If Sin Cara is taking over Mysterio's position...


TNA World Butterfly Champion
Then he needs to be different to Mysterio. Yes, Mysterio brings a large Mexican fan base with him but that's the main reason he's still on television almost every week (similar to The Great Khali and India) but Rey has been the same bland character for the last few years now.
When he was in the cruiserweight division, Rey had a fairly large moveset and always amazed in the ring. I was fine when he got elevated to mid card during his feud with Eddie Guerrero but his Rumble win seemed forced (because it was)
Due to several injuries and the fact that he's getting older his moveset has become more limited. This doesn't mean he doesn't have good matches (feud with CM Punk) but it means he isn't as innovative and amazing as he used to be.
The main problem with Mysterio is the fact that he's using the same underdog gimmick since 2006 and it isn't really a gimmick. But this gimmick and everything else about Rey holds him back for one simple reason. He can NEVER be heel. It will never work. He's probably second to Cena in the list of most marketable Superstars and turning him would lose too much money. His high-flying moveset wouldn't suit a heel. Cruiserweight heels only work in a cruiserweight division, squash matches or a tag team. Cena gets booed almost as loud as he gets cheered but does Mysterio ever get booed? The only time i remember Rey ever being booed was at the Royal Rumble when he started attacking Diesel. Can you imagine him walking into a match where everyone in the crowd is booing him? And what reason would Rey have to turn heel anyway?
So with Sin Cara comes a new chance. If he's the new Mysterio then he can become better. He looks bigger than Mysterio so no underdog gimmick. His moves in the promo look impressive. And we don't know much about him so he doesn't have to be an "I love you all" kind of person. You can turn him heel for a little bit to spice up his character if it gets boring. If you need a Mexican face then turn Del Rio (it could work)
It's not that Rey-Rey is bad, it's that he's bland. So what do you think about Sin Cara and his new opportunities?
How the hell do you even know what WWE has planned for Mistico/Sin Cara? And why can't there just be another guy from Mexico, with a mask, who follows the lucha libre heritage, and just happens to be a high flier. News flash, a big majority of the Luchas wear mask and a majority of those who wear mask are also high fliers.

Seriously, if anything, Sin Cara's just proof that WWE wants to expand beyond just american style wrestling. Maybe WWE wants to work a mentor/student duo with Rey and Mistico? Maybe just maybe WWE doesn't even want to compare the two. If anything, it's another person who can wear another mask design and have them sale just like Mysterio's masks.

Anyway, when he does debut (Tomorrow) I will be waiting to see what they do with him because he seems to be an interesting topic.
High flying movesets do fit a heel. In lucha libre there is many high flyers that are heels and about 90% of them wear masks. I saw this video on youtube in where a sportscaster from a spanish sports show said that Mistico would sign with the WWE under the name Black Mysterio. Obviously Mistico signed as Sin Cara but he will probably debut as a heel and end up feuding with Rey. Perhaps Mysterio gets drated to Raw but who knows?
I don't see Cara vs Mysterio feud for a while. One big reason is that Cara is going to Raw and Mysterio is on Smackdown. I see Sin Cara going straight into a thing with S(h)eamus, assuming he wins against Bryan. Although if they were to continue S(h)eamus vs Bryan i could see Cara doing a program with Bourne and make some amazing high flying matches
How do we even know he's going to be on Smackdown? Just because Del Rio feuded with Mysterio doesn't mean every talent from Mexico will. And I'm pretty sure he's a face becuase he faced Primo at a house show, and well heres new for you, Primo is on RAW! That's like assuming if a face talent hot out of the U.K will feud with Wade Barett, or that a jamaican wrestler will team with Kofi (Yes I know he's from Ghana but the only Jamaican thing about him he ditched was the accent.) Plus what makes you think the Mysterio/Rhodes program will end at 'Mania? Far from it. I can't recall the last feud that ended at 'Mania. And as for replacing Mysterio, I doubt it, are they going to get another dark gimmick character to replace 'Taker when he goes away? Doubt it.
No he doesn't. Sin Cara will draw the same amount of fans Mysterio brings in, if not more. Maybe you might want WWE to have him as a different character to Mysterio. But doing that would be taking an unnecessary risk.
How the hell do you even know what WWE has planned for Mistico/Sin Cara? And why can't there just be another guy from Mexico, with a mask, who follows the lucha libre heritage, and just happens to be a high flier. News flash, a big majority of the Luchas wear mask and a majority of those who wear mask are also high fliers.

Seriously, if anything, Sin Cara's just proof that WWE wants to expand beyond just american style wrestling. Maybe WWE wants to work a mentor/student duo with Rey and Mistico? Maybe just maybe WWE doesn't even want to compare the two. If anything, it's another person who can wear another mask design and have them sale just like Mysterio's masks.

Anyway, when he does debut (Tomorrow) I will be waiting to see what they do with him because he seems to be an interesting topic.

It's well known Rey is on his way out of the door. If you don't believe Sin Cara to be Mysterio's replacement you are in a solid state of denial to the point that it's unhealthy.

Anyways, by the looks of it, he'll be debuting on Raw. Hopefully he'll get a Del Rio debut and actually beat someone that matters instead of squashing Zach Ryder or Ted DiBiase in thirty seconds.
The reason he's being referred to as the "new Mysterio" is because he's a smaller, high flying, masked, Mexican wrestler. And I'm pretty sure that's from fans, not from WWE. Now with that said, I'm almost 100% certain that WWE does see him as a Mysterio replacement, but not a carbon copy. That's how you do good business.

I wouldn't worry though. He will be different. Mysterio has had a lot of wear and tear on him. He's older, and injury prone now. Sin Cara doesn't have that baggage. And I'm sure will see a Cara/Mysterio feud or team at some point.
So as we saw on RAW, Sin Cara has officialy made his WWE debut taking out Sheamus. My question is do you see Sin Cara becoming the next Rey mysterio?

The reason I wonder is that they're both high flyers, both underdogs because of there size, both use lucha libre style etc... ect... They both have alot in common is what im trying to say.

So do you see in maybe in 4-5 years Sin Cara in the main event scene, much like Rey in '06? Will he just be another extremely talented superstar that will get released for no apparent reason?

Will he end up where Rey Mysterio is today?
So as we saw on RAW, Sin Cara has officialy made his WWE debut taking out Sheamus. My question is do you see Sin Cara becoming the next Rey mysterio?

The reason I wonder is that they're both high flyers, both underdogs because of there size, both use lucha libre style etc... ect... They both have alot in common is what im trying to say.

So do you see in maybe in 4-5 years Sin Cara in the main event scene, much like Rey in '06? Will he just be another extremely talented superstar that will get released for no apparent reason?

Will he end up where Rey Mysterio is today?

Ignore my post, sorry. I didnt see this thread,made another one and it got merged.

But to answer your question, Hes not taking over Mysterios position. Not at the moment anyway. Give it maybe 2-3 years and he could be but at the moment hes nowhere near Reys postion/spot. IMO Sin Caras more talented than Mysterio, but Mysterio is over with the kiddies and ATM he has alot more fan support.

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