If there was one indy wrestler in WWE...


Dark Match Winner
Straight forward really. Who would you want?

Personally id want kevin steen. The man can cut a decent promo and just has a great presence. He's also got the a great look and the ability to put on great matches.

A look at Steen giving a great promo..


And one of the most brutal matches I have ever seen, vs el generico


I thought of Colt Cabana too... but steen just has it for me. That mix of damn crazy yet coherent.
I'd want to see "Scrap Iron" Adam Pearce in the WWE. He's the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion and a mainstay in NWA territories (at least from what I know of). 34 years old, but is a pretty good overall wrestler in terms of his promo and in-ring work. He's an old school type of wrestler and your old school classic heel (or face) that can fit well into the WWE.

A more recent promo (I didn't want to dig into anything old, but chose a random one):

And him defending the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Colt Cabana from NWA Hollywood (on May of this year):

He's the type of guy I would like to see in WWE. He has a good sense and knowledge of this business. He just flat out knows how to work, too. Talented wrestler who I'm surprised hasn't been picked up by WWE or TNA. This guy, in my opinion, is money. Only if this question was more like "your top 5 indy wrestlers you'd like to see in WWE (or TNA)?" :)
Does TNA count as indys? lol jk.

Just in a reply to OP, I think Steen is terrible. Every time he speaks, he sounds like he just ran a marathon. So much heavy breathing. I want to see Steen and Mark Madden cut promos on each other and see who runs out of breath first.

Since Kenny King, who would have been my choice, has been signed by TNA I'm gonna take Jimmy Jacobs. I'm a fan of his work, and I think his character would work well in WWE. Bring him in solo or team him with Ascension or Seth Rollins and you'll have gold.

Honorable mentions: The Briscoes and WGTT. WWE needs legit tag teams and these two are some of the best.
BxB Hulk. He could team with Yoshi Tatsu. Bishōnen Japanese Pop Idols. Like WCW's Three Count, but way more Anime inspired.

I'm 100% serious.
BxB Hulk. He could team with Yoshi Tatsu. Bishōnen Japanese Pop Idols. Like WCW's Three Count, but way more Anime inspired.

I'm 100% serious.

And have them managed by A.J. who's dressed in a Sailor Moon cosplay outfit.

Still 100% serious.
I always thought Jay Lethal was underrated by the people who thought he was overrated. It's a shame he was so good at impressions.

Kaval was fun to watch; shame he's supposedly a massive prick with no patience. Imagine if Daniel Bryan had left after his first losing spree.
Kaval was fun to watch; shame he's supposedly a massive prick with no patience.

Reason why he is so successful in Japan at the moment. When I read they put him over Prince Devitt I wanted to make an International call to NJPW headquarters to shout obscenities they wouldn't understand, bastards.
There have never been indy wrestlers who work for the WWE. Once they sign, they're WWE Superstars.

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