If Cena is Legit Injured?

Tattooed Jesus

Redneck Thug
Ok the rumor mill is running wild that John Cena was injured tonight in a House Show match with Wade Barrett.

If indeed this is true and the injury is serious and Cena is going to be out of action for an extended amount of time, quiet possibly into WM27 and beyond, the big question becomes who will or who can fill John Cena's shoes as the face of the WWE?

What would possibly be one of the best feuds of 2011 will be put on the back burner Punk vs Cena, so what will Punk and Nexus do with no Cena? Who would become the next big time baby face on RAW? Orton is to involved with Miz, as well as Morrison, so that doesn't leave much to work with.

I really hope if Cena is injured it is nothing to serious as I think it would be devastating for WWE right now as a whole.
I think this is probably the WORST possible time for this, from a creative standpoint, and with HHH still looming in the sidelines, and not guaranteed coming back, and with Evan Bourne still out to closer to WM. From the sites I've already checked it sounds legit. I know not only does this F with Cena's story, but Punk, Nexus, and Barrett's as well. I know WWE is probably scrambling as we speak, and I do hope all is okay with Cena, the poor guy is really having had some issues in the past before, as he was shown in that "Do NOT Try This At Home" spot where he grabs his knee/leg area at one point. But I think this is just all around a very bad spot for WWE since he's pretty much their FACE of WWE from a marketing standpoint.
I think this is probably the WORST possible time for this, from a creative standpoint, and with HHH still looming in the sidelines, and not guaranteed coming back, and with Evan Bourne still out to closer to WM. From the sites I've already checked it sounds legit. I know not only does this F with Cena's story, but Punk, Nexus, and Barrett's as well. I know WWE is probably scrambling as we speak, and I do hope all is okay with Cena, the poor guy is really having had some issues in the past before, as he was shown in that "Do NOT Try This At Home" spot where he grabs his knee/leg area at one point. But I think this is just all around a very bad spot for WWE since he's pretty much their FACE of WWE from a marketing standpoint.

Absolutely agreed this is the worst possible time for this to happen. From RR to WM is almost always the most important time for WWE and it is usually from a creative standpoint one of the most awesome times of the year because the road or build to WM is so important it brings out the best in everyone. Like you said this not only effects Cena but Punk, Nexus, and Barrett as well, so where would they all go from here?

I just can't for the life of me think of anyone face or heel on RAW or Smackdown that they could slide into to replace Cena at this point. I hope he is able to work through the injury and it is not something that is going to keep him out of action for a lengthy time period though.
If this is true then it's time for the youngsters to get off their asses and step up. From a creative standpoint CMNexus can say hey,we took out Cena,now time to end 'Taker's streak at 'Mania,but I'm sure that still leaves a hole so two young guys are gonna have to start feuding rather quickly in order fill a spot on the card. Damn so close to 'Mania I'm pretty sure everyone's nervous as hell but this is the perfect time for guys that have been waiting for a chance to shine.
This could be a huge blow to the WWE. If Cena is out for extended period of time and not able to compete there really is no viable replacement. You can bring up Triple H or Randy Orton, but they don't have the connection with Nexus/Punk as Cena does. Cena has been battling Nexus since they arrived and now with the newest addition of Punk it spices things up. The only really option in terms of link to Nexus would be Wade Barrett, but he doesn't generate the star power and buy rate that John Cena provides.
Its simple really. There are only three faces on Raw. Cena, Orton and Morrison. I know what you're saying. You're saying you have Daniel Bryan, Santino, etc, etc but none of those people matter worth a fuck. If Cena gets hurt you simply push Orton to Cena's level (love him or hate him he's the only WWE superstar nearly as over with the crowd. Edge and Morrison are not as over as Orton.) You push Orton up, bump Morrison up to Orton's spot and Move DB up to Morrison's spot. (DB basically has NO spot to vacate lol...so the shuffle could easily stop there.)

Morrison and Miz feud and Orton and CM Punk/Nexus feud. You build the story around those right there. Orton already gave a promo saying he's going to 'take care of Miz later after he wins the Royal Rumble"

A few threads ago, no one thought Punk was talking about Cena when Punk gave his speech about getting even. Most of us thought Punk was talking about Orton anyway..due to Orton costing Punk his first world title. With Cena out of the way, Orton and Punk can get to the feud that many of us anticipated. It wouldnt be the end of the world is Cena is legit hurt.
This could make the CM Punk storyline even better. They can really solidify Punk as a top heel and leader of the most dominate stable in WWE by putting Cena out of action (storyline-wise of course) for a lengthy amount of time. Punk will take full responsibility and Nexus will be more powerful than ever.

I look at the glass half full. There's always a way to turn a negative into a positive...and what better way to help Punk/Nexus than for this to happen? The best way to make a heel is to say something outrageous and then back it up. This is a perfect scenario.

At least that's how I'd spin it.
if this sad news is true, then the wwe locker room need its youngsters to step up leading to mania.

in regards to teh whole cena vs punk/nexus storyline, i think that they can easily continue this storyline with orton. nexus can call cena out knowing he wont respond, and punk talking about how nexus has finally rid wwe of cena for good. this could lead to orton coming out and saying how cena did the right thing at survivor series by screwing him by helping barret and nexus out of the title, and say that he owes cena this much to finish his fight and say that he will see to it that every member of the nexus will become a victim of the viper and boom he strikes one member with an rko, but the numbers game is to much, leaving orton laying and nexus standing tall over its next victim to sideline the viper
if this is legit, then the whole CM Punk/Nexus storyline will blow up. as for Wrestlemania 27...what is wrestlemania without Cena? :confused:

Nope...like I said, if they (WWE creative) play their cards right, the Punk/Nexus storyline could get even better. Week after week, month after month. When the fans see that Cena isn't on TV...the more hated the Nexus will be. Who will they turn their attention to next? Randy Orton. Orton is the legend killer? In CM Punk's eyes, HE is the legend killer for taking out Cena.
While this would be a nightmare for WWE if Cena were to miss extended time, there is one person who could come into the picture and instantly continue the feud and possibly take it in a somewhat different direction:

Chris Jericho.

While there's speculation he may return at the Rumble one has to wonder if he'd be willing to come back early to save the day as Y2J 3.0. If there's one man who could possibly rescue this storyline from falling apart it's a face Jericho. It's something I'd personally love to see.
Barrett could come back and attempt to bring down the Nexus from the stand point of "I created it so I am going to finish it" It would of course mean the downfall of Nexus would happen at WM which might be a bit early but I don't really know where they are going with the Nexus at this point in terms of longevity.
I think they'll call Randy Orton out of the bullpen if Cena is legit injured (which all live reports are indicating THIS IS FOR REAL) . Have Randy Orton take Cena's spot. Allowing orton to have something to do so he doesn't become the 3rd wheel in the Miz-JOMO feud.

also, this could possibly speed up Triple H's return. The company cannot rely on Randy Orton to be top face.
With rumors of Cena being seriously injured and out for a lengthy amount of time...people are starting to worry, especially with Mania around the corner. But don't worry, my friends.

Is the CM Punk/Nexus storylined ruined? NO...they take the ball and they run even harder with it. Punk can come and say AGAIN...that Cena didn't leave when he was fired, so now....Punk will give him no alternative, he will force Cena out.

WWE creative can come up with a unique way for the Nexus and Punk to put Cena out of action which will only strengthen this storyline and make them more hated. Cena won't be on tv which will only make this more realistic and help play out the storyline.

Orton will be the new target and Punk/Orton can re-ignite that rivalry since Orton cost Punk the world title. They can make Wade Barrett the middle man (almost like black and white Sting during the nwo days)...not knowing who he's siding with....which will only make it more interesting.
If John Cena is injured then damn they better start pulling the best ideas out of there ass. John Cena and Nexus was the main event of the last PPV.

If it is true that Cenas injury in legit for a length of time I cane possibly see either Triple H and/or Vince McMahon return for ratings sakes probly end up switching Big Show to Raw to take over for Cena. If worst comes to worst maybe a Miz face turn to go against the Nexus EEWWWW!!
One idea that people have shot around I've seen is bringing back HHH now. He may not be 100% healthy, but to have that star power back on RAW is needed.

Another, is getting Chris Jericho. Was he sent off by Orton or Nexus? Can't remember correctly. If he got sent off by Nexus, imagine Jericho vs CM Punk verbal confrontations and wrestling matches.
Easy fix, have punk and nexus take out Orton, use the back story of the punt to punk and the fact he is 2nd behind Cena in terms of bein over. This frees Miz and Morrison up to feud w/out distractions. Maybe have the old nexus members help out Orton.

Cena being out sucks but it's not the end of the world. Plenty of backup plans.

The only way Punk/Nexus could work now is if they go Godfather on everybody and real make the Punk Show. Take out everyone, take the tag and US belt, crush all people returning (HHH, Y2J, Bourne) until Cena comes back hopefully before WM which will end like all Cena returns: he overcomes it all. I knew it would end like this before this injury report but at least we could of had spectacular promos and run-ins and stuff. Now nothing, nothing!

Finally Raw will be worth watching because it won't have cena.... I've been sick and tired of watching him coming and ruin every show. When he was fired, it was a ray of light that came with a hope that for a few months, he wouldn't be seen. But oh no, he had to come every week even though he claimed he was a "man of his word". Damn it, if you are a man of your word then don't appear on the show when you're fired. Then he Tweets about his masked Mexican cousin juan cena joining the WWE and wrestles as him in house shows, then later gets re-hired in 3 weeks and Tweets that his cousin was released.... with this and the Paul-Bearer-tied-to-a-wheelchair-screaming-KAAAAANNNNNEE every week story, the WWE has been at its lowest and lamest lately, with no idea of what they are doing. Thankfully, Creative will get a chance to think about things properly now since that jack-a** will be gone for some time. Its time for real wrestlers with true fighting skills like CM Punk to come into the limelight rather than somebody just making money out of a fair and good-looking God-given face with drug-muscles.
I doubt he really is injured, it is a possibility but we are constantly hearing these rumors about WWE superstars getting injured at house shows when they end up on RAW or Smackdown the next week. If Cena really is injured then that's a huge loss to the storyline and definitely the worst possible time considering the beginning of the road to WM 27 (and the start of nearly everything WM-related) is a month away.

If they could find a face that could take his spot then the storyline could still be great because CM Punk is exactly what Nexus needs to get back into the spotlight. The problem is, the only person that could really start Cena's spot in the Nexus storyline would be Morrison or Orton. Orton has been said to have re-occurring injuries and Morrison is tied into the WWE Championship storyline (at least until next week). A possibility could always be having Barrett return as a face but the only problem is that Barrett was one of the people that made the Nexus storyline boring and him being a face could be the worst thing ever.

There aren't a whole lot of possibilities though, unless WWE is willing to bring back Triple H for this storyline which would probably make it one of the best story-lines going into WM (then Sheamus could tie into the Nexus storyline since he also hates Cena & was talking to Punk on RAW). Besides him, I'm interested to see if they will be willing to recover this storyline. A CM Punk face turn would be amusing, I do find it very hypocritical that Nexus beat the living daylights out of Punk & the SES on their attack on RAW then he just so happens to join them (which I'm sure he will explain on Raw next week with a lame excuse).
Ok the rumor mill is running wild that John Cena was injured tonight in a House Show match with Wade Barrett.

If indeed this is true and the injury is serious and Cena is going to be out of action for an extended amount of time, quiet possibly into WM27 and beyond, the big question becomes who will or who can fill John Cena's shoes as the face of the WWE?

What would possibly be one of the best feuds of 2011 will be put on the back burner Punk vs Cena, so what will Punk and Nexus do with no Cena? Who would become the next big time baby face on RAW? Orton is to involved with Miz, as well as Morrison, so that doesn't leave much to work with.

I really hope if Cena is injured it is nothing to serious as I think it would be devastating for WWE right now as a whole.

To read most of the posts on this thread, you would think the sky is falling. We don't know the severity of Cena's injury. Therefore, it's foolish to think that a leg injury automatically means Cena is going to miss WrestleMania. Steve Austin proved that even an injured man can still be involved in the product if needed. The build for WrestleMania can continue for Cena/Punk and Nexus if Cena is cleared to compete in time.

If Cena is seriously injured, WWE will likely use Randy Orton or bring back Chris Jericho, Batista, or someone else to combat Nexus and Punk. WWE will likely be loathe to accelerate someone to main-event status just for a WrestleMania match. So, someone with main-event level credibility will be given that program if Cena can't compete.

The sad thing is that no one can fill Cena's shoes. Whether you love or hate the man, there is no denying that the man is a mainstream entity. I can't say the same about Randy Orton or 95% of the wrestlers on the roster. With WrestleMania being so close, WWE can't create a phenomenon out of thin air if there hasn't been proper build for months.

Odds are IF (and it's still a big If) John Cena is out until after Mania, McMahon's pocketbook is about to become a little bit looser as he tries to bring in someone to make up for Cena's absence.
If it's correct that they didn't finish the match then that doesn't bode well, hopefully it's not as serious as it seems but if it is the WWE will regroup and get back on course for Mania, Vince always finds a way out of bad situations. It's a real shame for Cena though as he genuinely loves Mania and what it stands for.
WWE is a little more watchable when superman is gone! Time to bring in Trips....

Hurray! Monday Nights may never be the same again.

And Wade Barrett, you better start taking tips from Hunter about what he did in 1996 cause you are gonna need it. Whaddya expect? Putting Cena out when WWE needs him the most = one-way ticket to 'JobberLand'.
If he is injured then the WWE need to bring big ideas to the table to ensure the CM Punk and Nexus storyline is looked after, as well as bringing in someone to fil lCena's shoes temporarily, but if he's not injured or only going to miss a few weeks then nothing is ruined.
i'm making a prediction right now.... let's see if it comes true.

tomorrow morning we will all wake up and read the news:
BREAKING: Cena out 6-8 months.

...and then he will be back in 2.

it's all about leaking what they WANT us to believe.

i'll be honest... not a Cena fan... don't care that he's injured. BUT at the same time, i'd prefer he wasn't at this point. I was really looking forward to Punk getting his chance to shine.
The sad thing is that no one can fill Cena's shoes. Whether you love or hate the man, there is no denying that the man is a mainstream entity. I can't say the same about Randy Orton or 95% of the wrestlers on the roster. With WrestleMania being so close, WWE can't create a phenomenon out of thin air if there hasn't been proper build for months.

Who are the other 5%??? You can't say that about 250% of the wrestlers on the roster. But you're right in that saying Cena will now miss Wrestlemania is crazy. Especially when Cena has proven time and again to be a guy that comes back much sooner than expected. This is a man that once had an injury that seemed certain to keep him out until near Summerslam (and this was after the injury was diagnosed) and he returned at the Royal Rumble.

I doubt he really is injured, it is a possibility but we are constantly hearing these rumors about WWE superstars getting injured at house shows when they end up on RAW or Smackdown the next week. If Cena really is injured then that's a huge loss to the storyline and definitely the worst possible time considering the beginning of the road to WM 27 (and the start of nearly everything WM-related) is a month away.


A CM Punk face turn would be amusing, I do find it very hypocritical that Nexus beat the living daylights out of Punk & the SES on their attack on RAW then he just so happens to join them (which I'm sure he will explain on Raw next week with a lame excuse).

First of all considering there are never rumors of guys getting seriously injured and then showing up, not really sure what you're talking about at the beginning here. Every major injury I can think of that occured at a house show was legit.

But the bottom part is the strange thing here, considering it makes no sense to find that hypocritical after it's been explained in several threads that Nexus barely did anything to Punk, not to mention that was months ago and he hasn't had anything to do with them since. Why on Earth would he need an excuse for something that makes sense as is? That's a very odd thing to say on your part. What you said there might make a lick of sense if he had joined them like the week after it happened, but as is it just sounds pretty stupid, to be honest. Sorry, but it does.

Anyway, we should probably just wait and see how bad the injury is and how long he's expected to be out before we start talking about what they're going to do. I'm sure they have no idea right now. It could just be a sprain that will keep him out of the ring for a couple weeks, and he might still be able to show up without wrestling, or it could be something serious that keeps him out past Wrestlemania, or anything in between.

I just wouldn't want to be Wade Barrett (the guy that injured him) right about now...who knows if it's his fault or not, but this is the kind of thing that can stop a career dead in its tracks.

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