If Cena gets injured, who should Rock face?

Who should Rock face at WM28?

  • Randy Orton

  • CM Punk

  • Triple H

  • The Undertaker

  • Other

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
This match a year in the making had it's risks, and so far, so good. We all know an injury for WWE Superstars could be just around the corner and there is always a chance Cena could pick up an injury and be unable to compete.

This would be catastrophic if it happened from a planning/marketing scheme of things but The Rock would still have to wrestle and no doubt another opponent would be found for him. As much as we would love to see Austin back in the ring for Rock vs Austin 4, I left this off because he is retired. Yes, he could do WWE and Rock a favour if the money was good but lets be realistic. HBK is another so he is out of the race aswell.

I have included a poll with some selections and here is my reasoning:

Randy Orton
The number 2 in the company, has also had heat with Rock and been very outspoken about him in interviews. A good friend of Cena's, I could see this potentially happening.

CM Punk
I think the promos and build for this would be very good. But when the bell sounded, I think interest would wane. Yes, Punk is hot right now, but is he a credible opponent for The Rock in WM28 main event? This is a year too soon for Punk.

Triple H
A Triple H heel turn and it would be like 1999-2001 all over again. For nostalgic reasons alone this would sell tickets and PPV buys.

My choice. What a match this could be. Rock on his return to Wrestlemania in his hometown having a go at the streak. I don't think they come much bigger than this. With this been The Rock, it would create alot of doubt in the outcome, something that doesn;t really exist in Takers matches at Mania anymore.

There was a few floating around in my head like The Miz and Chris Jericho, but personally I couldnt invest in the matches. Such a letdown from the prospect of facing Cena.
I would say the Miz. He has that history from Wrestlemania 27. It wouldn't be nearly as big as what the WWE could do but it would make sense after all their encounters last year.
While my first choice would be The Undertaker, it would work well because he could lose without everyone going psycho since it would be against the streak. But there's a reason why that would not work. If Taker is good to compete then he will have a scheduled opponent for Wrestlemania, you can bet your ass on that. With that in mind my choice would be Randy Orton, Rock has faced him in the past but now Randy is a whole new animal and a phenomenal in ring technician, if anyone could put on a five star match with Rock at Wrestlemania aside from Cena it's Randy Orton.
Rock/Miz I wouldn't vote for because of the tag match coming up at SS, but he's only other Wrestler he has had heat with since his return(can't throw R. Truth in). Unless Cena's injury was also wrote into the storyline and The Miz was told he attacked Cena.
I misplaced my vote and gave it to CM Punk. My choice should have been Randy Orton. Why? Simply because he is the second man next to Cena, that led the PG era.

But yeah Cena injured before wrestlemania could be catasthropic. They should not let that happen.
I Voted PUNK, Just because he's one of the top people in the WWE right now, and gets the biggest pops when Rock,Foley and Nash aren't on the shows, Everyone chants his name. CM PUNK is an obvious opponent for Rock, However, i'd love to see Rock Vs Undertaker, Would be a classic, and it would be a good 'last' opponent for Undertaker.
Who else to face DahWAYNE if we can't see Cena?

The promos would be great, Punk would just riff about 8 yr old catch phrases, about the dumbest electrifying move andd how cute Rock looked with fairy wings.

It wouldnt be a "Era" match as such.. but it would be great.
I don't really see a point in Rock vs Orton, personally.
The promos with Rock vs Punk would be fantastic, but the match wouldn't be as iconic.
Rock vs Undertaker... this one would be almost as powerful as Rock vs Cena, if not even more. This is my vote.
Others? The Miz has storyline reasons to want a match with The Rock, but it shouldn't be in Wrestlemania - not next year. The Miz needs a (even bigger) push before that.
can't have Undertaker, I know it's not about the win so much but having a huge star come back to a 100% chance of losing isn't that enjoyable.

Punk could carry it. His promo got some main stream press this year and the build could be fantastic.
I'm sorry but no other person makes more sense to face The Rock than the 2nd best 3rd generation star ever, Randy Orton. The whole Rock vs. Cena thing is supposed to be Attitude vs. PG, well Orton has been around just as long as Cena has and is probably the 2nd most recognizable face of this era. If Cena were to get hurt, Rock would bash him, and Orton is a real-life friend of Cena and even onscreen they've should respect for each other on RAW so it would make sense for Orton to defend Cena and air his legitimate problems with Rock.

That transition is smoother than the transitions they'd have to make for a Punk, HHH, or Undertaker match, which would be for completely different reasons than the Cena or Orton match. After Orton inserts himself in Cena's place, then we can get the hype going for the fact that they're the two best 3rd generation stars to ever lace em up. The Rock could make fun of Orton's promo style while Orton talks about punting Rock's skull. The match itself, flawless. Rock would probably sell the RKO just as well as he sold the Stunner and we already know how good Orton has been in the ring, I think that's a 5-star match waiting to happen.
No one. It has to be Cena. There isn't another wrestler in the world who could make a match with The Rock as big, important or as profitable. It has to be Cena. So if he does get injured (which is unlikely as Cena doesn't get injured all that much), they should postpone the match until next year.

It's a nice thought that CM Punk could go up against The Rock, but in reality, Punk isn't big enough. The Undertaker is a stupid choice as he has to win. And while Cena will probably win at WM 28, it's not a forgone conclusion like an Undertaker WM match. Orton is over, but he isn't a draw. And the point of Rock vs Cena is that it's two huge draws going head-to-head. Triple H vs. The Rock, again, wouldn't draw nearly as much as Cena vs. The Rock. Trips is a big star, but Cena is on another level.
A Wrestlemania - Rock vs. Cena thread already exists. No need for another.

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