If Stone Cold could get away with it, why couldn't DX?

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Recently WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin has been spending more time back in the WWE on monday night RAW. Doing what he does best...being Stone Cold Steve Austin! Drinking beer, using profane, flipping the WWE universe the bird. But isn't the WWE now PG rated? Sure all those things are all apart of the Stone Cold charactor. But what about the stuff that D Generation-X use to do?

Back during the beginning of the attitude era, we all remember the antics that DX use to do. Show their asses, make "weiner" reference, ECT. But when DX came back to the WWE-PG in 2006, of course they were watered down like that ECW brand. But Stone Cold Steve Austin still remains the same.

I would agree with Triple H in an interview that he did awhile ago saying that the attitude era wasn't just the "Austin" era. It was the Austin AND DX era. Because without both the WWF/E didn't have a chance in hell against WCW. Sure D Generation-X was a knock off of the nWo faction, but Stone Cold was a knock off of the Sandman in ECW.

So why til this day (or atlease last year) that DX is watered down due to the PG rating, but not Stone Cold?
TV-PG is just for the advertisers. It tickles me to no end when people complain about the WWE being "PG", because the difference in ratings between PG and 14 is so subjective that you can't draw a dividing line. From the TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board:
TV-PG said:
This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children. Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program may contain one or more of the following: some suggestive dialogue (D), infrequent coarse language (L), some sexual situations (S), or moderate violence (V).
TV-14 said:
This program contains some material that many parents would find unsuitable for children under 14 years of age. Parents are strongly urged to exercise greater care in monitoring this program and are cautioned against letting children under the age of 14 watch unattended. This program may contain one or more of the following: intensely suggestive dialogue (D), strong coarse language (L), intense sexual situations (S), or intense violence (V).
The only real difference is what you determine is appropriate for a 14-year old. The ratings are 'enforced', so to speak, by the PGMB. They can act on complaints from viewers that feel a show is improperly rated, but in reality don't do much with the exception of gross violations. In the case of the WWE, it's very borderline, and you can get away with a LOT on a case-by-case basis. You can't have a vicious pipe beating every week with a guy lying in a pool of his own blood, but you could probably get away with that on a single show.

Many of the guidelines that the WWE uses; like no blood, no chair shots to the head, minimal weapons, are not guidelines forced on them to achieve a TV-PG rating. They set those themselves, both to appeal to advertisers more, and to make that kind of violence more impactful when it is used. (People marked out over HHH head-shotting Undi at Wrestlemania- five years ago, they wouldn't have noticed that.)

Unless the WWE gets absolutely brazen, they can do quite a lot and still call themselves 'TV-PG'. They aren't limited that much by their television rating; creative direction has much, much more to do with it.
I remember back when Austin hosted RAW just before WM 26, he was censored. It wasn't until the Rock came back that WWE hasn't been too concerned about swearing because to me it seemed that WWE had no control over a big hollywood star the Rock and they gave him more freedom to convince him to stay. Ever since, coarse language was more acceptable in promos, especially by big stars (McMahon, Austin, Cena). So if Shawn was still wrestling and DX re-formed, Im sure that they would have a bit more attitude than their 2009 lame run.
I thought the reason why DX didn't do as much stuff as they did was because of Shawn Michael's beliefs? During the attitude era, Shawn Michaels was not as religious as he was in 2006. I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure.
Not completely certain but wasn't HBK a born again Christian? Didn't he turn down a lot of ideas because he didn't want it to conflict with his beliefs. Triple H would still do a little more of the racy stuff but it would always be without HBK. Granted I'm not completely certain of this but this is what I had heard/read. I think the WWE just tries to set guidelines for newer people coming in, they have veterans who are in a way above the rating mainly because they draw more than others. However the superstar can choose to switch things up, FU - Attitude Adjustment. The Rocks promos wouldn't be as strong if he was shoving things up others Candy Butts, and Stone Cold wouldn't be as threatening opening up a can of whoop butt.
I thought the reason why DX didn't do as much stuff as they did was because of Shawn Michael's beliefs? During the attitude era, Shawn Michaels was not as religious as he was in 2006. I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure.
If Shawn Michaels is so religious then why did he do the D Generation-X reunion in the first place? HBK knew what he was getting into. That's what DX is/was about, partying having a good time on WWF/E TV. And for Shawn Michaels to be apart of that and act like the WWE universe couldn't see his involvement. That's not how it works HBK! Your a canable if you like it or not.

I can see if Shawn just left it alone then I could see and understand that alot better. He just wasn't keeping it real with himself I guess.
If you watch Heartbreak and Triumph: The Shawn Michaels Story HBK goes on record and says that there were things that they did before that he just didn't want to do and that it came from an increased sense of responsibility rather than management telling them what not to do.
If Shawn Michaels is so religious then why did he do the D Generation-X reunion in the first place? HBK knew what he was getting into. That's what DX is/was about, partying having a good time on WWF/E TV. And for Shawn Michaels to be apart of that and act like the WWE universe couldn't see his involvement. That's not how it works HBK! Your a canable if you like it or not.

I can see if Shawn just left it alone then I could see and understand that alot better. He just wasn't keeping it real with himself I guess.

WHAT? Umm.. I'm pretty sure DX was about going against the system, doing what they want, when they wanted. Hence the line "You make the rules, and we break'em!". They had a 4th of july party with HHH and Candice Michelle getting head did they not? Made dick jokes? They covered the Mcmahon family (w/ spirit squad) in shit.. I really don't see what the issue is here. DX was a money maker. More so than Cena even. Just because they weren't telling people to go fuck themselves or something you think it was a fail?

If Shawn Michaels is so religious then why did he do the D Generation-X reunion in the first place? HBK knew what he was getting into.

In the last two DX reunions, not once did Shawn do anything that would have been seen as a breach of faith, and nor should he have. Reforming DX was more about getting to do something he loved with his best friend. Not drink and party :wtf: Where you came up with that asinine assumption is beyond me really.
Well I mean, it`s Stone Cold after all. Everyone knows him as the beer drinking, ass kicking, guy who flips people off and all that. The `E isn`t gonna water him down because it goes against this character. He`s sworn before, they just censored it, he still swore anyway.

Nowadays, kids are exposed to more and more adult themes through the media and technology and what not. They aren`t gonna be offended by a few "bitches" and an "ass", they`ve heard it before. So why keep censoring it or not say it at all? Vince realizes this and that`s why he doesn`t censor anymore. There`s no point.

When DX came back in 06, the WWE was just starting to become more family friendly. They weren`t gonna have DX swearing and doing all the stuff they did in the AE, it wouldn`t fit with the product. They were still edgy, just not as much as before. It was a different era, hence, different product.

Stone Cold can do it now because he`s Friggin Stone Cold and he can. He`s not gonna be a buttercup who respects people, he`s gonna be a badass, that`s what he is. He can do it because of the times too. The kids don`t care, the parents probably don`t either.

A few swears from Stone Cold in the year 2011 isn`t hurting anyone.
WHAT? Umm.. I'm pretty sure DX was about going against the system, doing what they want, when they wanted. Hence the line "You make the rules, and we break'em!". They had a 4th of july party with HHH and Candice Michelle getting head did they not? Made dick jokes? They covered the Mcmahon family (w/ spirit squad) in shit.. I really don't see what the issue is here. DX was a money maker. More so than Cena even. Just because they weren't telling people to go fuck themselves or something you think it was a fail?

In the last two DX reunions, not once did Shawn do anything that would have been seen as a breach of faith, and nor should he have. Reforming DX was more about getting to do something he loved with his best friend. Not drink and party :wtf: Where you came up with that asinine assumption is beyond me really.
Asinine? How was the hockey riot up there last night British Columbia Tim?

I'm sure deep down that HBK wanted to do a project with his BFF HHH which made sence to do before Shawn's retirement. People will remember HBK & HHH as friends first oppose to their most heated rivalry's. But D-GenerationX will always be remembered as D-Generation X, bottomline! Shawn Michaels should have just left the "suck it" thing in the past if that's how he felt about those idea's that the WWE creative team had for them if that's how he truly felt.

Like in the rap industry for example. Dr. Dre left Death Row Records back in the day because he didn't like the direction that the company was going in, so he left. So what was so hard for HBK to just leave the past where it should stay, in the past if that's how he truly felt is my question? It "sucks" for any entertainer to do things half-speed. But if that's the way Shawn Michaels wanted it. Then so be it.

But the only one's who didn't benefit from the reunion of DX was the WWE universe.
When it comes to profanity and all this and that, there seems to be quite a bit of wiggle room and broad interpretation when it comes to PG.

For instance, on Tough Enough, I can't remember the number of times Austin called someone a son of a bitch, used the word ass in some ways, or simply said goddamn all without being censored. Tough Enough is supposed to be PG rated as well. Then, as others have said, Austin & Rock have been out there doing their thing with very little, if any, censorship in regards to swearing and various other forms of colorful language.

I remember reading in an online report sometime late last year that said the WWE was going to be a little more risque in terms of format. Simpy put, during DX's last run, that policy simply wasn't in place. The WWE hasn't tried to go overboard with adding a little more spice to things here and there, but there's a definite change now compared to a few years back.
Asinine? How was the hockey riot up there last night British Columbia Tim?

Already talked about that in another thread.

I'm sure deep down that HBK wanted to do a project with his BFF HHH which made sence to do before Shawn's retirement. People will remember HBK & HHH as friends first oppose to their most heated rivalry's. But D-GenerationX will always be remembered as D-Generation X, bottomline! Shawn Michaels should have just left the "suck it" thing in the past if that's how he felt about those idea's that the WWE creative team had for them if that's how he truly felt.

The first time they did DX was about "Attitude". It was a great thing too, I loved it. The last 2 runs of DX were about FUN. They were more over than anyone on the roster, got the loudest pop every night. Helper get Legacy over. It gave the WWE universe one last time to see them together. How else could you get HHH and HBK together and NOT be DX? You can't. The PEOPLE wanted this.

But the only one's who didn't benefit from the reunion of DX was the WWE universe.

Based on WHAT? Let me show you something..

Do you hear that? Do you see all the DX swag in the crowd? How is the WWE universe losing out here? We got to see 2 of the best the WWE will ever have, be themselves. Fun loving, wise cracking guys.
Uh, he's Steve Austin. That alone says rules don't apply to him for the most part. Austin is the #1 reason why the WWF survived the Monday Night Wars. DX and WWE can try all they want to say it was a group effort and all that jazz, but to even imply that Austin had anyone remotely close to him in terms of importance in that era is nonsense. DX were still heels when they finally broke through and got a ratings win. If not then it was maybe a week after their face turn.

In short, Austin gets away with this because he's Steve Austin and WWE owes their existence to him. With Austin talking about getting the itch to possibly have one more run and work a match or even a few matches, the last thing WWE wants to do is tick him off. You let him do whatever he wants, even if it's only a glimmer of hope as to him coming back. He can get away with it because he's a bigger star and far more valuable than both members of DX combined.
Recently WWE hall of famer Stone Cold Steve Austin has been spending more time back in the WWE on monday night RAW. Doing what he does best...being Stone Cold Steve Austin! Drinking beer, using profane, flipping the WWE universe the bird. But isn't the WWE now PG rated? Sure all those things are all apart of the Stone Cold charactor. But what about the stuff that D Generation-X use to do?

Back during the beginning of the attitude era, we all remember the antics that DX use to do. Show their asses, make "weiner" reference, ECT. But when DX came back to the WWE-PG in 2006, of course they were watered down like that ECW brand. But Stone Cold Steve Austin still remains the same.

I would agree with Triple H in an interview that he did awhile ago saying that the attitude era wasn't just the "Austin" era. It was the Austin AND DX era. Because without both the WWF/E didn't have a chance in hell against WCW. Sure D Generation-X was a knock off of the nWo faction, but Stone Cold was a knock off of the Sandman in ECW.

So why til this day (or atlease last year) that DX is watered down due to the PG rating, but not Stone Cold?

Didn't they cover the McMahons in shit, say Vince loved cock, get head and simulate ejaculation with a mustard bottle, and Sweet Chin Music a little kid in the face to start it all off? Also, Shawn Michaels said "no" to a lot of jokes and skits that the writers wanted them to do because of his new "moral positioning". So, in my estimation, DX could have gotten away with stuff and would've gotten a pass, too.
...Was I watching a different show in 2006? I seem to remember DX running around telling Vince he loves cock, hiring female cheerleaders to take off their clothes, HHH getting head at a cookout, exploding cars, defaced jets, and plenty of other non-PG things.

If you're talking about the 2009 incarnation of DX, that's a different story. But the answer is pretty simple. 2009 was the very beginning of the PG-Era, and they were extra cautious at that point. Also, HBK and HHH were already quite calmed down by the time DX reunited...again. The DX moniker was just attached to two friends teaming together again. Rock and Austin have not transitioned their characters into a PG landscape, and it would be painful to see them try.

Plus, they show up infrequently enough to where WWE can just let them get away with saying a few "ass"es and "sum-bitch"es and it's not really a big deal. DX was on every program.
Since no one has brought this point up yet I'd like to bring up that Stone Cold and the Rock were both guests making guest appearances, whereas DX were members of the roster who were expected to be on TV each and every week. If I were a booker I'd allow my legendary guests to use coarse language because it's such a rarity to see them but for my regular stars (which DX were in 2009) they shouldn't be cursing every week because then it becomes a problem for the children when it's a habit
If Shawn Michaels is so religious then why did he do the D Generation-X reunion in the first place? HBK knew what he was getting into. That's what DX is/was about, partying having a good time on WWF/E TV. And for Shawn Michaels to be apart of that and act like the WWE universe couldn't see his involvement. That's not how it works HBK! Your a canable if you like it or not.

I can see if Shawn just left it alone then I could see and understand that alot better. He just wasn't keeping it real with himself I guess.


But DX is also no longer two young single bucks having a good time with girls and parties. They are now over-40 married fathers who are too old to be doing the "rubbing the U.S flag across the ass " stuff.

DX doesn't suit them anymore, because neither man is believable as a party animal anymore.
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