be a game changer for TNA quite possibly. Joey Styles is another who could benefit TNA greatly. Other than that, I'd rather see TNA maximize their own stars and focus more on having the established WWE names putting them over.

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