If Seth IS a Paul Heyman guy...?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Long time no see guys.

I was wondering what you guys thought would happen with the Authority if Seth leaves to become a Paul Heyman guy.

Seth Rollins has become one of the biggest heels in the company, and has been touted by Paul Heyman as the 'next big thing.'

What should happen to the Authority? Should they have someone replace Rollins if he runs off with Paul Heyman? If so, who?

My pick would be Sheamus. It is well documented that Sheamus is good friends with Hunter, and you could use that to connect him to the Authority. I would actually like to see Sheamus vs John Cena with the Authority behind Sheamus.
I would have Seth Rollins double-cross The Authority if anything to align himself with Paul Heyman to become Heyman's newest client similar to what Cesaro did betraying Zeb Colter in favor of Paul Heyman, Rollins should do something like that and align himself with Heyman because none of us would see it coming and a Heyman/Rollins partnership would be so much better than Rollins continuing to be in The Authority
Rollins doesn't need Heyman. Rollins has managed to achieve the top heel status without him, and doesn't need the help on the mic, he's a great talker. Screws up once in a while, but it's okay.

Heyman if he sticks around needs to put someone over and I see that guy being Roman Reigns. Reigns needs the most help on the mic, but I'm not sure that's a road the WWE want's to do down. The need a new face and they want Reigns, aligning him with Heyman takes that out of the equation.

The only reason Lesnar has been with Heyman is because of his mic skills as well, and let's face it that's what makes Heyman so good. He's not an active wrestler and brings nothing else to the table. I don't know what their plans are for Heyman once Lesnar goes back to UFC as the reports state he will, but I'm sure Heyman will find someone else to back. I don't think it will be Rollins though.
Pairing guys with Heyman has failed more times than it has succeed in the WWE. As a matter of fact, he hasn't actually elevated one single person. They have only stayed the same, or gone into the shitter when paired with him (Not saying its his fault, I just don't think he has much to do with it either way)

That, and Rollins needs to continue to find his own voice, and be his own promo.
Also wasn't part of the reason Heyman and Lesnar teamed up was because Lesnar was part time and Heyman would fill in for him when he wasn't there.

Rollins is a full time member of the roster, Heyman wouldn't have to do that and Rollins can speak for himself, so unless there is another spectacular reason Heyman can help him, I don't see it.
Pairing guys with Heyman has failed more times than it has succeed in the WWE. As a matter of fact, he hasn't actually elevated one single person. They have only stayed the same, or gone into the shitter when paired with him (Not saying its his fault, I just don't think he has much to do with it either way)

That, and Rollins needs to continue to find his own voice, and be his own promo.

lol you serious Clark?
Only thing about this post that makes any sense is Rollins needing to find his own voice.

Before Heyman Punk was just an indie darling.
Before Heyman Lesnar was just an anonymous beast with no direction.
Long time no see guys.

I was wondering what you guys thought would happen with the Authority if Seth leaves to become a Paul Heyman guy.

Seth Rollins has become one of the biggest heels in the company, and has been touted by Paul Heyman as the 'next big thing.'

What should happen to the Authority? Should they have someone replace Rollins if he runs off with Paul Heyman? If so, who?

My pick would be Sheamus. It is well documented that Sheamus is good friends with Hunter, and you could use that to connect him to the Authority. I would actually like to see Sheamus vs John Cena with the Authority behind Sheamus.

I think Heyman would actually be in the loop with The Authority, meaning he'd have The Authority still backing him with Show, Kane and J & J security plus Heyman as his mouth piece. Heyman helping Rollins win the championship would be a favor for The Authority.

I couldn't see how Rollins could be a legit heel just being with Heyman. I would think The Authority would have resentment towards him and make his life harder, pretty much making him into a face.
Rollins could definitely benefit from working with Heyman. Just the association draws heat.

Cesaro and Ryback were given to Heyman at the wrong time. That was WWE's fault, not Heymans. Heyman has always done wonders for Lesnar, he did a great job for CM Punk. Sadly Curtis Axel didnt work out but that guy is pretty much a lost cause. He has zero personality.
Before Heyman Punk was just an indie darling.
Before Heyman Lesnar was just an anonymous beast with no direction.

You mean when he was a multi-time world champion, and in the midst of an already 8 month title reign?

You mean when he returned to a massive pop and wrecked John Cena? I am pretty sure he wasn't "anonymous" at all since the crowd shit a brick when he came through the curtain.

Do you even know what the word anonymous means?

What exactly is different about his direction NOW than when he came to whip John Cena's ass? He is quite literally doing the EXACT SAME THING now.
What exactly is different about his direction NOW than when he came to whip John Cena's ass? He is quite literally doing the EXACT SAME THING now.

The difference = people care about him now.
Either your a fan of his style and Heyman is a bonus to put him over OR you hate Heyman and his presence annoys you which only adds to the monster heel angle.

When he came back for Cena there was a shock value. But that faded extremely quick as he disappeared. More power to you if you think Brock could have sold himself as well as Paul E. has done over the last 6 months. You're entitled to your opinion....but you're wrong though. Brock can't even string 3 sentences together without getting clammy.
Also, back to the main purpose of this thread.
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone Heyman said...and I quote..."Seth Rollins is the best in-ring performer in the world today"

Pretty strong words.
Hope ya'll are ready for the swerve.
Also, back to the main purpose of this thread.
In a recent interview with Rolling Stone Heyman said...and I quote..."Seth Rollins is the best in-ring performer in the world today"

Pretty strong words.
Hope ya'll are ready for the swerve.

I'm sorry not trying to be a douche but so what. Paul Heyman thinks Seth Rollins is the best in the ring, that is his opinion, and in no way means that he's going to end up as his manager.

He's a mouthpiece for Lesnar because Lesnar sounds like a girl when he opens his mouth. Not what you expect from the UFC Heavyweight Champion, but Rollins is fine. He can generate his own heat and doesn't need Heyman.

Look how far Rollins has come without him.

EDIT: I'll be disappointed if Rollins does become a Paul Heyman guy. I'm so over Paul Heyman it's not funny. He's good at what he does, but holy shit, I'm fed up with him.
Man, it would be awesome to see Seth Rollins teaming up with Paul Heyman as his manager. Imagine how much heel heat Seth Rollins can get if he teamed with Paul Heyman around Wrestlemania.
EDIT: I'll be disappointed if Rollins does become a Paul Heyman guy. I'm so over Paul Heyman it's not funny. He's good at what he does, but holy shit, I'm fed up with him.

First off, you don't come across as a douche at all. Just someone with legit opinions. Thanks for the response.

Secondly, this quote is just more evidence of Paul E. being effective. He makes whoever is with him a completely plausible heel. Something the federation is lacking big time right now outside of Rusev (who will get buried by Cena or Reigns at Mania) and the rising phenomenal star that Rollins is about to become.
Secondly, this quote is just more evidence of Paul E. being effective. He makes whoever is with him a completely plausible heel. Something the federation is lacking big time right now outside of Rusev (who will get buried by Cena or Reigns at Mania) and the rising phenomenal star that Rollins is about to become.

Seriously I think you're giving Paul Heyman much to much credit. Everything that Rollins has done since the Shield split up, he's done on his own. Actually that's not quite true. He had Ambrose after him for months, and because he kept running away it generated a lot of heat towards him. Add that to the fact that he's become the Authority's golden boy, and basically had everything handed to him on silver platter, guaranteed more heat.

Paul Heyman has done nothing for him at all so far, what could Heyman do to put him over even more? He doesn't need the Heyman effect, Rollins is the top heel in the company now, even surpassing Lesnar who was getting cheered the other night for going after him. I think it would be a huge mistake for Rollins to hitch his star to Heyman. It would be great for Heyman but bad for Rollins.

And when I say I'm fed up with Heyman, it's not the kind of heat you want, it's the "get off my TV' kind of heat. When he comes on TV I usually go for a smoke or get a cup of coffee. Out of sight out of mind.
Fair points and opinion.
But no one thought Punk needed the Heyman effect. It really added a dimension to his run on top. He would say that and most all his fans and WWE fans would I'd assume. I've already laid out why he's perfect for Lesnar. Always has been always will be.

I do think it's amazing how vitriolic you are towards Paul E.
The dudes promos are top notch each and every time. He adds an intensity that kicks things up a notch. He is the glue that holds some of these HHH/Stephanie/Cena/Rollins in ring chats together IMHO. It certainly isn't Levesque. Cena works the mic as well as anyone but he needs a foil. Rollins has been gaining leaps and bounds each week but...again. There is a presence needed. All I'm saying is I would prefer Heyman cutting weekly promos with Seth than HHH. That's just a personal preference I suppose.

Side note: I attended the post-Summer Slam RAW and got to see Rollins vs. Ambrose and you are absolutely correct about that feuding putting both guys WAY over.

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