Ideal WrestleMania 29 Cards - You know, if WWE knew how to use 4 hours...


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Hey, we haven't done this in like a week!

Once More In A Lifetime
WWE Championship

The Rock (c) vs John Cena

CM Punk and Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs Triple H and Undertaker w/Shawn Michaels

World Heavyweight Championship
Big Show (c) vs Ryback

Randy Orton vs Sheamus

Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler

Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

WWE Tag Team Championship
Ladder Match

Rhodes Scholars (c) vs International Airstrike vs Ascension vs 3MB

Intercontinental Championship
Wade Barrett (c) vs Christian vs Alberto Del Rio

United States Championship
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Miz

Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, and Kane vs Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns

Internet Championship
Santino vs Zack Ryder (c) vs Brodus Clay vs Ricardo Rodiguez​
Oh what the hell, I'm bored...

WWE Title
Punk vs. Rock vs. Cena

No Holds Barred
Taker vs. Lesnar

World Heavyweight Championship
Sheamus vs Orton

Hardcore Match
Ziggler vs. Foley

Tag Team Titles- Tag Team Turmoil
Hell No vs. Team CoBros vs. Rhode Scholars vs. Intl. Air Strike vs. 3MB

IC Title- Ladder Match
Barret vs. Kofi vs. Miz vs. Delberto

Big Show vs. Ryback

US Title
Cesaro vs. Christian

Divas Title Match
AJ vs. Natalya

Six-Man Tag
Reigns, Rollins, & Ambrose vs. Mysterio, Sin Cara, & Brodus Clay
I hate tag team turmoil matches. On the other hand, Foley vs Ziggler is still an aggressively good idea.

Clusterfuck tag match (Winner gets in the main card turmoil match)

International Airstrike vs Colons vs PTP vs Usos

Main Card

US title - Lumberjack match (lumberjacks are the guys that don't get on the card)
Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Jack Swagger

IC title
Wade Barrett (c) vs The Miz

Tag Team Championship Turmoil
Rhodes Scholars (c) vs Rey & Cara vs International Airstrike vs Big E Langston and Mark Henry - RS def R&C, IA def RS (attacked post finish), Langston and Henry def IA

Brock Lesnar, CM Punk and Dean Ambrose (w/ Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman) vs The Undertaker and The Ascension

Kane vs Daniel Bryan

World Heavyweight Championship
The Big Show vs Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Ryback

Divas title
Paige vs Eve (c)

WWE Championship
John Cena vs The Rock (c)

If you like I can book an almost plausible setup to the matches
WWE Championship
John Cena vs The Rock©

World Heavyweight Championship
CM Punk w/ Paul Heyman vs Sheamus© w/ Triple H

No Holds Barred Match
Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker

Ryback vs Mark Henry

Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio

2 Out of 3 Falls, Winner is The Tag Team Champions
Daniel Bryan vs Kane

Antonio Cesaro vs Randy Orton

Intercontinental Championship
Kofi Kingston© vs Wade Barrett vs The Miz

Dolph Ziggler/Darren Young/Titus O'Neal/Damien Sandow/Cody Rhodes/Alberto Del Rio w/ Vickie Guerrero & Eve vs Santino Marella/Primo/Epico/Tyson Kidd/Jack Swagger/Zack Ryder w/ AJ & Teddy Long
The things we do when bored...

WWE Title Streak v. Undefeated Streak - Punk v. Taker

Triple Threat Elimination match - Rock v. Cena v. Lesnar

World Title(2 out of 3 falls) - Orton v. Ziggler

MITB Ladder match (briefcase for either title) - Miz v. Bryan v. Sheamus v. Christian v. Barrett v. R-Truth

IC/US Title unification - Kofi v. Cesaro

Luchas de Apuestas challenge - Sin Cara v. Rey Mysterio v. Del Rio (if Sin Cara or Rey lose they must de-mask, if Alberto loses he has to start wearing a mask)

"Biggest" Fatal 4-way ever - Mark Henry v. Kane v. Show v. Ryback

Divas Title - AJ Lee v. Eve Torres

Tag Title Gauntlet - Rhodes Scholars ; Kidd & Gabriel ; PTPs ; Team CoBro

Rollins v. Ambrose w/Roman Reigns as Special Guest Referee

Youtube/ dark match Six-man tag - Khali, Brodus, Hornswoggle v. 3MB
That Tag match Coco proposed actually sounds like a phenomenal idea.

And yeah, Ziggler becoming a man against Foley would probably be good.
Eh, why not.

WWE Championship
John Cena vs The Rock (C) vs CM Punk

Dolph Ziggler (C) vs Ryback

Streak Match
Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

IC Title Match
Kofi Kingston (C) vs Del Rio

Diva's Championship
Do I have to? Really? Fine.
Eve (C) vs AJ

4 Way Tag Title Match
Hell No (C) vs Kidd/Gabriel vs PTP vs Rhodes Scholars

Some Celebrity Match I Don't Give A Crap About

Six Man Tag
Randy Orton, Christian and Sheamus vs Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns

Pre Show:

US Title Match
Antonio Cesaro vs The Miz,

There. Awful card but this is why I don't do this for a living.
I can't do it. I can't compromise my fanboy dream with reality. I either look delusional or shit out something nobody would be happy with.

Some ideas I thought might be worth considering:
  • Punk versus Cena for the title
  • The Undertaker versus The Rock
  • Daniel Bryan challenging for the world title
  • Actually using Zack Ryder

I struggled with putting Randy Orton on the card. Too big for a midcard title, not big enough for a match with The Rock.
I can't do it. I can't compromise my fanboy dream with reality. I either look delusional or shit out something nobody would be happy with.

Some ideas I thought might be worth considering:
  • Punk versus Cena for the title
  • The Undertaker versus The Rock
  • Daniel Bryan challenging for the world title

I struggled with putting Randy Orton on the card. Too big for a midcard title, not big enough for a match with The Rock.

Yeah, I had that problem with Sheamus, Punk and Ryback. Which is why 'Taker's in a 6 man tag (originally I'd planned for 'Taker vs Lesnar like everyone else) and Sheamus and Ryback are in the WHC match.

Orton I just plain forgot about, as I did with ADR. Should probably shove those two in a match for no reason.
Yeah, I had that problem with Sheamus, Punk and Ryback. Which is why 'Taker's in a 6 man tag (originally I'd planned for 'Taker vs Lesnar like everyone else) and Sheamus and Ryback are in the WHC match.

Orton I just plain forgot about, as I did with ADR. Should probably shove those two in a match for no reason.

Just stick em in another Grudge Match against each other. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if WWE drags those two on till mania anyway.
Another problem with 'Mania is you have to throw in a shit match every now and then to calm everyone down, though I suppose unnecessary music performances fulfil a similar function.

Extreme Rules for life. Don't have to fit any chump celebrities (or The Undertaker) in and everybody gets a wacky gimmick. What a dream.
Congrats. Worst card so far.

So far. Now I'm here to chime in.

WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Undertaker

As unlikely as it may be I have Punk successfully defending against Rock at the Rumble. This is one of those rumored matches that I wasn’t crazy about at first but the more I think about it the more I like it. No one would be able to deny Punk the respect he so desperately craves if he can beat Taker at mania. The main problem is I would have Taker win which means he would have to stick around for a little while after mania before dropping the title.

The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar:

How does Punk defeat the Rock and still fail to gain respect? Paul Heyman has his buddy Brock interfere and cost Rock the match at the Rumble. This leads Rock to challenge Lesnar at mania. We have two huge part time stars with the Rock claiming he came back for the love of the WWE Universe whereas Lesnar is just a sellout in it for the money.

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H:

Like it or not this match has been building for two years. Going back to WM27 when HBK told Triple H he couldn’t beat the Undertaker to last year when the story about HHH never being as good as HBK was just as big as the HIAC match itself. Triple H calls HBK out of retirement for one more match to finally prove once and for all who the better man is. It really doesn’t matter what the outcome is as long as they have a great story and great match.

World Championship: Big Show vs. Ryback

Ryback wins the Rumble and gets his first world title at mania. Picking up Big Show for the shell shock will be his big moment.

John Cena vs. Randy Orton:

It’s about time I got to Cena. Cena vs. Rock seems to be a given but I don’t really care to see it again. Cena and Orton have wrestled each other many times over the years but never one on one at mania and never while both were good guys. I think it’s time to renew this rivalry. They can build a story off how the two most popular full time wrestlers are complete opposites in how they achieve their popularity. They both respect each other professionally but don’t care for each other personally. This match could get a great crowd reaction. Orton says he’s not a role model for all the kids and he doesn’t care that the people cheer for him. This of course leads to more cheers from the Cena haters. Even though Cena has always been way ahead of Orton they have had similar careers and it seems somewhat fitting that they wrestle each other as they both make their tenth consecutive mania appearance.

Mick Foley vs. Dolph Ziggler:

I’ll steal this idea even though I’m really not crazy about it. I think Ziggler needs something more out of mania than being one of a handful of guys in some sort of clusterfuck match. Foley will give Ziggler the opportunity to look good on the big stage. Foley is likely to headline the HOF the night before so Ziggler can be there to spoil the party at mania.

Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett:

The two are similar in size and style and seem to have good chemistry together. If I’m not mistaken I think they’ve worked together before joining WWE so they know each other well and could deliver a good hard hitting match.

Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio:

Miz will be an accepted face by then (if he isn’t already) and has just the right personality to get under the skin of ADR and deliver a good mid card feud.

IC/US Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. Antonio Casero vs. Jack Swagger vs. R Truth

I’d like to see this be for the unified title but that’s not likely (although nothing on my card is likely anyway). If not to unify the titles this could work as a weird gimmick with stipulations for winning either title. In order to win either title one of the three men must pin the champion. For example, Truth pins Kofi to become IC champ. He pins Casero to become US champ. Pinning Swagger does not get him a title so he has no motivation to do that. Kofi pinning Casero gets him the US title but pinning anyone else just means he retains his IC title and does not win the US title. Maybe overly complicated but I think it could make for a fun little story with some interesting strategies. Would Kofi be content to pin Swagger just to retain his title or would he target Casero? Would Swagger and Truth work together since them pinning each other doesn’t help either? Would Kofi and Cesar work together with an agreement that retaining their own title is just as important as winning the other guy’s? How would these strategies change as the match went on? If the card is too crowded Miz and Del Rio can be in this instead of Truth and Swagger. That would make this match a little bigger.

Tag Championship: Hell No vs. Rhodes Scholars vs. Mysterio & Sin Cara vs. Prime Time Players:

Standard fatal fourway that honestly isn’t anything exciting but it gets these guys on the card. We’ve seen these combinations against each other so why not finally just put them all together? Not likely since Mania is still four and a half months away and these combos have already crossed paths many times but as of this writing I’ve got nothing else. I'd like to see something better for Bryan but there's always someone getting short changed at mania.

Divas Championship: Eve vs. AJ

I could do without a divas match but we know there is going to be one so this works I guess.

There was a time when the mania card was already taking shape around Survivor Series but those days are long gone. Anything can happen over the next couple months so it’s very likely that nothing I’ve written here will actually happen or that I’d even want it to as the weeks go by. I left Rollins, Ambrose, and Roman off the card for now simply because I haven’t seen enough of them to guess where they might be going. Could be like Rhodes and Dibiase from 2009. Both looked like important players but neither got on the card. Most of my card is a long shot at best but as of today’s date it’s not the mania I think will happen but the mania I’d like to see.
I tried to power through but it's impossible. Fucking impossible. The amount of mental gymnastics-- this is harder than I gave it credit for.
Right, I think I see my problem - I was trying to be too clever. I was trying to be inventive and ingenious and original, and that's just not the point of WrestleMania, is it? Enjoy my highly orthodox card!

  • WWE Championship: The Rock (C) vs. John Cena
  • Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker
  • CM Punk vs. Steve Austin
  • World Heavyweight Championship: The Big Show (C) vs. Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Ryback
  • Women's shit
  • US Championship: Antonio Cesaro (C) vs. Zack Ryder
  • Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston (C) vs. Wade Barrett
  • Handicap Tag Team Championship: Hell No (C) vs. 3MB
Fuck, I might have actually used some of my brain for that. I have failed.
I doubt Kofi will be Barrett's opponent at 'Mania. He's being set up to face him for the title at TLC. I don't see them lasting up 'til mania.
WWE Championship
The Rock (c) vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship
Randy Orton (c) vs. Sheamus

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

Brock Lesnar vs. Ryback

Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara

Team Hell No & Kofi Kingston vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins

The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler

Diva/Celebrity Match


No place for Big Show, Cesaro, Barrett or Del Rio here. Could probably pop Big Show in the match with Ryback and have Lesnar vs. Triple H II. But I love the idea of Ryback/Lesnar so much, it's hard to let go.
Another solution is to shoot off in the absolute other direction and go apeshit insane.

  • Kane vs. Zack Ryder
  • Interpromotional Match: Austin Aries vs. Ryback
  • Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio (C) vs. Christian
  • Interpromotional TLC Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler
  • US Championship: Antonio Cesaro (C) vs. Randy Orton
  • Interpromotional Match: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
  • World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus (C) vs. Daniel Bryan
  • WWE Championship: CM Punk (C) vs. John Cena

You'd watch it. Don't. Lie.
No Undertaker match at Ubermania?

Come on Sam, you've finally got a reason to book 'Taker vs Sting if you're into that.
Undertaker and Sting died in a car accident in January. Unfortunate, but what are you gonna do?

Edit: No, that's unfair on Sting. Sting didn't do anything to piss me off. Sting made a miraculous recovery.
Another solution is to shoot off in the absolute other direction and go apeshit insane.

  • Kane vs. Zack Ryder
  • Interpromotional Match: Austin Aries vs. Ryback
  • Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio (C) vs. Christian
  • Interpromotional TLC Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Dolph Ziggler
  • US Championship: Antonio Cesaro (C) vs. Randy Orton
  • Interpromotional Match: Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar
  • World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus (C) vs. Daniel Bryan
  • WWE Championship: CM Punk (C) vs. John Cena

You'd watch it. Don't. Lie.

No Christian? I'm beginning to heavily doubt that you're actually the big fan of his that you claim to be.

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