If Eddie was still alive, would WWE have ever hired Vickie?


I'm Awesome ;)
As it says in the title, and as everyone knows, Eddie Guerrero sadly passed away in 2005 after his demons had finally caught up with him, but you already know that.

But my question is, wold the WWE have ever figured out the talent Vickie possessed and hired her? Most people know that the WWE hired her because they didn't want her and her family to suffer anymore because of Eddie's death and to get into debt since Eddie was the main income earner. The WWE struck gold when they did hire her though so this brings me two questions for you all:

Do you think WWE ever thought Vickie had this amount of potential?


Would she be in WWE now if Eddie still was alive?

Your thoughts?
Hm, im not so sure she would have been hired.

Not saying that Eddies death wasnt tragic but it did have a silver lining, a very good silver lining. Vickie is the biggest Heel WWE has and its a good thing she was picked up. I cant remember a time where i havent been pissed off with her. That means she is doing her job, and doing it well.
Absolutely not, its like you said, the WWE hired Vicky so that the Family could have an income. Did they know they had struck gold with Vicky?? Probably not. Are they glad they did?? Definitley yes, she attracts heel heat before saying one word and usually has to repeat herself a few times, which she turned into part of her gimmick.. If Eddie were around, Vicky wouldve never become an on screen personality.. I'm certain that Eddie and Vicly's daughter wouldve still have gotten into the business, cause let's face it, its in her blood. She's just carrying on the Guererro name. But that's off topic. So to answer your question, if eddie were alive, no Vicky woudnt have gotten hired..
I doubt it. I think WWE has hired Vickie as a way to help take care of Eddie's family, because he was so loved by the McMahon Family. I think if Eddie would have been around there would have not been any kind of a need for Vickie to be considered for a job.
Considering that Vickie's heel turn (which actually worked out quite well) spawned from the Chavao vs. Rey storyline whose backstory involved Eddie Guerrero's death I doubt it. Not saying it's an undeserving push since she gets some really good heat and was able to get people like Dolph Ziggler over.
I would have to agree. She would never have been hired. When she first came in as teddy long's assistant i thought I knew it was for pitty. But then when she turned heel, she became one of the biggest heels in wrestling. She is more over then her husband ever was, and thats saying alot. She is just an f'n heat magnet.
Yes WWE would of hired I believe if Eddie wanted her to be but the question to me should of been Would Vickie need to go to WWE if Eddie was still alive? and that is No. WWE struck gold with Vickie it's just sad it took Eddie's death.
R.I.P Eddie Guerrero
no, i don't think so, but boy did they ever strike it rich with her, she has to be one of the most hated personalities right now, it so funny the crowd boo's heavily while she is talking, they do not stop, i don't think i have ever seen that, not even vince got that type of recation
I'm a hit or miss type of guy with hypothetical question or threads like these, in this case I'll say WWE would have hired Vicke still. Maybe Eddie would have gone stale, WHO KNOWS, and Vickie would just make Eddie draw more heat, alongside Chavo. I could easily have seen a whole Guerrero stable be created, and it isn't far fetched to still believe Vickie would be hired. I don't think she'd draw as much heat though, since Eddie would gain more attention than her.
i don't think so like it been said the reason WWE hired her was so there was a income after the death of Eddie. If Eddie was still here he would be making the income but has it worked hell yeah she major over in WWE best heel in WWE right now
Definitely not the way they're using her now, as this evil boss lady character.

They were using her sparingly when Eddie was still alive. So, it's a possibility that they would've kept using her a little bit. Maybe as Eddie conscience.
Not a chance. Vickie was never hired while Eddie was alive, and if he was still with us then the situation would still be the same

She was given a job simply to provide the Guerrero family with an income after Eddie passed away, and it has just been extremely lucky that she is as great at playing a heel as she is, noone expected that.

Eddie would more than likely have continued playing a Face, and so Vickie would never have been given the opportunity to portray her heel character on WWE TV while her husband was a face, and she had never shown any interest in doing so before he passed. He would have been earning more than enough money so she wouldnt have been required to make the family any money.

Her being so successful in her new role has made her a vital part of WWE programming which is the only positive that has come out of Eddie passing. However, ask anybody and they will say they would rather Vickie have never been hired, as this would mean Eddie was still with us.
She was already doing onscreen roles when Eddie was still alive, as was Rey Mysterio's wife.

i don't know if she would have become such a big thing on Smackdown though. Maybe....

Eddie was heel at the time and Vickie had already started the turn on Rey and really turned heelish so could they have done the Edge/Vickie thing earlier with Edge being replaced by Eddie.

But as i see it, Eddie was headed for a nother world title and probably a face turn, but since he died, Rey Mysterio got the push, and Vickie needed a paycheck so WWE gave her an onscreen role, even though it wasn't directly WWE's fault, or maybe it was. Hell even Charvo got a bit of a push, but nothing can save his career :p

She's a funny one though. Personally i find her irritating which no doubt millions do, but can't deny she has presence and is far better then Theodore Long has ever been. So with hindsight they woulda offered her a role regardless.
WTF? LMFAO...Um, Vickie didn't get Ziggler over. Ziggler got Ziggler over. As for Vickie being hired by WWE if Eddie hadn't die...not a chance, ever. I'm not sure where most of you guys are at, but Vickie is a waste of time, and character. I know everybody feels sorry for her, and this, that, blah, blah...but she is sub par at best. She says excuse me a couple of times, something the writers wrote for her that anybody could do, the fans yell a little bit, thats it. End of story.
Absolutely not. Vickie was hired for one reason only, to allow her to support her family after the untimely passing of her husband. If Eddie were still alive and still competing, he would be the "bread winner" of the family, and there would be no reason for her to become an on screen character. I am quite certain he would be in the WWE, and she would be at home with her family, as was the case before Eddie's passing.

If by some stretch of the imagination she did become an on screen character while Eddie was still living, she would not be the evil heel bitch character that she excels at today.

Having said all of this, what a diamond in the rough she turned out to be. No one could have predicted that she would become the heat magnet that she has become. I am sure that WWE must be thrilled that what was intended to be basically a pity hiring, turned out to produce the most significant female character in the company today.
I think she gets hired if Eddie doesn't die but doubtful she'd have gotten the large-camera-time role she has now.

I love her work and think she's absolutely outstanding.
I don't think they would had discover her unless eddie passes, a lot of people have it wrong the wwe didn't hired her to give the family a income eddie still had a contract that wwe had to honor. The true story was that vickie wanted to earn her husband pay because he would had never taken a free ride. Lets remember it wasn't suppose to go pass her thank you speech and backing rey. It's like they say from there the ball started to roll and vickie hasn't drop it. I really think if it wasn't for vickie great hit, chavo would be gone.
I do not think they would have hired her, and even tho Eddie died I wish they hadn't hired her. I wouldve rathered seen them make Chavo a bigger name instead of bringing in Vickie.

Since Vickie has been brought into the picture as a full time "star", I've watched Smackdown less and less, and 95% of it is because of her. The other 5% is because Smackdown kept bouncing around channels that I didnt get on my TV, but now that I got Direct TV I can watch it.

But anyway, I can't stand Vickie, shes annoying as hell. If I had to list the Top 3 voices in WWE that I cant stand, they'd be 1. Vickie Guerrero, 2. Michael Cole, 3. Probabaly Jillian when she sang. Not saying there's other Superstars who dont need to shut up, but those are the most annoying.

And these skits that she's involved in... the whole bit w/ Edge? I mean we all know he only used her to get the World Title, and then dropped her like a fly. Ziggler's going to do the exact same thing... (assuming he becomes world champion). We all know that Vicki probabaly had The Corre beat up Teddy Long, so that she could be in control and could manipulate things so Ziggler becomes champion... and in the process fired one of the most beautiful divas Kelly Kelly. I would much rather have seen them try to increase Chavo's time and try to make him carry on Eddie's legacy. I mean he's got decent in ring talent, unlike Vickie who can hit, but if someone hits her back she cries like a two year old girl.

I understand the economy is down, and where Eddie was the main income gainer for the family, it made things rough for Vickie, Chavo n the rest of their family, but WWE shouldve taken a different route with that storyline
WTF? LMFAO...Um, Vickie didn't get Ziggler over. Ziggler got Ziggler over. As for Vickie being hired by WWE if Eddie hadn't die...not a chance, ever. I'm not sure where most of you guys are at, but Vickie is a waste of time, and character. I know everybody feels sorry for her, and this, that, blah, blah...but she is sub par at best. She says excuse me a couple of times, something the writers wrote for her that anybody could do, the fans yell a little bit, thats it. End of story.

Sub par? She can cause an entire arena to shake with boos by simply yelling two words. Hell, even John Cena couldn't get the fans to stop so he could talk! She's a bigger heel than even CM Punk at this time and all she is is a mouthpiece. Ziggler didn't get himself over until he had Vickie. He wasn't hated as a heel before he got her. He was where Swagger is... right now.

OT: Honestly, no. She probably would not have been. That's... just how it is. =/

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