If Stone Cold Could Get Away With Being A Heel, Why Can't John Cena?

Personally, I see no reason why John Cena couldn't get away with a heel turn.

John Cena continues to get great responses from the crowds. They're are more boos than cheers, but NOBODY sits on their hands when he's out there. At the same time, however, Cena's character has really gotten stale and I think there's a real possibility that a lot of fans are just sort of burned out with him. Yes, he still sells merchendise and yes he's still over with fans but people are changing the channel a lot more now when Cena comes on than they were a few years back.

In WCW, one reason why Hulk Hogan went heel was because his act as the ultimate wrestling good guy had gotten quite stale. He was still Hulk Hogan. He was still the star, but a lot of people were burned out on Hulkamania. A heel turn kept Hulk Hogan relevant and interesting. A heel turn for John Cena will generate a lot of buzz and, for the short term at least, get a lot of people interested in John Cena that've grown tired of him. Whether or not WWE can sustain the interest would depend a lot on John Cena. I believe if they did turn him heel and ultimately just let him go out there and say what he wants, within reasonable limits of course as he can't go out there dropping F bombs or anything, then Cena could once again become someone that you want to see in a main event spot rather than be someone you're just flat out tired of seeing in the main event.
I just say, who sais he can't.
Just cause they may be scared to pull the trigger doesn't mean they can't

Though i will say there wasn't really anyone permanent that could take over in that spot until now
every single star in wwe/f has had a face turn at some point in there career, it is only natural. if they do not have face turns you get what john cena gets and that is contantly boooo'd. it is to keep the freshness of the character i find if someone if a face or heel for over a year/year and a half they become boring and useless to me. it's better late than never and who know this could reinvent cena and when he becomes a face again he could be 10 times more popular. i hate cena with a passion and now we know why becuz he is boring

Ted Dibiase didn't for his entire active days, he was a heel from 86 through to the end of WCW, and even then he was still a heel. It wasn't until his HOF induction that he was somewhat of a face again

King Kong Bundy was never a face in WWF/E and he main evented WrestleMania 2 with Hulk Hogan which constitutes a star :P
CM Punk as the top champion and Cena as a heel having a feud with one of the mediocre wrestlers will definitely make WWE like it was before especially with Masked Kane back. :worship:
First of all, the post should be called "If Hulk Hogan got away with turning heel, why can't John Cena?" They are sooooooooooo much alike its sickening. Hogan turned his back on all his fans especially the kids when he became Hollywood Hogan. I'm pretty sure Cena could pull the same thing off imo.
First of all, the post should be called "If Hulk Hogan got away with turning heel, why can't John Cena?" They are sooooooooooo much alike its sickening. Hogan turned his back on all his fans especially the kids when he became Hollywood Hogan. I'm pretty sure Cena could pull the same thing off imo.
I could of also called it "If Rocky Maivia got away with turning hell, why can't John Cena?". But I didn't because this is what I wanted to be called "WrestlingFan81".

Rocky Maivia aka the Rock is another great exsample of how this could work with John Cena turning heel. John Cena's future Wrestlemania 28 opponent, and current social media rival.
The only reason Cena cant go full heel is because he would stop getting requests by the Make A Wish Foundation. He is one of their most requested celebrities and WWE needs to do charity events such as these. In any case Cena is heel. He is boo'd by people in every arena, more so than most heels, more people in most arenas boo Cena than conventional heels such as Ziggler. He is bland, boring, and has no edge and that makes people angry and makes them boo him. He a heel in the sense that the more times he comes out with that stupid smile on his face and just ignores the booing the more he gets boo'd. If they really turned him people would just cheer him because now he has an edge and how is that beneficial to a heel? Also if they turned him he wouldn't get requested by foundations like Make A Wish which would be super harmfull to WWE.

This is heel Cena, hes here now. Hes not going to turn, he already has.
I could of also called it "If Rocky Maivia got away with turning hell, why can't John Cena?". But I didn't because this is what I wanted to be called "WrestlingFan81".

Rocky Maivia aka the Rock is another great exsample of how this could work with John Cena turning heel. John Cena's future Wrestlemania 28 opponent, and current social media rival.

Except Rock and Austin both cool heels b4 they become beloved faces and in the Rock's case he was still hell entertaining when he went heel again, the only thing that changed was he made fun of fans more and backed out of more matches. Cena i'm not sure now

Hogan really turned at WrestleMania 6, that's when the torch was passed and they were phasing him out of the top spot, then 3 years later he up and left altogether and continued as if nothing had happened.

Now when he turned that was totally unexpected which initially was crappy to alot of people but he bacame cool again same as Austin who was heel was more liked and cheered then the face's he was facing. It was the attidue of society and the fans that made that work not the way they were pushed. IMO

Cena they set the stage for sometime now and introduced some level of attitude again, while still keeping it family. If he did switch though i can see the roster being one sided with more people that are heelish then those that are beloved face's by the majority of fans, and ofcourse all the advertising he gets them relating to kids charities and such. He doesn't have to turn heel for me just get some attitude and stop being squeeky clean, that's all.
Jack the Ripper got away with murder, why couldn't John Wayne Gacey? I agree completely with your idea, but the way you phrased it is kinda off. Yes John Cena could probably pull off a really great heel if given the chance, but it has nothing to do with Steve Austin. Two people, two characters, two levels of talent, two possibly similar outcomes. Just because one person did it successfully, doesn't mean another person could with the same program.

In this case, I believe it can be done successfully. I'm just trying to argue semantics, because there's no real significant correlation between the two, other than being ridiculously famous.
Once again, I am all over a Cena heel turn like a fat kid on cake. And the way they are going about this...IF they are building to a turn....is nothing short of brilliance. But what can they do to follow it up with?

Simple. We all know about the "It Begins" videos that have been airing on WWE programs. If you dont, you must live under a rock. I believe its VKM coming to take back his business. With Cena feeling like he is being hated by everyone, decideds to align himself with the one man that is probably hated more...John Larengitis. With VKM back, The Rock sides with Vince. At WM its Cena vs The Rock of course. But instead of a title, its for the future of WWE. Cena wins...Larengitits gets control...Rock wins Vince gets his company back.

Now, depending on how well the Cena heel character goes, they could keep it up. Or, if its a bomb, have Cena turn face again. Much like the Stone Cold flip, when his heel character bombed harder then "21 Rounds".
The difference between Stone Cold and Cena is that when they decided to turn Austin heel they still had The Rock to fall back on as the fan favorite. Cena WILL turn heel eventually, to the approval of all the haters who constantly whine about how he hasn't turned yet. It would be financially disastrous for WWE to turn Cena heel when they have not found a top face to replace him yet. CM Punk, The Miz, or maybe even Ryder could someday, but they need to be able to sell merchandise and generate interest in buying PPV matches the way Cena does. There is currently no one who can do that yet and that is why Cena remains the face of the federation.

Yes, it worked for Stone Cold. Yes, it can work for John Cena. Be patient and stop whining about why he hasn't turned yet. WWE is a business. They make money off of Cena's merchandise and matches. Someone needs to be able to fill the huge void he will leave in the top face spot once he becomes a villain. Seeing an evil version of the Ruthless Aggression in Cena will be a historic moment for sure, but it's not going to happen until he has a top face to take his place. Just wait, it will happen. When WWE are ready to go through with it. I see it being set up for Wrestlemania when Cena goes up against The Rock IN HIS HOMETOWN full of fanboys and haters. WWE better have found their next top face by then, that should be their priority. Otherwise Cena stays a top face longer because they can't afford to lose the money he generates.
The Stone Cold heel turn was not really that successful. Viewership started slowly dropping off that year, and he was turned face again by the end of the year. The latter point makes me think WWE realized the error of their ways in turning him, and they don't want to make the same mistake with Cena. Which is smart. Cena turning heel can be done, obviously. He can away with it. But there's no real reason to beyond the cries of change from a few people who probably pour less overall money into the product than his fans do.

Would it be an interesting storyline? Sure. But it's not like he hasn't had interesting storylines as a face.
... as well as young, healthy full-timers like benoit, guerrero, angle, the undertaker, triple h, kane and the big show (who was still relatively young and new).

You are wrong on nearly all of these points.

During this stretch Benoit was out from early 2001 to the second quarter of 2002. Eddie Guerrero was off the roster because of drug issues. The Undertaker was around but doing stupid feuds like the DDP stalker angle, and then giving Ric Flair "Wrestlemania Moments". Triple H tour his quad and was out for 9 months from May of 2001 to the Royal Rumble on January 2002. Kane was as inactive as he could be around this time as well, and the Big Show was feuding with Shane McMahon. Shane O'Mac's work was the high point of that feud.

Realistically, they turned SCSA heel at that time because they needed him to. First they needed something different and new to keep viewers attention. Second, they needed someone to represent ECW/WCW as viable competition for the WWF. SCSA had proven time and time again that he could take anyone at WWF, and he had a back story to put him in that place. Finally, they needed a solid heel, representing the Alliance, to hold the belt until the companies biggest face at the time, The Rock, came back from filming to win the title.

It makes perfect sense for Cena to do a heel turn at this point to every wrestling fan over the age of 11, and there in lies the problem. Going heel could potentially alienate Cena's core audience.

The best way I think they could turn him heel, would be similar to how Bret Hart turned heel. He needs to become more intense, and show more passion for his "loyal fans"(kids) while saying he doesn't want anyone supporting him that doesn't respect what he is about. Basically he needs to tell everyone who isn't all about "Hustle, Loyalty, & Respect" to go to hell.
I don't understand why you would turn him heel. He get more Heat than anyone just the why he is, with the exception of maybe Cole. How is making him a heel a good thing? What do you gain by doing that? He's actual a more interesting character this way. A face that draws huge Heat; it never happened before.

Also Austin as a heel was a terrible move. They killed the angle pretty quick because they know it wasn't working. The only good thing we got out of it was the "What?" chant.
I think the key here as far as comparing to Hogan, Rock, and Austin is that Cena is not on thier level. I know the WWE tries to present it that way but when Rock, Hogan, and Austin were the top babyfaces they were over really over the way they are supposed to be over with the whole crowd. Cena is not over in this way Cena has the kids and a lot of women fans but he is not over with the whole crowd. Now to me the fact that Cena would be a truly hated heel by the whole crowd and not a cool heel actually would make him a better heel than Rock, Austin, and Hogan. Because just as much as babyfaces aren't supposed to get booed Heels aren't supposed to get cheered.
actually, when told to be a family friendly babyface, the Rock COULD NOT get over, much less sell the most merch.

Who says cena isn't supposed to get the reactions he does? Because he acts like a good guy? The audience isn't uniform dude, one act will get different reactions.

Hogan didn't get very over when he moved to WCW and it was a different audience.

Austin cussed and drank beer, kinda cheap pops that he couldn't get if they were family-friendly.

Cena would NOT be hated by everyone. All the smarks want him to turn heel, it'd simply be an inverse reaction. Again, the audience isn't uniform. John Cena's job is harder than theirs were. Family friendly restricts cheap pops, which would have hurt both Austin and Rock, don't give me bullshit about the "well they were PG too", they WERE NOT trying to be a famly friendly show. If they were, they failed, there were groups of parents organized to protest the tude era.

A non-uniform audience would have hurt Hogan. If WWF ran NWA towns, he would have gotten booed.

It's hard to compare across eras because times have changed so much. Also, you act like this reaction is bad for Cena. 100% of the audience feels something. those that boo him seem to enjoy booing him. If they didn't, they wouldn't show up, and they wouldn't make noise, they'd go to the bathroom. Fact is, they love to hate him. They smile when they do it. It's fun to chant against other crowd members.

I suggest not turning him heel. If he starts acting like an asshole and cheating, the smarks cheer him and kids boo him and merch sales go down. Good job. Instead, have him say "yea, boo me, you have the right too...but I CAN wrestle, and I don't suck." Of course, that'd be out of character because it's kind of a dick thing to do. I honestly think WWE wants the audience to be split and loud as fuck. Everything they've done over the past 5 years points to that. Turning Cena heel is boring and cliche.
First of all, the post should be called "If Hulk Hogan got away with turning heel, why can't John Cena?" They are sooooooooooo much alike its sickening. Hogan turned his back on all his fans especially the kids when he became Hollywood Hogan. I'm pretty sure Cena could pull the same thing off imo.
Except it's not the same. Hogan went to a DIFFERENT COMPANY. At that time, WCW ran old NWA territories. NWA fans hated sports entertainment. They hated Hogan. Hogan wasn't just not getting over, he wasn't moving enough merch or getting enough of an increase in the ratings to justify the money they were paying him.

When Hogan came back to the WWF, it was impossible for him to be a heel.

Cena is and will likely always be in the WWE. The audience is split, a heel turn will simply get an inverse reaction and lower merch sales. It's a bad idea.

People talk about Cena being stale. Cena has changed his character. He's more aware (character) of the audience. the character is interesting and he says things that are interesting. Rock comes out "catchphrase catcphrase catcphrase, butcher a sinatra song, catchphrase, homophobic joke, catchphrase" and he does so talking loud and in 3rd person....which he's been doing forever.

Cena isn't stale, his good guy persona is just a heel to some and a face to others. Look around entertainment. The good guy in movies are almost always anti-heroes. Anti-heroes are boring. "ooo look at me I'm edgy but I have a good heart deep down". Fuck that. It's been done to death. Cena is the anti-hero for the anti-hero generation. Everyone in the crowd cares. If he's as stale as people want you to believe, they wouldn't be making any noise. If these "smart" marks were as "smart" as they thought, they'd realize that Vince thinks the same way and not make any noise.

they aren't smart, and they don't legitimately hate him. Some of you may, but you guys also hate everything the WWE does and still watch, so why would they care what you think?
Austin turned heel, but it was something he retrospectively realised just never worked. The only reason they really did it was because he was intent on having a heel run again, not because of any creative decision. In fact, his face persona hadn't even really got stale, he was certainly still one of the top guys in the company and drawing the biggest fan reactions.
As for Cena, it's a different time and I really don't understand this desire to see him turn heel. Why the hell would you want that? So you can cheer him? At the moment, he is booed because he represents the things every Cena hater dislikes: The PG Era, the good guy smile and the limited in ring vocab. Why can't it be left like that. One of the things defining this era is the split crowd reactions Cena gets and personally, I really enjoy the energy this creates in arenas all around the world.
With Cena, any heel turn would cause a problem. Kids (the ones selling his merchandise) would have great reason to feel like their hero turned on them, but the older demographic would likely not know how the hell to react.
The day they turn Cena heel will make for a great end to a PPV, personally, I'm not hoping its round the enxt corner, because, like it or not, the guy is the face of the company and a heel run will bury any interest in him.
Then again, WWE make a great habit of doing that: Sorry Mr Punk, you are being a touch too arrogant and interesting for our liking. Can you start wearing this fake face smile and tone down the individuality? Thanks, we prefer our wrestlers like that.
Punk got more over when he toned down the smarminess. He went from sounding like a douche talking about how much better his indy rock band is then Miley Cyrus outside a hot topic to sounding like a guy people can get behind. In other words, the WWE knows more than you about making money in wrestling. "interesting" is subjective, being more over and selling more merch isn't. They know what they're doing with Cena.
First off Austin turning heel didn't really get away with being heel. Sure he got booed but the fact is the ratings suffered and not too many people bought into the Austin heel turn. Also when he joined the alliance he was still against McMahon except McMahon was the good guy not the bad guy, they basically put him on the Alliance side because they lacked star power (remember all of WCW's big stars weren't apart of the Alliance.

I would say Austins heel turn was a flop, didn't really work and most of it didn't make a lot of sense. Now with Cena I believe it could work if done correctly but if it happens its not going to boost ratings and buyrates, people often forget the difference between Hogan and Cena was Hogan was a much bigger babyface and drew much more money and fans than Cena ever did, in the long run Cena is not even in the same stratusphere as Hogan was. Cena is a hard worker, popular and a company man which is why he still has his spot but truthfully they could of made a Cena out of a lot of people. Cena isn't a big draw and because of that his heel turn will never be as impactful as Hogans because of that reason.

I think they should keep him babyface as he still has lots of loyal followers, by the time Hogan turned heel hulkamania was pretty much dead, just the fact he was the babyface for so long shocked people to see him heel and breathed fresh life into Hogan's career, as much as we all want to see Cena heel the truth is he hasn't wore out his welcome as a face and the WWE can still make money of a face Cena. Cena could be a tremendous heel if they want to go that route, you can put Punk in Cena's place and not lose ground so no harm done, but if you rush the heel turn it benefits no one. Its not just as simple as turning Cena heel, the execution is essential.
Steve Austin's heel turn bombed something shiocking, Austin himself wanted to call an audible at Mania 17 and hit Vince instead of Rock.

The crowd wantyed tocheer Austin, they want to boo Cena. Cena will be a huge heel, but will get X-Pac heat, not heel heat and Vince knows this
x-pac never sold merch or packed arenas. that statement is dumb. You can't call it X-Pac heat when Cena has been getting loud reactions for 10 years and has been selling a ton of merch and tickets for about 8 years. You can't call it X-Pac heat when anyone Cena is against is instantly more over than before.

I think it's the arrogance of the average smark. They don't want to admit it, but they enjoy booing Cena. He is working them. He is a heel to them.

Heel doesn't mean cheating and face doesn't mean doing good things. It's all about audience perception. austin was a pure babyface because he was everything his audience liked. Austin's audience was also uniform.

Cena's audience is split. he can do the exact same thing and half the audience loves it and the other loves to hate it. For the past 7 years he has literally been the most over face AND heel on the show. That's so interesting to me. I've never seen it and I don't think it'll ever happen again.
John Cena is already heel. We hate him. We boo him. We think he's been lowering rating years after years. He is getting on our nerves.

What do you want more???

I'm asking this to every Cena haters (i am one btw) :

Would you really want to see John Cena, hating and bitching kids, wrestling the newly Superman Orton with his same boring moves?

Cena is a heel. CM Punk had the key "character" this summer, to become the face we all wanted (stone cold style, on his own). But WWE failed hard by dropping the "real" pipebomb gimmick for a kiddy CM Punk that is now friend with all faces. Biggest fail I have ever seen in WWE. I saw plenty of adults (including myself) in my gym with CM Punk tshirt. They had the attitude era fan back with them.

The hype is now over and destroyed. Look at the rating right now...Punk is now just a tshirt souvenir...ouch
John Cena is already heel. We hate him. We boo him. We think he's been lowering rating years after years. He is getting on our nerves.

What do you want more???

I'm asking this to every Cena haters (i am one btw) :

Would you really want to see John Cena, hating and bitching kids, wrestling the newly Superman Orton with his same boring moves?

Cena is a heel. CM Punk had the key "character" this summer, to become the face we all wanted (stone cold style, on his own). But WWE failed hard by dropping the "real" pipebomb gimmick for a kiddy CM Punk that is now friend with all faces. Biggest fail I have ever seen in WWE. I saw plenty of adults (including myself) in my gym with CM Punk tshirt. They had the attitude era fan back with them.

The hype is now over and destroyed. Look at the rating right now...Punk is now just a tshirt souvenir...ouch
Fuckin ******ed to say they dropped the ball on him. WWE doesn't want the white trash attitude era fans back, that's bad for business long term. Punk is more over than ever. You see people of all ages with Punk shirts cheering him.

the hype isn't over. Ratings are a stupid ass metric to put all your eggs in, they're still tops in the RANKINGS and in every other media metric.

saying they failed with Punk is like if a hitting coach changes a guy's swing and he hits a home run, are you going to say "YOU RUINED HIM, HE DIDN'T HIT THE HOME RUN THE WAY I WANTED HIM TO"? No, that's fuckin ******ed. Punk is over. Just because they didn't book it exactly how you (think) wanted it to be booked doesn't mean it was bad.

So what? You want Punk to be booked to cater to one type of fan? So he's less over. So he's only over with the SAME goddamned audience he's always been over with? So that in a year when he's not making enough money to get as much screen time, he's pushed back down?

Holy shit dude, that whole post is just...fucking dumb. That's not a flame, I'm serious, that's the best description I can come up with. Are you a child or a teen who hasn't developed beyond the egocentric stage? Can you not see the big picture? Do you think your opinion and point of view is the only one there is? What the fuck is wrong with you?

WWE didn't screw up anything, they know what they're doing. If they turn Cena heel, it needs to be unexpected and at a time with a lot of visibility like at mania.

BTW, I STILL see adults with CM Punk shirts. Only difference is, when I go to the mall for work, I also see kids with it.
John Cena is already heel. We hate him. We boo him. We think he's been lowering rating years after years. He is getting on our nerves.

What do you want more???

I'm asking this to every Cena haters (i am one btw) :

Would you really want to see John Cena, hating and bitching kids, wrestling the newly Superman Orton with his same boring moves?

Cena is a heel.

Uhhh... Cena's a face dude... as face as they come. Just because the stupid smarks in the crowd boo him, doesn't mean he's a heel. To the targeted audience (which is ages 6 - 17) he's a face, and that's what matters. If Cena was a heel, he'd most likely be siding with people like Del Rio & The Miz instead of giving up his title opportunity to give Zack Ryder a chance at the US Title.

And Cena vs. Orton has been proven to draw in MONEY over the past years, and this was when the roles were Cena face and Orton heel. I'm sure that if they did it again with the roles reversed, they'd stay the same. Not to mention, the possibilities for storylines would be endless.
I gave an opinion reflecting my anger. You gave anger reflecting your mental age.

You didn't even answer the question in my post.

Your opinion just so happens to be wrong.

Cena is a face. Why? Because he's promoted as a face. So what if a few people boo him? Those people are stupid anyway. They think that by giving him a reaction, he'll magically be de-pushed.

Onto the actual subject of thread (which will probably be trashed anyway), Austin could turn heel because The Rock existed - a guy who's almost on Stone Cold's level. Cena has no one on his level he could feud with. Cena has no one on his level who could really be the face of the company. Austin had Rocky.

Like Austin, Cena is an incredible talent who would probably play a heel to perfection. But circumstance just doesn't allow it at this time.
Except it's not the same. Hogan went to a DIFFERENT COMPANY. At that time, WCW ran old NWA territories. NWA fans hated sports entertainment. They hated Hogan. Hogan wasn't just not getting over, he wasn't moving enough merch or getting enough of an increase in the ratings to justify the money they were paying him.

When Hogan came back to the WWF, it was impossible for him to be a heel.

Cena is and will likely always be in the WWE. The audience is split, a heel turn will simply get an inverse reaction and lower merch sales. It's a bad idea.

People talk about Cena being stale. Cena has changed his character. He's more aware (character) of the audience. the character is interesting and he says things that are interesting. Rock comes out "catchphrase catcphrase catcphrase, butcher a sinatra song, catchphrase, homophobic joke, catchphrase" and he does so talking loud and in 3rd person....which he's been doing forever.

Cena isn't stale, his good guy persona is just a heel to some and a face to others. Look around entertainment. The good guy in movies are almost always anti-heroes. Anti-heroes are boring. "ooo look at me I'm edgy but I have a good heart deep down". Fuck that. It's been done to death. Cena is the anti-hero for the anti-hero generation. Everyone in the crowd cares. If he's as stale as people want you to believe, they wouldn't be making any noise. If these "smart" marks were as "smart" as they thought, they'd realize that Vince thinks the same way and not make any noise.

they aren't smart, and they don't legitimately hate him. Some of you may, but you guys also hate everything the WWE does and still watch, so why would they care what you think?

To be honest, I think your posts are full of BS, And you're trying to make your points by claiming that "Alot of people think that...".

"Cena isn't stale"
LMAO!! Really?! Right now, cena is beyond stale, and I think it's too late now for him to refresh his character while being face. He MUST turn heel, and it's gonna happen soon(After the piper's pit, there is no doubt in my mind). However, I do agree with you on the "inverse reaction"(finally something right come outta you). Adults will cheer him, and kids will boo him.

People talk about Cena being stale. Cena has changed his character. He's more aware (character) of the audience. the character is interesting and he says things that are interesting. Rock comes out "catchphrase catcphrase catcphrase, butcher a sinatra song, catchphrase, homophobic joke, catchphrase" and he does so talking loud and in 3rd person....which he's been doing forever.

We're talking about cena, What does rock have to do with this? LOL
Anyway, rock say all thoses phrases because the audience WANTS to hear them, there is no "pushed down their throat" thing here. :rolleyes:

"Cena isn't stale, his good guy persona is just a heel to some and a face to others. Look around entertainment. The good guy in movies are almost always anti-heroes. Anti-heroes are boring. "ooo look at me I'm edgy but I have a good heart deep down". Fuck that. It's been done to death. Cena is the anti-hero for the anti-hero generation. Everyone in the crowd cares. If he's as stale as people want you to believe, they wouldn't be making any noise. If these "smart" marks were as "smart" as they thought, they'd realize that Vince thinks the same way and not make any noise. "

:lol: Biggest bull crap I've ever read.

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