If Randy Orton gets drafted to SmackDown...

Should Randy Orton once again feud with The Undertaker?

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...should he once again feud with The Undertaker?

They have had many matches against each other in 2005 but that was when Orton was entering the main event status. Now in 2010, Orton is arguably the WWE's biggest star after John Cena. A feud with The Undertaker could really draw some huge numbers because both men are fan favorites and I really think people will definitely buy into it. What do you guys think? Should it happen again? I think so.
Eventually I'd welcome it with open arms, right now? no.

Why you ask? because Randy Orton can be to so much use somewhere else, building Jack Swagger, feuding with him over the title in the coming weeks, months, all depending on how long it will go, Randy Orton and Undertaker will draw yes, but it's not a feud that needs to happen again, simply because the only time I'd see Randy challenging Undertaker again would have to be if he was to feud with him over the streak once more, or if either one of them is world champion, and right now, I don't see Undertaker entering the world champion situation again just yet, unless it's with someone who "needs" to be build into a credible main event guy, that's the only reason I saw Undertaker feuding with CM Punk, to gain him credibility and to make him more over as a heel, same will go with Undertaker could potentially feud with Jack Swagger if he still holds the belt, but not with an established main event guy, I just don't see it, not over a title.
I voted yes solely for the reason of 'Taker retiring in less than four years tops. Orton doesn't have to feud with him right now (when 'Taker returns), but maybe in the next year or two, but it'd be hard to have these two forces not end up colliding again anytime soon. Also, the Internet Wrestling Community might bitch about how Creative will be letting this opportunity slip through their hands and other whatnot.
No, Taker and Randy had an amazing fued in 2005 and nothing they do now will ever top that, somethings just shouldn't be repeated, this is one of them. The fued with Taker actually elevated Randy to the main event scene and Randy revisiting that fued is not going to do anything for anyone unless one of them is a world champion and the other is the challenger

Randy and Taker need to start putting over the younger talent now by making them look good. Randy's already done that with Kofi, Sheamus, and now Swagger. The only person I remember Taker making look good was CM punk and that fued was a long time ago, he should fued with Swagger once he comes back from his break

but no, Taker and Randy have already had that long epic fued. They're wrestlemania match was awesome, Randy got a huge rub there despite losing. Then Randy beat Taker in a casket match and after set the casket on fire. When Taker returned, Randy crashed a car with Taker in the back and then the car exploded. Their fued came to a HUGE conclusion at Hell in a Cell with Taker winning, how do you see them topping this??? simply they can't
Right now? Definitely not. Randy Orton can go to bigger and better things. I get this nagging feeling that Randy would have to play the heel in the feud yet again and that would kill his momentum as a face. Let's face it, there is no way a feud like this would work as a face against face feud.

Randy would be so much better in a veterans role helping to build up talent giving both The Undertaker and Rey Mysterio the ability to safely take time off knowing that the role of face veteran to fill their void. He could have tremendous feuds with the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, and even a heel John Morrison. Any way you look at it, Randy Orton would benefit from a move to Friday nights to help further his character.
Big no. That story ended long ago, let's leave it at that. I'd only want to see them feud over a title, and even then I would rather see them both feud with someone else.
First off, I understand why so many have said no. It's been done, both could be putting over younger guys, the angle would be boring. Right now, no this feud should not happen. Eventually, yes. Orton vs Taker could be a badass angle since back then Orton was a "kid" and now, he's a sadistic "Viper" and the physicality between the two would be awesome. Orton's a tweener, not a face. People should cheer because he's doing what he wants, not because of who he's facing and with that, even if the fans boo him against Taker, they'll cheer against the next guy.
Right now I would have to say no. There really is no point in such a feud as the two of them are already top level stars. They should be working with younger talent. I wouldn't even want to see a title feud between the two as I think it would be more entertainig if Orton feud with Edge or Jericho for the title. However I would like to see a match between the two at Wrestlemania. If you ask me I still think Orton is the perfect man to end the streak and retire the Undertaker. After all Orton is the legend killer and his character can easily play into the role of ending the streak.
I voted No, and I will give reasons for that. But first I want to address this rubbish I keep reading about Randy Orton "needing to put over the younger guys." It's complete bulls**t. Randy Orton just turned 30 years old, and is the hottest thing the WWE has going right now. Why should he take a backseat to guys like Swagger, Morrison, McIntyre, or any other guy who isn't an established main eventer yet? He should't. This is his time. It's his time to beat anyone and everyone in his path. Just because he's been around for quite some time, doesn't mean he needs to sacrifice anything right now. That would be reall F*****G stupid at this point in time. Ten years from now? Yes. Not now.

I don't want to see him feud with Taker....not right now. If Orton goes to Smackdown (and I hope he doesn't), I would like to see him feud with heels. He is getting a major face reaction right now, and to rush a face vs. face feud with Taker would be stupid. The Undertaker is still the most over face in the company, and he and Orton do not need to have this feud right now. Would a face vs. face, Orton vs. Taker feud be sweet? Yes, it would, down the road. But Orton needs to be feuding with heels right now. Maybe CM Punk, if Orton goes to Smackdown?
At the moment, Orton is being used to build stars (Kofi and now Swagger). He's got the credentials to be doing that. But the fact of the matter is, that job should probably be going to The Undertaker. Undertaker (before he won the Royal Rumble in 2007), every year would put people over in fueds. Look at his track record: 2002: Maven & Brock Lesnar, 2003: John Cena, 2004: JBL & Heidenreich, 2005: Randy Orton, 2006: The Great Khali, Ken Kennedy. This job is The Undertaker's and not Orton's. Orton facing the Undertaker at the moment is something I don't want to see because Orton is red-hot and should be in the title picture at least if not champion. I personally don't know if he'll go to SD because Batista is reportedly taking time off along with Triple H and with the departure of HBK that leaves Raw with Cena, Sheamus & orton as your Heavyweight title challengers. While SD does need faces, Orton isn't quite right.
I think it would be a good idea considering orton being a big draw and also the phenom, I don't think they can top there last feud, back then they had a great story going aswell, it lasted nearly the whole year aswell, and besides, it ended in a HIAC match, and I believe feuds end in that match.
No. Why is this even a question?

They're both the same exact person they were the last time they feuded. It'd be the same exact feud we just saw a few years ago. Neither of them have a belt. Neither of them need to go over each other right now, either. There is literally no reason for a Orton/Taker feud to happen.

What they both need to be doing is helping build up some younger guys: The NXT crew/Thwagguh/Kofi/etc.

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