If TNA Closed Tomorrow, Would You Quit Watching Wrestling?

Would you Quit Watching Wrestling if TNA closed.

  • Yes, I'd quit Watching Wrestling altogether

  • I'd watch WWE

  • I'd Watch ROH

  • I'd stick to Indy Wrestling

  • Wait until a new #2 Rises

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Getting Noticed By Management
Talked about this with a buddy of mine that ONLY watches TNA.

What about you guys? Would you quit wrestling? Stick to the indies? Throw your support to ROH or just go north and watch WWE?

Personally since i watch both id just go and watch the WWE exclusively. Dont like Indy wrestling and never been a fan of ROH

What about you?

Ps. Lets remember this is not an Anti-TNA thread or a TNA is or isnt closing soon thread... Is a What if scenario if the company shuts down.

Who watches wrestling just for TNA?. Of course i wouldn't stop watching.. I watch all wrestling except TNA. My life is too precious to sit there and watch a bunch of crap for 2 hour's.
i would watch wwe.
i only watch wwe and tna.
i love tna impact and i dont wanna see tna end.
i want someone to buy out tna, and fix out the problems.
that guy "some mma guy i think" who wanted to buy wwe, he has a chance at buying tna and maybe destorying wwe. i think anybody who has money and has passion may buy tna. why would anybody want tna to end?
it benefits no one?
even if wrestlers come to wwe, wwe will release most of our fav wrestlers.
wwe wont push the right people.
but to answer your question i would continue watching wretsling.
unless they make fun of jesus like punk did a few years back then ill quti watching it like i did in 2010. i didnt watch it again till the cm punk was gone.
This is just silly, LOL. If TNA closed, how many people would really even notice? I'm sure there are a handful of people that are TNA exclusive, but in reality for one to quit watching wrestling because of the fall of TNA or even WWE for that matter, then they aren't really wrestling fans but rather TNA fans or WWE fans.
It would be disappointing, cause I've been hoping that TNA would get their shit together to really compete with WWE for years now. But I wouldn't lose sleep over it. My favourite wrestlers would still be in WWE.

I mean, all TNA talent would either find a place in WWE or go back to the indies. We'd still see them if we wanted to. There wouldn't be the same uncertainty as if all WWE talent were unemployed.

It would be a blow to the wrestling industry, but not a huge one. I'd still watch WWE and the occasional indie/local show.
I hope TNA stays on tv for the long haul. It is nice to have another option. I watch TNA every Thursday, but if they closed I would just keep watching WWE. As I said in the other thread, I love wrestling and always have. TNA closing would suck, but I would just keep watching WWE.
Who watches wrestling just for TNA?. Of course i wouldn't stop watching.. I watch all wrestling except TNA. My life is too precious to sit there and watch a bunch of crap for 2 hour's.

I do.

So yes, I would quit watching wrestling. I haven't watched WWE in years, and I haven't been satisfied or entertained enough to warrant watching their product since Bret Hart was in his prime. So that "my life is too precious to sit there and watch a bunch of crap for two hours" nonsense cuts both ways, champ.

I grew up a WCW fan and attached myself to TNA a year before they scored their television contract. If the day ever came about that they went under, I'm exactly one of those people you'd be saying goodbye to.
I do.

So yes, I would quit watching wrestling. I haven't watched WWE in years, and I haven't been satisfied or entertained enough to warrant watching their product since Bret Hart was in his prime. So that "I my life is too precious to sit there and watch a bunch of crap for two hours" nonsense cuts both ways, champ.

I grew up a WCW fan and attached myself to TNA a year before they scored their television contract. If the day ever came about that they went under, I'm exactly one of those people you'd be saying goodbye to.

Awww, look at the sad TNA fanboy getting all defensive. I love how you say "I'm exactly one of those people you'd be saying goodbye to", like everyone's losing out if you stop watching. Barely anyone that matters cares about TNA, and nobody cares about you.

Either way, I do watch TNA, but if they stopped tomorrow I'd just keep watching the WWE or ROH. Even if the WWE closed, I wouldn't lose an interest in wrestling.
It's Damn Real! said:
So yes, I would quit watching wrestling. I haven't
watched WWE in years, and I haven't been
satisfied or entertained enough to warrant
watching their product since Bret Hart was in his
I wish I had your spine, IDR. That and a way to watch TNA regularly.

If TNA were to close today, I would shed a tear for the company. Guys like Kurt, Jeff and Sting could probably get work in WWE if they wanted to, but guys like Joe or Sabin I would never see again.

I do like to think that the WWE gives at least SOME though to TNA, because otherwise, their product would become even more commercial. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the WWE movies and the social media plugs get under one's skin...
Awww, look at the sad TNA fanboy getting all defensive. I love how you say "I'm exactly one of those people you'd be saying goodbye to", like everyone's losing out if you stop watching. Barely anyone that matters cares about TNA, and nobody cares about you.

Either way, I do watch TNA, but if they stopped tomorrow I'd just keep watching the WWE or ROH. Even if the WWE closed, I wouldn't lose an interest in wrestling.

I fail to see how he was being defensive at all. One poster made a generalized statement that no one would stop watching and he posted evidence of the contrary.

Where you got the idea that anyone at all would care if any single person stopped watching I'm not sure, but in the grand scheme of things wrestling as a whole really doesnt matter that much anymore.
Not watching it currently, so nope, but I would miss the good 'ol days when shit was entertaining and TNA was worth watching fondly.

Big name guys such as Angle, Sting, Hardy, maybe even Roode and Storm would be fine, they'd probably get deals with WWE alongside a couple others, then those who didn't would either return/sign with ROH or jump around the indies. Their demise would better independent wrestling at the least and bring rise to a new number two promotion in ROH which I'd have no objections to. But no, I wouldn't stop watching wrestling if it closed, I'd still watch WWE, ROH, PWG and New Japan.
I'd stop caring, I wouldn't stop watching.

I always download RAW, every single Monday (don't have a TV). I watch it, I like things involving Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. The rest is just boring to me. It's not a bias toward the WWE because I'm a TNA guy. I can mark out for the WWE when they get something right. I actually mark out more when WWE gets it right (compared to TNA) because when the WWE nails it they NAIL it and it's amplified by the production values and crowds and everything. But when they suck, they fucking suck.

So, I'd keep watching RAW only my passion for wrestling would die with TNA, until WWE or some new company comes up with something cool.

Either way, even with TNA in business I'm slowly losing interest. Neither company is doing anything worth a fuck. The Daniel Bryan thing was awesome, for a week, and now it's going tits up like everything else.

Come on, people. Breaking Bad just proved itself to be one of the greatest shows on Television. Period. It's a tie between Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Television is AMAZING right now. It's flat out better than any blockbuster movie that's come out in the last five years.

Television and video games are on top of the food chain in the entertainment industry when it comes to pure quality. Music and movies are making a lot of money these days but they're not as good (I think) as they used to.

Still, our generation has easy access to some of the best entertainment ANYONE ever had in history, that's a fact. We're living in the golden age of entertainment. Games, TV, spectacular movies, flashy concerts, crisp production values for all of those things, fun devices, new inventions. We're over saturated with awesome shit!

Of course people are losing interest in wrestling overall. 'Fuck can wrestling do nowadays? "OH! HE HIT HIM WITH A TIN FOIL CHAIR!"

Cool story, bro. Heisenberg just wasted a nazi gang with a trunk gun. A trunk gun, motherfucker!

When's wrestling going to be able to achieve that kind of effect on an audience? Never. So what happens? Wrestling's kicking the bucket slowly down the street. If TNA closes down it's gonna be for many reasons, but one big reason is that wrestling just can't keep up anymore so it's being left behind by general audiences and even wrestling fans.
I would be done with wrestling too. The only WWE I've seen in the last few years is a free stream of Mania, which is more a waste of time year after year. With the decline in Wrestling Popularity in general, I can't really see any other company, or network that would try and start a new promotion.
I am sure if TNA closed, there would be some sort of fire sale. Maybe not literally, but if WWE was not interested in purchasing, i am sure the majority of the talent would end up somewhere ... like ROH. Someone will try to step up. The WWE product would suffer without SOME kind of competition.
I'd TNA did go under, heaven forbid, there's still ROH and Hollywood Wrestling. Only problem for me is that they take forever to post new episodes of the latter online. While WWE is always an option, it's not my cup of tea. To each his own, but I'd take any of the indies over WWE.
I'd like to watch both WWE and TNA ...at the same time.

If TNA went out of business, I want Vince McMahon to buy it, and re-activate the Invasion angle. Imagine having Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, the new and improved Bully Ray Dudley, Robert Rude, Austin Aries etc.

Also, the Divas Division would be strengthened. Some of the Knockouts would add value and glamour, and many of them can actually put on good matches.

Also, if you throw enough money at him, it might mean finally getting Sting into the WWE, and have him fight Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
If TNA shut down tomorrow then I would still watch WWE. I'm a TNA fan, but my WWE fandom far exceeds my TNA fandom. TNA, while I like them, it would not be a huge loss to me if I could no longer watch Impact. I'd still have Raw and Smackdown to fall back on, which I like a lot more to begin with. It would be cool to see who from TNA tries to get into the WWE while who goes to ROH or indy feds. It would take WAY more than TNA shutting down for me to quit watching wrestling. I've been watching for 20+ years, so as long as one of the two feds I watch (WWE & TNA) is around, I'll watch. If both get shut down, then we'll talk. Even then I might try watching ROH or something.
Nope. I watch TNA occasionally, mainly for Angle and Stinger. I don't wish for them to close as I think competition is important, even if, as is the case in TNA, the competition is relatively insignificant in comparison to WWE. If something better rose from the ashes then I would obviously be playing a different tune.

Anyway, no I would not stop watching if TNA went out of business because I don't watch it all that much to begin with, but I'd rather it not go out of business.
I am a general wrestling fan, but with how bad WWE is right now, I'd stop all together until it got better if TNA shut down tomorrow. Hell, I stopped altogether in 2003 for 5 whole years, then started watching again out of the blue in '08. I got bored after a few months and if not for TNA, I would have just stopped watching wrestling completely. I've become a huge TNA fan, who enjoys some of WWE's stuff. So, if TNA were to shut down, I just don't think WWE would be enough for me to continue watching wrestling regularly. And, to be totally honest, I've watched WWE on and off over the last 5 or so years. Everyone has their preference, but I'm also no hater. I love and hate stuff about each company, I just happen to like more about TNA than WWE.
considering i stopped ordering there PPV's years ago and only reason i watch Impact at all is it's on a saturday night here and there's nothing else on. infact i find Explosion more compelling tho that has moved to some weird time now.

so to the original question it wouldn't change one thing in my life other then i wouldn't be watching Fuel TV on a saturday night, and there'd probably be more Surfing coverage instead Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

TNA has just been background noise and glimpses of above averageness for many years. Had this question been asked say 6-10 years ago then tho i still wouldn't have stopped me watching wrestling but it woulda been sadder to see it go, it was good then and something worth paying to see. Now i could care less if it went or not, it's not worth worrying about, there's far better content online. and Top Gear UK.
I would hate to see TNA close, and I don't think it will. That promotion introduced me to the likes of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Low-Ki, Chris Sabin and gave us in the UK the opportunity to continue watching Kurt Angle, Christian, Jeff Hardy, The Dudleyz, Raven, Tara, Mickie James etc after they left WWE.

I would be very disappointed to see it shut down, but I would continue watching WWE as I am a wrestling fan. If we got ROH on UK TV again I would also watch that, but as The Wrestling Channel doesn't exist anymore, its WWE or nothing really (bar the odd UK indie company that gets a late night slot).
If TNA closed tomorrow I definitely wouldn't start watching WWE, but I am lucky enough to live in an area that ROH is on TV so no, I would not stop watching wrestling.
A true wrestling fan watches because of the wrestlers and not the FEDS. If TNA goes under there is still Japan, Mexico, WWE, ROH and plenty of Indies.

That said I really hope that TNA doesn't go under but gets sold to someone who has deep pockets.
That's fine. I'm not a "true wrestling fan" (as if that even exists). But I'll bite. I'm fine with that, too, and I'm sure so are many others who share the same affinity I did/do for TNA, or for any other company.

If you don't think that there are thousands of fans in the world who'd give up on wrestling were WWE to suddenly implode and disappear off the face of the planet tomorrow, I don't know what to say to you other than 'how is the weather in fantasy land?'

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