If Ryback ended the streak

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
This would leave The Undertaker's streak being put on the line against Ryback, and the idea would be for Paul Heyman to lead a physically large wrestler to face 'Taker and do what CM Punk could not do the year before; end The Dead Man's streak. This storyline, as much as it relies on The Rock working WrestleMania, also requires the current pairing of Heyman and Ryback to be successful. If things do pan out this way, WWE has thought of Ryback potentially being the man to end the famed undefeated streak.

How many heads in the IWC would explode? :lmao:

I know this is VERY preliminary, but the thought of how pissed off so many in the IWC would be is hilarious.
I love this idea. Ryback is fantastic. He's endured a lot of garbage from creative over the last year and a half and continued to excel. He's like a muscle-bound, larger-than-life Daniel Bryan. I'd love to seem them start getting serious about The Big Guy.
I would like it, at least it would mean something to me. I'm pretty tired of having the traditional Undertaker match with main event guys that would benefit nothing from that. Would much rather watch an Undertaker vs. Ryback than an Undertaker vs. Lesnar, because there would be no way Lesnar could break the Streak by being a part time guy.
They give the guy a push that somehow meant he lost at his PPV appearances\major matches, then repackage him as a bully. Heyman will help- but it is hard to take him seriously as a contender to end the streak.

This comes up every year. I just dont see the streak ending by anyone's hands except for maybe Cena at this point. Taker and Vince would have to have a major falling out for the streak to end because of someone like Ryback. Even then it would be a stretch to think because Vince knows even after Taker retires- he is a major draw for future appearances. Vince screws Taker or forces the streak to end without him being on board with the idea & Taker walks and will never return- Vince knows this.

If there is one guy who would walk after getting screwed and not think twice- its Taker. Vince would not take that chance & HHH isnt that stupid either.

Streak lives. Ryback isnt worthy.
Even then it would be a stretch to think because Vince knows even after Taker retires- he is a major draw for future appearances.
And if the streak gets broken by Ryback, does that somehow mean those future appearances won't draw as significantly?

Sorry, but I don't believe that.
I think what he was saying was that if Taker is forced to drop the streak to someone considered "unworthy", he'll leave WWE, making him unable to make said big-money post-retirement appearances.
I would probably be ALMOST ok with this if

1. The WWE hadnt made it abundantly clear that they have no fucking clue what they are doing with Ryback, ruining his character not once, not twice, but now three fucking times.

2. If there wasnt such an clearly obvious better canidate.....Bray Wyatt
Breaking the streak would only be a temporary boost.
What they do with Ryback after would make more of a difference and odds are they would screw it up.
Anyway this reportedly hinges on The Rock agreeing to do Wrestlemania and odds are he isn't going to do it so it doesn't really matter.
I would probably be ALMOST ok with this if

1. The WWE hadnt made it abundantly clear that they have no fucking clue what they are doing with Ryback, ruining his character not once, not twice, but now three fucking times.

2. If there wasnt such an clearly obvious better canidate.....Bray Wyatt

It must be silly season.
I don't think the streak should end, but I'd rather Ryback do it than Sheamus, Ziggler or someone even less interesting... if that's even possible.

And no, it shouldn't be Daniel Bryan, either.
And if the streak gets broken by Ryback, does that somehow mean those future appearances won't draw as significantly?

Sorry, but I don't believe that.

Missing the point Coco.

Taker is one of few left in the WWE who has enough pull to say who he faces on the roster. So much, in fact, that they would move heaven & earth if he decided he wanted someone who wasnt even on the active roster.

So why would he be ok with Ryback as one of his final opponents, let alone to have him be the one to end it all? What purpose does it serve? Hell, at least Cena ending it is completely logical and fitting from a 'pass the torch' standpoint. I am sure if asked to name 20 guys he would want to face- Ryback would not be on Taker's list.

If Vince forces it, Taker would walk away forever after WM. Leaving Ryback to gloat as the one guy to end the streak, yet most likely still coming up short in his main event shots just like he has always done.

Plus the fact that it would mean WWE logic states Ryback would be now considered in higher regard over some of the best names ever- who couldnt beat Taker at WM. Even WWE isnt so stupid as to try and have us thinking Ryback is better than HBK, Flair, HHH, Kane, Punk, etc...

In short no, the appearances would not be less significant if Taker lost to Ryback. Rather, if Taker walks away because Vince tries something outrageous like that- there would be no appearances at all.
It is gonna be Randy Orton. Cena is the face of the company and has too many memorable moments to list. Punk has his 400+ days reign. Sheamus has his 18s WM win over Bryan. Orton has nothing besides being the youngest ever champion which only serve to remind viewers how long he has been in the business.
I'd stop watching WWE honestly. I love Ryback and think he deserves better but not Taker. I'll be honest I only started really watching wrestling in 06 albeit I've watched a lot if old stuff since then and have read almost every KB review so I know a fair bit about it but, it was the Undertaker who got me into wrestling and Undertaker who made me a fan and to me the undertaker's streak is something that just can't be messed with. Cena is the only one I'd accept apart from that I couldn't do it. Ryback wins I'm done.
The moronic reverence that people have for Taker and the streak is exactly why something like this ought to happen.

The rules aren't just made to be broken. The rules are an illusion. Down with the machine!
The moronic reverence that people have for Taker and the streak is exactly why something like this ought to happen.

The rules aren't just made to be broken. The rules are an illusion. Down with the machine!

Its simply the way of the world. You leave someone with that rub. It just is what it is.

Perhaps, Taker should be allowed to hand-pick to whom it goes?

Also, if they are gonna end it, then it was fucking moronic to not give it to Punk last year.
Ryback is simply 'Generic Big Man with Muscles #57' in the history of the WWE. There's nothing complex about him, he's been completely misused by the WWE, and not even Paul Heyman can make Ryback a formidable foe for Taker.

I figured HHH would have done it. So to me, if he doesn't do it, no one will. Not even Cena, Bryan, Wyatt, Hogan, Sting, Flair, Savage, Gotch, Hackenschmidt, Thesz, or Junkyard Dog.


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