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Ideas for John Cena


Championship Contender
Like him or hate him he is still a guy that has to have some role on WWE programming.

I am more of a Cena fan than I am a hater but I will agree with the people who feel Cena being almost unbeatable and in the WWE title picture so often it is making it hard to build new Superstars.

So I propose a few ideas for what Cena could do for a number of months or maybe a couple years that would keep him relevant but not completely taking over the main event and WWE title picture but also ways he can help Superstars get more exposure and more popular.

1.) Cena becomes Raw GM - It would have to be a situation something like what he faced with Big Johnny where he was put in a lot of unfair situations and matches that he said enough is enough and demanded to have a match to win the right to take over as GM. The GM could pick a representative in the match if they can't wrestle themselves.

Cena as GM would obviously mean he will still be on TV and he could put himself in some matches but probably wouldn't be title matches. (Maybe the "Board of Directors" could put a limit on his authority as GM and say that he can put himself in matches but they can't be for a title).

2.) Cena becomes a Coach/Manager - Like the old NXT when the rookies had WWE Pro ... well Cena could make it his new thing where he gives back to the younger roster and trying to give them that extra push. He can pick one younger guy at a time (maybe more) and act kind of as their manager. Any guy who is paired with Cena will instantly get good exposure and Cean could still be in some tag matches or a few single matches related to the storyline with his 'chosen one'. Plus they have a few options... they can have the guy Cena coaches end up as a huge face... OR they could have the guy turn on Cean and become a top heel.

3.) Cena creates a "Try and Beat Cena Challenge" - More of a joke idea but I think it's interesting based on how it seems WWE is structured. Seems like guys only really get over if they beat Cena. Well, he can have a open challenge kind of like the Kurt Angle challenge. Not everyone will beat him but the few that do will instantly get a boost.

What do you think?
Well ... obviously the first two do not work because you need Cena on the card as a WRESTLER to sell tickets and PPVs.

Overall though ... I think that Cena has definitely gotten to a point where he is not needed in the WWE Championship picture to sell PPVs so I would not mind seeing him get in to more feuds that do not center on the title.

Don't know exactly how I would go about it though. It would be tough, but it is easy enough to always have a heel pick a fight with the top guy.

I was thinking the other day that I think it would be great for Dolph Ziggler to pick a fight with him saying he wants to beat the top guy before feeling like he is ready to cash in. Have Cena beat him once or twice and then put Dolph over. Would not be a bad program at all.
I agree with your 3rd point, I think it would very fitting for Cena to to have a challenge like Kurt did. I'm sure Cena would enjoy allowing a rookie to either beat him or come close to beating him in order to put a new guy over. The current face of the WWE was launched by a challenge, so why shouldn't the next face be launched in a way? Hopefully they'll learn from the mistakes they made with Cena and make the next one better, but hey it's VKM we're talking about. Nobody knows what he'll do.
WWE have already missed the boat with Cena...he should of been destroyed and lost to Lesnar and disappeared for a while. Cena is seen as Superman/Captain American type character...but both of them were defeated and then came back stronger....Cena should be torn apart and given a reason to return as a bad ass seeking revenge....rather than a pink baseball cap wearing lame ass!

This AJ/affair story is just to keep him in the picture and it's almost as stupid as the recent AJ Styles affair storyline......nobody is ever going to believe that a butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his mouth guy, such as Cena, would do such a thing.

Cena hasn't had a decent storyline in years ! yet still headlines pretty much every PPV.....
The problem with John Cena is he's boring. That is the problem. That is what a lot of people don't understand.

He had gotten stale many years ago and has since become very boring. The portion of the audience that boo's him boo him because of that reason. They don't neccessarily hate the guy, or truly wish for him to 'turn heel', but they are bored of him and either want him to somehow become more entertaining again or allow someone else to step up who will be. This is the problem. This is the heart of the issue, and not everyone comprehends that.

Once Cena becomes an entertaining character once again, people will like him again and the product will improve. What becoming an entertaining character once again entails, however, may differ, but ultimately John Cena is stale, and that's what people hate, because it bores them and it turns them off, and that is the problem which much be addressed.

However, this would have been a sufficent enough answer a couple years ago, but by this point, 2012, unfortunatly there is another issue. Cena has been around for 10 years, and he has been in the main event for 7 of those years. 7 years! It's time he started helping other ppl get that rub up to the main event as well. The fans need to start seeing some new faces. I'm not saying Cena has to completely rid himself of the main event picture, but one of the biggest problems the WWE has right now is, beyond Cena, nobody else is Over. They need to start creating some new superstars, finally, and that is where Cena should come in and help as well.
The problem with John Cena is he's boring. That is the problem. That is what a lot of people don't understand.

He had gotten stale many years ago and has since become very boring. The portion of the audience that boo's him boo him because of that reason. They don't neccessarily hate the guy, or truly wish for him to 'turn heel', but they are bored of him and either want him to somehow become more entertaining again or allow someone else to step up who will be. This is the problem. This is the heart of the issue, and not everyone comprehends that.

Once Cena becomes an entertaining character once again, people will like him again and the product will improve. What becoming an entertaining character once again entails, however, may differ, but ultimately John Cena is stale, and that's what people hate, because it bores them and it turns them off, and that is the problem which much be addressed.

However, this would have been a sufficent enough answer a couple years ago, but by this point, 2012, unfortunatly there is another issue. Cena has been around for 10 years, and he has been in the main event for 7 of those years. 7 years! It's time he started helping other ppl get that rub up to the main event as well. The fans need to start seeing some new faces. I'm not saying Cena has to completely rid himself of the main event picture, but one of the biggest problems the WWE has right now is, beyond Cena, nobody else is Over. They need to start creating some new superstars, finally, and that is where Cena should come in and help as well.

That's basically what I'm saying in my original post.

Thinking of ways Cena can be more interesting. Ways that he can NOT have to be in the WWE title picture but still be an important piece in WWE that actually helps push talent higher.

If he acted as a manger or coach he could pick a Superstars or two and work with them and give them a rub. He could still compete in some matches but the emphasis would be on his 'chosen one' improving and winning important matches. That would be fresh for Cena. A different role for him.

Also if he did a Kurt Angle Challenge like thing it would also be new and fresh and fans would/should be able to see that it would be done as a way to elevate new talent. Then perhaps once he has elevated some talent who are really getting over he can step away for a while. People will get a break from Cena. Maybe for a few months or a year. Then when he comes back he can come back strong (probably with a change of character) and it will be more refreshing.
I can see him being a coach of sorts. If the WWE wants to push someone who isn't good on the mic, and we know Cena is, that is a way Cena can coach them, kinda like what he did for Ryback a few weeks ago for the title match contract signing. Team the rising star with Cena, let Cena be the mouth piece, and allow the rising star to flourish while keeping Cena out of the title hunt
That's basically what I'm saying in my original post.

Thinking of ways Cena can be more interesting. Ways that he can NOT have to be in the WWE title picture but still be an important piece in WWE that actually helps push talent higher.

I mentioned briefly in my previous post that what it would take for Cena to become more entertaining would differ. Imo, however, I don't think this is that big of a problem.

Cena doesn't neccessarily have to completely take himself out of the title picture and become a manager or something, he just has to become more entertaining; have some funny backstage skits, make some actual funny jokes, do something creative or exotic, do more than just go out to the ring and say the same rehearsed, recycled, scripted garbage he's been saying for years. This is something every character needs. And there isn't neccessarily anything wrong with the people, the writers in the back just have to do some better writing and come up with things to make the characters, and by extension, the show more entertaining.

However, having said this, for Cena to help elevate new stars, eventually he's gotta start losing to people. But this can be good for Cena's character as well, as in the losses he can evolve and he can become more multi-dimensional. This makes a character more entertaining as well. So eventually losing to people can be good for both finally helping to elevate new stars, and for the long-term Cena character. So losing can also be helpful.
Bottom line is now that Cena is healthy he has to wrestle. Not coach. No the GM. He needs to be in the main event because like it or not he is a draw. A huge draw at that. As you saw last night on Raw, WWE will find a way to use Cena on Raw. A heel turn would be ideal to see John face some fresh faces but don't count on it. Orton is already in line to turn heel in the near future and the WWE doesn't know if Sheamus is top baby face material.
This is probably due to my age, but I cannot stand John Cena's character and turn the channel whenever he's on, or at the very least take a bathroom break unless of course he's onscreen with CM Punk. Cena is absolutely nauseating to me because as someone mentioned before, he's completely stale. He hasn't even remotely evolved his character in years.

I wish he would turn heel and form a new stable with some of the other big names like Ziggler, Rhodes, etc. just to freshen things up, but I don't see a heel turn in Cena's future mainly because he's the face of the company. He's always at the forefront of WWE's campaigns, and turning him heel could potentially jeopardize that as well as jeopardize the number of child viewers.
Bottom line is now that Cena is healthy he has to wrestle. Not coach. No the GM. He needs to be in the main event because like it or not he is a draw. A huge draw at that.

I don't like his "Superman" gimmick(you know, gets beaten, then miraculosly does his 5 moves and wins) but he is a huge draw. They dont have anyone that huge in a company right now nor the face who draws like him so it's pointless to not have him involved in matches or even turn him heel because nobody draws as him and they dont have anyone nearly as good as babyface right now. He would not last forever and in a few years he might not be no1 but at this moment he is. In a few years he might have to be somebody like Shawn Michaels in his older days(be in a huge matches but mostly putting people over) but right now he is like Hogan or Austin in their prime. He is not going anywhere so rest assure that he will not be GM, coach/manager or something like that. It wouldn't be bussiness wise thing to do right now. In a few years maybe, but not right now...
I don't really like any of these ideas. John Cena becoming a GM is arguably the worst of the bunch. Why in the world would they make him a GM when he still has plenty of time left in his in-ring career? Yes they have had GM's such as Regal who can still work a match, but the role of the GM should be an authority figure not a wrestler. Cena can still work full-time so he needs to be in the ring not making matches. He could become a GM or announcer many years down the line, but not anytime soon. To do so now would be rather pointless.

Cena becoming a coach or a manager isn't much better of an idea. This is something he could do for an angle or two, but then he should return to in-ring action. Much like my argument against him becoming GM, John Cena still has time left to compete in the ring full-time and with him being one of the best known wrestlers in the world he should be used in an in-ring capacity. I have nothing against him working with other guys to help them improve and highly recommend that. I just don't think he should be in that position as a primary role. He needs to remain an in-ring competitor above all else. A mentor can be his secondary role now that he has been there for a little over 10 years.

The "Try and beat Cena challenge" idea is the best of the three. That could really help boost some guys struggling to get over if they used it right. It's something that could grow old if they do it too often though. Personally, if all the threadstarter wanted was for Cena to not be involved in the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight Championship picture for a while, then just place him in high profile feuds where he can put others over. He's done that before and there's no reason why they cannot just do that again for a while. Cena is above the titles at this point. He closed PPV's against Kane, Big Show, and Johnny this year in non-title matches. What I would do is run more mentor type angles where he could help faces get over, and then perhaps something like the "Try and beat Cena challenge" for heels that may need help getting over. He'll need to return to the world title scene eventually though. Making him into a coach or a GM are ideas I'd be against until he is unable to work full time in the ring. As popular as he is, WWE have to use him in an in-ring capacity while they still can.

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