If (and or when) The Rock come back...


Wrestlezones Top Heel
If The Rock come back he should do 3 more matches and retire for good.He can still make special apperances.But I think this is how it should work out.

Wrestlemania XXXI-The Rock vs Randy Orton
I say this is probably one of the only dream matches left to happen that actually can.So why not do it.Since Rock's schedule is full with movies maybe he shouldn't wrestle this year.But next year I don't really see anything on his schedule.WWE could announce Rock as this year's Hall of fame inductee.They could maybe have Rock come out to do his speech and Randy Orton comes and stand on stage hoisting the title in the air and walk to the back.Rock calls him back out there.Randy doesn't come back out.Have The Rock come back the next week to call him out.Have Randy sneak up and get an RKO in.Have Rock cost Randy the title at Wrestlemania.Randy calls out The Rock only for Rock to get him back sneaking up hitting Rock Bottom.Rock announces he get his title rematched he never lost at Summerslam against whoever is champ.Have CM Punk be champ so he can finally beat The Rock.Have Rock have Punk down to go for the peoples elbow but (I hear voices in my head...)Nobody show's CM Punk hit's GTS and tells The Rock sorry and pin him.The next night CM Punk calls out Randy but Rock comes out and Rock Bottoms him.The next week Punk explains to Rock what happens.Randy comes out and Punk immediately hits GTS to Randy then Rock hit's Rock Bottom.They shake hands and Punk leaves the ring.Rock calls out Randy for Wrestlemania.I don't know who would win I just want to see it.

If Rock can still go after that maybe.He could face his cousin Reigns at Summerslam and win.Then at Wrestlemania Reigns def. Rock to cement himself as the new face of the company.

It may seem like fanasty booking.But i'm making a statement with a storyline to go with it.
I would love The Rock to go after the Streak,even if it means he becomes a Heel.
The Undertaker has never gone against the actual FACE of the company at any point during his Wrestlemania Streak run.
Whilst the Rock isn't the Current Face, he was at one point just that, and is still a huge draw. People would surely be interested in such a match if it ever was going to be done.
Then assuming Daniel Bryan and possibly someone else(Reigns maybe) gets over as new Faces of the Company, then maybe, Wrestlemania 31, we can have The Undertaker vs John Cena, with Cena going Heel at that time.
People are so quick to say The Rock won't wrestle this year. He might. I'm sure he loves wrestling so coming back and giving to the people that made him what he is can't be too much of a burden. The threat of injury is always there but, on the whole, unlikely.

Anyway, there are several stand-out matches that I could see this year and indeed in the future. Triple H, HBK, Taker, Orton, a mutli-man match are, right now, the best options. A match with Triple H might be 14 years to late but could still be incredible. Moreover, Rocky feuding with The Authority would be pretty funny. HBK is THE dream match and I would love if this happened. If The Rock and HBK were even at 80% this is something I'd rather see than Bryan/HBK.

Him going after The Streak is another decent option. It would give a reason for The Rock's return and it would feature a great build-up. I do like the idea of him vs Orton as well but it would be the second time he puts him over at WM and he just did it for Cena. Even then I'm sure they could really play on how The Rock respects his heritage and how Orton is an arrogant prick. DaOne, I think your idea is a little similar to his feud with Cena but I'd still like to see the match.

Finally, a tag-team match. Protecting The Rock while still having him on the card. Rumours of Hogan and Cena teaming. Through in The Rock and that is pretty awesome. Who they face is a little difficult but something like Orton, HHH and one other would work. I'd find it pretty cool to see him work a program with Roman Reigns. Even teaming with him to face Rollins/Ambrose would be a great way to kickstart his singles career.

If The Rock does come back for WM30 then I'd say I want a match with Triple H the most. However, there are plenty of other options that would work. His presence at the even should do fine though.
IF and or WHEN...

Most likely never wrestling again!!

With the potential Billions,yes with a B some studios are going to invest into The Rock it is HIGHLY unlikely any studio corporations will ever let him wrestle again and risk their money on him getting hurt and getting sidelined.

BUT if it ever were to happen....The Streak,if it isn't Cena's attempting it this time around then they should give Rock a shot at it.

If not one of those two then maybe Lesnar??
That match probably won't ever happen. The Rock would only return to face a guy like Brock Lesnar or The Undertaker. Orton would be instantly destroyed on the mic by The Rock. If he does come back, it has to be Brock Lesnar. He's the only real challenge left for Dwayne.








A rematch of their epic match at SS02.
Both of them left at WMXX, came back in 2011 and 2012 and had the biggest pop of the PG era.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter Biggest Draw of 2008,2009,2010 (Brock) vs Wrestling Observer Newsletter Biggest Draw of 2011, 2012 and most likely 2013 (Rock) will break records.


Rock defeated Hogan/Austin/Cena at WrestleMania.
Taker is undefeated at WrestleMania.

Right now if you combine part timers and full timers, the biggest star in all of the active roster is THE ROCK.
The only one that can compare to Rock's star power are SCSA and Hogan and they're both retired.

I think a Rock/Taker match would be a good idea, however they need to focus on the drama aspect and the storytelling of the match just like they did with HHH/Taker the last 2 WM matches.

Also, it would be sweet if Rock used Hogan's leg drop or Austin's stunner during the match or something like that.

IF it's going to happen, then they better make it No DQ for the match to be good and maybe turn Rock heel.


I can't see it happening but I would enjoy seeing it.
IMO if there's anyone Rock should end his career with (that is still wrestling) is probably Triple H.
Rock-HHH is one of the best rivalries ever!
They faced each other as rookies (96-97), as mid-carders (97-98), as main eventers in their prime (99-00), it would be cool if they faced off as legends.

They faced each other in singles match, 2 out of 3 falls, ladder, I quit, steel cage, strap, ironman, triple threat, fatal 4 way, elimination fatal 4 way, tag team, handicap tag, 6 man tag, 8 man tag, 10 man tag, everything except a ONE on ONE match at WRESTLEMANIA.

Also, HHH was one of Rock's opponents in his debut.



"Somehow, Someway, you are going to fight ME. And not only will I be the WWE champion but I'll be the face of the WWE".

Daniel Bryan - The Rock segment was entertaining at RAW 1000.
Daniel Bryan won't hurt a fly let alone injure The Rock, he's probably the safest worker in WWE right now and can have a great match with anyone.

Bryan works well with bigger guys (Cena, Ryback...)
I think he can have a great match with The Rock.

I'd really like to see this match.


The two best third generation stars ever.
The Rock vs Randy Orton would be epic especially with Orton as a heel.
The closest they got of facing each other was WMXX.


The Rock should be the one to put over Roman Reigns.
I think Reigns vs Rock is a future WM main event, this will truly be the "real" passing of the torch not Rock-Cena II.


While both Mysterio and Rock are old and injury prone, I'm not sure if this match will happen but I would enjoy seeing it.
Not a feud but more like a 5-7 minute match, if Rock ever decides to wrestle on free TV, I would enjoy seeing that match on SMACKDOWN 1000th Anniversary since both these wrestlers had a huge impact on the show.

Storyline ideas for The Rock in his next run:
1-Turn him heel (use the BS chant he got post-WM29 RAW to turn him heel, just like he did in the past)
2-Team him up with Roman Reings (it's unlikely Rocky will show up at WMXXX so they can have the tag team champions constantly attack Reigns leading up to WM31 with Reigns being able to choose his opponent. The Rock returns at WM31 after 2 years and win the tag titles with Reigns, after WrestleMania they can have Rock miss a lot of shows and not being there to defend Roman which would lead to Reigns turning on The Rock and giving him a brutal attack that will keep Rock out of WWE TV till WM32 where Reigns faces The Rock in front of 100K people in Dallas TX)
3-Have a hero/idol storyline (they can bring someone from NXT and have him debut as a guy who is obsessed with The Rock or something, kind of like the Trish/Mickie storyline at WM22. It would lead to a match between the two with the rookie going over)
4-Have him put over the WWE champion (Bryan or Orton since Book said Rock still has his rematch clause)
I firmly believe there are still some matches out there for The Rock to compete in that are money in the making. These are against Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and The Undertaker.

A return visit to the Chris Jericho vs The Rock feud would be highly entertaining as before, and with both men having arguably gotten bigger and better since then, I'd love to see it. The Rock never faced Shawn Michaels one-on-one that I know of. Even if they have, it was not a big pay-per-view match. This could be just one. Triple H is another revisit, however with such a big history combined, it could be highly entertaining. To be honest, did they really cross paths as much as they could have? Perhaps not.

Finally, The Undertaker. I believe the streak is not as great as it could be. Guys like The Rock, Brock Lesnar and John Cena would arguably make it 1000 times bigger than it already is. Never has The Undertaker faced the face of the company at the big event. Sure, The Rock isn't the face any longer, but he's as big as him, and this match would be huge. Imagine the atmosphere.
The Rock's future in terms of pro wrestling is all up in the air. It wasn't just getting injured during his match with Cena that's caused Rock to have serious second thoughts about lacing up the boots again, it was getting injured so soon before he was scheduled to start filming the Hercules movie. This film isn't part of an already established franchise with some established stars making up the cast like The Fast & The Furious or G.I. Joe. This will be Rock's first really big budget move in which he's THE star. If Rock wrestles again and suffers another serious injury, it could cost him big money in big money movies and said injury could jeopardize his entire future in acting. After all, The Rock's an action guy like Schwarzenegger & Stallone. Without being in the action genre, his acting career is pretty much DOA because he doesn't exactly have the acting chops & ability to be the next Lawrence Olivier. Within the past several days, Forbes reported that Rock's movies in 2013 have made over $1.3 billion worldwide with Rock himself making a cool $46 million this year. He's already confirmed to have at least a couple of other movies to film in 2014, he's filming another reality show for TNT as well as filming The Hero for the same network. So yeah, The Rock has a whole lot to risk by wrestling again.

Personally, I'm over seeing The Rock inside the ring wrestling. The novelty of him popping up around the Royal Rumble, making a handful of appearances, doin' his thing on the mic, getting tons of air time on Raw, wrestling once, collecting a big paycheck and disappearing for the next 8 months or so has long since worn off for me. I think it's the same for a lot of others as well. When The Rock faced Cena at WM 28, they delivered a genuinely great match that was fun to watch. In 2013, however, we saw Rock wrestle 3 times and it was obvious in all 3 of those matches that he wasn't in nearly the same cardiovascular shape that he was at WrestleMania 28. Sure, he looked like a million bucks. Hell, he looks physically more dominant than ever when it comes to his physique, but he didn't have the juice in the ring. He'd put so much focus into getting ripped for his roles in G.I. Joe, Fast & Furious and Hercules that he just didn't have the stamina to put on the kind of effort he did in 2012. When he got hurt and didn't show up the next night on Raw, the post Raw audience booed the crap out of him and the handful of times his name has gotten dropped on television since then hasn't resulted in the huge pops they used to. Also, I don't think anybody is buying into the bullshit of Rock being one of the boys in the back or that he's "never going away again" anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on The Rock because the guy's good for business in WWE. He's able to put money in people's pockets and that's what it's all about in any business. But, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in thinking this, the freshness of The Rock making triumphant returns, snapping of catchphrases and being the center of attention for WrestleMania before flying back to his billion dollar movie career is gone. I've got no problem at all with Rock showing up for appearances, cutting a promo or two here & there, but I don't have any interest in Rock headlining another WrestleMania.
The Rock made over a billion dollars in 2013 making movies, and through the value of his name as a brand. He's the most valuable star in Hollywood right now, according to recent stats. Which is ridiculous, because wrestling is NOT that popular, and his movies are NOT that great. He's just got that "IT" factor to him that transcends pop culture fads I guess.

Anyways, the point is that Rock can make a shit load more money in Hollywood than he ever could working in pro wrestling. He'd have to do like 50 WrestleMania main events to make up for a year or so outside of the wrestling biz. He may actually LOSE money coming back for us. Which just makes me realize that when he came back, it wasn't for the money. If you made a billion dollars a year, would a Mania paycheck be that big of a deal to you?

Granted he came back the first time. But then he injured himself. Badly. It pissed off a lot of people. He didn't even do anything all that strenuous. He just hit his finisher on a guy slightly smaller than him. There's a lot of risk that if he comes back, does another match, he's going to hurt himself. I don't think his producers would be thrilled with him missing another month of promotion.

Not saying it won't happen, but it's just unlikely at this point. And really, the idea of him returning, at least for me, was a lot more exciting than his actual return. At least where the matches are concerned. He had what I would consider to be the worst WWE title run ever earlier this year. I'm kinda just sick of the whole part-timer thing. I'm burnt out on it for the time being. A Shawn Michaels return would get me excited were he to wrestle, but that's about it.
The Rock made over a billion dollars in 2013 making movies, and through the value of his name as a brand. He's the most valuable star in Hollywood right now, according to recent stats. Which is ridiculous, because wrestling is NOT that popular, and his movies are NOT that great. He's just got that "IT" factor to him that transcends pop culture fads I guess.

Anyways, the point is that Rock can make a shit load more money in Hollywood than he ever could working in pro wrestling. He'd have to do like 50 WrestleMania main events to make up for a year or so outside of the wrestling biz. He may actually LOSE money coming back for us. Which just makes me realize that when he came back, it wasn't for the money. If you made a billion dollars a year, would a Mania paycheck be that big of a deal to you?

Granted he came back the first time. But then he injured himself. Badly. It pissed off a lot of people. He didn't even do anything all that strenuous. He just hit his finisher on a guy slightly smaller than him. There's a lot of risk that if he comes back, does another match, he's going to hurt himself. I don't think his producers would be thrilled with him missing another month of promotion.

Not saying it won't happen, but it's just unlikely at this point. And really, the idea of him returning, at least for me, was a lot more exciting than his actual return. At least where the matches are concerned. He had what I would consider to be the worst WWE title run ever earlier this year. I'm kinda just sick of the whole part-timer thing. I'm burnt out on it for the time being. A Shawn Michaels return would get me excited were he to wrestle, but that's about it.

Not to be a stickler but HE didn't make a billion dollars. The sum of money the films that he was in, made over billion dollars. I actually do think he'll come back for one more match. Simply because he wants to dictate the ending of his wrestling career. Also to toot my own horn, I was the one who during The Rock's 7 yrs of absence, told everyone that he would one day come back while they all rolled their eyes and joked about it. So I'm still 1-0 here. Believe in the Hanger.

I agree with Jack Hammer about not feeling too excited about him returning. Mainly my reasons for feeling this way are because he returned as Dwayne Johnson. He didn't come back in that 1997-2001 persona. I was hoping a face Rock meant that he was going to go back to that gimmick and take on Cena in Cena's superhero gimmick. THAT would have been a solid feud and a lot easier to write. The way they handled it was far too personal and realistic for me. It made Cena come across as jealous and made The Rock have to defend his very obvious reasons for distancing himself from the company. If they were going to revitalize The Rock's original persona, I would be excited to see him come back and have a feud with Triple H. I want to see both return to their most popular gimmicks. Rock being expressionless with shades on, supposedly expensive attire, hilariously bizarre sayings, eloquent verbal exhanges, catchphrases, and badass demeanor. Triple H being the mean, tough as nails, arrogant, leader of a crew who has a problem with anyone that calls him out.

These two have an almost parallel rise to prominence in the wrestling world and could use that history and their past feuds to build up a dual-career-ending match. The possible cameos from X-Pac, NAO, Mark Henry, and Ron Simmons during the course of their promos have the potential of being worth it as well. Both men need to end their wrestling careers so I say go this route. Hell, have Stone Cold as guest referee since neither Triple H or The Rock trust him and have a lenghty history with him as well.
He will come back once he's done filming whatever it is he is working on to promote it on the WWE TV and make some more $$$ on the side.
Honestly, I wouldn't want to see come back. His match against Cena at Wrestlemania 28 was nice but 29 was horrible and I wasn't a big fan of his matches with Punk so I can't say he'd look good against a big guy or a little guy.

I really didn't like how he looked winded after having long matches.

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