Another Cena turning Heel thread

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Pre-Show Stalwart
This is the first thread i am starting so lets see how it goes.

I could be reading too much into this but last night on Raw, when we saw R-Truth and The Miz mocking Cena about being shown up by The Rock, how Cena kind of lost his temper for a second there by saying "Shut up!"
It didn't feel to me like it was just a regular moment of Cena getting mad and saying shut up to someone. It kind of felt like a moment of Cena feeling the stress and pressure of The Rock and starting to lose it. (Cena's character that is) When he left the ring he wasnt laughing like he just set up Miz and Truth, but more like he was pissed off.
So my question in this is,

Do you think the John Cena COULD be on the merge of a slow heel turn by slowly getting more and more aggrevated by the week by people mocking him and constantly mentioning that The Rock showed him up because Rock got the pin in the match, and he got the rock bottom afterwards. The fans will obviously continue to chant "boots to asses, lady parts, ect." So maybe he could slowly flip week by week and eventually turn heel?
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